Hunter Biden text confirms Joe Biden involved in bribery scheme.

I thought Joe told us he never discussed any of his family member's business with any of them.

It is obvious Joe was right there using his position to strongarm people for cash.


I don't know what Biden remembers, knows, fantacizes, makes up out of whole cloth on any given day. In matters with the general public, I'm pretty certain that he mostly just parrots what he is told to say by whatever deep state operatives are controlling him.

But for sure they told him to say a lot of lies about his personal involvement with the CCP. That is widely known now by those who care and/or who have bothered to look.

But don't hold your breath that the DOJ will do anything about it no matter how much actual proof is put out there. Biden's DOJ targets political opponents and not much else.
My father is setting right next to me and we want to know where our money is.
Trump is a saint compared to this slimy bunch
I think that the legacy media may actually begin reporting on this.
In conjunction with the DNC or big donors, this may be their plan to get rid of senile Joe.
What about Kamala? Should be interesting.
The legal term amicus curiae is a Latin phrase that literally means “friend of the court.” The term is used to refer to a legal brief, called an amicus brief that may be filed with an appellate court, including a supreme court, by a party not involved with a current case, but in support of one side or another on the legal issue at hand.
I had the general meaning, but I was not aware it was strictly at the appellate court level. I guess Nostra has no chance of any influence or not unless one side or the other appeals, if the judge's acceptance or denial of the plea agreement does not go his way. What ever. I can easily live with the judgement, either way it goes. But thanks for the more accurate meaning and its use.
You linked to the Washington Post, MORON.

Gotta pay, or create an account by giving them an email address, Stupid.
I linked to both. No one has done anything nearly as good as the WaPo reporting on this story.

So sorry you would have to give them an email address. I guess you don’t want to be informed since your excuse is pretty pathetic.

Here you go loser.

Since I’ve been so generous. Why don’t you tell me what the bribery scheme was you refer to in the thread title.
I would argue that all of the times we’ve seen reporting on Trump’s possible criminality, they are or have been shown to have merit that culminates in some action against him.

Not ever on the other side.
I'd agree with that. There hasn't been a lot of fat in the reporting I've seen.

I've made the mistake many times of overestimating him. He just keeps finding new bottoms.
I linked to both. No one has done anything nearly as good as the WaPo reporting on this story.

So sorry you would have to give them an email address. I guess you don’t want to be informed since your excuse is pretty pathetic.

Here you go loser.

Since I’ve been so generous. Why don’t you tell me what the bribery scheme was you refer to in the thread title.
Your link references acCathey bank account, but no Biden LLCs.

It also lists a $1 million “legal retainer”.

So you link did not address the 20 shell LLCs, and only list one million as legal fees.

You have nothing. 12 Biden Crime Family members were paid. They all provide legal consulting, even his grandkid?

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