Hunter Biden to be indicted in California !

rry bout that,

1. Now lets get his ass into jail!
2. Where he belongs, might even scoop up his day, the Big!!!
3. Hunter Biden hit with 9 tax-related charges in new indictment


The prosecutor had his multiple bites at the apple.

And he's going to lose on malicious prosecution, and double jeopardy grounds.

The Constitution protects the rights of the accused. Not the prosecution.

And no where in the double jeopardy clause does it state that there has to have been a trial, a conviction, or a botched plea deal.

Only that you can't be put twice in jeopardy.
You just did. You attempted to downplay this. That isnt going to help democrats at all. Happy talking yourself isnt going to save you from an epic downfall a year from now. The evidence mounts every week.
"No one is defending Hunter from the charges. He gets defended by weirdo attacks from fools like you." - the full quote

Stop trying to outdo Liability BackAgain --
I know. "Let's hijack a thread and make believe I'm (BackAgain ) smart, witty, and intelligent."

Liability, your posts are making me think of Clarence, the Angel waiting to get his wings. When he was through with George, he gave George his copy of the book he had been reading: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Novel by Mark Twain

Dear Liabilty,: -
Remember, No man is a failure who has friends.

I'll be your friend if need be.

thanks for the laughs
Dainty fantasizes that ^ he has been called for an encore of his one-note off-key symphony.
Funny Republicans want to go after Hunter for not paying taxes but want to defund the IRS so it can't go after them for not paying taxes.
Funny how the IRS hasn't been defunded at all but yet Hunter's transgressions are so glaring that even with a skeleton crew easily spotted. We obviously don't need to pour billions into the IRS.
I don't know. He might see some time at a Club Fed Resort Prison. He might even be there at the same time as Donny.

Not a chance. These new charges aren't going to pass muster with a federal appeals judge. The fist question the court is going to ask is how many chances does the prosecution thinks it gets, before it becomes a gross violation of Bidens Constitutional rights. Right after he asks him why there isn't a plea agreement this time, after you already made one the last time?

Which ironically, if this farce even makes it to trial, his lawyers will be pointing out to the jury, which at least one will vote not guilty, and probably more than one.

And that gun charge in Delaware is already on shaky grounds with the very far right Supreme Court.

If I'm Hunter Biden, I'm not exactly shaking in my boots right now.
Here we go again. After letting Burisma tax charges expire, Weiss files 9 counts against Hunter.

The money comes from foreign sources buying influence from Joe Biden.

The noose is tightening thanks to two IRS whistleblowers.

This will be the biggest political scandal in US history.

Is Joe Being thrown under the bus just in time to nominate someone else?
HA. Funny.

But in fact, Hunter's alleged crimes don't amount to much. He's not a career criminal
Well, there is that. But, seriously. Have a heart on these guys. It took them 7 years to get the guy. Joe still won the election. Let them enjoy it for a moment. Most of the rest of us never gave a damn about Hunter, anyway, as he is kind of a sht perv. Funny though, the Trump DOJ couldn't find jack sht. but the Biden DOJ was holding his feet to the fire within a year and, two years later, got him indicted.
Here we go again. After letting Burisma tax charges expire, Weiss files 9 counts against Hunter.

The money comes from foreign sources buying influence from Joe Biden.

The noose is tightening thanks to two IRS whistleblowers.

This will be the biggest political scandal in US history.
duplicate thread

Here we go again. After letting Burisma tax charges expire, Weiss files 9 counts against Hunter.

The money comes from foreign sources buying influence from Joe Biden.

The noose is tightening thanks to two IRS whistleblowers.

This will be the biggest political scandal in US history.

Is Joe Being thrown under the bus just in time to nominate someone else?
Charged for not paying taxes and for illegal possession of a handgun...

I believe you guys have found your next Republican party president.
Well, there is that. But, seriously. Have a heart on these guys. It took them 7 years to get the guy. Joe still won the election. Let them enjoy it for a moment. Most of the rest of us never gave a damn about Hunter, anyway, as he is kind of a sht perv. Funny though, the Trump DOJ couldn't find jack sht. but the Biden DOJ was holding his feet to the fire within a year and, two years later, got him indicted.

Media sensation is driving the story. Most people in Hunter's position get a walk, even with the gun charges. It's a joke, but hey a president's son. The media went after Carter's son too.

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