Hunter Biden

like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real....

Emails are real but not sure what that really proves. We all knew Hunter was sketchy.
I’m still not seeing the crime here. What’s the supposed revelation? This all sounds like repackaged old news that amounted to nothing
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
Ok fair statement. What’s the lie exactly?
Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma or ever discussed Hunters business dealings. Dorsey just came out and said that Twitter fucked up in blocking the NYP site. This is going to be huge. Big tech censorship
Not only did Biden never deny meeting with anyone from Burisma, we know he did...


... so you’re lying claiming he's denied meeting employees of Burisma.

And you’re lying about him lying about discussing Burisma with others as you've already admitted you don't know what they talked about, assuming they actually met.
He is on video denying discussing business dealings of Hunter Biden.
Ok good. What evidence is now out there that shows he discussed business dealings with Hunter?
like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real....

Emails are real but not sure what that really proves. We all knew Hunter was sketchy.
I’m still not seeing the crime here. What’s the supposed revelation? This all sounds like repackaged old news that amounted to nothing
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
Ok fair statement. What’s the lie exactly?
Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma or ever discussed Hunters business dealings. Dorsey just came out and said that Twitter fucked up in blocking the NYP site. This is going to be huge. Big tech censorship
Not only did Biden never deny meeting with anyone from Burisma, we know he did...


... so you’re lying claiming he's denied meeting employees of Burisma.

And you’re lying about him lying about discussing Burisma with others as you've already admitted you don't know what they talked about, assuming they actually met.
He is on video denying discussing business dealings of Hunter Biden.
Ok good. What evidence is now out there that shows he discussed business dealings with Hunter?
It’s a political hit job it’s not about evidence. Same as it was with Trump.
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
But this story isn’t about Trump and Don Jr. because credible news sources wouldn’t publish this story in the first place. This is coming via Giuliani, Bannon and through the NY Post. Not exactly the A list of integrity.
Again NYT is not any more or less credible than the NYP and again why would the informant lie? He reported this a year ago, before Biden was the nominee. How do you explain that?
The informant said that he was pissed about the impeachment of Trump. Since he is legally blind he can’t confirm that it was actually hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. Yet he took it upon himself to read through the emails and copy the data and then give it to political actors who held it until mid October before an election, which they then leaked to the press.

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Are we supposed to take this crap seriously?! Haha. Can you say yes with a straight face???
He is biased but that doesn’t change the fact that emails and pictures are legit. Picture says a 1000 words.
You do recognize this as a political hit job right? Not a serious crime or wrong doing??

This is the exact purpose of the disinformation campaigns that have been spreading all over the place. You get that right?
Yes. Yet when it happened to Trump no one cared. During the election or after he won. My issue is the hypocrisy. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? Please tell. How many times must I use the word hypocrisy? Honest question.
I beg to differ. I think many people cared when it happened and happens to trump and I think they constantly make a stink of it.
like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real....

Emails are real but not sure what that really proves. We all knew Hunter was sketchy.
I’m still not seeing the crime here. What’s the supposed revelation? This all sounds like repackaged old news that amounted to nothing
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
Ok fair statement. What’s the lie exactly?
Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma or ever discussed Hunters business dealings. Dorsey just came out and said that Twitter fucked up in blocking the NYP site. This is going to be huge. Big tech censorship
Not only did Biden never deny meeting with anyone from Burisma, we know he did...


... so you’re lying claiming he's denied meeting employees of Burisma.

And you’re lying about him lying about discussing Burisma with others as you've already admitted you don't know what they talked about, assuming they actually met.
He is on video denying discussing business dealings of Hunter Biden.
You said two things. First you said...

"Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma"

... but you have no proof he ever said that. Secondly you said...

"or ever discussed Hunters business dealings."

... and you have no proof he ever did.
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
But this story isn’t about Trump and Don Jr. because credible news sources wouldn’t publish this story in the first place. This is coming via Giuliani, Bannon and through the NY Post. Not exactly the A list of integrity.
Again NYT is not any more or less credible than the NYP and again why would the informant lie? He reported this a year ago, before Biden was the nominee. How do you explain that?
The informant said that he was pissed about the impeachment of Trump. Since he is legally blind he can’t confirm that it was actually hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. Yet he took it upon himself to read through the emails and copy the data and then give it to political actors who held it until mid October before an election, which they then leaked to the press.

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Are we supposed to take this crap seriously?! Haha. Can you say yes with a straight face???
He is biased but that doesn’t change the fact that emails and pictures are legit. Picture says a 1000 words.
You do recognize this as a political hit job right? Not a serious crime or wrong doing??

This is the exact purpose of the disinformation campaigns that have been spreading all over the place. You get that right?
Yes. Yet when it happened to Trump no one cared. During the election or after he won. My issue is the hypocrisy. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? Please tell. How many times must I use the word hypocrisy? Honest question.
I think if your main complaint is hypocrisy when talking politics then you are in for a lot of complaining
He did it because he is a conspiracy nut and was scared for his life. Same laptop has 100s of pictures with Biden in compromising positions. Coincidence? LOL

They are lying. Meeting obviously happened. Don’t care but don’t be hypocrites. Their defense is that it’s not in his official calendar. Duh. Even an idiot like Biden would not put it in his calendar and there are other emails and pictures. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s hilarious. Biden is cooked. Comey part 2.
Yeah, coincidence. Someone who may or may not have been Hunter Biden (because the computer repair man is legally blind or something?) dropped off a laptop with extremely compromising files on it and never picks it up leaving it in the hands of a right wing conspiracy nut?

Coincidences indeed.

The meeting obviously happened? And you're basing this on what exactly?
like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real....

Emails are real but not sure what that really proves. We all knew Hunter was sketchy.
I’m still not seeing the crime here. What’s the supposed revelation? This all sounds like repackaged old news that amounted to nothing
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
Ok fair statement. What’s the lie exactly?
Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma or ever discussed Hunters business dealings. Dorsey just came out and said that Twitter fucked up in blocking the NYP site. This is going to be huge. Big tech censorship
Not only did Biden never deny meeting with anyone from Burisma, we know he did...


... so you’re lying claiming he's denied meeting employees of Burisma.

And you’re lying about him lying about discussing Burisma with others as you've already admitted you don't know what they talked about, assuming they actually met.
He is on video denying discussing business dealings of Hunter Biden.
Ok good. What evidence is now out there that shows he discussed business dealings with Hunter?
It’s a political hit job it’s not about evidence. Same as it was with Trump.
I disagree. Trumps situations involved many more legit actions and reasons to accuse and investigate. I will say that there are also many lies and hyperbole aimed at trump as well, which is wrong
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
But this story isn’t about Trump and Don Jr. because credible news sources wouldn’t publish this story in the first place. This is coming via Giuliani, Bannon and through the NY Post. Not exactly the A list of integrity.
Again NYT is not any more or less credible than the NYP and again why would the informant lie? He reported this a year ago, before Biden was the nominee. How do you explain that?
The informant said that he was pissed about the impeachment of Trump. Since he is legally blind he can’t confirm that it was actually hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. Yet he took it upon himself to read through the emails and copy the data and then give it to political actors who held it until mid October before an election, which they then leaked to the press.

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Are we supposed to take this crap seriously?! Haha. Can you say yes with a straight face???
He is biased but that doesn’t change the fact that emails and pictures are legit. Picture says a 1000 words.
You do recognize this as a political hit job right? Not a serious crime or wrong doing??

This is the exact purpose of the disinformation campaigns that have been spreading all over the place. You get that right?
Yes. Yet when it happened to Trump no one cared. During the election or after he won. My issue is the hypocrisy. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? Please tell. How many times must I use the word hypocrisy? Honest question.
I beg to differ. I think many people cared when it happened and happens to trump and I think they constantly make a stink of it.
No one cared the sources were flimsy and biased. Stop it.
like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real....

Emails are real but not sure what that really proves. We all knew Hunter was sketchy.
I’m still not seeing the crime here. What’s the supposed revelation? This all sounds like repackaged old news that amounted to nothing
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
Ok fair statement. What’s the lie exactly?
Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma or ever discussed Hunters business dealings. Dorsey just came out and said that Twitter fucked up in blocking the NYP site. This is going to be huge. Big tech censorship
Not only did Biden never deny meeting with anyone from Burisma, we know he did...


... so you’re lying claiming he's denied meeting employees of Burisma.

And you’re lying about him lying about discussing Burisma with others as you've already admitted you don't know what they talked about, assuming they actually met.
He is on video denying discussing business dealings of Hunter Biden.
You said two things. First you said...

"Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma"

... but you have no proof he ever said that. Secondly you said...

"or ever discussed Hunters business dealings."

... and you have no proof he ever did.
Discussed shit with Burisma my error
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
But this story isn’t about Trump and Don Jr. because credible news sources wouldn’t publish this story in the first place. This is coming via Giuliani, Bannon and through the NY Post. Not exactly the A list of integrity.
Again NYT is not any more or less credible than the NYP and again why would the informant lie? He reported this a year ago, before Biden was the nominee. How do you explain that?
The informant said that he was pissed about the impeachment of Trump. Since he is legally blind he can’t confirm that it was actually hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. Yet he took it upon himself to read through the emails and copy the data and then give it to political actors who held it until mid October before an election, which they then leaked to the press.

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Are we supposed to take this crap seriously?! Haha. Can you say yes with a straight face???
He is biased but that doesn’t change the fact that emails and pictures are legit. Picture says a 1000 words.
You do recognize this as a political hit job right? Not a serious crime or wrong doing??

This is the exact purpose of the disinformation campaigns that have been spreading all over the place. You get that right?
Yes. Yet when it happened to Trump no one cared. During the election or after he won. My issue is the hypocrisy. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? Please tell. How many times must I use the word hypocrisy? Honest question.
I think if your main complaint is hypocrisy when talking politics then you are in for a lot of complaining
Hypocrisy in people like you, Faun and Colfax
like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The problem republicans have is there is no reasonable defense for Donald Trump's denial and downplaying coronavirus which has resulted in over 215,000 American deaths other than discrediting medical researchers which is going over like a lead balloon. Since Trump's actions on coronavirus are undefendable, so they have to attack. Thus they resurrect Hillary emails which voters have about zero interest in because she is not running for president. That leaves us with an accusation of Biden lying about a car accident that killed his wife about 50 years ago that has just generated sympathy for Biden. Republicans have now launched an attack again on Hunter Biden's dealings in the Ukraine that a Republican inquiry found no wrong doing. All this is doing is reminding voters of Trump confession of attempting to trade weapons for dirt on Hunter Biden which lead to the Trump impeachment.
I can defend it easily but that’s not what the thread is about.
If they had any defense for Trump's lack of management of the epidemic which is a top issue with voters, there would be no need to bring up a conspiracy theory involving Biden's son and the Ukraine. To do so will lead directly to Trump's attempt to trade weapons for dirt on Biden which lead to the impeachment, not an issue the Trump campaign wants to dwell on.
like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The problem republicans have is there is no reasonable defense for Donald Trump's denial and downplaying coronavirus which has resulted in over 215,000 American deaths other than discrediting medical researchers which is going over like a lead balloon. Since Trump's actions on coronavirus are undefendable, so they have to attack. Thus they resurrect Hillary emails which voters have about zero interest in because she is not running for president. That leaves us with an accusation of Biden lying about a car accident that killed his wife about 50 years ago that has just generated sympathy for Biden. Republicans have now launched an attack again on Hunter Biden's dealings in the Ukraine that a Republican inquiry found no wrong doing. All this is doing is reminding voters of Trump confession of attempting to trade weapons for dirt on Hunter Biden which lead to the Trump impeachment.
I can defend it easily but that’s not what the thread is about.
If they had any defense for Trump's lack of management of the epidemic which is a top issue with voters, there would be no need to bring up a conspiracy theory involving Biden's son and the Ukraine. To do so will lead directly to Trump attempt to trade weapons for dirt on Biden which lead to the impeachment, not an issue the Trump campaign wants to dwell on.
Both can be right. You’re incorrect. Trump did a great job. You’re just jealous.
like i said - a troll with a few options added into the base model. but you still a troll.

have a day.
What benefit have you provided to this topic?
What benefit are you providing?

Really wanna play that game, troll boy?
Posting articles talking about reasons to be skeptical of this very fishy story.

It’s an attempt at a discussion.
I ask again, hypocrite, why did you believe the same questionable data on Trump?
In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internetby posting inflammatory and digressive,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.
A trolls someone who posts stupid shit they know is stupid to get a reaction and satisfy their sick jollies.
Mostly correct. It isn’t stupid to point out the odd characteristics of this story.
Biden put a lid on his campaign and they have admitted the emails are authentic. Everyone knows that Hunter got the gig because of his dad. I dont care. I do care that hypocrites vilify Trump and turn a blind eye to Biden. Weak sauce. Just admit you’re a hypocrite.
Can you show me where they have admitted the emails are authentic?

I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, but Joe Biden is. I’m not turning a blind eye to him, but the Russian driven narrative of political corruption doesn’t work on me. It’s not true. And it’s not because or a blind eye, it’s because I’ve read far more about this than the average person.
The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real....

Emails are real but not sure what that really proves. We all knew Hunter was sketchy.
I’m still not seeing the crime here. What’s the supposed revelation? This all sounds like repackaged old news that amounted to nothing
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
Ok fair statement. What’s the lie exactly?
Lie is that he never met with anyone from Burisma or ever discussed Hunters business dealings. Dorsey just came out and said that Twitter fucked up in blocking the NYP site. This is going to be huge. Big tech censorship
Not only did Biden never deny meeting with anyone from Burisma, we know he did...


... so you’re lying claiming he's denied meeting employees of Burisma.

And you’re lying about him lying about discussing Burisma with others as you've already admitted you don't know what they talked about, assuming they actually met.
He is on video denying discussing business dealings of Hunter Biden.
Ok good. What evidence is now out there that shows he discussed business dealings with Hunter?
It’s a political hit job it’s not about evidence. Same as it was with Trump.
I disagree. Trumps situations involved many more legit actions and reasons to accuse and investigate. I will say that there are also many lies and hyperbole aimed at trump as well, which is wrong
Many more? Nope. Dossier paid for by opposition research. Pretty blatantly biased.
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
But this story isn’t about Trump and Don Jr. because credible news sources wouldn’t publish this story in the first place. This is coming via Giuliani, Bannon and through the NY Post. Not exactly the A list of integrity.
Again NYT is not any more or less credible than the NYP and again why would the informant lie? He reported this a year ago, before Biden was the nominee. How do you explain that?
The informant said that he was pissed about the impeachment of Trump. Since he is legally blind he can’t confirm that it was actually hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. Yet he took it upon himself to read through the emails and copy the data and then give it to political actors who held it until mid October before an election, which they then leaked to the press.

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Are we supposed to take this crap seriously?! Haha. Can you say yes with a straight face???
He is biased but that doesn’t change the fact that emails and pictures are legit. Picture says a 1000 words.
You do recognize this as a political hit job right? Not a serious crime or wrong doing??

This is the exact purpose of the disinformation campaigns that have been spreading all over the place. You get that right?
Yes. Yet when it happened to Trump no one cared. During the election or after he won. My issue is the hypocrisy. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? Please tell. How many times must I use the word hypocrisy? Honest question.
I think if your main complaint is hypocrisy when talking politics then you are in for a lot of complaining
Hypocrisy in people like you, Faun and Colfax
Oh? What hypocrisy on my part?
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
But this story isn’t about Trump and Don Jr. because credible news sources wouldn’t publish this story in the first place. This is coming via Giuliani, Bannon and through the NY Post. Not exactly the A list of integrity.
Again NYT is not any more or less credible than the NYP and again why would the informant lie? He reported this a year ago, before Biden was the nominee. How do you explain that?
The informant said that he was pissed about the impeachment of Trump. Since he is legally blind he can’t confirm that it was actually hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. Yet he took it upon himself to read through the emails and copy the data and then give it to political actors who held it until mid October before an election, which they then leaked to the press.

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Are we supposed to take this crap seriously?! Haha. Can you say yes with a straight face???
He is biased but that doesn’t change the fact that emails and pictures are legit. Picture says a 1000 words.
You do recognize this as a political hit job right? Not a serious crime or wrong doing??

This is the exact purpose of the disinformation campaigns that have been spreading all over the place. You get that right?
Yes. Yet when it happened to Trump no one cared. During the election or after he won. My issue is the hypocrisy. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? Please tell. How many times must I use the word hypocrisy? Honest question.
I think if your main complaint is hypocrisy when talking politics then you are in for a lot of complaining
Hypocrisy in people like you, Faun and Colfax
Oh? What hypocrisy on my part?
There is no crime. Lying is not a crime. The crime is hypocrisy. If this were Trump and Don Jr. Twitter and FB would not block this. Colfax and his ilk would believe it and defend it. That’s the crux behind my laughter.
But this story isn’t about Trump and Don Jr. because credible news sources wouldn’t publish this story in the first place. This is coming via Giuliani, Bannon and through the NY Post. Not exactly the A list of integrity.
Again NYT is not any more or less credible than the NYP and again why would the informant lie? He reported this a year ago, before Biden was the nominee. How do you explain that?
The informant said that he was pissed about the impeachment of Trump. Since he is legally blind he can’t confirm that it was actually hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. Yet he took it upon himself to read through the emails and copy the data and then give it to political actors who held it until mid October before an election, which they then leaked to the press.

It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. Are we supposed to take this crap seriously?! Haha. Can you say yes with a straight face???
He is biased but that doesn’t change the fact that emails and pictures are legit. Picture says a 1000 words.
You do recognize this as a political hit job right? Not a serious crime or wrong doing??

This is the exact purpose of the disinformation campaigns that have been spreading all over the place. You get that right?
Yes. Yet when it happened to Trump no one cared. During the election or after he won. My issue is the hypocrisy. How many times do I have to repeat that to you? Please tell. How many times must I use the word hypocrisy? Honest question.
I think if your main complaint is hypocrisy when talking politics then you are in for a lot of complaining
Hypocrisy in people like you, Faun and Colfax
Oh? What hypocrisy on my part?
If this were Trump and Don Jr you d be lauding this.
Yet they all stated Trump was guilty. Dodgy? Are you British?
This is a baseless statement but I imagine it's so ingrained in your belief system that you'll get extremely upset if I push you on it.

The NY Times did not state that Trump was guilty. Neither did The Washington Post. They published legitimate articles the vast, vast majority of which were true. For example, they broke the story about the Trump Tower Meeting. True. They broke the story about Clinton's private server too. True.

They did not publish the dossier because it was not anywhere close to being able to be verified. That's responsible media.

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