Hunter Biden

trump did it in a room with other people where his words were transcribed for the record,,,
that doesnt sound secret to me,,,not to mention that he had been looking into it for several months before the phone call,,,
More bullshit. In reality, Trump had the notes from his call locked up where few could access them. So yes, that's secret. Then he only released it months later after a whistleblower blew up his presidency.
since when do presidents release day to day calls from the whitehouse???
Liar, you said they weren't secret. Yet they were locked up in a secure server where few could access them.

as are the majority of government communications,,,,but now because a bunch of snowflakes wanted to see it it is now been made public,,,
but youre still crying about it,,,WHY???
Even if it's true that a majority of such communications are locked up like Trump's call with Zelensky was -- that still shows you lied when you falsely claimed it wasn't a secret.
a secret to who???several people knew about it,,,
well it was and is true about both of them so wheres the problem???
Trump did it in secret and Biden did it as a mandate from his government. Documented and expressed for weeks prior. The two situations aren’t even close. If you don’t understand that then you are way dumber than I thought
trump did it in a room with other people where his words were transcribed for the record,,,
that doesnt sound secret to me,,,not to mention that he had been looking into it for several months before the phone call,,,
I’m not talking about the phone call, I’m talking about all the Nonsense of holding the funding and having Rudy run around pulling levers. I know you know this stuff.. why are you playing dumb and wasting my time making me reexplain it all?
based on the fact that almost 8 billion dollars of aid to ukraine disappearing in the past it was very responsible for him to with hold it until he was sure more wouldnt be wasted or lost,,,,,,

as the documented facts tell us it wasnt connected to biden,,,and what levers did rudy pull???,, also rudy was acting on behalf of POTUS,,,,you know the guy in charge of it all,,,
So you say. What a pity you can't post a link to those supposed documents. :dunno:
already did,,
yes I did,,,youre just to lazy to click on them,,,
No one is going to do your homework for you. If you can't posts links to these purported documents, then no one is doing that for you.

I never asked anyone to do anything for me,,,
in fact its you that wants me to do your homework for you and spoon feed you through an education,,
which I said I would be willing to do but I would need a credit card number from you since I dont work for free and I'm not your mother,,,

OH and I posted all the links several times,,,
Of course you asked others to find these purported documents of which you speak. You did so by giving a link to videos instead of to the documents. If one clicks on your links to the videos, how else could they find the documents unless they go hunting for them on Glenn Beck's website.

You've literally not proven a word you've posted. Telling others to go hunting for your evidence doesn't actually confirm your claims.
no I didnt,,,in fact I have posted direct links dozens of times on this forum,,,

You've only posted links to videos. What a pity you're so dishonest, you can't stop lying.
which included all the other links,,,
well trump told the ukraine president to contact the DOJ,,, so theres your proof,,,
Liar, Trump did no such thing.
its in the phone transcript you stupid fucker,,,

Try quoting the transcript where Trump tells Zelensky to reach out to our Department of Justice....


Of course you can't -- because Trump never told him to do that.

You just can't stop lying.
I never said I couldnt, just that I wouldnt,,,
More bullshit. In reality, Trump had the notes from his call locked up where few could access them. So yes, that's secret. Then he only released it months later after a whistleblower blew up his presidency.
since when do presidents release day to day calls from the whitehouse???
Liar, you said they weren't secret. Yet they were locked up in a secure server where few could access them.

as are the majority of government communications,,,,but now because a bunch of snowflakes wanted to see it it is now been made public,,,
but youre still crying about it,,,WHY???
Even if it's true that a majority of such communications are locked up like Trump's call with Zelensky was -- that still shows you lied when you falsely claimed it wasn't a secret.
a secret to who???several people knew about it,,,
A secret kept from America.
Trump did it in secret and Biden did it as a mandate from his government. Documented and expressed for weeks prior. The two situations aren’t even close. If you don’t understand that then you are way dumber than I thought
trump did it in a room with other people where his words were transcribed for the record,,,
that doesnt sound secret to me,,,not to mention that he had been looking into it for several months before the phone call,,,
I’m not talking about the phone call, I’m talking about all the Nonsense of holding the funding and having Rudy run around pulling levers. I know you know this stuff.. why are you playing dumb and wasting my time making me reexplain it all?
based on the fact that almost 8 billion dollars of aid to ukraine disappearing in the past it was very responsible for him to with hold it until he was sure more wouldnt be wasted or lost,,,,,,

as the documented facts tell us it wasnt connected to biden,,,and what levers did rudy pull???,, also rudy was acting on behalf of POTUS,,,,you know the guy in charge of it all,,,
So you say. What a pity you can't post a link to those supposed documents. :dunno:
already did,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
No one is going to do your homework for you. If you can't posts links to these purported documents, then no one is doing that for you.

I never asked anyone to do anything for me,,,
in fact its you that wants me to do your homework for you and spoon feed you through an education,,
which I said I would be willing to do but I would need a credit card number from you since I dont work for free and I'm not your mother,,,

OH and I posted all the links several times,,,
Of course you asked others to find these purported documents of which you speak. You did so by giving a link to videos instead of to the documents. If one clicks on your links to the videos, how else could they find the documents unless they go hunting for them on Glenn Beck's website.

You've literally not proven a word you've posted. Telling others to go hunting for your evidence doesn't actually confirm your claims.
no I didnt,,,in fact I have posted direct links dozens of times on this forum,,,

You've only posted links to videos. What a pity you're so dishonest, you can't stop lying.
which included all the other links,,,

You're lying again. Those videos did not contain a link to any documents. They contained links to Glenn Beck's site.
Liar, Trump did no such thing.
its in the phone transcript you stupid fucker,,,

Try quoting the transcript where Trump tells Zelensky to reach out to our Department of Justice....


Of course you can't -- because Trump never told him to do that.

You just can't stop lying.
I never said I couldnt, just that I wouldnt,,,

You won't because you can't because he never said what you falsely claimed he said.

You're just another lying tool.

since when do presidents release day to day calls from the whitehouse???
Liar, you said they weren't secret. Yet they were locked up in a secure server where few could access them.

as are the majority of government communications,,,,but now because a bunch of snowflakes wanted to see it it is now been made public,,,
but youre still crying about it,,,WHY???
Even if it's true that a majority of such communications are locked up like Trump's call with Zelensky was -- that still shows you lied when you falsely claimed it wasn't a secret.
a secret to who???several people knew about it,,,
A secret kept from America.
but its on the internet,,,,
trump did it in a room with other people where his words were transcribed for the record,,,
that doesnt sound secret to me,,,not to mention that he had been looking into it for several months before the phone call,,,
I’m not talking about the phone call, I’m talking about all the Nonsense of holding the funding and having Rudy run around pulling levers. I know you know this stuff.. why are you playing dumb and wasting my time making me reexplain it all?
based on the fact that almost 8 billion dollars of aid to ukraine disappearing in the past it was very responsible for him to with hold it until he was sure more wouldnt be wasted or lost,,,,,,

as the documented facts tell us it wasnt connected to biden,,,and what levers did rudy pull???,, also rudy was acting on behalf of POTUS,,,,you know the guy in charge of it all,,,
So you say. What a pity you can't post a link to those supposed documents. :dunno:
already did,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
its in the phone transcript you stupid fucker,,,

Try quoting the transcript where Trump tells Zelensky to reach out to our Department of Justice....


Of course you can't -- because Trump never told him to do that.

You just can't stop lying.
I never said I couldnt, just that I wouldnt,,,

You won't because you can't because he never said what you falsely claimed he said.

You're just another lying tool.

the transcripts say otherwise,,,
I’m not talking about the phone call, I’m talking about all the Nonsense of holding the funding and having Rudy run around pulling levers. I know you know this stuff.. why are you playing dumb and wasting my time making me reexplain it all?
based on the fact that almost 8 billion dollars of aid to ukraine disappearing in the past it was very responsible for him to with hold it until he was sure more wouldnt be wasted or lost,,,,,,

as the documented facts tell us it wasnt connected to biden,,,and what levers did rudy pull???,, also rudy was acting on behalf of POTUS,,,,you know the guy in charge of it all,,,
you’d have a point if he held the aid and asked for an accounting for spent funds, or even an investigation into the CEO of burisma who was the actual person who was under investigation for stealing money. But no, he didn’t mention any of that, he wanted a public announcing of a Biden investigation. It doesn’t get more obvious. How embarrassing for you that you can’t see what’s right in front of your face.
I cant see whats not there,,,and how do you know what else he was doing outside the phonecall???

and its funny we keep hearing about this public announcement that never happened but the aid was released,,,,

sounds to me like youre so desperate you are making shit up to satisfy your TDS,,,
Have you been paying attention? Have you listened to any of the testimonies from the ambassadors and state department employees? Or do you think they are all deep state liars?
lets see..
one witness got his info from the new york times and the other from 4th hand hearsay,,,and neither have ever even met trump in person,,,

what was that you were saying about the witness's???
those are talking points that distract from the real issue, both easily exposed. That NY Times point is total BS as the question was about where Taylor heard about Trumps intentions to hold aid for a Biden investigation. Well that point is already confirmed through Trump himself and his UN ambassador that changed his testimony to admit that was Trump intent. The meat of Taylor’s testimony came from his meetings with Ukraine leaders which were all first hand.

This other lame point about heresay is also meaningless. Both guys testified about the facts as they experienced them. Aid was withheld. Trump wanted a public announcement of two investigations. This is verified through trumps perfect transcript and the actions of Rudy and the shadow crew.

do you deny that any of this happened? Say it now so I can rub it in your face later.
I’m not talking about the phone call, I’m talking about all the Nonsense of holding the funding and having Rudy run around pulling levers. I know you know this stuff.. why are you playing dumb and wasting my time making me reexplain it all?
based on the fact that almost 8 billion dollars of aid to ukraine disappearing in the past it was very responsible for him to with hold it until he was sure more wouldnt be wasted or lost,,,,,,

as the documented facts tell us it wasnt connected to biden,,,and what levers did rudy pull???,, also rudy was acting on behalf of POTUS,,,,you know the guy in charge of it all,,,
So you say. What a pity you can't post a link to those supposed documents. :dunno:
already did,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.


Try quoting the transcript where Trump tells Zelensky to reach out to our Department of Justice....


Of course you can't -- because Trump never told him to do that.

You just can't stop lying.
I never said I couldnt, just that I wouldnt,,,

You won't because you can't because he never said what you falsely claimed he said.

You're just another lying tool.

the transcripts say otherwise,,,
based on the fact that almost 8 billion dollars of aid to ukraine disappearing in the past it was very responsible for him to with hold it until he was sure more wouldnt be wasted or lost,,,,,,

as the documented facts tell us it wasnt connected to biden,,,and what levers did rudy pull???,, also rudy was acting on behalf of POTUS,,,,you know the guy in charge of it all,,,
you’d have a point if he held the aid and asked for an accounting for spent funds, or even an investigation into the CEO of burisma who was the actual person who was under investigation for stealing money. But no, he didn’t mention any of that, he wanted a public announcing of a Biden investigation. It doesn’t get more obvious. How embarrassing for you that you can’t see what’s right in front of your face.
I cant see whats not there,,,and how do you know what else he was doing outside the phonecall???

and its funny we keep hearing about this public announcement that never happened but the aid was released,,,,

sounds to me like youre so desperate you are making shit up to satisfy your TDS,,,
Have you been paying attention? Have you listened to any of the testimonies from the ambassadors and state department employees? Or do you think they are all deep state liars?
lets see..
one witness got his info from the new york times and the other from 4th hand hearsay,,,and neither have ever even met trump in person,,,

what was that you were saying about the witness's???
those are talking points that distract from the real issue, both easily exposed. That NY Times point is total BS as the question was about where Taylor heard about Trumps intentions to hold aid for a Biden investigation. Well that point is already confirmed through Trump himself and his UN ambassador that changed his testimony to admit that was Trump intent. The meat of Taylor’s testimony came from his meetings with Ukraine leaders which were all first hand.

This other lame point about heresay is also meaningless. Both guys testified about the facts as they experienced them. Aid was withheld. Trump wanted a public announcement of two investigations. This is verified through trumps perfect transcript and the actions of Rudy and the shadow crew.

do you deny that any of this happened? Say it now so I can rub it in your face later.

thats the whole point,, they didnt experience anything,,, they were told by other people,,,

not sure how what they were doing was shadowy when people knew about it,,,

I think your just mad they dont keep you in the daily loop,,

it might help if you broadened your news sources,,,
based on the fact that almost 8 billion dollars of aid to ukraine disappearing in the past it was very responsible for him to with hold it until he was sure more wouldnt be wasted or lost,,,,,,

as the documented facts tell us it wasnt connected to biden,,,and what levers did rudy pull???,, also rudy was acting on behalf of POTUS,,,,you know the guy in charge of it all,,,
So you say. What a pity you can't post a link to those supposed documents. :dunno:
already did,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.

yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
So you say. What a pity you can't post a link to those supposed documents. :dunno:
already did,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.

yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics
already did,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.

yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

let me get back to you after I check to see what youve posted,,,theres a lot there,,,
already did,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.

yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

I dont see the link for the original I posted several times,,,so I have no idea where you got these links and cant confirm they are from my original,,,
Nope, you linked videos, not documents. A pity you can't tell the difference.
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.

yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

I dont see the link for the original I posted several times,,,so I have no idea where you got these links and cant confirm they are from my original,,,
Really?? You're that retarded that you can't even click on the links YOU posted to see that's where they're from??

Shit, you have much bigger issues to deal with. I had no idea.

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