Hunter Biden

you’d have a point if he held the aid and asked for an accounting for spent funds, or even an investigation into the CEO of burisma who was the actual person who was under investigation for stealing money. But no, he didn’t mention any of that, he wanted a public announcing of a Biden investigation. It doesn’t get more obvious. How embarrassing for you that you can’t see what’s right in front of your face.
I cant see whats not there,,,and how do you know what else he was doing outside the phonecall???

and its funny we keep hearing about this public announcement that never happened but the aid was released,,,,

sounds to me like youre so desperate you are making shit up to satisfy your TDS,,,
Have you been paying attention? Have you listened to any of the testimonies from the ambassadors and state department employees? Or do you think they are all deep state liars?
lets see..
one witness got his info from the new york times and the other from 4th hand hearsay,,,and neither have ever even met trump in person,,,

what was that you were saying about the witness's???
those are talking points that distract from the real issue, both easily exposed. That NY Times point is total BS as the question was about where Taylor heard about Trumps intentions to hold aid for a Biden investigation. Well that point is already confirmed through Trump himself and his UN ambassador that changed his testimony to admit that was Trump intent. The meat of Taylor’s testimony came from his meetings with Ukraine leaders which were all first hand.

This other lame point about heresay is also meaningless. Both guys testified about the facts as they experienced them. Aid was withheld. Trump wanted a public announcement of two investigations. This is verified through trumps perfect transcript and the actions of Rudy and the shadow crew.

do you deny that any of this happened? Say it now so I can rub it in your face later.

thats the whole point,, they didnt experience anything,,, they were told by other people,,,

not sure how what they were doing was shadowy when people knew about it,,,

I think your just mad they dont keep you in the daily loop,,

it might help if you broadened your news sources,,,
You’re talking about the Ukraine Ambassador and your saying he has no clue about what agenda the president of the United States was pushing in Ukraine because he didn’t hear it come from trumps mouth?! Do you expect anybody to really think that point carries any weight?

Are you going to challenge that Trump used aid as leverage to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce two investigations?! Please Say you don’t think that’s truth. Cause I’m gonna laugh when it slaps you in the face and you change your narrative from “I didn’t happen” to “it’s no big deal”
did you know with this new thing called the internet it can have both a video and words/links on the same page???
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.

yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

I dont see the link for the original I posted several times,,,so I have no idea where you got these links and cant confirm they are from my original,,,
Really?? You're that retarded that you can't even click on the links YOU posted to see that's where they're from??

Shit, you have much bigger issues to deal with. I had no idea.

Offical Impeachment Thread

my links are dozen of pages back so why should i look them up for you,,,your the one that failed to post them to back up that these are from that link,,,
I cant see whats not there,,,and how do you know what else he was doing outside the phonecall???

and its funny we keep hearing about this public announcement that never happened but the aid was released,,,,

sounds to me like youre so desperate you are making shit up to satisfy your TDS,,,
Have you been paying attention? Have you listened to any of the testimonies from the ambassadors and state department employees? Or do you think they are all deep state liars?
lets see..
one witness got his info from the new york times and the other from 4th hand hearsay,,,and neither have ever even met trump in person,,,

what was that you were saying about the witness's???
those are talking points that distract from the real issue, both easily exposed. That NY Times point is total BS as the question was about where Taylor heard about Trumps intentions to hold aid for a Biden investigation. Well that point is already confirmed through Trump himself and his UN ambassador that changed his testimony to admit that was Trump intent. The meat of Taylor’s testimony came from his meetings with Ukraine leaders which were all first hand.

This other lame point about heresay is also meaningless. Both guys testified about the facts as they experienced them. Aid was withheld. Trump wanted a public announcement of two investigations. This is verified through trumps perfect transcript and the actions of Rudy and the shadow crew.

do you deny that any of this happened? Say it now so I can rub it in your face later.

thats the whole point,, they didnt experience anything,,, they were told by other people,,,

not sure how what they were doing was shadowy when people knew about it,,,

I think your just mad they dont keep you in the daily loop,,

it might help if you broadened your news sources,,,
You’re talking about the Ukraine Ambassador and your saying he has no clue about what agenda the president of the United States was pushing in Ukraine because he didn’t hear it come from trumps mouth?! Do you expect anybody to really think that point carries any weight?

Are you going to challenge that Trump used aid as leverage to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce two investigations?! Please Say you don’t think that’s truth. Cause I’m gonna laugh when it slaps you in the face and you change your narrative from “I didn’t happen” to “it’s no big deal”

I'm just talking about what he testified too,,,,
And the links you posted contained zero links to any documents.

You just can't stop lying. Don't think no one else notices.

Just like your lie that Trump told Zelensky to contact our Department of Justice. I'll post what you refuse to post ... a link to the phone call dialog....

I post it because it proves you lied. Which is the same reason you flat out refused to post it.

yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

I dont see the link for the original I posted several times,,,so I have no idea where you got these links and cant confirm they are from my original,,,
Really?? You're that retarded that you can't even click on the links YOU posted to see that's where they're from??

Shit, you have much bigger issues to deal with. I had no idea.

Offical Impeachment Thread

my links are dozen of pages back so why should i look them up for you,,,your the one that failed to post them to back up that these are from that link,,,
LOLOL why would you have to look them up? You already know what they are.

Sadly, critical thinking is not your friend.
yes they did,,,not my fault you refuse to click on them,,,
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

I dont see the link for the original I posted several times,,,so I have no idea where you got these links and cant confirm they are from my original,,,
Really?? You're that retarded that you can't even click on the links YOU posted to see that's where they're from??

Shit, you have much bigger issues to deal with. I had no idea.

Offical Impeachment Thread

my links are dozen of pages back so why should i look them up for you,,,your the one that failed to post them to back up that these are from that link,,,
LOLOL why would you have to look them up? You already know what they are.

Sadly, critical thinking is not your friend.

knowing they exist is different from getting a visual on them,,,

and also I am not your mother so I wont spoon feed you or your education,,,

at this point unless youre going to pay me to educate you FUCK OFF,,,
Have you been paying attention? Have you listened to any of the testimonies from the ambassadors and state department employees? Or do you think they are all deep state liars?
lets see..
one witness got his info from the new york times and the other from 4th hand hearsay,,,and neither have ever even met trump in person,,,

what was that you were saying about the witness's???
those are talking points that distract from the real issue, both easily exposed. That NY Times point is total BS as the question was about where Taylor heard about Trumps intentions to hold aid for a Biden investigation. Well that point is already confirmed through Trump himself and his UN ambassador that changed his testimony to admit that was Trump intent. The meat of Taylor’s testimony came from his meetings with Ukraine leaders which were all first hand.

This other lame point about heresay is also meaningless. Both guys testified about the facts as they experienced them. Aid was withheld. Trump wanted a public announcement of two investigations. This is verified through trumps perfect transcript and the actions of Rudy and the shadow crew.

do you deny that any of this happened? Say it now so I can rub it in your face later.

thats the whole point,, they didnt experience anything,,, they were told by other people,,,

not sure how what they were doing was shadowy when people knew about it,,,

I think your just mad they dont keep you in the daily loop,,

it might help if you broadened your news sources,,,
You’re talking about the Ukraine Ambassador and your saying he has no clue about what agenda the president of the United States was pushing in Ukraine because he didn’t hear it come from trumps mouth?! Do you expect anybody to really think that point carries any weight?

Are you going to challenge that Trump used aid as leverage to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce two investigations?! Please Say you don’t think that’s truth. Cause I’m gonna laugh when it slaps you in the face and you change your narrative from “I didn’t happen” to “it’s no big deal”

I'm just talking about what he testified too,,,,
His testimony verified that aid was withheld, that Ukraine was nervous about it, that Trump wanted a public announcement of investigations into the DNC and Biden, that Ukraine was arranging a public interview on CNN that was then cancelled after they got the aid. What do you think is false about that?
Liar. Here are the links attached to those videos ... not one goes to a document you falsely claim refutes my news article about Shokin....

BlazeTV <-- not a link to a document <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

YouTube <-- not a link to a document

News <-- not a link to a document

There wasn't one single link on either of those videos you linked to a document refuting my news article on Shokin.

You lie because you're a liar. G'head, tell the forum again how Trump told Zelensky to contact our Justice Department during Trump's infamous 7.25 call where Trump never actually told Zelensky to do that.....

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

I dont see the link for the original I posted several times,,,so I have no idea where you got these links and cant confirm they are from my original,,,
Really?? You're that retarded that you can't even click on the links YOU posted to see that's where they're from??

Shit, you have much bigger issues to deal with. I had no idea.

Offical Impeachment Thread

my links are dozen of pages back so why should i look them up for you,,,your the one that failed to post them to back up that these are from that link,,,
LOLOL why would you have to look them up? You already know what they are.

Sadly, critical thinking is not your friend.

knowing they exist is different from getting a visual on them,,,

and also I am not your mother so I wont spoon feed you or your education,,,

at this point unless youre going to pay me to educate you FUCK OFF,,,

YOU said many times in this thread alone that YOU posted them many times. Now your lame excuse is YOU don't know what YOU posted "many times"???



lets see..
one witness got his info from the new york times and the other from 4th hand hearsay,,,and neither have ever even met trump in person,,,

what was that you were saying about the witness's???
those are talking points that distract from the real issue, both easily exposed. That NY Times point is total BS as the question was about where Taylor heard about Trumps intentions to hold aid for a Biden investigation. Well that point is already confirmed through Trump himself and his UN ambassador that changed his testimony to admit that was Trump intent. The meat of Taylor’s testimony came from his meetings with Ukraine leaders which were all first hand.

This other lame point about heresay is also meaningless. Both guys testified about the facts as they experienced them. Aid was withheld. Trump wanted a public announcement of two investigations. This is verified through trumps perfect transcript and the actions of Rudy and the shadow crew.

do you deny that any of this happened? Say it now so I can rub it in your face later.

thats the whole point,, they didnt experience anything,,, they were told by other people,,,

not sure how what they were doing was shadowy when people knew about it,,,

I think your just mad they dont keep you in the daily loop,,

it might help if you broadened your news sources,,,
You’re talking about the Ukraine Ambassador and your saying he has no clue about what agenda the president of the United States was pushing in Ukraine because he didn’t hear it come from trumps mouth?! Do you expect anybody to really think that point carries any weight?

Are you going to challenge that Trump used aid as leverage to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce two investigations?! Please Say you don’t think that’s truth. Cause I’m gonna laugh when it slaps you in the face and you change your narrative from “I didn’t happen” to “it’s no big deal”

I'm just talking about what he testified too,,,,
His testimony verified that aid was withheld, that Ukraine was nervous about it, that Trump wanted a public announcement of investigations into the DNC and Biden, that Ukraine was arranging a public interview on CNN that was then cancelled after they got the aid. What do you think is false about that?

doesnt that prove you wrong,,,
those are talking points that distract from the real issue, both easily exposed. That NY Times point is total BS as the question was about where Taylor heard about Trumps intentions to hold aid for a Biden investigation. Well that point is already confirmed through Trump himself and his UN ambassador that changed his testimony to admit that was Trump intent. The meat of Taylor’s testimony came from his meetings with Ukraine leaders which were all first hand.

This other lame point about heresay is also meaningless. Both guys testified about the facts as they experienced them. Aid was withheld. Trump wanted a public announcement of two investigations. This is verified through trumps perfect transcript and the actions of Rudy and the shadow crew.

do you deny that any of this happened? Say it now so I can rub it in your face later.

thats the whole point,, they didnt experience anything,,, they were told by other people,,,

not sure how what they were doing was shadowy when people knew about it,,,

I think your just mad they dont keep you in the daily loop,,

it might help if you broadened your news sources,,,
You’re talking about the Ukraine Ambassador and your saying he has no clue about what agenda the president of the United States was pushing in Ukraine because he didn’t hear it come from trumps mouth?! Do you expect anybody to really think that point carries any weight?

Are you going to challenge that Trump used aid as leverage to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce two investigations?! Please Say you don’t think that’s truth. Cause I’m gonna laugh when it slaps you in the face and you change your narrative from “I didn’t happen” to “it’s no big deal”

I'm just talking about what he testified too,,,,
His testimony verified that aid was withheld, that Ukraine was nervous about it, that Trump wanted a public announcement of investigations into the DNC and Biden, that Ukraine was arranging a public interview on CNN that was then cancelled after they got the aid. What do you think is false about that?

doesnt that prove you wrong,,,
No it doesn’t. Just because the plan got busted by a whistle blower doesn’t mean that actions taken weren’t wrong. That’s basic shit
thats the whole point,, they didnt experience anything,,, they were told by other people,,,

not sure how what they were doing was shadowy when people knew about it,,,

I think your just mad they dont keep you in the daily loop,,

it might help if you broadened your news sources,,,
You’re talking about the Ukraine Ambassador and your saying he has no clue about what agenda the president of the United States was pushing in Ukraine because he didn’t hear it come from trumps mouth?! Do you expect anybody to really think that point carries any weight?

Are you going to challenge that Trump used aid as leverage to try and get Ukraine to publicly announce two investigations?! Please Say you don’t think that’s truth. Cause I’m gonna laugh when it slaps you in the face and you change your narrative from “I didn’t happen” to “it’s no big deal”

I'm just talking about what he testified too,,,,
His testimony verified that aid was withheld, that Ukraine was nervous about it, that Trump wanted a public announcement of investigations into the DNC and Biden, that Ukraine was arranging a public interview on CNN that was then cancelled after they got the aid. What do you think is false about that?

doesnt that prove you wrong,,,
No it doesn’t. Just because the plan got busted by a whistle blower doesn’t mean that actions taken weren’t wrong. That’s basic shit

doesnt mean they were wrong either,,,and since national security and foreign policy are the job of POTUS its his call not yours or mine
What Joe admitted to was not wrong doing. Y’all are trying to spin it that way but nobody serious or in law enforcement agrees with you. This is a Trump narrative designed to demonize him which is how Trump campaigns
if it was legal for joe to do then it is legal for trump to do it,,,

one difference is trump did it for national security and joe did it to protect his son,,,
Sure... but Trump has to prove he was doing state business and not personal/political dealings. Biden had a documented mandate from the president and members of Congress. Trump sent his personal attorney to try and work that deal outside of our diplomatic and legal system. You do understand the difference, right?

he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
What Joe admitted to was not wrong doing. Y’all are trying to spin it that way but nobody serious or in law enforcement agrees with you. This is a Trump narrative designed to demonize him which is how Trump campaigns
if it was legal for joe to do then it is legal for trump to do it,,,

one difference is trump did it for national security and joe did it to protect his son,,,
Sure... but Trump has to prove he was doing state business and not personal/political dealings. Biden had a documented mandate from the president and members of Congress. Trump sent his personal attorney to try and work that deal outside of our diplomatic and legal system. You do understand the difference, right?

he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
So is there a DOJ investigation into Biden? Do you have any documentation on that?

well trump told the ukraine president to contact the DOJ,,, so theres your proof,,,

Except that Barr has publically said that there is no DOJ investigation into Hunter or Joe Biden, so who's lying? Trump or Barr?

The bald fact is that the charges against Bursima were filed BEFORE Hunter Biden was hired.Now it's possible that the President of Burisma hired Biden hoping that this would influence those prosecuting him to leave him alone, but that didn't happen. But the notion that Hunter Biden was under investigation when his father fired the prosecutor, IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE.

Joe Biden was ORDERED TO FIRE THE PROSECUTOR BY THE IMF, NATO, THE EU, AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. This was the publically stated policy of the United States of America, it's international institutions and alliances, and those of our European allies. It was done in public, in the open, and Biden was quite rightfully proud of how effectively he did the job ASSIGNED TO HIM BY PRESIDENT OBAMA.

What Trump babbles about in a telephone call is proof of nothing. Trump doesn't even have a passing acquaintance with the truth and nothing he says can be assumed to be true unless confirmed by sources outside of FOX News, and backed up with documentation that doesn't come from former soviet countries.
if it was legal for joe to do then it is legal for trump to do it,,,

one difference is trump did it for national security and joe did it to protect his son,,,
Sure... but Trump has to prove he was doing state business and not personal/political dealings. Biden had a documented mandate from the president and members of Congress. Trump sent his personal attorney to try and work that deal outside of our diplomatic and legal system. You do understand the difference, right?

he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
if it was legal for joe to do then it is legal for trump to do it,,,

one difference is trump did it for national security and joe did it to protect his son,,,
Sure... but Trump has to prove he was doing state business and not personal/political dealings. Biden had a documented mandate from the president and members of Congress. Trump sent his personal attorney to try and work that deal outside of our diplomatic and legal system. You do understand the difference, right?

he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
So is there a DOJ investigation into Biden? Do you have any documentation on that?

well trump told the ukraine president to contact the DOJ,,, so theres your proof,,,

Except that Barr has publically said that there is no DOJ investigation into Hunter or Joe Biden, so who's lying? Trump or Barr?

The bald fact is that the charges against Bursima were filed BEFORE Hunter Biden was hired.Now it's possible that the President of Burisma hired Biden hoping that this would influence those prosecuting him to leave him alone, but that didn't happen. But the notion that Hunter Biden was under investigation when his father fired the prosecutor, IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE.

Joe Biden was ORDERED TO FIRE THE PROSECUTOR BY THE IMF, NATO, THE EU, AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. This was the publically stated policy of the United States of America, it's international institutions and alliances, and those of our European allies. It was done in public, in the open, and Biden was quite rightfully proud of how effectively he did the job ASSIGNED TO HIM BY PRESIDENT OBAMA.

What Trump babbles about in a telephone call is proof of nothing. Trump doesn't even have a passing acquaintance with the truth and nothing he says can be assumed to be true unless confirmed by sources outside of FOX News, and backed up with documentation that doesn't come from former soviet countries.

you keep switching words around to change the context of it,,,

please dont waste anymore of my time,,,
Are you joking? “Crooked Hillary” “Lock her up!” Ring any bells?

Stating a fact and a desire is perfectly legal and a sane thing to do,,,its not like he lied about that,,,
its a branding tactic and a hyperbolic exploitation of his opponents... it worked with Hillary and it was what he was trying to set up with Joe. Can’t you just be honest and admit that?

well it was and is true about both of them so wheres the problem???
Trump did it in secret and Biden did it as a mandate from his government. Documented and expressed for weeks prior. The two situations aren’t even close. If you don’t understand that then you are way dumber than I thought
trump did it in a room with other people where his words were transcribed for the record,,,
that doesnt sound secret to me,,,not to mention that he had been looking into it for several months before the phone call,,,
It was a partial transcript.

And I guess the full transcript was hidden away in a secure server.

Sounds secretive.
Stating a fact and a desire is perfectly legal and a sane thing to do,,,its not like he lied about that,,,
its a branding tactic and a hyperbolic exploitation of his opponents... it worked with Hillary and it was what he was trying to set up with Joe. Can’t you just be honest and admit that?

well it was and is true about both of them so wheres the problem???
Trump did it in secret and Biden did it as a mandate from his government. Documented and expressed for weeks prior. The two situations aren’t even close. If you don’t understand that then you are way dumber than I thought
trump did it in a room with other people where his words were transcribed for the record,,,
that doesnt sound secret to me,,,not to mention that he had been looking into it for several months before the phone call,,,
It was a partial transcript.

And I guess the full transcript was hidden away in a secure server.

Sounds secretive.

sorry you werent looped in,,,
Sure... but Trump has to prove he was doing state business and not personal/political dealings. Biden had a documented mandate from the president and members of Congress. Trump sent his personal attorney to try and work that deal outside of our diplomatic and legal system. You do understand the difference, right?

he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
Sure... but Trump has to prove he was doing state business and not personal/political dealings. Biden had a documented mandate from the president and members of Congress. Trump sent his personal attorney to try and work that deal outside of our diplomatic and legal system. You do understand the difference, right?

he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
So is there a DOJ investigation into Biden? Do you have any documentation on that?

well trump told the ukraine president to contact the DOJ,,, so theres your proof,,,

Except that Barr has publically said that there is no DOJ investigation into Hunter or Joe Biden, so who's lying? Trump or Barr?

The bald fact is that the charges against Bursima were filed BEFORE Hunter Biden was hired.Now it's possible that the President of Burisma hired Biden hoping that this would influence those prosecuting him to leave him alone, but that didn't happen. But the notion that Hunter Biden was under investigation when his father fired the prosecutor, IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE.

Joe Biden was ORDERED TO FIRE THE PROSECUTOR BY THE IMF, NATO, THE EU, AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. This was the publically stated policy of the United States of America, it's international institutions and alliances, and those of our European allies. It was done in public, in the open, and Biden was quite rightfully proud of how effectively he did the job ASSIGNED TO HIM BY PRESIDENT OBAMA.

What Trump babbles about in a telephone call is proof of nothing. Trump doesn't even have a passing acquaintance with the truth and nothing he says can be assumed to be true unless confirmed by sources outside of FOX News, and backed up with documentation that doesn't come from former soviet countries.

you keep switching words around to change the context of it,,,

please dont waste anymore of my time,,,


You keep trying to re-write history to make Biden's firing of the prosecutor nefarious, using documents and stories posted by the people Joe Biden and the American foreign policies had fired for corruption. Biden did his job, in accordance with PUBLICALLY STATED FOREIGN POLICY.

When you tell someone you want them to deal with corruption, you mean corruption NOW, not corruption committed years ago by people no longer in power.
Hunter will come across like the doper he is. That's why Schifty won't let him testify. His daddy scammed millions of dollars for Hunter by threatening to use his political power and deny a promised billion dollars. Al Capone was public enemy #1 for less than Biden did.

Yes, Don Jr is aghast that Hunter would be such a lazy shyster riding through life on his daddy’s name.
he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
he did that by including the DOJ in the investigation,,,CASE CLOSED,,,

and if you knew all the facts you would know that rudy was also working with the DOJ the whole time,,,CASE CLOSED AGAIN,,,
So is there a DOJ investigation into Biden? Do you have any documentation on that?

well trump told the ukraine president to contact the DOJ,,, so theres your proof,,,

Except that Barr has publically said that there is no DOJ investigation into Hunter or Joe Biden, so who's lying? Trump or Barr?

The bald fact is that the charges against Bursima were filed BEFORE Hunter Biden was hired.Now it's possible that the President of Burisma hired Biden hoping that this would influence those prosecuting him to leave him alone, but that didn't happen. But the notion that Hunter Biden was under investigation when his father fired the prosecutor, IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE.

Joe Biden was ORDERED TO FIRE THE PROSECUTOR BY THE IMF, NATO, THE EU, AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. This was the publically stated policy of the United States of America, it's international institutions and alliances, and those of our European allies. It was done in public, in the open, and Biden was quite rightfully proud of how effectively he did the job ASSIGNED TO HIM BY PRESIDENT OBAMA.

What Trump babbles about in a telephone call is proof of nothing. Trump doesn't even have a passing acquaintance with the truth and nothing he says can be assumed to be true unless confirmed by sources outside of FOX News, and backed up with documentation that doesn't come from former soviet countries.

you keep switching words around to change the context of it,,,

please dont waste anymore of my time,,,


You keep trying to re-write history to make Biden's firing of the prosecutor nefarious, using documents and stories posted by the people Joe Biden and the American foreign policies had fired for corruption. Biden did his job, in accordance with PUBLICALLY STATED FOREIGN POLICY.

When you tell someone you want them to deal with corruption, you mean corruption NOW, not corruption committed years ago by people no longer in power.

you didnt post anything except your opinion,,,
So is there a DOJ investigation into Biden? Do you have any documentation on that?

well trump told the ukraine president to contact the DOJ,,, so theres your proof,,,

Except that Barr has publically said that there is no DOJ investigation into Hunter or Joe Biden, so who's lying? Trump or Barr?

The bald fact is that the charges against Bursima were filed BEFORE Hunter Biden was hired.Now it's possible that the President of Burisma hired Biden hoping that this would influence those prosecuting him to leave him alone, but that didn't happen. But the notion that Hunter Biden was under investigation when his father fired the prosecutor, IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE.

Joe Biden was ORDERED TO FIRE THE PROSECUTOR BY THE IMF, NATO, THE EU, AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. This was the publically stated policy of the United States of America, it's international institutions and alliances, and those of our European allies. It was done in public, in the open, and Biden was quite rightfully proud of how effectively he did the job ASSIGNED TO HIM BY PRESIDENT OBAMA.

What Trump babbles about in a telephone call is proof of nothing. Trump doesn't even have a passing acquaintance with the truth and nothing he says can be assumed to be true unless confirmed by sources outside of FOX News, and backed up with documentation that doesn't come from former soviet countries.

you keep switching words around to change the context of it,,,

please dont waste anymore of my time,,,


You keep trying to re-write history to make Biden's firing of the prosecutor nefarious, using documents and stories posted by the people Joe Biden and the American foreign policies had fired for corruption. Biden did his job, in accordance with PUBLICALLY STATED FOREIGN POLICY.

When you tell someone you want them to deal with corruption, you mean corruption NOW, not corruption committed years ago by people no longer in power.

you didnt post anything except your opinion,,,
We deeply appreciate your feckless alternative facts.
well trump told the ukraine president to contact the DOJ,,, so theres your proof,,,

Except that Barr has publically said that there is no DOJ investigation into Hunter or Joe Biden, so who's lying? Trump or Barr?

The bald fact is that the charges against Bursima were filed BEFORE Hunter Biden was hired.Now it's possible that the President of Burisma hired Biden hoping that this would influence those prosecuting him to leave him alone, but that didn't happen. But the notion that Hunter Biden was under investigation when his father fired the prosecutor, IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE.

Joe Biden was ORDERED TO FIRE THE PROSECUTOR BY THE IMF, NATO, THE EU, AND THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. This was the publically stated policy of the United States of America, it's international institutions and alliances, and those of our European allies. It was done in public, in the open, and Biden was quite rightfully proud of how effectively he did the job ASSIGNED TO HIM BY PRESIDENT OBAMA.

What Trump babbles about in a telephone call is proof of nothing. Trump doesn't even have a passing acquaintance with the truth and nothing he says can be assumed to be true unless confirmed by sources outside of FOX News, and backed up with documentation that doesn't come from former soviet countries.

you keep switching words around to change the context of it,,,

please dont waste anymore of my time,,,


You keep trying to re-write history to make Biden's firing of the prosecutor nefarious, using documents and stories posted by the people Joe Biden and the American foreign policies had fired for corruption. Biden did his job, in accordance with PUBLICALLY STATED FOREIGN POLICY.

When you tell someone you want them to deal with corruption, you mean corruption NOW, not corruption committed years ago by people no longer in power.

you didnt post anything except your opinion,,,
We deeply appreciate your feckless alternative facts.

when they are government documents they are not feckless
Well when you do not have any facts or proof of you position then you make stuff up or point to the stain on the wall and say AH HA

This is the fate of the repub party

Spoon fed by FOX and the bloggers who provide stories that serve their purpose but of little substance

Must be a lack of trust which feeds upon itself

Then the cleaning lady comes in an cleans the stain off the wall
The transcript proves no quid pro quo.

Zelensky repeatedly confirmed no quid pro quo.

Zelensky repeatedly confirmed no pressure.

Zelensky confirms he was not aware of any delay.

The arms were delayed 55 but approved by Trump weeks ahead of the date required by the authorization bill.

Obama refused the same defensive weapons for Ukraine for 8 years.

These facts are not in dispute.

This is what the transcript says


will say that we do ·a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot.of time.

the United States has been very very
good to Ukraine

He is laying out what the US does for them and also casting doubt on the Europeans wanting to do things for Ukraine so who can you count on

Macron even admits in the transcript that US is more of an important player than the EU

given the fact that Ukraine is up against Russia which has way more resources

The Ukrainian president even mentions the need for more Javelin missiles

clearly this is laying out what Ukrainian needs

I would like you to do us a favor though
because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a
lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with
this whole situation with Ukraine,

Trump is asking for a favor after setting up the guy with how much they need the US

The transcript clearly says that Trump want him to meet with Rudy G

Rudy G is not a government official and is Trumps personal lawyer

Trump then talks about Biden and Biden's son and how Biden supposedly stop an investigation in Ukraine

This is what you can do for me

Repubs want to hold out that they eventually got the money as no quid pro quo

well part of the quid pro quo was them getting the money and assistance

Time line

this call was in July 25th

July 3rd Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman becomes aware of the money being witheld

July 10th

the White House with Ukrainian officials is cut short when Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, says he has an agreement with the acting White House chief of staff that Ukraine’s president would get a meeting with Trump if Ukraine agreed to launch investigations.

indicating that the Ukraine knew something was going on

July 18th
HOMB announces the freezing of Ukraine aid based on a presidential order

July 25 the call

So trump is telling this guy how much the US helps them but he has placed a freeze on this aid

Sometime in Aug Ukraine officials are asking about the status of this aid

By Aug Ukraine is well aware of the freeze

After it is becoming public knowledge in Sept the freeze is lifted.

So there was a freeze and just because they go their money was simply a case of shining a spotlight on corruption and then they had to release it to show no corruption

The question is not if they got the money but why was there a delay and the phone call puts a brighter light on it

Aug 11 freeze lifted

Aug 13 the Ukraine president was going to make an announcement on their investigation but cancelled at the last monument

Those are the facts

So clearly what happen Trump and his crew knew what he was going to be said and to prevent a total disaster they released the money. The Ukraine was suppose to talk about the investigation.

Well I suppose quid pro quo would be a better argument for repubs

instead of the more serious issues of campaign finance law violations, bribery, extortion, and conspiracy

Not to worry we will get to those later

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