Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer confirms under oath that Joe (as VP) was on more than 20 calls with Hunter's "business associates"

Talk about a quid pro quo. Ridiculous. And the loud mouth bragged about it.

He bragged about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired, which was applauded by IMF, DoS and Ukranian corruption watch groups.

He bragged about carrying out good foreign policy of the United States of America.

You can compare that to Trump corruptly withholding millitary aid from Ukraine to force it's president to go on TV and publicly announce investigations of Biden, which would be DISASTEROUS for American foreign policy.
No one, THEREFORE there is no indication that it's criminal.

Are you starting to get it now?

To claim criminalty you have to establish a specific exchange of something of value for an official act.
no I am not,, could you explain it again,,,

as for exchange I guess you missed the part where hunter was paid 80K a month for a job he knew nothing about and also the request from burisma to get the prosecutor fired to protect them from prosecution,, those are only the things we know for a fact,, who know what else was exchanged,, theres 8 million unaccounted for the bidens received,,
It's from Lawyersforlaws.

but here are more if you want them...CBS:Hunter Biden's former business partner tells Congress about Joe Biden's calls


Devon Archer Says Joe Biden Often Joined Calls With Son Hunter​

So why did Xiden lie so much about not being involved and knowing nothing? what was he hiding and why?
Thanks for the link. Now if only all Trump supporters would read it.

From your link.

"The witness indicated that Hunter spoke to his father every day," Goldman said. "And approximately 20 times over the course of [a] 10-year relationship, Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people, and they never once spoke about any business dealings. As he described it, it was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather, 'what's going on?' There wasn't a single conversation about any of the business dealings that Hunter had."
no I am not,, could you explain it again,,,

as for exchange I guess you missed the part where hunter was paid 80K a month for a job he knew nothing about and also the request from burisma to get the prosecutor fired to protect them from prosecution,, those are only the things we know for a fact,, who know what else was exchanged,, theres 8 million unaccounted for the bidens received,,

They called DC to get the prosecutor fired. It was not US policy like all the cult fucks have been lying.
Thanks for the link. Now if only all Trump supporters would read it.

From your link.

"The witness indicated that Hunter spoke to his father every day," Goldman said. "And approximately 20 times over the course of [a] 10-year relationship, Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people, and they never once spoke about any business dealings. As he described it, it was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather, 'what's going on?' There wasn't a single conversation about any of the business dealings that Hunter had."
yeah nobody believes what disgraced corrupt Goldman thinks...we know he has been repeatedly caught lying on the issues.
no I am not,, could you explain it again,,,

as for exchange I guess you missed the part where hunter was paid 80K a month for a job he knew nothing about and also the request from burisma to get the prosecutor fired to protect them from prosecution,, those are only the things we know for a fact,, who know what else was exchanged,, theres 8 million unaccounted for the bidens received,,


Hunter knew all about putting on a good face for a company with international reputation problems - having a son of American VP on your board is a quick way to improve your company's image.

There has never been any evidence presented that Joe Biden got Shokin removed at Burisma's request. His office was sitting on Burisma case for years before Ukranian Congress removed him.
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Hunter knew all about putting on a good face for a company with international reputation problems - having a son of American VP on your board is a quick way to improve your company's image.

There has never been any evidence presented that Joe Biden fired Shokin at Burisma's request. His office was sitting on Burisma case for years before he got fired.
sounds like youre good friends with hunter and know all about him,,

makes me wonder if you were involved in any of his porn videos,,
sounds like youre good friends with hunter and know all about him,,

makes me wonder if you were involved in any of his porn videos,,
Yep, thats pretty much the extent of whats floating around in your silly head.

A bunch of half baked bullshit backed up by nothing.

Hunter knew all about putting on a good face for a company with international reputation problems - having a son of American VP on your board is a quick way to improve your company's image.

There has never been any evidence presented that Joe Biden got Shokin removed at Burisma's request. His office was sitting on Burisma case for years before Ukranian Congress removed him.
why would the Xiden want to be on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian gas company?
Lots of drug addicts have business and make money.

The pillow guy and Rush Limbaugh come to mind
This is's just they were in legal businesses...Hunter was part of the corrupt Xiden cabal, selling off Xiden's political seats through the years.
yeah nobody believes what disgraced corrupt Goldman thinks...we know he has been repeatedly caught lying on the issues.
ROFL. So your defense is simply to call him a liar.

Has anyone else in the meeting claimed otherwise?
agreed to get paid...the Xiden family works for corrupt organizations to get paid.

Joe Biden works for United States of America.

Hunter, is a private citizen who worked for and with all kinds of private companies.

Why do you keep conflating two different adults? You don't think people see your little slight of hand stunts?

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