Hunter Biden's business partner Devon Archer confirms under oath that Joe (as VP) was on more than 20 calls with Hunter's "business associates"

Jonathan Turley, professor of Law and George Washington University and a Fox News contributor, appeared on the network following closed-door testimony by Archer to the House Oversight Committee where he detailed dozens of meetings he alleges Joe Biden, as vice president, participated in to benefit business dealings by Archer and his son. Turley lit into Biden for distancing himself from the statements made under oath by Archer

‘Can you ring your dad?’​

Soon afterward, the two Ukrainians joined Hunter and Archer at the Four Seasons bar and Pozharskyi asked Hunter: “Can you ring your dad?” At the time it was early afternoon Friday in Washington, DC.

Hunter then called his father, put him on speaker, placed the phone on the table, and introduced the Ukrainians to Joe Biden by name as “Nikolai and Vadym.”

He also said words to the effect that the Burisma bigwigs “need our support.”
Link? I am very curious what is meant by "He also said words to the effect...".
I couldn’t resist….

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Archer specifically said that Joe Biden didn't discuss any bussiness. How do you get from that to "heavy-handed influence"???
Are you really that naive or are you faking naivete?
I ask:

How many posters following this thread dialed Daddy into a meeting with their business associates?

I‘ll answer first: The only time I called my father when I was meeting with business colleagues is when he was having spinal surgery and I wanted to check on his progress. Even then, I excused myself for a few minutes and stepped out of the room.

That was ONE time in 40 years of work.

Nothing will ever convince guys like him.
You could find $15 Million in a safe In Joe Biden's house with notes detailing the payoffs and they would say -
see he didn't spend any of it - he didn't profit.
I believe they are convinced. I also know that they would rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit they were wrong or that any of this is happening.
What was the corrupt official act would you have Biden investigated for?

You can push all the puff you want, but if you can't answer that question all you have is blowhard bullshit.
Thanks for the link. Now if only all Trump supporters would read it.

From your link.

"The witness indicated that Hunter spoke to his father every day," Goldman said. "And approximately 20 times over the course of [a] 10-year relationship, Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people, and they never once spoke about any business dealings. As he described it, it was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather, 'what's going on?' There wasn't a single conversation about any of the business dealings that Hunter had."
Hunter Biden, son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, advised his business partner Devon Archer to acquire a disposable phone just three days prior to their scheduled meeting with the Vice President at the White House.

BJ- Totally normal Lawyer/Client/Board Member behavior - nothing to see here.
I ask:

How many posters following this thread dialed Daddy into a meeting with their business associates?

I‘ll answer first: The only time I called my father when I was meeting with business colleagues is when he was having spinal surgery and I wanted to check on his progress. Even then, I excused myself for a few minutes and stepped out of the room.

That was ONE time in 40 years of work.

Who the hell is your daddy? A Senator maybe? Some sort of celebrity? Were you a board member of a big company somewhere?

Just because you didn't do it doesn't make it illicit.
I ask:

How many posters following this thread dialed Daddy into a meeting with their business associates?

I‘ll answer first: The only time I called my father when I was meeting with business colleagues is when he was having spinal surgery and I wanted to check on his progress. Even then, I excused myself for a few minutes and stepped out of the room.

That was ONE time in 40 years of work.


It is obvious, they are trying to gaslight everyone. They will talk about Trump, but deflect everything about Biden, and the rest of the Left.

I could be wrong, because nobody is 100% correct; unless of course, you are a Leftist, lol. But, we are going to see a takedown of Joe by the Left, faster and more devious than the GOP ever could. They will eat him up politically, better than the GOP could ever hope to.

The only reason we have not seen it yet, is because they are in a quandary on how to run the next person; in essence, they do not know what to do. Throwing MZ Harris under the bus, is against the rules; supporting RFK is not an option,, and trying to slip in a white guy like Newsome, makes them look really bad.

They have until Jan or Feb possibly, to eject Joe. This is going to be an education on politics 101, trust me. They are going to be forced to explain going over Mz Harris, explain away how Joe dissed the American people, and yet try and convince everyone that their NEW PERSON is wonderful, and should be elected.

In political terms, this is going to fascinating, and if you love politics, you just found yourself in one of the most interesting times in our history! Watch how many PAID POSTERS, try and convince you electing the new person, and ignoring what Joe did, is the correct thing to do,; because the GOP is just evil, racist, whatever..........and say it with a straight face!
The VP has so much time on his hands, he talks to his son at the same time his son is doing deals? Give me a break!

I do not know how many whistleblowers, witnesses, etc have to speak before these people quit trying to spin. All you have to ask yourself is------->what made the Biden family so special that all of these people wanted to deal with them? They had no hard assets to sell, and very little expertise in anything. Only one thing they had,..............the VP, that is it!

Now to be fair, maybe Joe-Joe wasn't involved, but then you have to ask yourself another question----------------> If these hard core people were investing MILLIONS with no tangible results, how long would they continue to do so? Remember, they undoubtedly already knew from their foreign service, they were dealing with a crackhead as a front man. Are we to believe that Hunter is such a genius, he was able to string them along for such an extended period of time with no results; the same intellect I might add, that drops off a laptop full of incriminating information, then forgets to pick it up?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sure thing folks, and the Easter Bunny really does bring eggs for kids to find too!

For $10M Burisma bought the firing of a prosecutor that was going to shut them down.

Its called selling influence. Before you claim the VP has no power, lets discuss Dick Cheney.
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‘Can you ring your dad?’​

Soon afterward, the two Ukrainians joined Hunter and Archer at the Four Seasons bar and Pozharskyi asked Hunter: “Can you ring your dad?” At the time it was early afternoon Friday in Washington, DC.

Hunter then called his father, put him on speaker, placed the phone on the table, and introduced the Ukrainians to Joe Biden by name as “Nikolai and Vadym.”

He also said words to the effect that the Burisma bigwigs “need our support.”

VP Biden greeted the Ukrainians but spoke only in vague pleasantries during the short call, and in other such interactions with Hunter’s overseas business partners,

For the dumb cult fucks….that is INFLUENCE PEDDLING.

Hunter was flexing that he can get the VP of the US on the phone at any time.

Do you assclowns actually think Biden is going to say on speakerphone “Give me $10M and I will do whatever you want.”

Here is how you know it is crooked….change the name from Biden to Pence….NOW YOU SEE THE CORRUPTION, DON’T YOU?

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