Hunter Biden's Lawyers Demand DOJ To Investigate Trump Allies Over Laptop

Doesn't that bother you that you guys have the same routine over and over and over and always get the same results? You find some outrage or crime, like millions of fraudulent voters, and even with Repubs are in charge of everything, you just cannot seem to do anything about it. Mean old demmicrats just wont let you, on and on and on over and over. In this case it is mean old Biden, the evidence is there, but again, the repubs just can't quite get to it. You are probably right though. I am sure it is all three.
something is being done…there is a special prosecutor investigating and collecting evidence. Where have you been?
"If", Mak? I think we both know that the Biden's are guilty of influence peddling and have been for decades. Is that even a question at this point?

As for impeaching Joe Biden? That would have to happen in a Senate controlled by Democrats. I think we both know that would be a waste of time no matter what the House investigation uncovers so why spend time and money doing so?
Again, the Republicans know, but just can't do anything.
Believing themselves to be smart, demanding the DOJ investigate those leaking info from Hunter's laptop, Hunter and his lawyers admit 2 very important things:

1. It IS Hunter's laptop

2. What is being leaked IS from Hunter's laptop


And, of course, by doing this, they are merely shining the light ever brighter on the contents of the laptop and inviting further scrutiny.
Again, the Republicans know, but just can't do anything.
Of course they can't. You can't impeach a President unless you can get the votes to convict in the Senate. We both know that's not going to happen...right? So why pretend that it could?
"Unhinged fuck stain"? LOL You need to chill, Candy. I hate to tell you but the next year is going to be very unpleasant. Hunter and Joe can't duck and weave anymore. Jim Jordan has subpoena power. People from the FBI are going to have to explain their actions. The 51 former intelligence people who signed what they had to know was a total lie are going to have to explain themselves.

Yeah, I remember when you guys kept claiming you were going to "get" Hillary on Benghazi or Whitewater or whatever else you perpetually investigated.

Here's the reality. That computer information was illegally accessed. Therefore it has no evidentary value in a court of law.
They didn't. Ivan put the fake information on before they turned it over to the blind computer guy.
oh so the russians hacked it when hunter had it? wow and he was living in that house wirh his dad and all those classified documents laying around…what a national security disaster
Thank you for providing proof that you have absolutely no idea how email works. I swear, you guys are not only REALLY stupid, but the lengths you will go to to protect your masters has no bounds.

Actually, it's fairly easy to fake emails. No one disputes that some of the emails are real, but a lot of them probably aren't.

His emails are NOT fake. I really couldn't care less about the images to be honest, but I would be willing to get his crack pipe images are the real deal. You guys picked a real winner to try to defend.

Faker than shit..
oh so the russians hacked it when hunter had it? wow and he was living in that house wirh his dad and all those classified documents laying around…what a national security disaster

Or hacked into his company's server. The thing about emails is that they don't just exist on a computer. They usually have to go through a server.
If you don't know basic facts about your own fake scandals, I'm not wasting time with you..
basic facts about fake scandals? haha is that what you are doing here?

haha sorry you can’t recall the details of your lies
bripat9643 said:
Your theory that some two-bit computer repairman could get his hands on all that extremely personal and salacious Hunter material by some means other than his laptop doesn't pass the laugh test.

Great point.

If a crackhead drops off his laptop at a computer repair shop, giving the owner / computer repairman full access to the contents of the crackhead's laptop, how hard do you think it would be for the computer repairman / technician to actually access the contents of the laptop?

If he could not do so fairly easily, actually physically possessing the laptop at that point, then he probably sucks as a computer repairman.

No other method, however, would be needed to obtain the 'extremely personal and salacious Hunter material' because crackhead Hunter Biden just gave all of it to the repairman.
Yeah, I remember when you guys kept claiming you were going to "get" Hillary on Benghazi or Whitewater or whatever else you perpetually investigated.

They did 'get her'.

She was fully exposed for her failures, scandals, and crimes. She was just never indicted, charged, and convicted by the equally exposed very criminal, highly partisan weopanized Democrat govt agencies that have been undeniably proven to have engaged in cover-ups, violations of Constitution and law, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, willfully participating in failed coup attempts and criminal Impeachments, and have been found to have attempted violations of the 1st Amendment by silencing and censoring Anericans on social media while spreading disinformation and partisan propaganda.

Highly intelligent people - versus 'sheep' - know there is a HUGE difference between BEING 'guilty' and being indicted, charged, and FOUND 'guilty'
Great point.

If a crackhead drops off his laptop at a computer repair shop, giving the owner / computer repairman full access to the contents of the crackhead's laptop, how hard do you think it would be for the computer repairman / technician to actually access the contents of the laptop?

Why would he?

Here's the thing. When I drop my computer off for repairs, I don't expect the computer repair guy to go looting through it looking for personal information.

If fact, there should be a certain level of confidentiality when I do so.

They did 'get her'.

She was fully exposed for her failures, scandals, and crimes. She was just never indicted, charged, and convicted by the equally exposed very criminal, highly partisan weopanized Democrat govt agencies that have been undeniably proven to have engaged in cover-ups, violations of Constitution and law, defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on Americans, willfully participating in failed coup attempts and criminal Impeachments, and have been found to have attempted violations of the 1st Amendment by silencing and censoring Anericans on social media while spreading disinformation and partisan propaganda.

Uh, guy, you live in your fantasy world, but at the end of the day, after spending 30 million dollars on another Hillary Witch Hunt, Weird Beard Durham only got one guy to confess to changing a sentence in a warrant application that would have had no effect on the issuing of said warrant.

Highly intelligent people - versus 'sheep' - know there is a HUGE difference between BEING 'guilty' and being indicted, charged, and FOUND 'guilty'
So keep that in mind next time you want to talk about Zimmerman or Rittenhouse.
Why would he?

Here's the thing. When I drop my computer off for repairs, I don't expect the computer repair guy to go looting through it looking for personal information.

If fact, there should be a certain level of confidentiality when I do so.

1. You are very naive/ trusting.

2. Once the time specified in the document / contract Hunter signed when he dropped the laptop off elapsed / expired, the laptop legally became the property of the computer repair shop owner. After that day passed, his looking at the contents of the laptop was just an act of TAKING INVENTORY OF HIS NEW LAPTOP.
The computer guy began reading them within a month or two, after April 19 drop off.

He is claiming now, in order to fix the computer, he had to go through each file and email, and copy by one.

He also said in the interview, that stuff being presented in the public, allegedly on Hunter's laptop,

Was Not There when he transferred each file.....

The in depth article is behind a paywall, but...for your email address, they give you three articles to read for free....if memory serves me.

It is definitely worth a read....I learned a lot about the repair guy and what he said and did that I have not seen elsewhere!


A recreation of folders that appear to have been added to a hard drive purporting to contain the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.

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