Hunter Biden's Lawyers Demand DOJ To Investigate Trump Allies Over Laptop

can't you read? I said it did not mean the pics or emails he questioned being on his version were not real, just that they were possibly inserted for nefarious October surprise purpose, or by others in the right wing Trumper arena who got the pics or emails, from elsewhere.

it would be nice if we could compare the version in right-wing winger hands and media, to Mac Isaac's....
Who cares, if you admit now they are real. The issue has never been Hunter's deplorable lifestyle...the issue has been the pay to play espionage scam he was running for the family business.
I honestly don't know. The computer repair guy says things being shown by rightwinger rags, we're not on Hunter's lap top that he repaired.

That does not mean the pics or other emails were not Hunter's, just that others may have implanted them, on to this particular laptop copy that that NY Post got.
Yes, that is certainly possible. Just as possible is that the legally blind computer repair guy didn’t see everything.

That’s terrible if someone is planting false information on the copy of the laptop’s drive, or just publishing material and falsely claiming that it is from the laptop.

The way to counter that is for the FBI to be transparent about the laptop and its contents. If the FBI were trustworthy on this, we could say, “wait a minute, this part is not in the FBI’s report of the contents, so it’s just made up.”

But the FBI facilitates that kind of shenanigans (if it happened, which there is no evidence of) when it hides the laptop, lies about the laptop and tell us it is none of our business.

We don’t need to be the “none of your business” state, and we don’t need a Secret Political Police force in a Democratic Republic.
Damages....loss of property...

None of that says, "we'll go through all of your files, make a copy, and use them to trash you if we want to".

It's breach of contract by the laptop repair guy.

I'm glad Hunter didn't take his laptop there.

Nope, not after 30 days.
I want you to think about this logically, Care! You've got multiple copies of that lap top's hard drive...correct? The Biden camp is trying to push the narrative that the emails that illustrate their influence peddling were added to Hunter's lap top. But how does that work? If you added fake emails to either the FBI copy or to Rudy's it would be obvious because the ones you added wouldn't be on the other copy! Nobody is making that claim. The lap top and the copy of the hard drive appear to be identical. If they weren't you and I BOTH know that would be obvious!
There is a reason the deplorable dems and the xiden family went to such great lengths to hide or discredit this for so long....going so far as to claim it was Russian, and not even in having former intel offficals lie about it....only to finally have to come clean and admit it, but now attack the witness that brought it forward....

They know their goose is cooked
Who cares, if you admit now they are real. The issue has never been Hunter's deplorable lifestyle...the issue has been the pay to play espionage scam he was running for the family business.
Duh, it matters a great deal, especially if someone inserted them, it could be illegal.... But we know as fact, none of this yet. It would be nice if we can compare all the versions, forensic analysis of both....just to be certain.
There is a reason the deplorable dems and the xiden family went to such great lengths to hide or discredit this for so long....going so far as to claim it was Russian, and not even in having former intel offficals lie about it....only to finally have to come clean and admit it, but now attack the witness that brought it forward....

They know their goose is cooked
there was good reason to believe Hunter Biden's laptop, dropped off by Trump's campaign lawyer, Giuliani, to the NYPost, at October surprise timing, was nefarious or Russian related, because the same time period in the 2016 election, the Russian hacked emails of Hillary's campaign manager dropped....and Trump used them daily, at his rallies.....

Along with the fact that Rudy Giuliani had been working with Russian Ukrainian operatives and Russian operatives to get dirt on Hunter for the past few years prior to the election.... A verified, known fact.

So yeah, we in the public had every reason to think would have, if the situation was reversed.
there was good reason to believe Hunter Biden's laptop, dropped off by Trump's campaign lawyer, Giuliani, to the NYPost, at October surprise timing, was nefarious or Russian related, because the same time period in the 2016 election, the Russian hacked emails of Hillary's campaign manager dropped....and Trump used them daily, at his rallies.....

Along with the fact that Rudy Giuliani had been working with Russian Ukrainian operatives and Russian operatives to get dirt on Hunter for the past few years prior to the election.... A verified, known fact.

So yeah, we in the public had every reason to think would have, if the situation was reversed.
Oh, and conveniently the NYPOST refused to give other reputable news newspapers a copy of the laptop they had, so they could not verify what the Post claimed.
what he said in this interview is in order to repair the computer he had to open and save each email and document, individually....

if what the public is showing of Hunter Biden's salacious pictures were on the laptop, HE WOULD HAVE SEEN THEM.
You do realize you can save files without actually looking at them, right?

please tell us you aren’t that stupid.
there was good reason to believe Hunter Biden's laptop, dropped off by Trump's campaign lawyer, Giuliani, to the NYPost, at October surprise timing, was nefarious or Russian related, because the same time period in the 2016 election, the Russian hacked emails of Hillary's campaign manager dropped....and Trump used them daily, at his rallies.....

Along with the fact that Rudy Giuliani had been working with Russian Ukrainian operatives and Russian operatives to get dirt on Hunter for the past few years prior to the election.... A verified, known fact.

So yeah, we in the public had every reason to think would have, if the situation was reversed.
the xiden crime syndicate is worried about the special prosecutor has from the fbi
there was good reason to believe Hunter Biden's laptop, dropped off by Trump's campaign lawyer, Giuliani, to the NYPost, at October surprise timing, was nefarious or Russian related, because the same time period in the 2016 election, the Russian hacked emails of Hillary's campaign manager dropped....and Trump used them daily, at his rallies.....

Along with the fact that Rudy Giuliani had been working with Russian Ukrainian operatives and Russian operatives to get dirt on Hunter for the past few years prior to the election.... A verified, known fact.

So yeah, we in the public had every reason to think would have, if the situation was reversed.
The only problem with that contention, Care is that the people at the FBI and those 51 intelligence officers would have ALL known that the lap top was indeed authentic and yet they went to the main stream media and portrayed it as a Russian misinformation program.

Let's be honest here...the reason most people thought that lap top was fake as they went to the polls was that they hadn't been told the truth. Higher ups at the FBI and those 51 former intel officials told us that it was a Russian op when in fact they would have KNOWN that it was not!
Oh, and conveniently the NYPOST refused to give other reputable news newspapers a copy of the laptop they had, so they could not verify what the Post claimed.
Come on, Care! You honestly think that a news outlet which has evidence of one of the biggest political scandals in history is going to make copies of that evidence and give it to their competitors? With all due respect? That's nuts on your part.
Merritless Gestapoland refuses to let the FBI do anything with the laptop. He is running cover for the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
Idiot! Garland was not in office when the FBI got the laptop. What did the trump admin do with it or Barr?
The only problem with that contention, Care is that the people at the FBI and those 51 intelligence officers would have ALL known that the lap top was indeed authentic and yet they went to the main stream media and portrayed it as a Russian misinformation program.

Let's be honest here...the reason most people thought that lap top was fake as they went to the polls was that they hadn't been told the truth. Higher ups at the FBI and those 51 former intel officials told us that it was a Russian op when in fact they would have KNOWN that it was not!
They may have known ONLY what their subpoena for the laptop, allowed them to read and go through.

The subpoena was only for that specific area of informatiin, for the criminal investigation they got the subpoena for oldstyle, that is how subpoenas work.

As example, Comey had to get a warrant to view Weiner's laptop for Clinton server emails on Weiner's laptop that his wife had put on there...even though Weiner's laptop, was in the FBI 's possession already.

And the issue is not whether the laptop is Hunter's, it's whether all the content on the laptop was not manipulated by the Russians or others from the Trump camp....or whether Hunter was the one who really dropped it off, (which is likely imo him), though he claimed it was his drugged out days so he couldn't be certain ....bull-oney.

Anyway, the FBI likely did a forensic analysis on the emails and documents they were allowed by subpoena to view.

but NOT all the other emails and documents they could not, by law, review.
Damages....loss of property...

None of that says, "we'll go through all of your files, make a copy, and use them to trash you if we want to".

It's breach of contract by the laptop repair guy.

I'm glad Hunter didn't take his laptop there.
No one is obligated to treat your delusions seriously.

You're still defending the RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA hoax, aren't you?
Duh, it matters a great deal, especially if someone inserted them, it could be illegal.... But we know as fact, none of this yet. It would be nice if we can compare all the versions, forensic analysis of both....just to be certain.
No one inserted anything. Only desperate prog cult members support such theories.

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