Hunter Biden's Lawyers Demand DOJ To Investigate Trump Allies Over Laptop

Now that we know the laptop is REAL and it is HUNTERā€™Sā€¦.

Isnt it interesting that not ONE of you moron cult fucks will say, ā€œOops, I got it wrongā€¦sorry guys. My bad.ā€

You are such cowardly faggots. Utter human debris. Just pussies. How do you look yourselves in the mirror every morning and say, ā€How can I be a bitch today?ā€

Here ya go oldestyle.. It'll take a few posts....

When the New York Post first reported in October 2020 that it had obtained the contents of a laptop computer allegedly owned by Joe Bidenā€™s son Hunter, there was an immediate roadblock faced by any other news outlet that hoped to corroborate the reporting, as many did: The newspaper wasnā€™t sharing what it obtained.

The national story quickly centered on the dubious provenance of the material, particularly given how, four years before, WikiLeaks had begun releasing material stolen by Russian hackers at about the same point in the presidential contest. But for news outlets interested in actually evaluating what the New York Post claimed it had, neither the paper nor its source for the material, President Donald Trumpā€™s attorney Rudy Giuliani, were willing to share.

(Giuliani famously told the New York Times that he was hoping to avoid having the material vetted before being published.) It therefore seemed wise to treat the New York Postā€™s claims with some skepticism.
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Here ya go oldestyle.. It'll take a few posts....

When the New York Post first reported in October 2020 that it had obtained the contents of a laptop computer allegedly owned by Joe Bidenā€™s son Hunter, there was an immediate roadblock faced by any other news outlet that hoped to corroborate the reporting, as many did: The newspaper wasnā€™t sharing what it obtained.

The national story quickly centered on the dubious provenance of the material, particularly given how, four years before, WikiLeaks had begun releasing material stolen by Russian hackers at about the same point in the presidential contest. But for news outlets interested in actually evaluating what the New York Post claimed it had, neither the paper nor its source for the material, President Donald Trumpā€™s attorney Rudy Giuliani, were willing to share.

(Giuliani famously told the New York Times that he was hoping to avoid having the material vetted before being published.) It therefore seemed wise to treat the New York Postā€™s claims with some skepticism.
Pay attention: Hunter confirmed the contents of the laptop.
Last month, The Washington Post was able to publish a report based on a copy of material that we obtained from a Republican activist named Jack Maxey whoā€™d gotten it from Giuliani. We had multiple experts examine the contents of a hard drive that purported to contain the laptopā€™s contents, validating tens of thousands of emails as likely to be legitimate. But an enormous amount of the material on the drive couldnā€™t be validated as legitimate, in part because of the game of telephone that the material had undergone by the time it reached us. (The report notes that efforts to obtain the material in 2020 were rebuffed.)

ā€œThe experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years,ā€ our report explained, with those we spoke with being unable to ā€œreach definitive conclusions about the contents as a whole, including whether all of it originated from a single computer or could have been assembled from files from multiple computers and put on the portable drive.ā€
For example:

ā€œ[An expert] also found records on the drive that indicated someone may have accessed the drive from a West Coast location in October 2020, little more than a week after the first New York Post stories on Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop appeared.ā€
ā€œOver the next few days, somebody created three additional folders on the drive, titled, ā€˜Mail,' ā€˜Salacious Pics Packageā€™ and ā€˜Big Guy Fileā€™ ā€” an apparent reference to Joe Biden.ā€

One expert likened it to a crime scene that was littered with fast-food wrappers thanks to the first police whoā€™d arrived on the scene. Thatā€™s meant as an indictment, but itā€™s also generous.
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In an interview with the right-wing media outlet ā€œReal Americaā€™s Voice,ā€ the owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, explained how relieved he was when the FBI came to get the laptop.


Itā€™s important to explain how Mac Isaac created the backup in the first place. The laptop he obtained repeatedly shut down as he tried to recover its data. So, instead of simply copying the entire hard drive to another device, he did so piecemeal, copying individual files and folders one at a time. In doing so, he claims that he saw material that he found alarming.

ā€œI saw some content that was disturbing and then also raised some red flags,ā€ Mac Isaac explained to ā€œReal Americaā€™s Voice.ā€ Later asked to explain what had alarmed him, he said that he saw ā€œcriminality ā€¦ related to foreign business dealings, to potential money laundering and, more importantly, national security issues and concerns.ā€ That, he explained, was ā€œwhat caused me to do a deep dive into the laptop once it became my property.ā€
Here, again, the timeline is iffy. Delaware law indicates that he could assume ownership of the laptop after a year. But he obtained the laptop in April 2019 (at the same time that conservative media was beginning to focus on Hunter Bidenā€™s relationship with a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma) and gave it to the FBI that December. He said that he was alarmed by the failure of the laptop to come up during Trumpā€™s first impeachment investigation. That effort ended in February 2020, before a year had passed.

What Mac Isaac said next, though, is what was most noteworthy. When he did his ā€œdeep dive,ā€ he said, he ā€œsaw a lot of photosā€ ā€” but ā€œdid not see a lot of photos that are being reported to [have been] seen.ā€

ā€œI do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,ā€ he said. ā€œAnd that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing.ā€
In other words, Mac Isaac says that he has seen claims about what the laptop contains that donā€™t actually reflect what he saw on the laptop at the outset. Or, presumably, sees now, as one of the few people that might still have an unlittered copy of its contents.

To what is he referring? Itā€™s hard to say. It may include one of the more popular claims that has circulated on the right, alleging that the machine included evidence of criminal sexual activity by Hunter Biden. (This was alleged on-air by Tucker Carlson last year, without proof.) Or it may involve other claims entirely.
The FBI had the lap top, Care...not the Trump White House or Barr. They had it for a really long time and did NOTHING with it!
Well, they didn't do "nothing". They managed to lose it and claim that it was Russian disinformation at the same time. There is that! :D
They may have known ONLY what their subpoena for the laptop, allowed them to read and go through.

The subpoena was only for that specific area of informatiin, for the criminal investigation they got the subpoena for oldstyle, that is how subpoenas work.

As example, Comey had to get a warrant to view Weiner's laptop for Clinton server emails on Weiner's laptop that his wife had put on there...even though Weiner's laptop, was in the FBI 's possession already.

And the issue is not whether the laptop is Hunter's, it's whether all the content on the laptop was not manipulated by the Russians or others from the Trump camp....or whether Hunter was the one who really dropped it off, (which is likely imo him), though he claimed it was his drugged out days so he couldn't be certain ....bull-oney.

Anyway, the FBI likely did a forensic analysis on the emails and documents they were allowed by subpoena to view.

but NOT all the other emails and documents they could not, by law, review.
there was no sub do
They may have known ONLY what their subpoena for the laptop, allowed them to read and go through.

The subpoena was only for that specific area of informatiin, for the criminal investigation they got the subpoena for oldstyle, that is how subpoenas work.

As example, Comey had to get a warrant to view Weiner's laptop for Clinton server emails on Weiner's laptop that his wife had put on there...even though Weiner's laptop, was in the FBI 's possession already.

And the issue is not whether the laptop is Hunter's, it's whether all the content on the laptop was not manipulated by the Russians or others from the Trump camp....or whether Hunter was the one who really dropped it off, (which is likely imo him), though he claimed it was his drugged out days so he couldn't be certain ....bull-oney.

Anyway, the FBI likely did a forensic analysis on the emails and documents they were allowed by subpoena to view.

but NOT all the other emails and documents they could not, by law, review.
There was no subpoena for the laptop.....the owner of it, volunteered it to the FBI and told them to look at it.
In an interview with the right-wing media outlet ā€œReal Americaā€™s Voice,ā€ the owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, explained how relieved he was when the FBI came to get the laptop.


Itā€™s important to explain how Mac Isaac created the backup in the first place. The laptop he obtained repeatedly shut down as he tried to recover its data. So, instead of simply copying the entire hard drive to another device, he did so piecemeal, copying individual files and folders one at a time. In doing so, he claims that he saw material that he found alarming.
That story is total horseshit because the 'copy' is a clone of the entire laptop, operating system and all. You can't do this one file or folder at a time.
They may have known ONLY what their subpoena for the laptop, allowed them to read and go through.

The subpoena was only for that specific area of informatiin, for the criminal investigation they got the subpoena for oldstyle, that is how subpoenas work.

As example, Comey had to get a warrant to view Weiner's laptop for Clinton server emails on Weiner's laptop that his wife had put on there...even though Weiner's laptop, was in the FBI 's possession already.

And the issue is not whether the laptop is Hunter's, it's whether all the content on the laptop was not manipulated by the Russians or others from the Trump camp....or whether Hunter was the one who really dropped it off, (which is likely imo him), though he claimed it was his drugged out days so he couldn't be certain ....bull-oney.

Anyway, the FBI likely did a forensic analysis on the emails and documents they were allowed by subpoena to view.

but NOT all the other emails and documents they could not, by law, review.
Amazing, Care! When the FBI raids Mar A Lago they have a search warrant that allows them to take any document from Trump's entire Presidency plus anything else that's in the same location as those documents...but when they get a warrant to search Hunter's lap top it's so narrow in scope that they can't view what's ON the lap top? Once you start to look at what's been revealed to be ON the lap top why wouldn't the FBI get a warrant to examine everything on that computer?
I hate to bust your chops but the more you do intellectual gymnastics to try to explain how this was done correctly...the worse it looks!
As for who dropped the lap top off? Hunter signed the work order. That's not in question. Who cares if he was so drugged out on crack that he doesn't remember?

ā€œI saw some content that was disturbing and then also raised some red flags,ā€ Mac Isaac explained to ā€œReal Americaā€™s Voice.ā€ Later asked to explain what had alarmed him, he said that he saw ā€œcriminality ā€¦ related to foreign business dealings, to potential money laundering and, more importantly, national security issues and concerns.ā€ That, he explained, was ā€œwhat caused me to do a deep dive into the laptop once it became my property.ā€
Here, again, the timeline is iffy. Delaware law indicates that he could assume ownership of the laptop after a year. But he obtained the laptop in April 2019 (at the same time that conservative media was beginning to focus on Hunter Bidenā€™s relationship with a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma) and gave it to the FBI that December. He said that he was alarmed by the failure of the laptop to come up during Trumpā€™s first impeachment investigation. That effort ended in February 2020, before a year had passed.

What Mac Isaac said next, though, is what was most noteworthy. When he did his ā€œdeep dive,ā€ he said, he ā€œsaw a lot of photosā€ ā€” but ā€œdid not see a lot of photos that are being reported to [have been] seen.ā€

ā€œI do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,ā€ he said. ā€œAnd that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing.ā€
In other words, Mac Isaac says that he has seen claims about what the laptop contains that donā€™t actually reflect what he saw on the laptop at the outset. Or, presumably, sees now, as one of the few people that might still have an unlittered copy of its contents.

To what is he referring? Itā€™s hard to say. It may include one of the more popular claims that has circulated on the right, alleging that the machine included evidence of criminal sexual activity by Hunter Biden. (This was alleged on-air by Tucker Carlson last year, without proof.) Or it may involve other claims entirely.
I think your word comprehension is off, Care! Mac Issac isn't saying that anything has been added to the lap top but rather is saying that people are claiming that things are on there that weren't! Huge difference. What's on that lap top and what's on the copy that was given to Rudy to be made public match...if they didn't we would have heard about it years ago!
Last month, The Washington Post was able to publish a report based on a copy of material that we obtained from a Republican activist named Jack Maxey whoā€™d gotten it from Giuliani. We had multiple experts examine the contents of a hard drive that purported to contain the laptopā€™s contents, validating tens of thousands of emails as likely to be legitimate. But an enormous amount of the material on the drive couldnā€™t be validated as legitimate, in part because of the game of telephone that the material had undergone by the time it reached us. (The report notes that efforts to obtain the material in 2020 were rebuffed.)

ā€œThe experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years,ā€ our report explained, with those we spoke with being unable to ā€œreach definitive conclusions about the contents as a whole, including whether all of it originated from a single computer or could have been assembled from files from multiple computers and put on the portable drive.ā€
For example:

One expert likened it to a crime scene that was littered with fast-food wrappers thanks to the first police whoā€™d arrived on the scene. Thatā€™s meant as an indictment, but itā€™s also generous.
Washington Post?
Oh, and conveniently the NYPOST refused to give other reputable news newspapers a copy of the laptop they had, so they could not verify what the Post claimed.

Because that's what the New York Times would have done if they had gotten the scoop on Donald trump. Held off on publishing it until the New York Post verified the story.

Because, as we know so very well, our unbiased media would never ever publish a negative story about Donald Trump without Ironclad confirmation.

If you have been nodding along, this is the time to tell you that I am being sarcastic.
1. You are very naive/ trusting.

2. Once the time specified in the document / contract Hunter signed when he dropped the laptop off elapsed / expired, the laptop legally became the property of the computer repair shop owner. After that day passed, his looking at the contents of the laptop was just an act of TAKING INVENTORY OF HIS NEW LAPTOP.
Actually, by his own admission, he started looking at the files within a month of receiving it, which was not necessary for the repair.

If he was only taking possession of a new laptop (presumably to sell it), then the first order of business would have been to delete all the old files and reboot the operating system.
Actually, by his own admission, he started looking at the files within a month of receiving it, which was not necessary for the repair.

If he was only taking possession of a new laptop (presumably to sell it), then the first order of business would have been to delete all the old files and reboot the operating system.
Once he owned it he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.

Sux being a Crackhead.
If changing the senetence had non effect on the issuing of the warrant, why did the guy change the sentence?

Apples and Hammers, at least in the case of Rittenhouse. Plenty of video is available that show a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time chased by a mob and forced to defend himself against people who turned out to be a child molester and a wife beater.
Actually, the video I saw was a fat little fuck shooting randomly into a crowd.
Ah, Joe? The Benghazi investigation is what exposed Hillary Clinton's use of two private servers hidden in her home to run the State Department to avoid Congressional oversight! The only reason she didn't get charged with a crime is because Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton obviously cut a deal the day they had their secret meeting on the tarmac in Arizona! Or do you think that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law like James Comey so laughably stated a week later? (eye roll)
You mean the same thing Colin Powell and Condi Rice did?

I suspect most people who handle confidential documents don't know what all the rules are. Most of the "Classified" material wasn't designated as such until after it was reviewed.
The only problem with that contention, Care is that the people at the FBI and those 51 intelligence officers would have ALL known that the lap top was indeed authentic and yet they went to the main stream media and portrayed it as a Russian misinformation program.

Let's be honest here...the reason most people thought that lap top was fake as they went to the polls was that they hadn't been told the truth. Higher ups at the FBI and those 51 former intel officials told us that it was a Russian op when in fact they would have KNOWN that it was not!
I've have not talked to one person who has told me, "Wow, I voted for Biden but if Only I knew there were bad selfies of Hunter, I would have vote for more of Trump."

People voted for Biden because Trump fucked up Covid Repsonse, the economy and the riots.

Actually, the video I saw was a fat little fuck shooting randomly into a crowd.

You mean the same thing Colin Powell and Condi Rice did?

I suspect most people who handle confidential documents don't know what all the rules are. Most of the "Classified" material wasn't designated as such until after it was reviewed.
Powell and Rice installed private servers in their homes and then ran the State Department through them? Really, Joe? They lied to Congressional investigators about those servers? They paid to have them professionally wiped when they were discovered?

Powell and Rice didn't do anything like what Hillary did...but that's because they weren't running a pay for play scheme at State. Hillary put in those private servers to escape Congressional oversight!
I've have not talked to one person who has told me, "Wow, I voted for Biden but if Only I knew there were bad selfies of Hunter, I would have vote for more of Trump."

People voted for Biden because Trump fucked up Covid Repsonse, the economy and the riots.
And he is just an embarrassment in general.

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