Hunter Biden's Lawyers Demand DOJ To Investigate Trump Allies Over Laptop

Why would he?

Here's the thing. When I drop my computer off for repairs, I don't expect the computer repair guy to go looting through it looking for personal information.

If fact, there should be a certain level of confidentiality when I do so.
The long-respected computer repairman-crackhead political bagman confidentiality privilege?

Only a fool would expect confidentiality from a computer repair shop in a strip mall. All the computer repair shops I have seen appear to be one-off's that operate for a while and then shut down. The perfect cover form mining financial data from customers.

I sure as shit wouldn't turn my computer over to a stranger if I knew that there was evidence of my crimes on it.

I would never turn in a computer to be repaired. I keep my data backed up and if my computer breaks and I cannot fix it I get a new one. That happens about every five years, which is no hardship at all.
Uh, guy, you live in your fantasy world, but at the end of the day, after spending 30 million dollars on another Hillary Witch Hunt, Weird Beard Durham only got one guy to confess to changing a sentence in a warrant application that would have had no effect on the issuing of said warrant.
If changing the senetence had non effect on the issuing of the warrant, why did the guy change the sentence?
So keep that in mind next time you want to talk about Zimmerman or Rittenhouse.
Apples and Hammers, at least in the case of Rittenhouse. Plenty of video is available that show a kid in the wrong place at the wrong time chased by a mob and forced to defend himself against people who turned out to be a child molester and a wife beater.

For Zimmerman, it's Zimmerman's word against nobody's since he killed the only other witness. So you are free to interpret that event in line with your own anti-gun agenda, and I am free to do so in line with my own pro-gun agenda.

But, did you watch that trial? After the first few witnesses people were confused because they were prosecution witness but all their testimony benefited the defense.
Yeah, I remember when you guys kept claiming you were going to "get" Hillary on Benghazi or Whitewater or whatever else you perpetually investigated.

Here's the reality. That computer information was illegally accessed. Therefore it has no evidentary value in a court of law.
Ah, Joe? The Benghazi investigation is what exposed Hillary Clinton's use of two private servers hidden in her home to run the State Department to avoid Congressional oversight! The only reason she didn't get charged with a crime is because Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton obviously cut a deal the day they had their secret meeting on the tarmac in Arizona! Or do you think that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law like James Comey so laughably stated a week later? (eye roll)

Hunter's laptop is going to do the same thing. The DOJ will refuse to charge the Biden's with a crime but the Biden family's influence peddling will be exposed to the public in all it's corrupt glory and that will kill his run for a second term.
The computer guy began reading them within a month or two, after April 19 drop off.

He is claiming now, in order to fix the computer, he had to go through each file and email, and copy by one.

He also said in the interview, that stuff being presented in the public, allegedly on Hunter's laptop,

Was Not There when he transferred each file.....

The in depth article is behind a paywall, but...for your email address, they give you three articles to read for free....if memory serves me.

It is definitely worth a read....I learned a lot about the repair guy and what he said and did that I have not seen elsewhere!

View attachment 754398

A recreation of folders that appear to have been added to a hard drive purporting to contain the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.
So we've gone from the lap top was a Russian misinformation operation and didn't belong to admitting that it actually WAS Hunter's but the damning evidence on it was "added" by some mysterious person at the FBI while it was in their possession? A person or persons who did so but then the FBI sat on the story? Does that make any sense to you, Care? LOL
So we've gone from the lap top was a Russian misinformation operation and didn't belong to admitting that it actually WAS Hunter's but the damning evidence on it was "added" by some mysterious person at the FBI while it was in their possession? A person or persons who did so but then the FBI sat on the story? Does that make any sense to you, Care? LOL
these are the same clowns that bought the russian hoax, and now xiden when he says that the chinese flew a drone across the united states 3x, but nobody knew about it, and they found out when they took office
So we've gone from the lap top was a Russian misinformation operation and didn't belong to admitting that it actually WAS Hunter's but the damning evidence on it was "added" by some mysterious person at the FBI while it was in their possession? A person or persons who did so but then the FBI sat on the story? Does that make any sense to you, Care? LOL
I honestly don't know. The computer repair guy says things being shown by rightwinger rags, we're not on Hunter's lap top that he repaired.

That does not mean the pics or other emails were not Hunter's, just that others may have implanted them, on to this particular laptop copy that that NY Post got.
I honestly don't know. The computer repair guy says things being shown by rightwinger rags, we're not on Hunter's lap top that he repaired.

That does not mean the pics or other emails were not Hunter's, just that others may have implanted them, on to this particular laptop copy that that NY Post got.
what he stated was that he didn't see the pornographic material that Hunter had made. That doesn't mean it wasn't there....I mean it's obviously him in the videos and photos...but he just didn't see it.

What he did was his job, and then repeatedly called Hunter to no avail to come get it and pay him. After the 90 days, as per the contract the devices were deemed abandoned and became his. He then, knowing there was some questionable things on there regarding foreign business deals, made a copy and turned the orginal over to the FBI.
I honestly don't know. The computer repair guy says things being shown by rightwinger rags, we're not on Hunter's lap top that he repaired.

That does not mean the pics or other emails were not Hunter's, just that others may have implanted them, on to this particular laptop copy that that NY Post got.
So you've got multiple copies that have the same content...but "others" may have planted emails, Care? You do realize that there would be a difference between the copies if that were the case? Have you heard ANYONE claim that?
I honestly don't know. The computer repair guy says things being shown by rightwinger rags, we're not on Hunter's lap top that he repaired.

That does not mean the pics or other emails were not Hunter's, just that others may have implanted them, on to this particular laptop copy that that NY Post got.
I'd love to hear the exact quote from the lap top repairman, Care. From a site you can access without taking out a subscription? Specifically...what pictures and emails did he say were not on the lap top when he was repairing it?
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what he stated was that he didn't see the pornographic material that Hunter had made. That doesn't mean it wasn't there....I mean it's obviously him in the videos and photos...but he just didn't see it.

What he did was his job, and then repeatedly called Hunter to no avail to come get it and pay him. After the 90 days, as per the contract the devices were deemed abandoned and became his. He then, knowing there was some questionable things on there regarding foreign business deals, made a copy and turned the orginal over to the FBI.
what he said in this interview is in order to repair the computer he had to open and save each email and document, individually....

if what the public is showing of Hunter Biden's salacious pictures were on the laptop, HE WOULD HAVE SEEN THEM.
what he said in this interview is in order to repair the computer he had to open and save each email and document, individually....

if what the public is showing of Hunter Biden's salacious pictures were on the laptop, HE WOULD HAVE SEEN THEM.
not if they weren't in emails. they could of simply been on a file. moreover, are you denying that is Hunter in the videos and pics you have seen? Sure looks like him. He hasn't said they aren't him. Regardless though, that's really not the issue...certainly not a good look, but the bigger issue is the foreign deals and pay to play espinage ring he was running for his father
I'd love to hear the exact quote from the lap top repairman, Care. From a site you can access without taking out a subscription?
I'm sorry. Legitimate news sources with paid investigative reporters, all have paywalls.... Unlike most frequently visited right wing media like the Gateway Pundit. :D

Let me see if I can get back in to the article and copy key parts.... give me some time, I'll also look for another source without a payroll if there....
not if they weren't in emails. they could of simply been on a file. moreover, are you denying that is Hunter in the videos and pics you have seen? Sure looks like him. He hasn't said they aren't him. Regardless though, that's really not the issue...certainly not a good look, but the bigger issue is the foreign deals and pay to play espinage ring he was running for his father
can't you read? I said it did not mean the pics or emails he questioned being on his version were not real, just that they were possibly inserted for nefarious October surprise purpose, or by others in the right wing Trumper arena who got the pics or emails, from elsewhere.

it would be nice if we could compare the version in right-wing winger hands and media, to Mac Isaac's....
can't you read? I said it did not mean the pics or emails he questioned being on his version were not real, just that they were possibly inserted for nefarious October surprise purpose, or by others in the right wing Trumper arena who got the pics or emails, from elsewhere.

it would be nice if we could compare the version in right-wing winger hands and media, to Mac Isaac's....
There is no evidence they were added later. None.
I'm sorry. Legitimate news sources with paid investigative reporters, all have paywalls.... Unlike most frequently visited right wing media like the Gateway Pundit. :D

Let me see if I can get back in to the article and copy key parts.... give me some time, I'll also look for another source without a payroll if there....
I want you to think about this logically, Care! You've got multiple copies of that lap top's hard drive...correct? The Biden camp is trying to push the narrative that the emails that illustrate their influence peddling were added to Hunter's lap top. But how does that work? If you added fake emails to either the FBI copy or to Rudy's it would be obvious because the ones you added wouldn't be on the other copy! Nobody is making that claim. The lap top and the copy of the hard drive appear to be identical. If they weren't you and I BOTH know that would be obvious!
I want you to think about this logically, Care! You've got multiple copies of that lap top's hard drive...correct? The Biden camp is trying to push the narrative that the emails that illustrate their influence peddling were added to Hunter's lap top. But how does that work? If you added fake emails to either the FBI copy or to Rudy's it would be obvious because the ones you added wouldn't be on the other copy! Nobody is making that claim. The lap top and the copy of the hard drive appear to be identical. If they weren't you and I BOTH know that would be obvious!
The laptop repair guy, indicates they are not the same or something is amiss with it? This article was older, before Hunter's recent request for a doj investigation.

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