Hunter committed a known felony, and no one cares

Its not about no one cares, Its about us having SO many major problems we need to be looking at, and because you hate his father you throw your anger at his messed up kid. a person with no power.
Well, funny thing. We didn't arrest those assholes who were brandishing guns in front of the state capitol in Michigan, either.

They didn't break any laws, Stalin.

Hunter did.

Because to you the law is a tool to impose the will of the party and nothing more, you can't grasp these concepts

Most gun laws don't get enforced, because we just don't have room in the jails for petty shit like "gun possession".

Then why do petty shits like you demand these laws?

He filled out a form wrong. Big whoop. Maybe we should do more than just require someone to fill out a form to get a gun.

He committed perjury on his application in order to illegally obtain a firearm .

You'll take any side of an issue just as long as it promotes your Reich.
Its not about no one cares, Its about us having SO many major problems we need to be looking at, and because you hate his father you throw your anger at his messed up kid. a person with no power.

And in the meantime the Communists are spending a year haunting an ex-President because they're so scared to death of him. But that's okay, right?
The case is simple, Nazi democrats are not subject to this, or any laws.

Heil Soros.
And it has nothing to do with safety and keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them. It's about gun confiscation of people willing to use those guns against the hypocrites
You are lying?

Where in the article did it say he tested positive around the time of his purchase?

The article says 5 YEARS EARLIER he tested positive for drugs and was discharged from the military, and divorced...

The questionaire, was in the present tense.... basically, Are you using any of those substances listed, now......?

Hunter still had problems after he got kicked out of the military. Irrelevant though since the question asks if you are addicted to drugs. Yes, he was and still is addicted to drugs.
If you are a Globalist Piece of Anti American Shit, you can murder Seth Rich or anyone for that matter, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, have illegal servers, destroy Government Documents, Hire Pakistani Hackers, and lie about it, leave a pile of 30 Destroyed Hard Drives in the middle of a garage, destroy 17 electronic devices with a ballpeen hammer when you said you only had one, take $200 Million from Putin, rig your own primary, and be allowed to skate free while your accomplices somehow slip by our crack security and evade all prosecution.

You can even start a COUP based on the lie Russian Collusion, Spy on a President, Commit Wire Fraud, and no one will touch you. You can even give Putin 20% of our Uranium, and no one will bat an eye. Your personal assistant can have a husband who is a pedophile and you know he is a pedophile who shares pedophile things with you and his wife, along with government classified emails mixed with kiddie Porn and no one will touch you. You can even send your husband to kiddie porn island 26 times to rape young girls and there will never be an investigation.

Your son can leave a laptop at a repair shop detailing some of the worst corruption in the deepest and highest levels of government and there won't even be a hearing on it.

But by God, fire a lone fire extinguisher at The Capital and it's all hands on deck, Democracy in Peril!
Very well stated!
That shows he still addicted to cocaine.
So? It doesn’t show that he lied about it on the form. He could have had a problem then gone through recovery, been honest on the form, then relapsed. We are talking about a felony charge. You’d need to prove that he was lying. You can’t do that.
It shows his history and your hypocrisy
His history and my hypocrisy are irrelevant. The question is if he lied on the form. The form didn’t ask about his history it asked about his present state and if he used or was addicted to controlled substances
His history and my hypocrisy are irrelevant. The question is if he lied on the form. The form didn’t ask about his history it asked about his present state and if he used or was addicted to controlled substances
Crackhead has been a crackhead for years. Still a crackhead. He lied.
So? It doesn’t show that he lied about it on the form. He could have had a problem then gone through recovery, been honest on the form, then relapsed. We are talking about a felony charge. You’d need to prove that he was lying. You can’t do that.
Dumbass if he's still addicted he lied.
Crackhead has been a crackhead for years. Still a crackhead. He lied.
And these are the idiot calling for common sense gun laws. Common sense says he lied and common sense they lack.

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