Hunter kills woman after mistaking her for a deer

Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.
It is NOT the responsibility of a person out walking her dogs to cater to some moron who is out there to shoot animals. If you are stupid enough to have this hobby, you have no right to own the woods, and it is your responsibility to pursue your ridiculous hobby safely, with no danger to others.

Is it responsible to walk in traffic on the highway? Because if there's a twilight rule up there in New York, that's pretty much the kind of scenario we're talking about. And as much as it may sting to hear it, the hunter would be the victim in that case. Legally anyway.

Is it responsible to walk in the lower Ninth Ward on a saturday night in New Orleans? If i do, and am shot in a random drive by shooting, am I a victim, or not?
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.
It is NOT the responsibility of a person out walking her dogs to cater to some moron who is out there to shoot animals. If you are stupid enough to have this hobby, you have no right to own the woods, and it is your responsibility to pursue your ridiculous hobby safely, with no danger to others.

Is it responsible to walk in traffic on the highway? Because if there's a twilight rule up there in New York, that's pretty much the kind of scenario we're talking about. And as much as it may sting to hear it, the hunter would be the victim in that case. Legally anyway.

Is it responsible to walk in the lower Ninth Ward on a saturday night in New Orleans? If i do, and am a victim of a random drive by shooting, am I a victim, or not?

Well, rightwinger was saying he didn't have permission to hunt where the woman was shot. So that pretty much ends the discussion if it's true.

Generally it wouldn't be a wise choice to walk around unmarked where one does have permission to hunt, though.
Does New York allow hunting deer with a pistol? I agree with Marty it sounds fishy.
Yes, it is legal to hunt deer in NY with a pistol.

And everyone living in the rural area's knows that it's just common sense to wear a bright orange hat or jacket when walking in the woods during hunting season. ....... :cool:
A lot of states do not allow hunting deer with a pistol. Common sense is if you cannot tell the difference between a human and a deer don't pulled the f'ing trigger.

You're right, common sense would tell you to make sure of your target before pulling the trigger. I know that is what I was taught growing up. If you can't identify it for sure, you don't pull the trigger.

Only problem is, there are a lot of hunters who only break out their guns for hunting season and have no idea of proper gun safety. I know that in Montana, we would get a lot of tourist hunters from places like California and the like.

One of the main reasons I wore orange and knew when hunting season was, was because 1) I was a hunter, and 2) I knew there were a lot of idiots running through the woods during that time.

I'm showing my age, but remember Hunter Safety class in school. They don't offer that anymore.

It's true, a lot of hunters have no real training.

I grew up in a big city, but the men in the family hunted deer. My uncles did gun hunting, rifles, but also bow hunting. They were very skilled and once time there was even an article about them in our big city newspaper--about their bow hunting. They were very skilled hunters. I grew up believing hunting was a skilled sport and everyone who went out there wore orange jackets. The people who live in rural areas where there is huntng also wear orange.
Well, rightwinger was saying he didn't have permission to hunt where the woman was shot. So that pretty much ends the discussion if it's true.

Not so fast. If HE wasn't trespassing and only his bullet did, it's not that cut and dry. It's more the "hunting after dark" thing that would pop him. Also, shooting a human being is typically frowned upon in the deer hunting realm.

He was 200 yards from her, so in theory he could have been 200 yards well within legal property to hunt.

Let me ask you this. You're hunting on legal property and you shoot a deer. It runs wounded onto adjacent land and dies. Do you have the right to go get it or do you have to let the carcass rot right there?
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.
It is NOT the responsibility of a person out walking her dogs to cater to some moron who is out there to shoot animals. If you are stupid enough to have this hobby, you have no right to own the woods, and it is your responsibility to pursue your ridiculous hobby safely, with no danger to others.
If it is hunting season and you live in an area where there is hunting you wear orange when you go out, especially if you are walking in a wooded area. Everyone knows that. They know there are hunters out there who do shoot w/o knowing for sure f it is a deer. It's not about your rights; it's about your personal safety.
You know, most times in cases like this, if it can be shown that she was in a legal hunting area, and wasn't wearing orange while in the woods, they usually chalk it up to an accident and let the person who did the shooting off.

Evidently, she was on a next door neighbors property and the shooter did not have permission to hunt there
He's gonna be in big trouble then.
Well, rightwinger was saying he didn't have permission to hunt where the woman was shot. So that pretty much ends the discussion if it's true.

Not so fast. If HE wasn't trespassing and only his bullet did, it's not that cut and dry. It's more the "hunting after dark" thing that would pop him. Also, shooting a human being is typically frowned upon in the deer hunting realm.

He was 200 yards from her, so in theory he could have been 200 yards well within legal property to hunt.

Let me ask you this. You're hunting on legal property and you shoot a deer. It runs wounded onto adjacent land and dies. Do you have the right to go get it or do you have to let the carcass rot right there?

From what I read, he was in his back yard and shooting at a target in his neighbors yard

If a deer is in your neighbors yard (restricted) and you shoot it standing in your it legal?
Not so fast. If HE wasn't trespassing and only his bullet did, it's not that cut and dry. It's more the "hunting after dark" thing that would pop him. Also, shooting a human being is typically frowned upon in the deer hunting realm.

He was 200 yards from her, so in theory he could have been 200 yards well within legal property to hunt.

Let me ask you this. You're hunting on legal property and you shoot a deer. It runs wounded onto adjacent land and dies. Do you have the right to go get it or do you have to let the carcass rot right there?

Well, the article said that he mistook her for a deer. So that confirms a visual. If she was on private property upon the visual, then he's at fault.

As far as the latter, trespassing is illegal. So unless you go get permission from the property owner, the carcass would have to be left for the scavengers.
As I said, Negligent Homicide, or Manslaughter, whether he was legally allowed to hunt there, or not. In addition, the widower has a open and shut civil liability case against the shooter. He will be lucky if he has any property on which to hunt, with this is over.
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.
It is NOT the responsibility of a person out walking her dogs to cater to some moron who is out there to shoot animals. If you are stupid enough to have this hobby, you have no right to own the woods, and it is your responsibility to pursue your ridiculous hobby safely, with no danger to others.

Is it responsible to walk in traffic on the highway? Because if there's a twilight rule up there in New York, that's pretty much the kind of scenario we're talking about. And as much as it may sting to hear it, the hunter would be the victim in that case. Legally anyway.

Is it responsible to walk in the lower Ninth Ward on a saturday night in New Orleans? If i do, and am a victim of a random drive by shooting, am I a victim, or not?

Well, rightwinger was saying he didn't have permission to hunt where the woman was shot. So that pretty much ends the discussion if it's true.

Generally it wouldn't be a wise choice to walk around unmarked where one does have permission to hunt, though.

It was after sunset and no hunting is allowed after sunset
It was after sunset and no hunting is allowed after sunset

Not if there's a twilight rule. Which may be likely up there.

Sounds like he's already screwed though if what rightwinger said is true. And correctly so.
It was stated in the article I read that there was a sunset curfew on hunting

Yeah, I know, but they often give you about a half hour leeway.

The first law he broke was firing a shot from within 500 feet of a dwelling. And likely a long list thereafter. After reading through the facts as they've been offered, the guy is pretty much screwed. This wasn't a hunter out in the woods. It was some idiot shooting from his back yard. It's completely reckless.
As I said, Negligent Homicide, or Manslaughter, whether he was legally allowed to hunt there, or not. In addition, the widower has a open and shut civil liability case against the shooter. He will be lucky if he has any property on which to hunt, with this is over.

I agree

The question is not whether it was legal to hunt. That is a meager fine
The question is did he recklessly fire and take a human life? That is manslaughter

Beyond that, a Civil Case should take his home from him. I don't know if Homeowners Insurance would cover it
If he was smart he would have said he mistook her for a wild boar.

They are considered nuisance animals and may be hunted around the clock. Wild boars rummage in the leaves and sound like a human when they walk.

There is no doubt this guy messed up. The number 1 rule of hunting is be sure of your target.

On that note, I'll tell you a little story of what happened to me when I was 14. I will never forget it. Me and dad were hunting beaver that chew up our dock. They typically live under the dock but also can climb up on it. Well, I just so happened to befriend a pair of ducks that weekend. They were so tame they would eat out of your hand. I named them Bonnie and Clyde. Well. early one morning, before daylight we went out to the dock to hunt. I saw an animal hop off the dock and jump in the water. Without thinking. I took my 20 gauge off safety and fired at the black mass in the water. I immediately heard quacking as one half of the black mass took off and the other half stayed in the water.

I shot Clyde. To this day I get teary eyed thinking about what I did. I had to hear Bonnie call for Clyde all weekend. My dad said I learned a huge lesson that day, at the expense of a duck. But that was the only pair of ducks I'd ever befriended and actually named. I remember we could call them and they'd come out of the lake and waddle all the way up the lot to get bread out of our hands. I have to stop typing now, I'm in tears.

I couldn't hunt for years after that. It really tore me up. My parents said I changed as a person after that happened. It was like I'd shot my own dog.
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If he was smart he would have said he mistook her for a wild boar.

They are considered nuisance animals and may be hunted around the clock. Wild boars rummage in the leaves and sound like a human when they walk..
Pretty sure there's no wild boar in New York.
If he was smart he would have said he mistook her for a wild boar.

They are considered nuisance animals and may be hunted around the clock. Wild boars rummage in the leaves and sound like a human when they walk..

If that is the case....He could have said he feared the woman with her two attack dogs wanted to kill him and invoke the castle doctrine
Anyone who shoots at anything without identifying the target has no business shooting a firearm. I was taught to make sure the deer was a legal buck and to insure no one was in your line of sight in front of or in back of the target.
In 1966 in Ft.Campbell KY, Army Sgt. Bill Blankenship used my pistol range for practice prior to winning the pistol shooting trophy at the World Games. He is considered to be one of the best shooters in the world ever. After practice he entertained the range personnel by knocking down silhouette targets at a distance of 300 meters. But that was a one in a million exhibition.
The guy who shot the woman deserves to be prosecuted for illegal shooting and sheer stupidity.

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