Hunter kills woman after mistaking her for a deer

Does New York allow hunting deer with a pistol? I agree with Marty it sounds fishy.
Yes, it is legal to hunt deer in NY with a pistol.

And everyone living in the rural area's knows that it's just common sense to wear a bright orange hat or jacket when walking in the woods during hunting season. ....... :cool:
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.

Agreed. I grew up in rural areas of Montana, and every year when hunting season came around, we knew enough to wear hunter's orange if we were going to go stomping around in the woods. Why? Because we knew that there were a lot of people out there who would shoot at anything that moved if it wasn't wearing safety orange.

The only time I really went into the woods during hunting season was to actually hunt.
How in the wide world of FUCK is it the responsibility of a non-hunter to know when the gun fetishists decide to wander around after sunset with a pistol?


Again, your inane post-dump consists of "look at the way she was dressed --- she was askin' for it."

It's common sense. Ever heard of it?

My view on it is that he shouldn't have fired a shot in the first place given the scenario.
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

Actually that's a human right.

What, are we fucking required to dress as Irish Protestants now?

Well, it was reported 40 minutes after sunset. So that's against the law up there if the accident itself was afterward.

It's still stupid to be walking around in the woods during hunting season.

Quick they have a twilight rule up there? I know that some states have a twilight rule which allows you to hunt up to 30 min. after the sun has set.
Does New York allow hunting deer with a pistol? I agree with Marty it sounds fishy.
Yes, it is legal to hunt deer in NY with a pistol.

And everyone living in the rural area's knows that it's just common sense to wear a bright orange hat or jacket when walking in the woods during hunting season. ....... :cool:
A lot of states do not allow hunting deer with a pistol. Common sense is if you cannot tell the difference between a human and a deer don't pulled the f'ing trigger.
How in the wide world of FUCK is it the responsibility of a non-hunter to know when the gun fetishists decide to wander around after sunset with a pistol?


Again, your inane post-dump consists of "look at the way she was dressed --- she was askin' for it."

It's common sense. Ever heard of it?

My view on it is that he shouldn't have fired a shot in the first place given the scenario.

How the fuck would I (for one) know "it's hunting season"? I don't kill things, why would I even know that?

NO Virginia, it's the responsibility of the killers to let the public know they've established a kill zone. You don't run the fucking world. YOU decide to go shoot stuff, then *YOU* carry the responsibility for your actions.

I can't fucking believe you're sitting here trying to blame the victim. Fuck you.
I'm no hunter

But isn't hitting your target at 200 yards with a pistol quite a shot?

Something about this whole thing seems fishy to me.

The woman is definitely dead from a gunshot wound. The neighbor admits to shooting

But 200 yards with a pistol?
The guy is either a great shot or just got a lucky (unlucky?) shot off

not arguing your two provided known facts, but yes, 200 yds with a pistol, in the dark seems a bit odd.
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

Actually that's a human right.

What, are we fucking required to dress as Irish Protestants now?

Well, it was reported 40 minutes after sunset. So that's against the law up there if the accident itself was afterward.

It's still stupid to be walking around in the woods during hunting season.

Quick they have a twilight rule up there? I know that some states have a twilight rule which allows you to hunt up to 30 min. after the sun has set.

I think so. I wasn't going to say anything about it, though. Which is likely why he wasn't charged in the accident..
Does New York allow hunting deer with a pistol? I agree with Marty it sounds fishy.
Yes, it is legal to hunt deer in NY with a pistol.

And everyone living in the rural area's knows that it's just common sense to wear a bright orange hat or jacket when walking in the woods during hunting season. ....... :cool:
A lot of states do not allow hunting deer with a pistol. Common sense is if you cannot tell the difference between a human and a deer don't pulled the f'ing trigger.

You're right, common sense would tell you to make sure of your target before pulling the trigger. I know that is what I was taught growing up. If you can't identify it for sure, you don't pull the trigger.

Only problem is, there are a lot of hunters who only break out their guns for hunting season and have no idea of proper gun safety. I know that in Montana, we would get a lot of tourist hunters from places like California and the like.

One of the main reasons I wore orange and knew when hunting season was, was because 1) I was a hunter, and 2) I knew there were a lot of idiots running through the woods during that time.
Does New York allow hunting deer with a pistol? I agree with Marty it sounds fishy.
Yes, it is legal to hunt deer in NY with a pistol.

And everyone living in the rural area's knows that it's just common sense to wear a bright orange hat or jacket when walking in the woods during hunting season. ....... :cool:
A lot of states do not allow hunting deer with a pistol. Common sense is if you cannot tell the difference between a human and a deer don't pulled the f'ing trigger.

You're right, common sense would tell you to make sure of your target before pulling the trigger. I know that is what I was taught growing up. If you can't identify it for sure, you don't pull the trigger.

Only problem is, there are a lot of hunters who only break out their guns for hunting season and have no idea of proper gun safety. I know that in Montana, we would get a lot of tourist hunters from places like California and the like.

One of the main reasons I wore orange and knew when hunting season was, was because 1) I was a hunter, and 2) I knew there were a lot of idiots running through the woods during that time.

I'm showing my age, but remember Hunter Safety class in school. They don't offer that anymore.

It's true, a lot of hunters have no real training.
You know, most times in cases like this, if it can be shown that she was in a legal hunting area, and wasn't wearing orange while in the woods, they usually chalk it up to an accident and let the person who did the shooting off.
So people who love guns and killing animals: why shoot at some one before you can even identify what you are shooting at? This guy murdered this woman because he is ignorant and stupid. I hope he cries forever.
If you live in a rural area, no one has to inform you that it's hunting season, and time don bright orange attire when walking in the woods.

Because early in the morning on the 1st day of hunting season. You'll hear plenty of bang, bang, bang, in the distance. ..... :cool:
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.
It is NOT the responsibility of a person out walking her dogs to cater to some moron who is out there to shoot animals. If you are stupid enough to have this hobby, you have no right to own the woods, and it is your responsibility to pursue your ridiculous hobby safely, with no danger to others.
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.
It is NOT the responsibility of a person out walking her dogs to cater to some moron who is out there to shoot animals. If you are stupid enough to have this hobby, you have no right to own the woods, and it is your responsibility to pursue your ridiculous hobby safely, with no danger to others.

Is it responsible to walk in traffic on the highway? Because if there's a twilight rule up there in New York, that's pretty much the kind of scenario we're talking about. And as much as it may sting to hear it, the hunter would be the victim in that case. Legally anyway.
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

It's unfortunate, though. Not sure what pistol was used, though. That is a heck of a shot.
It is NOT the responsibility of a person out walking her dogs to cater to some moron who is out there to shoot animals. If you are stupid enough to have this hobby, you have no right to own the woods, and it is your responsibility to pursue your ridiculous hobby safely, with no danger to others.

She's not "catering to some moron who is out there to shoot animals". And yeah, nobody owns the public lands, that is why they are called public.

However..................a person DOES have a responsibility to know when certain things are going on around them. Even though she may not hunt for herself, she still has a responsibility to be safe and know that during hunting season, it is foolish to walk in the woods without safety orange. Why? Because the whole woods are crawling with people out there to shoot some game.

It sounds like you want to shut down hunting season just so someone can walk their dogs in the woods.
Gosh. What the heck was she doing out there in the woods during hunting season without any orange? That's just stupid.

Actually that's a human right.

What, are we fucking required to dress as Irish Protestants now?

What an inane post. Looks like you're saying "look at the way she was dressed --- she was askin' for it."

I live in a forest. It would never occur to me that I have to kowtow to somebody else's sick fetish to determine what color clothing I wear, for a "season" I have no knowledge of. That ain't my responsibility.
Oh, please, Pogo, don't be that way. I'd hate for you to be shot while rambling through your woods.
I don't live in the woods, but they are ALL around me. If I so much as walk down a road bordered by woods in hunting season, I'm wearing a bright orange hat or scarf at least. It could protect you from idiots who will fire at anything that rustles in the bushes.
How in the wide world of FUCK is it the responsibility of a non-hunter to know when the gun fetishists decide to wander around after sunset with a pistol?


Again, your inane post-dump consists of "look at the way she was dressed --- she was askin' for it."

It's common sense. Ever heard of it?

My view on it is that he shouldn't have fired a shot in the first place given the scenario.

How the fuck would I (for one) know "it's hunting season"? I don't kill things, why would I even know that?

NO Virginia, it's the responsibility of the killers to let the public know they've established a kill zone. You don't run the fucking world. YOU decide to go shoot stuff, then *YOU* carry the responsibility for your actions.

I can't fucking believe you're sitting here trying to blame the victim. Fuck you.
Ask around! Notice people walking around in blaze orange? Get you some.

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