Hush Rush


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"No apology is good enough," read feminist Gloria Feldt's indictment. "Rush must go. Period." What of his 20 million listeners, many of them women, who do not want Rush to go? The right side of the sisterhood must get with the program. "Time for women to make Rush Limbaugh history."
"Limbaugh isn't the only one Feldt, a former Planned Parenthood CEO, would like to make history: "It's time for these men, like Pat Buchanan, Foster Friess, and Rick Santorum to climb back under the prehistoric rock from whence they came."
"More ominously, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, suggested Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Radio. Levin at least paid lip service to the First Amendment. "I would hope the people that run it see just how offensive this is and drop it on their own volition," he maganimously told CNN."

The American Spectator : The Hush Rush Syndrome
"They totally expose the Left as subjugators, users and abusers of women. But let’s get the side-splitting article itself out of the way first. The trio of attention-seeking irrelevancy open with quotes they didn’t bother to source. Research is hard. Then they go on to include environmentalists in a list of The Most Vulnerable whom Rush Limbaugh has allegedly ‘attacked’. By attacked they mean people with whom he disagrees. Environmentalists! Who among us hasn’t lamented the plight of the poor environmentalists, aimlessly roaming about the country only to see signs like ‘Environmentalists need not apply”? What happened to all those ‘green jobs’ Obama promised? He is oppressing the environmentalists! Who will think of the environmentalists? WHO?
The three then exhibit a staggering lack of self-awareness by claiming that Rush Limbaugh seeks to “dehumanize” people. Um. Did Gloria Steinem forget that she called housewives “dependent creatures who are still children” and “parasites”? That is the Left’s standard operating procedure. That is what they do, always, and especially with regard to women. This has been proven over and over again and only the willfully ignorant can’t see it. This is followed by the pièce de résistance of the op-ed — they equate Rush with Josef Goebbels. No, for reals. While fascistically demanding that The State’s FCC shut down Rush Limbaugh. While seeking to silence those with whom they disagree – using hysterical lies and propagandist rhetoric – they Godwin themselves with Goebbels. Irony is lost on these geniuses."

Fonda, Steinem, Feminists Beclown and Expose Themselves While Putting Out For Obama | RedState
That's because they're all a bunch of Marxist assholes.

"The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism." - Karl Marx

Silence critics at all costs. The progressive way. The Marxist way.
And, what I've said in my own inimitable way repeatedly:

"What they fail to realize, being too busy beclowning themselves constantly, is that they are subjugators of women. They are being used – willingly, no less – to help oppress and infantilize women, making them subservient to The State and Big Daddy Government.
"They are quite literally saying that women need a Daddy State to come rushing in to soothe ouchy feelings and be their white knight protecting them from icky mean boys. Which is the same thing Fluke said; the woman for whom they are prostrating themselves to Big Daddy to defend. She said that silly little women can’t control anything, let alone their ‘reproductive justice’ (whatever in the heck that is) without someone else rescuing them and, you know, picking up the tab. It’s also the same way they infantilize women by screeching about ultrasound laws. Helpless women are too stupid to see an ultrasound before killing their child because they might be so stupid as to change their mind! Feminist heroine Simone de Beauvoir said “No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one. "

Fonda, Steinem, Feminists Beclown and Expose Themselves While Putting Out For Obama | RedState
No longer is it good enough to disagree with conservatives. They must be fired from their jobs, separated from their advertisers, booted from the airwaves, buried under a prehistoric rock. The tactics attributed to Joe McCarthy tied to the polemical rigor associated with Jenny McCarthy."

The American Spectator : The Hush Rush Syndrome

That's not good enough either. Libs really want public executions. Something that takes long enough and hurts enough to frighten anyone into silence.

However much libs want to punish conservative MEN, that's nothing compared to what they want done to conservative women. Gang rape is really too good for them. Libs would see women publicly eviscerated with their intestines dragged out through the birth canal , or is that just a botched abortion? Hmm. And if women STILL won't accept liberalism, send them for counseling at reeducation camps.
Ah shucks, I thought it was a new Deep Purple song.

Hush, Rush

I thought I heard you calling (her).......


Why should this sick fuck be on Armed Forces Radio anyway? I hope they yank him.
Ah shucks, I thought it was a new Deep Purple song.

Hush, Rush

I thought I heard you calling (her).......


Why should this sick fuck be on Armed Forces Radio anyway? I hope they yank him.

Because the troops like him. So fuck off.
The left have been trying to get him off the air for 20 years now.
The left do not want any conservative opinions anywhere, not news, not talk radio.
Then the have the nerve to say that conservatives are fascists.
Who really wants only one party rule (Fascist's). Democrats that's who.
Ah shucks, I thought it was a new Deep Purple song.

Hush, Rush

I thought I heard you calling (her).......


Why should this sick fuck be on Armed Forces Radio anyway? I hope they yank him.

Because the troops like him. So fuck off.

Ask the female troops. Fuck you too.

Go ahead. He is not there because the majority of people don't want him there. He is there because the majority of people do. Just because you can't accept the fact that calling one woman a slut is rather meaningless and that women might actually think for themselves rather than being a tool for the leftist agenda does not make it true.
Gee.....It looks like.....


"A recent memo reveals that 98 major corporations have decided that they do not want to advertise on radio programs "deemed to be offensive or controversial" and specifically names Sean Hannity's show as one of the examples."​ on-deck!!!!!


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"No apology is good enough," read feminist Gloria Feldt's indictment. "Rush must go. Period." What of his 20 million listeners, many of them women, who do not want Rush to go? The right side of the sisterhood must get with the program. "Time for women to make Rush Limbaugh history."
"Limbaugh isn't the only one Feldt, a former Planned Parenthood CEO, would like to make history: "It's time for these men, like Pat Buchanan, Foster Friess, and Rick Santorum to climb back under the prehistoric rock from whence they came."
"More ominously, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, suggested Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Radio. Levin at least paid lip service to the First Amendment. "I would hope the people that run it see just how offensive this is and drop it on their own volition," he maganimously told CNN."

The American Spectator : The Hush Rush Syndrome

Well I think we need a "Women for Rush" club to tell old hags like Gloria and Jane to shut the fuck up.

And before you lefty witches go after me I'd like you to consider this one feminists thoughts.

Because I was a feminist before all of you left wing witches decided to koo koo bye bye and turn it into "I can fuck you over" instead of a true equality issue.

These old douche bags are no where to be seen on true feminist issues like "Tots and Tiaras".

The sexualization of little girls.

But Rush? Numero Uno now?

Palin could be called a <fill in the blank> and there were crickets?

ETA: where were you when they were calling Sarah a C word ? Where were you?
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"No apology is good enough," read feminist Gloria Feldt's indictment. "Rush must go. Period." What of his 20 million listeners, many of them women, who do not want Rush to go? The right side of the sisterhood must get with the program. "Time for women to make Rush Limbaugh history."
"Limbaugh isn't the only one Feldt, a former Planned Parenthood CEO, would like to make history: "It's time for these men, like Pat Buchanan, Foster Friess, and Rick Santorum to climb back under the prehistoric rock from whence they came."
"More ominously, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, suggested Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Radio. Levin at least paid lip service to the First Amendment. "I would hope the people that run it see just how offensive this is and drop it on their own volition," he maganimously told CNN."

The American Spectator : The Hush Rush Syndrome
If Rush sic's Roy Black on Gloria... she's fucked.
Because the troops like him. So fuck off.

Ask the female troops. Fuck you too.

They like him as well.

No they don't

"Rush Limbaugh has a freedom of speech and can say what he wants, but in light of his horribly misogynistic comments, American Forces Radio should no longer give him a platform," said the statement, written by Iraq War Veterans Miranda Norman, Kayla Williams, and Robin Eckstein, and by Katherine Scheirman, former chief of medical operations for the U.S. Air Forces in Europe at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany.

"Our entire military depends on troops respecting each other -- women and men. There simply can be no place on military airwaves for sentiments that would undermine that respect. When many of our female troops use birth control, for Limbaugh to say they are 'sluts' and 'prostitutes' is beyond the pale. It isn't just disrespectful to our women serving our country, but it's language that goes against everything that makes our military work. Again, we swore to uphold our Constitution, including the freedom of speech, and would not take that away from anyone - even Limbaugh. But that does not mean AFN should broadcast him. In fact, it shouldn't."

Female Veterans Call for American Forces Network to Drop Rush Limbaugh - New America Media
OHHHHHHHHHHH I thought it was Armed Forces Radio that wanted him taken off. It's just four loudmouthed women.

If they really want Rush off the radio, stop listening to him, see how far that gets them.
"No apology is good enough," read feminist Gloria Feldt's indictment. "Rush must go. Period." What of his 20 million listeners, many of them women, who do not want Rush to go? The right side of the sisterhood must get with the program. "Time for women to make Rush Limbaugh history."
"Limbaugh isn't the only one Feldt, a former Planned Parenthood CEO, would like to make history: "It's time for these men, like Pat Buchanan, Foster Friess, and Rick Santorum to climb back under the prehistoric rock from whence they came."
"More ominously, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, suggested Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Radio. Levin at least paid lip service to the First Amendment. "I would hope the people that run it see just how offensive this is and drop it on their own volition," he maganimously told CNN."

The American Spectator : The Hush Rush Syndrome

Well I think we need a "Women for Rush" club to tell old hags like Gloria and Jane to shut the fuck up.

And before you lefty witches go after me I'd like you to consider this one feminists thoughts.

Because I was a feminist before all of you left wing witches decided to koo koo bye bye and turn it into "I can fuck you over" instead of a true equality issue.

These old douche bags are no where to be seen on true feminist issues like "Tots and Tiaras".

The sexualization of little girls.

But Rush? Numero Uno now?

Palin could be called a <fill in the blank> and there were crickets?

ETA: where were you when they were calling Sarah a C word ? Where were you?

Which politcal news comentator called her that? Did any of them rant about her being a runt-with-a-c 53 times? You can bet your ass that if Chris Mathews or Rachel Madow, or Ed Shultz would have called her that the righties would have had a cow.

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