Hush Rush

You progressives every day show how ignorant you are ....Always most prevalent when talking about Limbaugh.... This is why we conservatives make fun of you cause your all so gullible and sheep like.
Mainstream Republicans distance themselves from Lush Rimbot and his followers.
"No apology is good enough," read feminist Gloria Feldt's indictment. "Rush must go. Period." What of his 20 million listeners, many of them women, who do not want Rush to go? The right side of the sisterhood must get with the program. "Time for women to make Rush Limbaugh history."
"Limbaugh isn't the only one Feldt, a former Planned Parenthood CEO, would like to make history: "It's time for these men, like Pat Buchanan, Foster Friess, and Rick Santorum to climb back under the prehistoric rock from whence they came."
"More ominously, Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, suggested Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Radio. Levin at least paid lip service to the First Amendment. "I would hope the people that run it see just how offensive this is and drop it on their own volition," he maganimously told CNN."

The American Spectator : The Hush Rush Syndrome

Hell, everyone that desires to do so should be able to form their political opinions from the rants of an obese junkie. It is the American way.:lol:
It's funny how many people get worked up about Rush. He's an entertainer and his material is political commentary. He's bombastic and that's why people listen.

To put it in other terms: would you watch America's Got Talent if most every act was a painter doing a perfect cut-in or a carpenter doing a complicated maneuver with a router to perfection? Both takes talent for sure but they're boring as hell to watch. More fun to go with the acts that have people singing a good song, flying through the air, doing something dangerous and exciting. That's Rush: he takes political stuff to the extreme. There's a reason he's much more popular than a much more level headed conservative talker like Michael Medved.
It's funny how many people get worked up about Rush. He's an entertainer and his material is political commentary. He's bombastic and that's why people listen.

To put it in other terms: would you watch America's Got Talent if most every act was a painter doing a perfect cut-in or a carpenter doing a complicated maneuver with a router to perfection? Both takes talent for sure but they're boring as hell to watch. More fun to go with the acts that have people singing a good song, flying through the air, doing something dangerous and exciting. That's Rush: he takes political stuff to the extreme. There's a reason he's much more popular than a much more level headed conservative talker like Michael Medved.

Wrong. He's a journalist and political pundit. He's more popular because he educates people and because he's usually correct.
No one in their right mind, dem or pub or centrist, cares what Rush says. Amen.

Your MessiahRushie is back-pedaling as fast as he can from his Bane/Bain Hollywood conspiracy theory and he is giving every excuse for himself EXCEPT he was joking!!!!!

Who cares what Rush says ?

And yet he gets more listeners than any other........I am not ashamed to say i listen to him....I also have a brain that surpasses a 4 year old so I understand the context of what he says....agree with it or not I at least dont lie about what he says.
Rush gets from a million to five million cranks a week, out of 300 plus million. Who cares what he says?

No one in their right mind, dem or pub or centrist, cares what Rush says. Amen.

Who cares what Rush says ?

And yet he gets more listeners than any other........I am not ashamed to say i listen to him....I also have a brain that surpasses a 4 year old so I understand the context of what he says....agree with it or not I at least dont lie about what he says.
Rush gets from a million to five million cranks a week, out of 300 plus million. Who cares what he says?

No one in their right mind, dem or pub or centrist, cares what Rush says. Amen.

And yet he gets more listeners than any other........I am not ashamed to say i listen to him....I also have a brain that surpasses a 4 year old so I understand the context of what he says....agree with it or not I at least dont lie about what he says.

20 million you dumbass
It's funny how many people get worked up about Rush. He's an entertainer and his material is political commentary. He's bombastic and that's why people listen.

To put it in other terms: would you watch America's Got Talent if most every act was a painter doing a perfect cut-in or a carpenter doing a complicated maneuver with a router to perfection? Both takes talent for sure but they're boring as hell to watch. More fun to go with the acts that have people singing a good song, flying through the air, doing something dangerous and exciting. That's Rush: he takes political stuff to the extreme. There's a reason he's much more popular than a much more level headed conservative talker like Michael Medved.

Wrong. He's a journalist and political pundit. He's more popular because he educates people and because he's usually correct.

Actaully he's a partisan hack who cannot do an entire show without lying.

Smart meters give "the government the power to wirelessly control your heat, your air conditioning, your water flow, your electricity all from the cozy central office."


"...they're gonna try to claim global warming had something to do with the earthquake and the tsunami.” In reality, no one tried to blame the earthquake on global warming. But Limbaugh would never waste a chance to take a great tragedy and turn it into a mindless, nonsensical attack on liberals."
Let's see the data.

Rush gets from a million to five million cranks a week, out of 300 plus million. Who cares what he says?

And yet he gets more listeners than any other........I am not ashamed to say i listen to him....I also have a brain that surpasses a 4 year old so I understand the context of what he says....agree with it or not I at least dont lie about what he says.

20 million you dumbass
Your MessiahRushie is back-pedaling as fast as he can from his Bane/Bain Hollywood conspiracy theory and he is giving every excuse for himself EXCEPT he was joking!!!!!

Who cares what Rush says ?

20 million people weekly.
Down from over 40 million a day only a year ago!!! Unless the pathological liar was lying. :D

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.
The crazee far right's whining is merely shrill white nosie to the normal folks here. Move on, kg.
Rush was lying. We can wait for thanatos inability to post numbers to prove it.

Who cares what Rush says ?

20 million people weekly.
Down from over 40 million a day only a year ago!!! Unless the pathological liar was lying. :D

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

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