Hussein Administration making Bin Laden Raid Movie...for Oct '12!!

Hollywood had a movie depicting the struggles and suffering endured by the American POWS during the Vietnam War that was to be released in 2008. The studio decided not to release it, because it was afraid it would affect and alter the results of the 2008 election.
LeftHollywood is exceedingly pro-Obama, if it is anything at all. They don't speak with just two faces, they have as many as six or a dozen.
Why did "Saving Private Ryan" not win picture of the year in 1998, instead of the silly movie about Shakespeare or the one about the Italian pianist with the English sub titles??
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Of course he is not making it himself. Thats why I said his operatives are. Hollywood is going to try to get him re-elected and this is proof.

This IS being done with his blessing, the Hussein himself is the one granting the movie makers access to CLASSIFIED materials. A process of which is supposed to go through Congress, but of course he is above Constitutional law and all since he is just King Hussein.
But your OP says the Obama admin is making the movie. Do you consider the filmakers part of his admin?

They ARE helping make the movie when they are providing CLASSIFIED information to the filmakers. Or is that too hard for you to understand?
It's not hard to understand at all, but it's hard to become outraged over.

I'm sure the Obama admin will not give out any classified info that would be harmful.

Conservative media viewers/listeners are out of control rabid crazy these days. I listened to Hannity last night...and you'd think anyone who's a Democrat is out to kick my grandma.
But Liberals, won't this movie enrage the Arab world ?

Encourage Al Queda to kill even more of us ?

Or is dead servicemen not an issue during the election year
No, invading the Arab world has done everything that needed to be done for anti-western extremists to hate us forever. You can only hate someone enough to want to kill them, after that it doesn't matter how much more offended they are.
But your OP says the Obama admin is making the movie. Do you consider the filmakers part of his admin?

They ARE helping make the movie when they are providing CLASSIFIED information to the filmakers. Or is that too hard for you to understand?


You already know the details. Stop acting like a stupid child.

[ame=]‪Obama sells our military for votes‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
But Liberals, won't this movie enrage the Arab world ?

Encourage Al Queda to kill even more of us ?

Or is dead servicemen not an issue during the election year
No, invading the Arab world has done everything that needed to be done for anti-western extremists to hate us forever. You can only hate someone enough to want to kill them, after that it doesn't matter how much more offended they are.

Too dense to see the point I was trying to make I see.

Color me surprised.
But your OP says the Obama admin is making the movie. Do you consider the filmakers part of his admin?

They ARE helping make the movie when they are providing CLASSIFIED information to the filmakers. Or is that too hard for you to understand?


I'm sure wed all like to see a "LINK" to the where abouts of the thinking part of your brain. The only one we've ever seen is the knee jerk portion.
But Liberals, won't this movie enrage the Arab world ?

Encourage Al Queda to kill even more of us ?

Or is dead servicemen not an issue during the election year

American left: Booooooooooooosh is only making more terroris...,er forget we said anything
Funny how this gets moved to the "reviews" forum when we are not reviewing the movie.
Just when you think the Hussein reign couldn't any worse, news has come out that the Hussein Administration is granting access to classified materials to hollywood filmaker Kathryn Bigelow in order to make a movie about Seal Team 6 and the Bin Laden raid.

Scheduled release for October 2012. :eusa_whistle:

Can the shitbag sink any lower? Now he is having his Hollywood operatives make movies to bolster his image right before election.

The most memorable moment of President Obama's tenure so far -- the May raid that killed Osama bin Laden -- is getting the Hollywood treatment from an Oscar-winning director and screenwriter.

And it's going to be released less than a month before Election Day 2012.

Obama campaign to get big-screen bin Laden boost? - The Oval -

Not that he did much, but just giving OK to kill OBL is his only achievement.

I bet we wont see any movie starring Obama about Marxism, socialism, wealth redistribution... unless we live in China or North Korea.
They ARE helping make the movie when they are providing CLASSIFIED information to the filmakers. Or is that too hard for you to understand?


Try the one in the OP.

The moviemakers are getting top-level access to the most classified mission in history from an administration that has tried to throw more people in jail for leaking classified information than the Bush administration.

It was clear that the White House had outsourced the job of manning up the president's image to Hollywood when Boal got welcomed to the upper echelons of the White House and the Pentagon and showed up recently -- to the surprise of some military officers -- at a C.I.A. ceremony celebrating the hero Seals

And that's from an Opinion piece by Maureen Dowd.

You have an actual link to something a little more substantial?
But Liberals, won't this movie enrage the Arab world ?

Encourage Al Queda to kill even more of us ?

Or is dead servicemen not an issue during the election year
No, invading the Arab world has done everything that needed to be done for anti-western extremists to hate us forever. You can only hate someone enough to want to kill them, after that it doesn't matter how much more offended they are.

Too dense to see the point I was trying to make I see.

Color me surprised.
Oh I got were just trying to point out how Democrats used to say thoe things about what Republican did. And that's why I pointed out how what Republicans did couldn't be made any worse.
No, invading the Arab world has done everything that needed to be done for anti-western extremists to hate us forever. You can only hate someone enough to want to kill them, after that it doesn't matter how much more offended they are.

Too dense to see the point I was trying to make I see.

Color me surprised.
Oh I got were just trying to point out how Democrats used to say thoe things about what Republican did. And that's why I pointed out how what Republicans did couldn't be made any worse.

Finally got it, huh ?

Fucking slow ?
I wonder if they'll show how much the Muslim world loves us?

When did the President lose the Commander in Chief title?

I am glad this President was Commander in Chief..this go around.

The "in Chief" part is correct. But it's not, and never was, "Commander". Most widely accepted is "Apologist". Apologist-in-Chief.

But that was THEN when He jetted around the world on your dime, apologizing to everyone he could find who'd stayin the room long enough.

These days, considering the economy and, particularly, unemployment the term growing in acceptance is "Asshole-in-Chief". And that's harsh. But not nearly harsh enough to describe what he has done and is doing.
I wonder if they'll show how much the Muslim world loves us?



The world can come together.

Radicals Islamic Terrorists and Radical American Conservatives..agree.

They don't like Obama.

And they are mad as heck, Osama is dead.

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