Hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19 shows no benefit and more deaths in VA study

Which studIies are accepted by the CDC or the FDA?
it's approved by the FDA

it is being used every day & every country in the world is scrambling to get it

You really think people are stupid, don't you?
You are. You refuse to follow the science when it doesn't follow your political agenda... That is the epitome of stupidity.

You are not following the science.
Follow the money trail.......and who was after the ORPHAN STATUS of a drug .........

I have no problem if the other drug works............UAB is from my state and they tested it..........I have a problem with a company trying to taint the news with BS trying to win the prize....and LOTS OF MONEY.

The Drug isn't new...........the studies aren't new with Gilead.........Yet they tried to corner the Market...and even now China is trying to do the same..........for the almighty dollar.

I trust the studies of UAB..........not GILEAD.

Hydrox is working and it's cheap........and been around for almost 7 decades now.
the girl I know that 100% recovered and is now having her plasma studied is part of the UAB studies

went to Bham Southern with my wife

hcq is very useful in the battle against the Chinese Virus
Which studIies are accepted by the CDC or the FDA?
it's approved by the FDA

it is being used every day & every country in the world is scrambling to get it

You really think people are stupid, don't you?
You are. You refuse to follow the science when it doesn't follow your political agenda... That is the epitome of stupidity.

You are not following the science.
Follow the money trail.......and who was after the ORPHAN STATUS of a drug .........

I have no problem if the other drug works............UAB is from my state and they tested it..........I have a problem with a company trying to taint the news with BS trying to win the prize....and LOTS OF MONEY.

The Drug isn't new...........the studies aren't new with Gilead.........Yet they tried to corner the Market...and even now China is trying to do the same..........for the almighty dollar.

I trust the studies of UAB..........not GILEAD.

Hydrox is working and it's cheap........and been around for almost 7 decades now.
the girl I know that 100% recovered and is now having her plasma studied is part of the UAB studies

went to Bham Southern with my wife

hcq is very useful in the battle against the Chinese Virus
Months ago before this shit storm I was quoting their studies........they are also looking at a vaccine in the form of a nasal spray....along with UAH
Although some of their results appeared to be encouraging, it should also be noted that most of their patients only had mild symptoms.

Of course, the drug can't help patients whose disease has gone terminal. What were you expecting it to be, a cure? It's supposed to act as a prophylactic drug, not a cure. The whole idea right now is to stop the progression of the disease, not cure it. Do you even read the studies or do you spout talking points?
I can’t believe you guys are warning people not to take the drug Trump discovered that is actually working for patients
Trump didn't discover this drug. His stockbroker did. He's invested in it for Lupus and Malaria. He wants to make a killing off of it.
94% of the desk in New York City are from people with pre-existing conditions
I accept your surrender. If you cannot challenge the link I provided, then you just lost the game. See how easy this is?
I don’t have to. Everyone knows it works if you watch real news
No you don't because you can't. Fantasy is your game and lying to us and yourself is your cause. And it's a losing cause, and I proved it. You are incapable of proving me wrong based on accurate data from the government.
The study you are referring to only used man old man with pre-existing conditions Some had tubes in the throat.. Take your fake news and shove it up your ass
You''re a loser with nothing as always.
Speak for yourself.
so, we all know that the article from this thread is pure propaganda

HCN is still be used every day by all the major hospitals, and that will continue

why the propaganda about this drug?

they want Trump to be wrong & it is inexpensive & easy to scale, as opposed to new treatments and vaccines that are not available in genetic brands

there is a financial incentive behind this, just as there is a political incentive

what's best for the folks be damned

it works to mitigate the Chinese Virus if administered early enough

the director of the VA admitted this was a faulty study
There is no evidence it works based on the asymptomatic patients it tested; A small trial finds that hydroxychloroquine is not effective for treating coronavirus

Please prove to us with documentation how the FDA is wrong.

However, a study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. The study comes on the heels of two others - one in France and one in China - that reported some benefits in the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19 patients who didn’t have severe symptoms of the virus.

The smaller the study, the more undefined the results are. Were you expecting us to fall for that? Were you going on earlier in this thread about wanting it to cure everyone who had it with equal result?
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
VA patients probably already have compromised health
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone. About 22% of those getting the drug plus azithromycin died, too, but the difference between that group and those receiving usual care was not considered large enough to rule out other factors that could have affected survival.
Researchers did not track side effects but noted hints that hydroxychloroquine might have damaged other organs. The drug has long been known to have potentially serious side effects, including altering the heartbeat in a way that could lead to sudden death.

But its not peer reviewed. Facts are facts, tramp should of never recommended it for days and days endless times, he quit talking about it a few days ago, I wonder why??
VA patients probably already have compromised health
That was the primary problem, they were compromised. The second problem with their 11 person study is they used only Hydrcloriquine after the cytoplasm storm which made its use contraindicated. The third problem was the so called "control" group were being treated with Azithromycine, a known drug to fight COVID-19.

The study was a fraud or as virologist called it "scientific malpractice"... Its so bad that the VA is now recalling it...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The evidence is overwhelming
There is no good evidence. You are insane, and, as is always the case with you, 100% ass backwards wrong on a scientific topic.
Trump could cure cancer and you would call him a murderer... Your no longer worth the effort to even try and debate because you believe your own lies..
Irrelevant whining of a brainwashed cultist.

Trump could not cure a ham. He is a moron.

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