Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

I'm still trying to figure out why leftists are so desperate to get into women's bathrooms.

they've taken the side of the perverts over their own children and fellow citizens who opposed this. How are women suppose to KNOW if they are a full female? ask them to drop their pants, hike up their dresses? wait for our children to be accosted and molested? this is about as low as we can go in this country. but if it cause Division and step on the majority rights , then they (the left/homosexual mafia) will see it as a win
I am giving you a thumbs up just for your latest avatar. : )

And that is being nice to him. He deserves to be exposed and berated, but the media would never.
Exactly what track is this stupid thread on?

it's just another opportunity for the haters to have some more fun gay bashing.

let's review the entire substance contributed by the op:

Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

Hands the gay Welsh homo a truckload of katyushas

Get on topic, your ankle biting has grown old

Hands the dyke a truckload of razors for "her" hairy back. There is an old saying...don't start none won't be none. Learn it, live it...your ankle biting has grown tiresome

Have fun trying to defend this one homos. I'm out so you can't derail the the thread with your nonsense

You already posted that you redundant dyke

And inevitably you get two fruitferters lip locking...ugh:puke3:

No, progress is letting hairy men wearing dresses into restrooms with young children

Reminds me of a certain poster on here....ROFLMFAO

A veritable dictionary of biting ripostes...keeping the befuddled Libtards befuddled.
In reality it's a steaming pile of ignorant nonsensical shit.

Mostly your comments....
Thanks for proving my point!
seems more like conscientious leaders are simply taking the opportunity to affect change wherever and however they can.

different situations in different locations pose different political challenges, obviously.

these issues aren't all black and white across the globe, like many political hacks seem to believe...
That comment of yours sounds so charitable but really it is nothing more than sitting on the sidelines and criticizing those who dare take a stand.

No these issues are not all black and white, but what of it? They still remain very serious issues that affect our society in profound ways. Legalized abortion could be argued it is not a black and white matter too, but that in no way minimizing the gravity of the decision.

Christian values and morals appear to me as becoming very much unpopular in a secular hedonistic society, that does not mean it is time we backed down.

the op claims the company is being hypocritical and offers up company policies in different circumstances as supposed proof.

the op dares to take a stand? against hypocrisy which is not really hypocrisy?

that's the topic of this op. fyi ^ (falsely assigning paypal policy to "the left" btw)

the op is not about "taking a stand" against the law. this op is claiming hypocrisy of paypal.

and i disagree with the op, for reasons stated in my post you are responding to...
Ok, you disagree with the OP and I totally disagree with you on the point you just elaborated on. PayPal is hypocritical. They are choosing not to build in North Carolina for alleged “moral reasons” but then do business with entities and nations far more oppressive to those “minorities” Pay Pal is allegedly standing up for. That is hypocritical. In other words --- don’t B.S. us. It is either 1) they (paypal) have very selective “morals” that they apply where it plays well but remain silent where they do not. Or, 2) they are a money whore and do what plays well with consumers, so their sanctimonious care for transgenders is nauseating to say the least.

But having said all that, my previous post to you was more about you implying anyone who takes an extreme stance on this moral issue is a “political hack.” And that is where I took issue with you.

they and others are simply applying political pressure how ever they can, wherever they can...
I'm still trying to figure out why leftists are so desperate to get into women's bathrooms.

they've taken the side of the perverts over their own children and fellow citizens who opposed this. How are women suppose to KNOW if they are a full female? ask them to drop their pants, hike up their dresses? wait for our children to be accosted and molested? this is about as low as we can go in this country. but if it cause Division and step on the majority rights , then they (the left/homosexual mafia) will see it as a win
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState
As with the other rightwing nitwit's thread on the same topic, this fails as a false comparison fallacy, and in no way constitutes "hypocrisy."
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState
As with the other rightwing nitwit's thread on the same topic, this fails as a false comparison fallacy, and in no way constitutes "hypocrisy."

Get lost, if all you can do is screech "composition fallacy"...it's old worn out and tiresome, loon. Grab a clue, everyone makes fun of you over it...that also includes red herring fallacy. See how predictable you are?
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Exactly what track is this stupid thread on?

it's just another opportunity for the haters to have some more "fun" gay bashing.

let's review the entire substance contributed by the op:

Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

Hands the gay Welsh homo a truckload of katyushas

Get on topic, your ankle biting has grown old

Hands the dyke a truckload of razors for "her" hairy back. There is an old saying...don't start none won't be none. Learn it, live it...your ankle biting has grown tiresome

Have fun trying to defend this one homos. I'm out so you can't derail the the thread with your nonsense

You already posted that you redundant dyke

And inevitably you get two fruitferters lip locking...ugh:puke3:

No, progress is letting hairy men wearing dresses into restrooms with young children

Reminds me of a certain poster on here....ROFLMFAO

Its very rare to see the internal mind work of an intellectual giant.

As Donald would smirk

" Its beautiful,it really is"
Exactly what track is this stupid thread on?

it's just another opportunity for the haters to have some more "fun" gay bashing.

let's review the entire substance contributed by the op:

Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

Hands the gay Welsh homo a truckload of katyushas

Get on topic, your ankle biting has grown old

Hands the dyke a truckload of razors for "her" hairy back. There is an old saying...don't start none won't be none. Learn it, live it...your ankle biting has grown tiresome

Have fun trying to defend this one homos. I'm out so you can't derail the the thread with your nonsense

You already posted that you redundant dyke

And inevitably you get two fruitferters lip locking...ugh:puke3:

No, progress is letting hairy men wearing dresses into restrooms with young children

Reminds me of a certain poster on here....ROFLMFAO

She has some serious, even Mal-level self-loathing, self-denial issues going on.
seems more like conscientious leaders are simply taking the opportunity to affect change wherever and however they can.

different situations in different locations pose different political challenges, obviously.

these issues aren't all black and white across the globe, like many political hacks seem to believe...
That comment of yours sounds so charitable but really it is nothing more than sitting on the sidelines and criticizing those who dare take a stand.

No these issues are not all black and white, but what of it? They still remain very serious issues that affect our society in profound ways. Legalized abortion could be argued it is not a black and white matter too, but that in no way minimizing the gravity of the decision.

Christian values and morals appear to me as becoming very much unpopular in a secular hedonistic society, that does not mean it is time we backed down.

the op claims the company is being hypocritical and offers up company policies in different circumstances as supposed proof.

the op dares to take a stand? against hypocrisy which is not really hypocrisy?

that's the topic of this op. fyi ^ (falsely assigning paypal policy to "the left" btw)

the op is not about "taking a stand" against the law. this op is claiming hypocrisy of paypal.

and i disagree with the op, for reasons stated in my post you are responding to...
Ok, you disagree with the OP and I totally disagree with you on the point you just elaborated on. PayPal is hypocritical. They are choosing not to build in North Carolina for alleged “moral reasons” but then do business with entities and nations far more oppressive to those “minorities” Pay Pal is allegedly standing up for. That is hypocritical. In other words --- don’t B.S. us. It is either 1) they (paypal) have very selective “morals” that they apply where it plays well but remain silent where they do not. Or, 2) they are a money whore and do what plays well with consumers, so their sanctimonious care for transgenders is nauseating to say the least.

But having said all that, my previous post to you was more about you implying anyone who takes an extreme stance on this moral issue is a “political hack.” And that is where I took issue with you.
You know PayPal hasn't stopped doing business with North Carolina, right?
I'm still trying to figure out why leftists are so desperate to get into women's bathrooms.

they've taken the side of the perverts over their own children and fellow citizens who opposed this. How are women suppose to KNOW if they are a full female? ask them to drop their pants, hike up their dresses? wait for our children to be accosted and molested? this is about as low as we can go in this country. but if it cause Division and step on the majority rights , then they (the left/homosexual mafia) will see it as a win
Staphunny....you volunteering to be a "nasty parts" checker at public bathrooms now?
You know PayPal hasn't stopped doing business with North Carolina, right?

Is that all you have to say? It is hardly convincing of anything.

PayPal made a huge splash and grandiose public statement how they are stopping plans to build an operation there and take their thousand jobs with them to somewhere more "moral." So don't act like they have not taken a serious stand for hoping the majority of the public will love them for it. They and other sanctimonious big corps with their capricious "morals" kind of sicken me.
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.
Neither are they a political organisation.
However presented with a shocking piece of backwards legislation they were able to take an action that protected ALL of their employees.

Civilisation 1 North Carolina nil.

Why is your irresistible urge to use a women's bathroom? Lefty?
Pssst....PayPal is doing business in NC...they're just not building a new office there. How many offices have they built in those places overseas that Bi-Catfish is complaining about?

That was the point I was about to make.
Doing business in a country is not the same as having employees in a country.
PayPal is in 203 markets and 26 currencies.
Catastrophic thread fail for the Bi-Catfish.
You know PayPal hasn't stopped doing business with North Carolina, right?

Is that all you have to say? It is hardly convincing of anything.

PayPal made a huge splash and grandiose public statement how they are stopping plans to build an operation there and take their thousand jobs with them to somewhere more "moral." So don't act like they have not taken a serious stand for hoping the majority of the public will love them for it. They and other sanctimonious big corps with their capricious "morals" kind of sicken me.
Thousand jobs? You don't even know that PayPal is still operating in NC and now you exaggerate the number of jobs lost two fold?

Yeah....you're someone to listen to and believe.....:rolleyes:
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.
Neither are they a political organisation.
However presented with a shocking piece of backwards legislation they were able to take an action that protected ALL of their employees.

Civilisation 1 North Carolina nil.

Why is your irresistible urge to use a women's bathroom? Lefty?
How did you manage to register on this site ?
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.

That's your "loony" conservative logic..........:badgrin:

Yes "loony" Conservative logic is not wanting men in female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

Loony Leftist "logic" advocating that men should be allowed into female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

They are "transgender" - if it is a transgender female....it's not like having a "man" in the bathroom. You would be more at risk having another woman, a "lesbian" in the bathroom, as they do like other women, however, there have never been any reported crimes of a transgender trying to attack a straight in a bathroom, but conservatives live in la-la-land and have their own imaginations.
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState
As with the other rightwing nitwit's thread on the same topic, this fails as a false comparison fallacy, and in no way constitutes "hypocrisy."

Get lost, if all you can do is screech "composition fallacy"...it's old worn out and tiresome, loon. Grab a clue, everyone makes fun of you over it...that also includes red herring fallacy. See how predictable you are?
Using the argumentum ad populum and argument from ignorance fallicies to rationalize her bullshit.
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState
As with the other rightwing nitwit's thread on the same topic, this fails as a false comparison fallacy, and in no way constitutes "hypocrisy."

Get lost, if all you can do is screech "composition fallacy"...it's old worn out and tiresome, loon. Grab a clue, everyone makes fun of you over it...that also includes red herring fallacy. See how predictable you are?
Using the argumentum ad populum and argument from ignorance fallicies to rationalize her bullshit.
Is a "composition fallacy" similar to a "comparison fallacy" in "stupid" ?
You know PayPal hasn't stopped doing business with North Carolina, right?

Is that all you have to say? It is hardly convincing of anything.

PayPal made a huge splash and grandiose public statement how they are stopping plans to build an operation there and take their thousand jobs with them to somewhere more "moral." So don't act like they have not taken a serious stand for hoping the majority of the public will love them for it. They and other sanctimonious big corps with their capricious "morals" kind of sicken me.
Capricious morals? Christianty has some of the most arbitrary, ambiguous moral codes ever devised by man.
The it's the word of God defence won't cut it.
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