Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState
As with the other rightwing nitwit's thread on the same topic, this fails as a false comparison fallacy, and in no way constitutes "hypocrisy."

Get lost, if all you can do is screech "composition fallacy"...it's old worn out and tiresome, loon. Grab a clue, everyone makes fun of you over it...that also includes red herring fallacy. See how predictable you are?
Using the argumentum ad populum and argument from ignorance fallicies to rationalize her bullshit.
Is a "composition fallacy" similar to a "comparison fallacy" in "stupid" ?
Well, her posts are a steaming pile of compost.
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.
Neither are they a political organisation.
However presented with a shocking piece of backwards legislation they were able to take an action that protected ALL of their employees.

Civilisation 1 North Carolina nil.

Why is your irresistible urge to use a women's bathroom? Lefty?
Because it's just like the one at home.
There is no urinal in your house , is there?
Buggy is a literalist...and a moron.

Well, at least the ingrate didn't call me a "Liberal". The wacky far right christian fascists are slow learners but I guess we could call that progress. :lol:

No, progress is letting hairy men wearing dresses into restrooms with young children
More hairy then you?
Probably note. I wonder how many times Bi-Catfish would be stopped for a "spot-check" in public bathrooms in NC.
I'm sure you have a checklist on ways to avoid such an event.....yo.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.
You know PayPal hasn't stopped doing business with North Carolina, right?

Is that all you have to say? It is hardly convincing of anything.

PayPal made a huge splash and grandiose public statement how they are stopping plans to build an operation there and take their thousand jobs with them to somewhere more "moral." So don't act like they have not taken a serious stand for hoping the majority of the public will love them for it. They and other sanctimonious big corps with their capricious "morals" kind of sicken me.
Thousand jobs? You don't even know that PayPal is still operating in NC and now you exaggerate the number of jobs lost two fold?

Yeah....you're someone to listen to and believe.....:rolleyes:

BFD. I have enough to do at work that I did not go research the exact number. It does not matter, the issue remains an extremely big issue nationally regardless of how many jobs. Otherwise why would Bruce cancel, the NBA cancel, Hollywood go into a frenzy, et al.?

So spare me your scrupulous ways. Typical of so many who have no real arguement. Look for something to find fault in and make that the big deal. You can call that a red herring. Dumb.
Capricious morals? Christianty has some of the most arbitrary, ambiguous moral codes ever devised by man.
The it's the word of God defence won't cut it.
IMO, every indication tells me you are either incapable of learning or unwilling to learn.
Nor does your heathen bravado impress me in the least.
Capricious morals? Christianty has some of the most arbitrary, ambiguous moral codes ever devised by man.
The it's the word of God defence won't cut it.
IMO, every indication tells me you are either incapable of learning or unwilling to learn.
Nor does your heathen bravado impress me in the least.
Classic false accusation.
I understand religion completely I simply don't buy into the bullshit.
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.

That's your "loony" conservative logic..........:badgrin:

Yes "loony" Conservative logic is not wanting men in female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

Loony Leftist "logic" advocating that men should be allowed into female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

They are "transgender" - if it is a transgender female....it's not like having a "man" in the bathroom. You would be more at risk having another woman, a "lesbian" in the bathroom, as they do like other women, however, there have never been any reported crimes of a transgender trying to attack a straight in a bathroom, but conservatives live in la-la-land and have their own imaginations.

So how would you deal with straights or others claiming to be transgender to gain access? How will that work?
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.

That's your "loony" conservative logic..........:badgrin:

Yes "loony" Conservative logic is not wanting men in female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

Loony Leftist "logic" advocating that men should be allowed into female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

They are "transgender" - if it is a transgender female....it's not like having a "man" in the bathroom. You would be more at risk having another woman, a "lesbian" in the bathroom, as they do like other women, however, there have never been any reported crimes of a transgender trying to attack a straight in a bathroom, but conservatives live in la-la-land and have their own imaginations.

So how would you deal with straights or others claiming to be transgender to gain access? How will that work?
Leave the door unlocked?
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.

That's your "loony" conservative logic..........:badgrin:

Yes "loony" Conservative logic is not wanting men in female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

Loony Leftist "logic" advocating that men should be allowed into female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

They are "transgender" - if it is a transgender female....it's not like having a "man" in the bathroom. You would be more at risk having another woman, a "lesbian" in the bathroom, as they do like other women, however, there have never been any reported crimes of a transgender trying to attack a straight in a bathroom, but conservatives live in la-la-land and have their own imaginations.

So how would you deal with straights or others claiming to be transgender to gain access? How will that work?
I might give it some thought when it actually happens.
How do Paypal qualify as "Leftist" ? They arent a workers Co-operative.

That's your "loony" conservative logic..........:badgrin:

Yes "loony" Conservative logic is not wanting men in female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

Loony Leftist "logic" advocating that men should be allowed into female bathrooms :rolleyes-41:

They are "transgender" - if it is a transgender female....it's not like having a "man" in the bathroom. You would be more at risk having another woman, a "lesbian" in the bathroom, as they do like other women, however, there have never been any reported crimes of a transgender trying to attack a straight in a bathroom, but conservatives live in la-la-land and have their own imaginations.

So how would you deal with straights or others claiming to be transgender to gain access? How will that work?
I might give it some thought when it actually happens.

You are incapable of thought.
Well, at least the ingrate didn't call me a "Liberal". The wacky far right christian fascists are slow learners but I guess we could call that progress. :lol:

No, progress is letting hairy men wearing dresses into restrooms with young children
More hairy then you?
Probably note. I wonder how many times Bi-Catfish would be stopped for a "spot-check" in public bathrooms in NC.
I'm sure you have a checklist on ways to avoid such an event.....yo.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.

You left out Texas.
No, progress is letting hairy men wearing dresses into restrooms with young children
More hairy then you?
Probably note. I wonder how many times Bi-Catfish would be stopped for a "spot-check" in public bathrooms in NC.
I'm sure you have a checklist on ways to avoid such an event.....yo.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.

You left out Texas.
Things have greatly improved since NTP left Austin...
More hairy then you?
Probably note. I wonder how many times Bi-Catfish would be stopped for a "spot-check" in public bathrooms in NC.
I'm sure you have a checklist on ways to avoid such an event.....yo.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.

You left out Texas.
Things have greatly improved since NTP left Austin...

The bat never left Joisey
Capricious morals? Christianty has some of the most arbitrary, ambiguous moral codes ever devised by man.
The it's the word of God defence won't cut it.
IMO, every indication tells me you are either incapable of learning or unwilling to learn.
Nor does your heathen bravado impress me in the least.
Classic false accusation.
I understand religion completely I simply don't buy into the bullshit.
You still showing your face after proving how uneducated you are about the world?

Go get a 5th grade education and come back to the board.
I'm still trying to figure out why leftists are so desperate to get into women's bathrooms.
Probably because they have never seen pussy.

Where in a woman's bathroom can someone see pussy? Not that I would want to but just sitting here at the puter I'm trying to visualize a situation where "pussy" would be on display and frankly I can't. Would one of you fine ladies of the USMB help me out here?
That would only happen if RWrs hire people to look over stall walls and demand to be shown people's private parts. At this juncture, in places like NC, KS, MS, IN, SC, AL....I don't put it past them.

Probably to see if they are certified "natural born as listed on a birth certificate" no doubt. :lol:
No, progress is letting hairy men wearing dresses into restrooms with young children
More hairy then you?
Probably note. I wonder how many times Bi-Catfish would be stopped for a "spot-check" in public bathrooms in NC.
I'm sure you have a checklist on ways to avoid such an event.....yo.
I don't think I frequent the Third-World states like NC, IN, MS, SC, AL so I don't have to worry about creepy in-bred pasty voyeurs like that.

You left out Texas.
I'm hoping that soon is another country altogether.
Capricious morals? Christianty has some of the most arbitrary, ambiguous moral codes ever devised by man.
The it's the word of God defence won't cut it.
IMO, every indication tells me you are either incapable of learning or unwilling to learn.
Nor does your heathen bravado impress me in the least.
Classic false accusation.
I understand religion completely I simply don't buy into the bullshit.
You still showing your face after proving how uneducated you are about the world?

Go get a 5th grade education and come back to the board.
Where is your proof that I'm as uneducated in reality as in your fantasy ?
Oh that's right ....! it doesn't exist
How can you live in a nation and deny people their rights to exist in the spirit of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

Nobody—at least on my side—is trying to deny anyone's right to exist.

We just don't want our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, and other female loved ones to be compelled to share restroom and dressing facilities with creepy male perverts. And there is nothing in the Declaration of Independence, nor in the Constitution, that suggests that women should have to put up with such violations of their safety and modesty.
Up until now, if you are found in a women's bathroom and you are a male you would be arrested. Now you want to make a law that lets them roam free? Is our main objective to defend and promote all perversions and punish those who want to protect family values?

That's been a goal of those on the left wrong at least since the “sexual revolution” in the 1960s—to defend and promote sexual immorality and perversion, one step at a time.
What's sans testicles?
Dumb much?

“Sans” means “without”. Figuratively, as in an emasculated liberal “man”, who even if his testicles are still present, might as well be without them for all the good they do.

Too bad it's only figurative, and not literal. How much stronger a nation we would be, if pathetic girly-men such as those, were eliminated from our gene pool.
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