Hypocrisy: Democrats Erect Giant Tall Fence Around Democrat Convention Center In Philly

well, gotta run, everyone have a good weekend. Hey Closed Caption, I hope your mom lets you take the family station wagon to the dance tonight.But remember, if any Mexicans want a ride , you are a racist if you don't let them in, and you probably better buy them dinner too, you know for the children. Don't let them give birth in your mom's car though, You don't want an anchor baby in the family.

The wall works just fine in my gated community; an' just in case, I got back up.............just like they'll have in Killadelphia. Isn't our 'open' society grand? (an, keep kiddin' yourselves that it's an 'open society'......., bitchez....).
Oh, dems have to be against every wall then? Rofl....smell that desperation.

No stupid. But you don't get to say "walls don't work" and then build a wall around your house to keep people out LOL

Walls fucking work, that's why they were invented.

Given your posting history, you're in no position to refer to others as "stupid."
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Hillary and Bill both supported securing the border, at least when it was politically advantageous to do so. Hillary called for deportations and building a physical barrier to stop people from sneaking in. She also called for tougher employer sanctions to stop them from hiring illegals.

Now they cater to those who might vote for them. To ensure their continued power, they are importing voters, knowing that they will be loyal because the left is encouraging them to trample laws and offering them more than they are willing to offer our veterans and homeless. The left now ensures that illegals can get driver's licenses and can register to vote. Illegals are already getting Obamacare, but now they are trying to change the law to say they are entitled. While the left is pushing a "path to citizenship" for illegals, they aren't limiting the numbers because they see the potential for millions of new government dependents/Dem voters.

There is a reason why they want no restrictions on voting. There is no way to uncover the current fraud. People or dishonest poll workers can vote and the names of legitimate voters are checked off. Since only about a third of eligible voters turn out, that means 2/3 of legal ballots can get used and no one would be any the wiser, even if the ballots were checked. Only way to prove fraud would be to contact every registered voter to see if they used their ballot or not. That will never be done. This is how Obama got 100% or MORE of the possible votes in some areas. It's fraud, plain and simple, and we are going to see a repeat with Hillary votes.

And here's Bill sounding just like Trump-

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Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>

The 670 mile fence we have already built is useless and cost $2.4 billion. What's maintenance on 2000 miles of fence anyway?

A fence is not a wall.

And know this, I'm not sold on the idea of a wall. Of course it would fucking work, but the expense would be tremendous. I repeat , my ONLY beef is with idiots who claim it won't work. It WOULD work. Of course it would. But would it be worth it?

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>

The 670 mile fence we have already built is useless and cost $2.4 billion. What's maintenance on 2000 miles of fence anyway?

It's useless because our immigration policies have been usurped by UN directives.
Elect Trump. Get out of the UN. Drone both of our borders. Put vets to work patrolling border states, and reinstate ICE. You'll be amazed at the reduction of illegals, and terrorists racing for free everything in the land of the great Satan.

The simplest way to solve the immigration problem is to arrest and charge everyone who hires an illegal. Unfortunately, everyone is afraid of employers with power.

Agree, but for now the opposite is happening. Obama is giving tax breaks to those businesses that fire Americans and hire illegals. The first step is to elect an American instead of a UN rep to make our decisions.
well, gotta run, everyone have a good weekend. Hey Closed Caption, I hope your mom lets you take the family station wagon to the dance tonight.But remember, if any Mexicans want a ride , you are a racist if you don't let them in, and you probably better buy them dinner too, you know for the children. Don't let them give birth in your mom's car though, You don't want an anchor baby in the family.


Unfortunately I only deal with what words really mean, not what goofy internet guys think words mean
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Hillary and Bill both supported securing the border, at least when it was politically advantageous to do so. Hillary called for deportations and building a physical barrier to stop people from sneaking in. She also called for tougher employer sanctions to stop them from hiring illegals.

Now they cater to those who might vote for them. To ensure their continued power, they are importing voters, knowing that they will be loyal because the left is encouraging them to trample laws and offering them more than they are willing to offer our veterans and homeless. The left now ensures that illegals can get driver's licenses and can register to vote. Illegals are already getting Obamacare, but now they are trying to change the law to say they are entitled. While the left is pushing a "path to citizenship" for illegals, they aren't limiting the numbers because they see the potential for millions of new government dependents/Dem voters.

There is a reason why they want no restrictions on voting. There is no way to uncover the current fraud. People or dishonest poll workers can vote and the names of legitimate voters are checked off. Since only about a third of eligible voters turn out, that means 2/3 of legal ballots can get used and no one would be any the wiser, even if the ballots were checked. Only way to prove fraud would be to contact every registered voter to see if they used their ballot or not. That will never be done. This is how Obama got 100% or MORE of the possible votes in some areas. It's fraud, plain and simple, and we are going to see a repeat with Hillary votes.

The mechanism of what you describe is called 'balkinazation', something that we are far to well into as a country, with nothing on the horizon to turn it back, except for secure borders (which also means a wall); and something Pat Buchanan warned us about well over 15 years ago.

Hold your breath, Hillary is about to flush us in this major respect, also.

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