Hypocrisy: Democrats Erect Giant Tall Fence Around Democrat Convention Center In Philly

So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

well, there is that.

but the answer to the daily quiz is;


True but you'll never convince Fear and Unbalanced.
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

One defines hypocrisy, the other defines a Nation's borders.

the first defines crowd seperation, the latter defines a campaign promise pipe dream
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>

The 670 mile fence we have already built is useless and cost $2.4 billion. What's maintenance on 2000 miles of fence anyway?
Oh, dems have to be against every wall then? Rofl....smell that desperation.

Dear ClosedCaption
Can you explain the difference between
* opening the border up to all people without a wall for security,
and having to deal with the DUE PROCESS of determining the status of each person who enters
(provided you can get them to go through the registration checkpoints)
* opening up the convention to all people without a wall for security,
and having to deal with the DUE PROCESS of determining the status of each person who enters
(provided you can get them to go through the registration checkpoints)

Are you saying that
* the border is national and international territory and under govt jurisdiction
of US and Mexico, and thus bound on the US side by Constitutional laws and restrictions
* the convention is private and not directly under federal govt laws
and thus is not open to the public nor bound by Constitutional laws on due process
(And this is why Democrats are acting like complete fascists denying due process
to their own members unless sued by Bernie Sanders to follow their own rules)

I dont even understand what you're saying here
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>

The 670 mile fence we have already built is useless and cost $2.4 billion. What's maintenance on 2000 miles of fence anyway?

A fence is not a wall.

And know this, I'm not sold on the idea of a wall. Of course it would fucking work, but the expense would be tremendous. I repeat , my ONLY beef is with idiots who claim it won't work. It WOULD work. Of course it would. But would it be worth it?
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

the local police can guard the entire fence

the border patrol can't guard the entire wall

Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

the local police can guard the entire fence

the border patrol can't guard the entire wall


Oh they can't? That's your argument now? You really don't think that we couldn't combine technology with man power and guard a wall along our southern border?

Of course we could, and it wouldn't even be that difficult.

Let's see, 2,000 mile border. Roughly 20,000 border patrol agents (most of whom are obviously on the Mexico border already)

So let's do a little math. Let's assume 10,000 agents actually "guarding" the wall.

That's 5,000 agents per 1,000 miles, or 1,000 agents per 200 miles. Or 500 agents per 100 miles. Or 100 agents per 20 miles. Or 50 agents per 10 miles. Or 1 squad of 5 agents every mile of wall.

Now we have 5 agents guarding every one mile of wall, along with the various technologies we know exist, Drones and such.

You really think that isn't doable?

By the way. We have 28,500 military personal guarding a 160 mile border in fucking Korea, do you think maybe we could pair that down a little and put some of those soldiers on OUR border? Yeah theres an idea.
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

Nope, what are fences for?

Fences keep people out.
Fences protect the people behind the fence. Just as the door on my house protects my family. We didn't install it to keep our children in, but to keep anyone who would harm them, out.
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

I've told you this before

You ask a lot of clever questions but dont seem to have one answer to anything. It allows you remain flexible to jump from one side to another.

Now if you think a wall around a building is the same as a wall across a border. You've lost and are forced to only go on the simple minded idea that a wall is a wall is a wall. Thats your problem not mine. Begging for answers to your wrong headed questions wont make your question any more wrong headed.

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.

You call everyone a partisan hack while your defending republicans in every thread no matter the topic. The Irony fairy gets their wings!
Oh they can't? That's your argument now? You really don't think that we couldn't combine technology with man power and guard a wall along our southern border?

Could we? Sure

Have we? No

What happened when we started building a wall? The US ran out of money
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

Nope, what are fences for?

Fences keep people out.
Fences protect the people behind the fence. Just as the door on my house protects my family. We didn't install it to keep our children in, but to keep anyone who would harm them, out.

fences and locks keep honest people honest, outside of that they aren't worth shit ...
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

I've told you this before

You ask a lot of clever questions but dont seem to have one answer to anything. It allows you remain flexible to jump from one side to another.

Now if you think a wall around a building is the same as a wall across a border. You've lost and are forced to only go on the simple minded idea that a wall is a wall is a wall. Thats your problem not mine. Begging for answers to your wrong headed questions wont make your question any more wrong headed.

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.

You call everyone a partisan hack while your defending republicans in every thread no matter the topic. The Irony fairy gets their wings!

I don't defend Republicans in every thread stupid. I've seen and called out stupid Republicans in several threads. It isn't my fault that more stupid liberals post here than stupid conservatives do.

As for the wall, I will reiterate. I'm not defending the idea of a wall on our border, I'd want to see some numbers to see if it makes sense financially. I am only pointing out the sheer stupidity of claiming that walls don't work. OF COURSE WALLS FUCKING WORK, the ONLY real issue is does it make economic sense, but then why would that matter to a stupid fuck liberal who supports welfare programs that do not make fiscal sense, as an example.

If Hillary Clinton supported building a wall, I would still be asking if it made fiscal sense, you however would be screaming at the top of your lungs that anyone who opposed the wall is a racist, and THAT is why I call liberals stupid partisan hacks.
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

Nope, what are fences for?

Fences keep people out.
Fences protect the people behind the fence. Just as the door on my house protects my family. We didn't install it to keep our children in, but to keep anyone who would harm them, out.

fences and locks keep honest people honest, outside of that they aren't worth shit ...

BHAhaHAHAHAHAHA the same could be said for gun laws you fucking dolt.
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>

The 670 mile fence we have already built is useless and cost $2.4 billion. What's maintenance on 2000 miles of fence anyway?

It's useless because our immigration policies have been usurped by UN directives.
Elect Trump. Get out of the UN. Drone both of our borders. Put vets to work patrolling border states, and reinstate ICE. You'll be amazed at the reduction of illegals, and terrorists racing for free everything in the land of the great Satan.
We are paying for a wall in Jordon, because Obama knows that walls work. He just wants ours not to work.
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.
Most Dems have claimed that the proposed wall along the Mexican border wouldn't work. If walls don't work, why are they building one at their convention site?

Uhhh, because a wall around the border is not the same as a wall around a building. If you think it is, thats where you made your mistake.

How is it fucking different? What purpose is a wall around a building supposed to serve that a wall around a border can not?

I've told you this before

You ask a lot of clever questions but dont seem to have one answer to anything. It allows you remain flexible to jump from one side to another.

Now if you think a wall around a building is the same as a wall across a border. You've lost and are forced to only go on the simple minded idea that a wall is a wall is a wall. Thats your problem not mine. Begging for answers to your wrong headed questions wont make your question any more wrong headed.

Closed Caption, at this point in our relationship you should do yourself a favor and just admit that I am FAR superior to you in terms of critical thinking skills and writing skills (and every other skill as well) and just leave any thread that I am in.

The fact that I'm smarter than you, combined with the fact that you are a partisan hack who's every position is riveted to the Democratic yoke ensures that you will never win a debate against me.

You call everyone a partisan hack while your defending republicans in every thread no matter the topic. The Irony fairy gets their wings!

I don't defend Republicans in every thread stupid. I've seen and called out stupid Republicans in several threads. It isn't my fault that more stupid liberals post here than stupid conservatives do.

Oh its everyone elses fault, huh Trump?

As for the wall, I will reiterate. I'm not defending the idea of a wall on our border, I'd want to see some numbers to see if it makes sense financially.

It doesnt, thats why we tried it and ran out of money. Thats why Trump doesnt have any numbers so he tells people that Mexico will pay for it.

I am only pointing out the sheer stupidity of claiming that walls don't work. OF COURSE WALLS FUCKING WORK, the ONLY real issue is does it make economic sense, but then why would that matter to a stupid fuck liberal who supports welfare programs that do not make fiscal sense, as an example.

Again, arent you smart enough to know that when they say a wall wont work they mean a BORDER wall and not an object to the idea of walls in general, correct?

If Hillary Clinton supported building a wall, I would still be asking if it made fiscal sense, you however would be screaming at the top of your lungs that anyone who opposed the wall is a racist, and THAT is why I call liberals stupid partisan hacks.
So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>

The 670 mile fence we have already built is useless and cost $2.4 billion. What's maintenance on 2000 miles of fence anyway?

A fence is not a wall.

And know this, I'm not sold on the idea of a wall. Of course it would fucking work, but the expense would be tremendous. I repeat , my ONLY beef is with idiots who claim it won't work. It WOULD work. Of course it would. But would it be worth it?

So which is it Democrats, walls or no walls? Make up your minds.

DEMOCRATS Erect TALL FENCE Around DNC Convention Center in Philly

Daily Quiz:

Whats the difference between a temp fence at a public venue, and a permanent wall between two countries?

2000 miles and billions of dollars. LOL

Of course, the wall would be expensive, but it would WORK. Just the same as this fence would work.

That is the point. I have no squabble with someone who simply believes the wall is too expensive. I have a serious issue with liars who say it wouldn't work, OF COURSE IT WOULD FUCKING WORK>

The 670 mile fence we have already built is useless and cost $2.4 billion. What's maintenance on 2000 miles of fence anyway?

It's useless because our immigration policies have been usurped by UN directives.
Elect Trump. Get out of the UN. Drone both of our borders. Put vets to work patrolling border states, and reinstate ICE. You'll be amazed at the reduction of illegals, and terrorists racing for free everything in the land of the great Satan.

The simplest way to solve the immigration problem is to arrest and charge everyone who hires an illegal. Unfortunately, everyone is afraid of employers with power.

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