Hypocrisy - Joe Biden

It's about intent. Biden's was obviously accidental and reported immediately. Your crooked Russian compromised treasonous guy deliberately stole them and refused to return them. See if you can spot the difference. Doubt that a person like you would.
Reported immediately after 6 years ? The documents are from Biden's VP time. Did the documents trip and accidentally fall into this think tanks office ?
Says who, Biden the criminal??
It‘s my bet the Chinese would have paid a fortune to view those documents and perhaps they did.

It would be nice to have a whistle blower appear from the shadows on this case but most people realize what the word arkancide means.
My chap had them legally.
Yes yes, the whole time he refused to give them back and then said he had given them all back and it turned out he had not given them all back- it took a year altogether for them to finally have a raid on his house. This is nothing like that. It's a joke. Only trump of all our presidents is such a lying thieving scumbag...duhhhh
You don't know that it was deliberate, all we know is Biden's lawyers reported immediately and returned them, Trump lied and refused to return all of them despite being told several times to do so. One guy is open and honest, the other guy is a lying, conniving treasonous crooked bastard who spent years dealing with the Russian Mafia.
And the New York real estate mobbed up scene.... And a small timer at that. All hat no cattle
If you could stop your triggered response and think.....If Trump is to be indicted for having possession of classified documents in His home, Biden has also committed the same offense under the Espionage Act. That is the law, intentional or not.

Biden lies so often, it's not funny anymore.....so Trump liked the Rusky Mafia......looks like Biden orders Chinese. You know who contributed the most to the Penn-Biden Center?

The University of Pennsylvania received more than $30 million from Chinese donors shortly after the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which functioned as an office for Joe Biden before he was elected president, was announced in 2017, according to public records.

“The Penn Biden Center is a dark money, revolving door nightmare where foreign competitors like China donated millions of dollars to the university so that they could have access to future high ranking officials,” said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the Virginia-based National Legal and Policy Center.

Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a ‘dark money nightmare’

Well, in April of 2016, one of Hunter Biden's business associates explained the purpose in an email to Hunter. He said that the Penn Biden Center "operates like the Clinton Global Initiative without the money raise." Oh, so all the upside, none of the downside, without the money raised, really? So, you don't have to fly around the world raising money, but as the Washington Free Beacon has reported, actually, there was a lot of money being raised and it was being raised by the University of Pennsylvania and it was being raised from foreign governments after the Biden Center opened. See the connection here?

We're quoting from the piece: "Foreign contributions to the University of Pennsylvania tripled since the Penn Biden Center's soft opening in March 2017, rising from $31 million in 2016 to over $100 million in 2019." Now, where did all that money come from? Where do you think? The largest foreign contributor was China and if you go to the web page for the Penn Biden Center, you get some idea of what that money bought. On the site, there's a section called "Addressing Threats to the Liberal International Order." Russia and Vladimir Putin are mentioned as threats to the liberal international order, but China, which is currently committing genocide, is conspicuously not mentioned as a threat to the liberal international order. So, all of this aroused our suspicions naturally.

TUCKER CARLSON: Following Biden's classified docs scandal, a look at UPenn's China ties
Biden has not commited the same offence, your Russian compromised treasonous lying guy refused to return them. How hard is that to understand?
Reported immediately after 6 years ? The documents are from Biden's VP time. Did the documents trip and accidentally fall into this think tanks office ?
Reported immediately when found. Stop lying and twisting the narrative, you know your guy is a lying treasonous crook.
Reported immediately when found. Stop lying and twisting the narrative, you know your guy is a lying treasonous crook.
Found after 6 years of no telling how many people saw the documents. I'm no fan of Trump if he mishandled classified material it should be investigated. I'm not a partisan hack like yourself.
Found after 6 years of no telling how many people saw the documents. I'm no fan of Trump if he mishandled classified material it should be investigated. I'm not a partisan hack like yourself.
You don't know any details about what happened, they most likely were there forgotten for 6 years until discovered by Biden's lawyers. Sounds like a nothing burger or even a Trump plan to deflect from his indictment for espoinage.
BS made up by convicted fraudster James O’Keefe. You right wing are such suckers for any old shit.
Bullshit. Shadeprophet lies again.

He plead guilty to a misdemeanor involving only the use of a pretense to gain entry to a Dim Senator’s office so as to videotape some evidence about that Senator’s office shenanigans.

O’Keefe plead guilty to a misdemeanor resulting in three-years probation, a $1,500 fine, and 100 hours of community service. Subsequently, O’Keefe said that he regrets the plea, which continues to be twisted by reporters. Here is the critical paragraph of the plea agreement he signed with the Justice Department:

“In this case, further investigation did not uncover evidence that the defendants intended to commit any felony after entry by false pretenses despite their initial statements to the staff of the Senatorial office and GSA requesting access to the central phone system. Instead, the Government’s evidence would show that the defendants misrepresented themselves and their purpose for gaining access to the central phone system to orchestrate a conversation about phone calls to the Senator’s staff and capture the conversation on video, not to actually tamper with the phone system, or to commit any other felony.”

Lie #5: James O'Keefe is a felon, broke into the office of, bugged, wiretapped or attempted to wiretap phones of U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu
Righto so no response, you Trump shrill are do weak.
No response is necessary you are a partisan hack and apparently have a reading and comprehension problem. I stated that Trump should be investigated if he mishandled classified material. You are making excuses and trying to defect from Biden's documents.
Bullshit. Shadeprophet lies again.

He plead guilty to a misdemeanor involving only the use of a pretense to gain entry to a Dim Senator’s office so as to videotape some evidence about that Senator’s office shenanigans.

Lie #5: James O'Keefe is a felon, broke into the office of, bugged, wiretapped or attempted to wiretap phones of U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu
Lucky he didn't go to jail, he's a dishonest conniving crook which is just the qualification right wing Neo Nazi GOPers love.
No response is necessary you are a partisan hack and apparently have a reading and comprehension problem. I stated that Trump should be investigated if he mishandled classified material. You are making excuses and trying to defect from Biden's documents.

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