I agree with Newt Gingrich

If you've never read me attacking the right you're not paying attention lol.

Show where you have commented on Donald John Trump personal attacks against Ted Cruz and if not then fuck off you lying hypocrite!
I have DOZENS of Trump bashing threads. Feel free to look them up if you WANT THE TRUTH. I suspect you don't lol

If you have dozens then link them!

My bet those threads are not about his vile attacks against Heidi Cruz but instead something else!

So again for hypocrites like you if you dislike the way your whore of a candidate is treated then maybe you should have told him to shut the fuck up!

Nah, you enjoy the sexism as long as your candidate is doing it!
I am pretty confident I even created a thread about how he treated Cruzs wife. There are threads on all sorts of issues pertaining to Trump. Your apparently too scared to go look for yourself. You made the asinine accusation so if you want the actual facts go look for yourself.

the dude is nothing more than a whiner on a message board, funny dude.

I am?

Prove it!

Typical lying nonsense from partisan whores that believe their opinion is the damn truth and when presented with the fact you were caught lying you now call me a whiner because I refuse to be a whore like you.

Also this is the only message board I belong to and unlike you I do not need multiple boards to spew bullshit and partisan whore nonsense.

Your the type that most likely believe Trump is the greatest man that ever lived!
dude I agree, however, when clinton points to him being a womenizer, I feel her behavior for her husbands indiscretions are fair game. I don't really give a shit. she is no women's idle she is an enabler.

And yet you believe no one should go after Trump!
he doesn't care and I don't so what, if someone opens the gate, then go in. let's stay on topic would be better and again, never once has trump done that on the national stage like hitlery and her pig comment. Nor like Megan Kelly and her questions. has nothing to do with the country. you want it to. I don't see the relevance, and why I write, so what?

Again where is your proof that I supported Hillary Clinton during Benghazi?

You went off topic and now want to lie about what you wrote!

Also asshole the OP'er mentioned the left is attacking Trump over his comments about his daughter, and yet it was Trump that put himself into that position!

Assholes like you believe Donald John Trump can attack Heidi Cruz and other females throughout the world but no one should use Trump words against him!

If Trump and the whores that are voting for him did not want this type of shit then Trump should have not opened the door!

Now as you lie about Trump not being part of any political party just remember your boy once thought Hillary Clinton was a fine first lady and Bill was a great President!
the mere fact you can't just state here that she is guilty, means you support her. I stated, I'm not taking your bait to go search your stupid historical posting habits. You can make it simple by just telling you find her guilty and I will apologize. Why is that deviate to you? you want me to apologize or not?

Also you will not apologize because you are telling me to write what you want to read!

Did Hillary Clinton fail the people in Benghazi and was she a terrible SOS?


Does she deserve to be President?


Has she lied in the past?


Is she guilty of a crime?

No, not until a court convicts her and to make the claim that she is partisan whore nonsense which you enjoy doing!
sir then I apologize for my earlier comments. Thanks for correcting me. I am an honorable person and will apologize when I am indeed wrong. I only posted based on your hate on trump. I see now, you hate them both.

I admire the shit out of trump. he outlasted 16 politicians on a primary using his own money and owing no one anything. I find that so not washington dc, he has my vote. I hate trash like clinton. she is a murderer. i have no problem repeating it as many times as I need to in here. Again, I'm sorry and I apologize for implying you were a clintonite.

BTW, I don't need a court to tell my she's guilty, she is. Just like OJ is guilty and court let him off. yep, OJ will never go away because of that fact.
Hillary knew exactly what she was doing by baiting Trump with Machado at the end of the debate

Trump can't let it go and keeps getting deeper and deeper
I agree, it had nothing to do with the election. Typical libturd. And the libturd moderator helped her.
He's your candidate because he screams build that wall and is a birther!
I just said why he's my candidate and chose to ignore that. why does that not surprise me. Read again what I wrote and quote me on what I said douche.

You are a known liar!

I have been waiting for your evidence that shows me supporting Clinton and yet you keep on running away from your comment like Trump does when he get caught in a lie!
You mean like how you've abandoned your claims that I'm a Trumper? Lol

Where did I do that!?!

You're the one defending Trump and not me!

So provide the links or be known as a liar too!

In this thread alone you have defended Trump more times than not and when presented with the fact he is at fault for what is happening to him you have doubled down on your own fucking retardation!

You fucking Kunt!
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
Show where you have commented on Donald John Trump personal attacks against Ted Cruz and if not then fuck off you lying hypocrite!
I have DOZENS of Trump bashing threads. Feel free to look them up if you WANT THE TRUTH. I suspect you don't lol

If you have dozens then link them!

My bet those threads are not about his vile attacks against Heidi Cruz but instead something else!

So again for hypocrites like you if you dislike the way your whore of a candidate is treated then maybe you should have told him to shut the fuck up!

Nah, you enjoy the sexism as long as your candidate is doing it!
I am pretty confident I even created a thread about how he treated Cruzs wife. There are threads on all sorts of issues pertaining to Trump. Your apparently too scared to go look for yourself. You made the asinine accusation so if you want the actual facts go look for yourself.

the dude is nothing more than a whiner on a message board, funny dude.

I am?

Prove it!

Typical lying nonsense from partisan whores that believe their opinion is the damn truth and when presented with the fact you were caught lying you now call me a whiner because I refuse to be a whore like you.

Also this is the only message board I belong to and unlike you I do not need multiple boards to spew bullshit and partisan whore nonsense.

Your the type that most likely believe Trump is the greatest man that ever lived!
I admire him for his success.
I just said why he's my candidate and chose to ignore that. why does that not surprise me. Read again what I wrote and quote me on what I said douche.

You are a known liar!

I have been waiting for your evidence that shows me supporting Clinton and yet you keep on running away from your comment like Trump does when he get caught in a lie!
You mean like how you've abandoned your claims that I'm a Trumper? Lol

Where did I do that!?!

You're the one defending Trump and not me!

So provide the links or be known as a liar too!

In this thread alone you have defended Trump more times than not and when presented with the fact he is at fault for what is happening to him you have doubled down on your own fucking retardation!

You fucking Kunt!
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

Agree. The debate turned Monday when Trump allowed Lester and Hillary to press him on non-relevant issues. Trump stays on point he wins, he gets off point Hillary is in.
Hillary knew exactly what she was doing by baiting Trump with Machado at the end of the debate

Trump can't let it go and keeps getting deeper and deeper
It was a perfect hit. His ego is such that he cannot admit to imperfections. In his heart, he thinks that berating Miss Housekeeping was the right thing to do. And, ironically, as the "head" of Miss U, it might have been.

But Miss U is not really a hit with college educated women, whom are where Donald has to get votes. So, he's fucked for being a pig for the things he said (invited or not by the contestants. And he's twice fucked for being a beauty pagent pimp, because he simply cannot let that go
And yet you believe no one should go after Trump!
he doesn't care and I don't so what, if someone opens the gate, then go in. let's stay on topic would be better and again, never once has trump done that on the national stage like hitlery and her pig comment. Nor like Megan Kelly and her questions. has nothing to do with the country. you want it to. I don't see the relevance, and why I write, so what?

Again where is your proof that I supported Hillary Clinton during Benghazi?

You went off topic and now want to lie about what you wrote!

Also asshole the OP'er mentioned the left is attacking Trump over his comments about his daughter, and yet it was Trump that put himself into that position!

Assholes like you believe Donald John Trump can attack Heidi Cruz and other females throughout the world but no one should use Trump words against him!

If Trump and the whores that are voting for him did not want this type of shit then Trump should have not opened the door!

Now as you lie about Trump not being part of any political party just remember your boy once thought Hillary Clinton was a fine first lady and Bill was a great President!
the mere fact you can't just state here that she is guilty, means you support her. I stated, I'm not taking your bait to go search your stupid historical posting habits. You can make it simple by just telling you find her guilty and I will apologize. Why is that deviate to you? you want me to apologize or not?

Also you will not apologize because you are telling me to write what you want to read!

Did Hillary Clinton fail the people in Benghazi and was she a terrible SOS?


Does she deserve to be President?


Has she lied in the past?


Is she guilty of a crime?

No, not until a court convicts her and to make the claim that she is partisan whore nonsense which you enjoy doing!
sir then I apologize for my earlier comments. Thanks for correcting me. I am an honorable person and will apologize when I am indeed wrong. I only posted based on your hate on trump. I see now, you hate them both.

I admire the shit out of trump. he outlasted 16 politicians on a primary using his own money and owing no one anything. I find that so not washington dc, he has my vote. I hate trash like clinton. she is a murderer. i have no problem repeating it as many times as I need to in here. Again, I'm sorry and I apologize for implying you were a clintonite.

I hate both and let be factual I thought Trump did well in the debate!

Clinton looked doped up and Trump let her off easy!

I don't want either but as my gay brother told me he could live with Trump before Clinton and he's a damn Democrat voter!

Trump put himself into this position from his vile attacks against Cruz and some other candidates and now his voters want to discuss the issues. Clinton has no plan and Trump was correct this nation is falling apart!

Clinton will offer the same nonsense and bullshit that drove us her and she is running on her husband name and I find that sickening!

Jim Webb was my candidate on the left and Kasich on the right and neither of the two candidates will garner my vote this November!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

Agree. The debate turned Monday when Trump allowed Lester and Hillary to press him on non-relevant issues. Trump stays on point he wins, he gets off point Hillary is in.
What did Holt hold him to unfairly?

Did I use the word "unfairly".

But since you asked, Lester was wrong on Stop and Frisk. IMO moderators should not fact check. Let the candidates talk and the people will decide.
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

Agree. The debate turned Monday when Trump allowed Lester and Hillary to press him on non-relevant issues. Trump stays on point he wins, he gets off point Hillary is in.
What did Holt hold him to unfairly?
that he injected himself into the debate. He isn't part of the debaters, he is but the moderator to ensure fair play. Not to fact check and open his mouth as a debator. Are you opposed to each candidate supplying a moderator and those moderators ask the opposing candidate the questions? let's do away with the biased one moderator libturd blitz.
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

Agree. The debate turned Monday when Trump allowed Lester and Hillary to press him on non-relevant issues. Trump stays on point he wins, he gets off point Hillary is in.
What did Holt hold him to unfairly?

Did I use the word "unfairly".

But since you asked, Lester was wrong on Stop and Frisk. IMO moderators should not fact check. Let the candidates talk and the people will decide.
Holt was not wrong on stop and frisk as NYC practiced it. Trump misstated.
You are a known liar!

I have been waiting for your evidence that shows me supporting Clinton and yet you keep on running away from your comment like Trump does when he get caught in a lie!
You mean like how you've abandoned your claims that I'm a Trumper? Lol

Where did I do that!?!

You're the one defending Trump and not me!

So provide the links or be known as a liar too!

In this thread alone you have defended Trump more times than not and when presented with the fact he is at fault for what is happening to him you have doubled down on your own fucking retardation!

You fucking Kunt!
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

Agree. The debate turned Monday when Trump allowed Lester and Hillary to press him on non-relevant issues. Trump stays on point he wins, he gets off point Hillary is in.
What did Holt hold him to unfairly?

Did I use the word "unfairly".

But since you asked, Lester was wrong on Stop and Frisk. IMO moderators should not fact check. Let the candidates talk and the people will decide.
Holt was not wrong on stop and frisk as NYC practiced it. Trump misstated.
what did he say that was wrong? Why was it up to holt to say anything?
You mean like how you've abandoned your claims that I'm a Trumper? Lol

Where did I do that!?!

You're the one defending Trump and not me!

So provide the links or be known as a liar too!

In this thread alone you have defended Trump more times than not and when presented with the fact he is at fault for what is happening to him you have doubled down on your own fucking retardation!

You fucking Kunt!
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
so to be fair, you just wrote that he said Trump was in gutter politics. What else do you need. He was merely stating that the left did as well. That is both sides being in the gutter. I don't get your point?

he also merely offered advice that Trump shouldn't go there again with them.
You mean like how you've abandoned your claims that I'm a Trumper? Lol

Where did I do that!?!

You're the one defending Trump and not me!

So provide the links or be known as a liar too!

In this thread alone you have defended Trump more times than not and when presented with the fact he is at fault for what is happening to him you have doubled down on your own fucking retardation!

You fucking Kunt!
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.
Hillary knew exactly what she was doing by baiting Trump with Machado at the end of the debate

Trump can't let it go and keeps getting deeper and deeper
I agree, it had nothing to do with the election. Typical libturd. And the libturd moderator helped her.

Poor Trump

Up at three in the morning thinking about what he is going to Twitter.

Calls the woman disgusting. Great way to win favor with women and Hispanics

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