I agree with Newt Gingrich

Hillary knew exactly what she was doing by baiting Trump with Machado at the end of the debate

Trump can't let it go and keeps getting deeper and deeper
I agree, it had nothing to do with the election. Typical libturd. And the libturd moderator helped her.

Poor Trump

Up at three in the morning thinking about what he is going to Twitter.

Calls the woman disgusting. Great way to win favor with women and Hispanics
It's funny that you think that impacts an election. I know more women for trump than men. I'm just saying you are far away from the base right now. Women who are scum are declared scum by women, and that is happening right now. She also can't get young women cause she is out there. get it straight.
Where did I do that!?!

You're the one defending Trump and not me!

So provide the links or be known as a liar too!

In this thread alone you have defended Trump more times than not and when presented with the fact he is at fault for what is happening to him you have doubled down on your own fucking retardation!

You fucking Kunt!
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Interesting that we have come to accept the political double standard where only the republican can be guilty of "wallowing in the gutter". Lefties and rino republicans are desperately afraid that Hillary's enabling her husband's sexual perversion will be part of the campaign while Hillary is free to point out that Trump once called a porn star and beauty queen "miss piggy".

If you believe that is the only time Trump has done something stupid in his life then think again!

Those voting for Trump love to bring up Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton marriage problems while ignoring the damn fact Trump has been married three times, sired one child out of wedlock, and his first ex-wife accused him of being raped and then later comment and changed it to she felt like she was raped and now want everyone to forget her comments...

So go ahead go after Bill Clinton sexual affairs and Hillary Clinton comments in the past and remember Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to how they treat females in their private lives!
There is a big difference between Clinton and Trump. Trump was honest enough to doubt his marriage and end it when it wasn't working. Clinton would screw anything that wasn't nailed down REGARDLESS of his station in life...President! He wouldn't divorce his wife and be honest about loving someone else. He needed his partner in crime.

Let's face it, he's a predator!


Trump was caught in an affair with Marla Maples while still married to Ivana Trump, so please don't even try to sell that bullshit he is better than Bill Clinton!

Donald John Trump has had affairs while being married and if Bill Clinton is a sexual predator so is Donald John Trump!
But he wasn't just screwing to screw like Clinton. He is NOT the predator that Bill was, have you forgotten about the forbidden trips with Epstein to Child Sexual Abuse Island?
Interesting that we have come to accept the political double standard where only the republican can be guilty of "wallowing in the gutter". Lefties and rino republicans are desperately afraid that Hillary's enabling her husband's sexual perversion will be part of the campaign while Hillary is free to point out that Trump once called a porn star and beauty queen "miss piggy".
Check this out:
Video Surfaces Of Trump Bullying Alicia Machado
He sounded pretty decent to her.
Hillary knew exactly what she was doing by baiting Trump with Machado at the end of the debate

Trump can't let it go and keeps getting deeper and deeper
I agree, it had nothing to do with the election. Typical libturd. And the libturd moderator helped her.

Poor Trump

Up at three in the morning thinking about what he is going to Twitter.

Calls the woman disgusting. Great way to win favor with women and Hispanics
It's funny that you think that impacts an election. I know more women for trump than men. I'm just saying you are far away from the base right now. Women who are scum are declared scum by women, and that is happening right now. She also can't get young women cause she is out there. get it straight.

It's funny how Trump supporters live in denial
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

Agree. The debate turned Monday when Trump allowed Lester and Hillary to press him on non-relevant issues. Trump stays on point he wins, he gets off point Hillary is in.
What did Holt hold him to unfairly?

Did I use the word "unfairly".

But since you asked, Lester was wrong on Stop and Frisk. IMO moderators should not fact check. Let the candidates talk and the people will decide.
Holt was not wrong on stop and frisk as NYC practiced it. Trump misstated.
what did he say that was wrong? Why was it up to holt to say anything?
Trump said stop and frisk as practiced in NYC led to crime reductions. That stats don't say that. After NYC's version of stop and frisk ended, crime continued to fall. Secondly, Trump claimed courts would have upheld NYC's version of stop and frisk. But, NYC was racially profiling. There's a difference in a Terry Stop where a cop sees somebody iffy, and walks over to ask him general questions., and NYC cops just going into neighborhoods and indiscreminently stopping people for no reason beyond being there.

Donald Trump gets stop-and-frisk facts totally wrong in debate
This thread is about the political road Trump should take. I am not defending anyone but myself in this thread.
If you don't have the honesty & integrity to check my posting history before making ridiculous accusations I can't help you.

I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.

he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
i really don't think he cares, I'm just saying. All he is saying is what a bunch of hypocrites the left are by doing what they're doing. Again, no national ad even mentioning clinton. All about him and his vision. Clinton's all about him and not her. wow, she must not have anything to offer up in an ad that would show her brilliance like he's doing.
Interesting that we have come to accept the political double standard where only the republican can be guilty of "wallowing in the gutter". Lefties and rino republicans are desperately afraid that Hillary's enabling her husband's sexual perversion will be part of the campaign while Hillary is free to point out that Trump once called a porn star and beauty queen "miss piggy".

If you believe that is the only time Trump has done something stupid in his life then think again!

Those voting for Trump love to bring up Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton marriage problems while ignoring the damn fact Trump has been married three times, sired one child out of wedlock, and his first ex-wife accused him of being raped and then later comment and changed it to she felt like she was raped and now want everyone to forget her comments...

So go ahead go after Bill Clinton sexual affairs and Hillary Clinton comments in the past and remember Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to how they treat females in their private lives!
There is a big difference between Clinton and Trump. Trump was honest enough to doubt his marriage and end it when it wasn't working. Clinton would screw anything that wasn't nailed down REGARDLESS of his station in life...President! He wouldn't divorce his wife and be honest about loving someone else. He needed his partner in crime.

Let's face it, he's a predator!


Trump was caught in an affair with Marla Maples while still married to Ivana Trump, so please don't even try to sell that bullshit he is better than Bill Clinton!

Donald John Trump has had affairs while being married and if Bill Clinton is a sexual predator so is Donald John Trump!
But he wasn't just screwing to screw like Clinton. He is NOT the predator that Bill was, have you forgotten about the forbidden trips with Epstein to Child Sexual Abuse Island?

More nonsense!

So first you proclaimed Trump ended his marriages and when presented with the fact he was cheating on his first ex-wife you now want to write about how Bill Clinton went to some island ( which he has never been convicted of ), so should I pull up the fraudulent lawsuit against Trump claiming he raped some underage girl?

Now do you want to discuss facts or tabloid nonsense?
I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
i really don't think he cares, I'm just saying. All he is saying is what a bunch of hypocrites the left are by doing what they're doing. Again, no national ad even mentioning clinton. All about him and his vision. Clinton's all about him and not her. wow, she must not have anything to offer up in an ad that would show her brilliance like he's doing.

Trump brought it onto himself because of what he did during the Primaries and he has made stupid comments since. Neither side should be doing it but they are, so if you are against the left while defending Trump stupidity during the primaries then I have to say you're a hypocrite!
I have read your bullshit too many times and you are a hypocrite!

If you blasted Trump in the past you would have stated here and shown where you attacked him over his nonsense. You come out complaining about how the left is treating your boy and the fact is he deserves it just like Clinton!
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
he has no substance and he lives in the gutter
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
Agree. The debate turned Monday when Trump allowed Lester and Hillary to press him on non-relevant issues. Trump stays on point he wins, he gets off point Hillary is in.
What did Holt hold him to unfairly?

Did I use the word "unfairly".

But since you asked, Lester was wrong on Stop and Frisk. IMO moderators should not fact check. Let the candidates talk and the people will decide.
Holt was not wrong on stop and frisk as NYC practiced it. Trump misstated.
what did he say that was wrong? Why was it up to holt to say anything?
Trump said stop and frisk as practiced in NYC led to crime reductions. That stats don't say that. After NYC's version of stop and frisk ended, crime continued to fall. Secondly, Trump claimed courts would have upheld NYC's version of stop and frisk. But, NYC was racially profiling. There's a difference in a Terry Stop where a cop sees somebody iffy, and walks over to ask him general questions., and NYC cops just going into neighborhoods and indiscreminently stopping people for no reason beyond being there.

Donald Trump gets stop-and-frisk facts totally wrong in debate
the FBI director made this statement.

FBI Director James Comey: Stop-and-Frisk an Important Crime-Fighting Tool When Used 'Correctly' - Atlanta Black Star

"Despite the fact that stop-and-frisk is a clear violation of citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights, FBI Director James Comey thinks the controversial practice is an effective crime-fighting tool when used the right way. At least that’s what he told a House of Representatives panel Wednesday night, Reuters reports."
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
You're too stupid to be bothered with anymore. Bye bye :banned:
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
i really don't think he cares, I'm just saying. All he is saying is what a bunch of hypocrites the left are by doing what they're doing. Again, no national ad even mentioning clinton. All about him and his vision. Clinton's all about him and not her. wow, she must not have anything to offer up in an ad that would show her brilliance like he's doing.

Trump brought it onto himself because of what he did during the Primaries and he has made stupid comments since. Neither side should be doing it but they are, so if you are against the left while defending Trump stupidity during the primaries then I have to say you're a hypocrite!
in the primaries, he never mentioned clinton.

BTW, his tactic won him the nomination.
You are lost in the fucking weeds. There is no complaints in the op about how the left is treating anyone. The op is about political stances in how each side can win. Why would I need to inject my prior threads into this one? Dispelling your preconceived notions is not high on my agenda lol

I will point it out!
EVERY SINGLE ELECTION the left offers us a sideshow of epic proportions.
From pulling someone's hair as a gag in school (Romney)
Teasing a fag in school (romney)
Putting his dog kennel on the top of his car (Romney)
Claimed Romney MURDERED someone
Claimed he paid no taxes
Claimed Trump was on drugs
Implied Trump is a sexual deviant as it pertains to his children

And this is the shit YOUR PARTY ELDERS say not just the rantings of morons on the internet. You guys can not win on substance so you beat us with gutter politics.

Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.
I will point it out!
Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
You're too stupid to be bothered with anymore. Bye bye :banned:

My heart is broken!
Interesting that we have come to accept the political double standard where only the republican can be guilty of "wallowing in the gutter". Lefties and rino republicans are desperately afraid that Hillary's enabling her husband's sexual perversion will be part of the campaign while Hillary is free to point out that Trump once called a porn star and beauty queen "miss piggy".

If you believe that is the only time Trump has done something stupid in his life then think again!

Those voting for Trump love to bring up Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton marriage problems while ignoring the damn fact Trump has been married three times, sired one child out of wedlock, and his first ex-wife accused him of being raped and then later comment and changed it to she felt like she was raped and now want everyone to forget her comments...

So go ahead go after Bill Clinton sexual affairs and Hillary Clinton comments in the past and remember Donald John Trump is no better than Bill Clinton when it come to how they treat females in their private lives!
There is a big difference between Clinton and Trump. Trump was honest enough to doubt his marriage and end it when it wasn't working. Clinton would screw anything that wasn't nailed down REGARDLESS of his station in life...President! He wouldn't divorce his wife and be honest about loving someone else. He needed his partner in crime.

Let's face it, he's a predator!
Trump also didn't steal top secret documents and place them on an unsecured server nor did he destroy federal records. He also didn't shit the bed when the shit hit the fan in a ME weapons running operation. He needs to focus on the complete disaster Clinton was as Sec of State.
I will point it out!
Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
i really don't think he cares, I'm just saying. All he is saying is what a bunch of hypocrites the left are by doing what they're doing. Again, no national ad even mentioning clinton. All about him and his vision. Clinton's all about him and not her. wow, she must not have anything to offer up in an ad that would show her brilliance like he's doing.

Trump brought it onto himself because of what he did during the Primaries and he has made stupid comments since. Neither side should be doing it but they are, so if you are against the left while defending Trump stupidity during the primaries then I have to say you're a hypocrite!
in the primaries, he never mentioned clinton.

BTW, his tactic won him the nomination.

Are the two of you fucking stupid!?!

He went after Ted Cruz with vile attacks and now that it is no longer the primaries everyone should forgive and forget!?!

Bullshit and he did mention Clinton during the damn Primaries, so let just stop with the partisan lies!
Man did HRC get under Trumpy's skin.So much so that he seems out of control...
and yet she killed four americans in benghazi and you're ok with that. I think you are the loser.

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