I agree with Newt Gingrich

I will point it out!
Right there I guess you forgot what you have written!

Trump started with the gutter politics and you are crying about how the left is acting like him!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.

No I am not!

The Op'er just like you are both lying hypocrites!

You just stated in another response that Trump never mentioned Clinton during the Primaries and if I provide evidence he did you will then move the damn goal posts to something else.

The two of you have made it clear that the left is wrong for acting like Trump and you applaud Trump for acting like a piece of shit while I just look at the two of you ( the op'er ) and realize you're nothing but partisan hacks that will lie and deny!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
i really don't think he cares, I'm just saying. All he is saying is what a bunch of hypocrites the left are by doing what they're doing. Again, no national ad even mentioning clinton. All about him and his vision. Clinton's all about him and not her. wow, she must not have anything to offer up in an ad that would show her brilliance like he's doing.

Trump brought it onto himself because of what he did during the Primaries and he has made stupid comments since. Neither side should be doing it but they are, so if you are against the left while defending Trump stupidity during the primaries then I have to say you're a hypocrite!
in the primaries, he never mentioned clinton.

BTW, his tactic won him the nomination.

Are the two of you fucking stupid!?!

He went after Ted Cruz with vile attacks and now that it is no longer the primaries everyone should forgive and forget!?!

Bullshit and he did mention Clinton during the damn Primaries, so let just stop with the partisan lies!
well ted is no longer campaigning. So why would he be doing that? I'm lost at your point again. BTW, you misrepresented the OP in this thread.
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.

No I am not!

The Op'er just like you are both lying hypocrites!

You just stated in another response that Trump never mentioned Clinton during the Primaries and if I provide evidence he did you will then move the damn goal posts to something else.

The two of you have made it clear that the left is wrong for acting like Trump and you applaud Trump for acting like a piece of shit while I just look at the two of you ( the op'er ) and realize you're nothing but partisan hacks that will lie and deny!
dude, i just apologized for being wrong with comments about you. And you call me out like that. Really? are you that low?
Man did HRC get under Trumpy's skin.So much so that he seems out of control...
and yet she killed four americans in benghazi and you're ok with that. I think you are the loser.

She did not kill anyone!

Her failure was sending troops in to help those four people but the terrorists killed those four people.

The failure falls onto her and President Obama but again neither one pulled the trigger!

This is why I am such an asshole to partisan whores because the truth is you are claiming she murdered someone and the reality is she failed to save them!

Big difference and it still will not bring those people back nor should she be allow to be President!
Man did HRC get under Trumpy's skin.So much so that he seems out of control...
and yet she killed four americans in benghazi and you're ok with that. I think you are the loser.

She did not kill anyone!

Her failure was sending troops in to help those four people but the terrorists killed those four people.

The failure falls onto her and President Obama but again neither one pulled the trigger!

This is why I am such an asshole to partisan whores because the truth is you are claiming she murdered someone and the reality is she failed to save them!

Big difference and it still will not bring those people back nor should she be allow to be President!
she is directly responsible, and all she has to do is present the 33K emails and let us see that none contain material with respect to Benghazi and I shut up.
No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
i really don't think he cares, I'm just saying. All he is saying is what a bunch of hypocrites the left are by doing what they're doing. Again, no national ad even mentioning clinton. All about him and his vision. Clinton's all about him and not her. wow, she must not have anything to offer up in an ad that would show her brilliance like he's doing.

Trump brought it onto himself because of what he did during the Primaries and he has made stupid comments since. Neither side should be doing it but they are, so if you are against the left while defending Trump stupidity during the primaries then I have to say you're a hypocrite!
in the primaries, he never mentioned clinton.

BTW, his tactic won him the nomination.

Are the two of you fucking stupid!?!

He went after Ted Cruz with vile attacks and now that it is no longer the primaries everyone should forgive and forget!?!

Bullshit and he did mention Clinton during the damn Primaries, so let just stop with the partisan lies!
well ted is no longer campaigning. So why would he be doing that? I'm lost at your point again. BTW, you misrepresented the OP in this thread.

You were caught in a few lies already!

1. the OP'er responded by complaining about how the left is treating Trump... You and the OP'er want me to forget what he wrote after his OP and just focus on the OP because then you can claim he was not crying like a sissy named Trump!

2. You claimed Trump never mentioned Clinton in the Primaries and you know damn well he did!

3. The OP'er is a coward and did not expect me to show his response to another poster and when I did he then claimed he was not complaing which was a fucking lie!

So as you and the OP'er pretend the left is the only mean side in all this and poor wittle Donny is mistreated the reality is the bitch deserves what he get and if you don't like it then maybe you should have told him to play nice in the Primaries!

Now do you want the evidence that Donald did attack Clinton during the Primaries or will you move the goal posts and claim it does not matter!?!
Those are not complaints they are examples.
Fuck the weeds you're deep in the woods at this point.

No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.

No I am not!

The Op'er just like you are both lying hypocrites!

You just stated in another response that Trump never mentioned Clinton during the Primaries and if I provide evidence he did you will then move the damn goal posts to something else.

The two of you have made it clear that the left is wrong for acting like Trump and you applaud Trump for acting like a piece of shit while I just look at the two of you ( the op'er ) and realize you're nothing but partisan hacks that will lie and deny!
dude, again, he can do whatever he wants. For the left to comment on how he acts and then does exactly the same thing is what this is about. That my friend is hypocritical. merely pointing it out to you. I don't want him to continue doing it. he got them to do it, it's time to move on. That is all the OP is saying.
Man did HRC get under Trumpy's skin.So much so that he seems out of control...
and yet she killed four americans in benghazi and you're ok with that. I think you are the loser.

She did not kill anyone!

Her failure was sending troops in to help those four people but the terrorists killed those four people.

The failure falls onto her and President Obama but again neither one pulled the trigger!

This is why I am such an asshole to partisan whores because the truth is you are claiming she murdered someone and the reality is she failed to save them!

Big difference and it still will not bring those people back nor should she be allow to be President!
she is directly responsible, and all she has to do is present the 33K emails and let us see that none contain material with respect to Benghazi and I shut up.

No you would not!

She could provide all those emails and you will still claim she did not provide enough. It is like the birthers and their obsession over President Obama birth certificate and no matter how much information is given they're never happy!
i really don't think he cares, I'm just saying. All he is saying is what a bunch of hypocrites the left are by doing what they're doing. Again, no national ad even mentioning clinton. All about him and his vision. Clinton's all about him and not her. wow, she must not have anything to offer up in an ad that would show her brilliance like he's doing.

Trump brought it onto himself because of what he did during the Primaries and he has made stupid comments since. Neither side should be doing it but they are, so if you are against the left while defending Trump stupidity during the primaries then I have to say you're a hypocrite!
in the primaries, he never mentioned clinton.

BTW, his tactic won him the nomination.

Are the two of you fucking stupid!?!

He went after Ted Cruz with vile attacks and now that it is no longer the primaries everyone should forgive and forget!?!

Bullshit and he did mention Clinton during the damn Primaries, so let just stop with the partisan lies!
well ted is no longer campaigning. So why would he be doing that? I'm lost at your point again. BTW, you misrepresented the OP in this thread.

You were caught in a few lies already!

1. the OP'er responded by complaining about how the left is treating Trump... You and the OP'er want me to forget what he wrote after his OP and just focus on the OP because then you can claim he was not crying like a sissy named Trump!

2. You claimed Trump never mentioned Clinton in the Primaries and you know damn well he did!

3. The OP'er is a coward and did not expect me to show his response to another poster and when I did he then claimed he was not complaing which was a fucking lie!

So as you and the OP'er pretend the left is the only mean side in all this and poor wittle Donny is mistreated the reality is the bitch deserves what he get and if you don't like it then maybe you should have told him to play nice in the Primaries!

Now do you want the evidence that Donald did attack Clinton during the Primaries or will you move the goal posts and claim it does not matter!?!
dude I apologized to you. Now you're going to act like a dick? No one has ever complained about the treatment to Trump, that's all made up shit. he doesn't care. he expects it if he dishes it out. He said so. wow, not sure where you're getting these talking points from. I want trump to win, I think some of what he did was necessary at one point, it is no longer needed. I give two shits what the clintons' advertise, I only want to make all aware they've become hypocrites, yet again.
No, you are complaining and if Trump was able to act like the douche nozzle during the primaries then he should be able to take it!

The left acting like him is his fault. Had he taken the high road during the Primaries then I would have agreed the left are at fault but seeing he did not then he deserves what he get!

Same goes for the bitch hound of Lucifer before some whore tell me I am voting for her again!

Last week I was told I was voting for Trump by some libtard and this week I support Clinton and next week it will be Putin!
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.

No I am not!

The Op'er just like you are both lying hypocrites!

You just stated in another response that Trump never mentioned Clinton during the Primaries and if I provide evidence he did you will then move the damn goal posts to something else.

The two of you have made it clear that the left is wrong for acting like Trump and you applaud Trump for acting like a piece of shit while I just look at the two of you ( the op'er ) and realize you're nothing but partisan hacks that will lie and deny!
dude, again, he can do whatever he wants. For the left to comment on how he acts and then does exactly the same thing is what this is about. That my friend is hypocritical. merely pointing it out to you. I don't want him to continue doing it. he got them to do it, it's time to move on. That is all the OP is saying.

And then for you and the OP'er to whine about it like sissy little girls make you and the OP'er hypocritical school girls!

Also you are just focus on the OP and not the responses by the OP'er and refuse to accept the OP'er opened the Pandora box when he listed his complaints about what the left were doing!

The left is acting like you and how dare they!
Man did HRC get under Trumpy's skin.So much so that he seems out of control...
and yet she killed four americans in benghazi and you're ok with that. I think you are the loser.

She did not kill anyone!

Her failure was sending troops in to help those four people but the terrorists killed those four people.

The failure falls onto her and President Obama but again neither one pulled the trigger!

This is why I am such an asshole to partisan whores because the truth is you are claiming she murdered someone and the reality is she failed to save them!

Big difference and it still will not bring those people back nor should she be allow to be President!
she is directly responsible, and all she has to do is present the 33K emails and let us see that none contain material with respect to Benghazi and I shut up.

No you would not!

She could provide all those emails and you will still claim she did not provide enough. It is like the birthers and their obsession over President Obama birth certificate and no matter how much information is given they're never happy!
I'm a man of my word as I stated, she posts those 33k emails and nothing about benghazi is in them, I'm done. until then, she is a murderer and can't defend herself without those emails.
Again with your paranoid delusions. The op is about the political tactics that should be used to win. Nothing more. If you insist on acting like a retarded troll I'll just add ya to ignore. You've blown up this thread with a whole bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.

No I am not!

The Op'er just like you are both lying hypocrites!

You just stated in another response that Trump never mentioned Clinton during the Primaries and if I provide evidence he did you will then move the damn goal posts to something else.

The two of you have made it clear that the left is wrong for acting like Trump and you applaud Trump for acting like a piece of shit while I just look at the two of you ( the op'er ) and realize you're nothing but partisan hacks that will lie and deny!
dude, again, he can do whatever he wants. For the left to comment on how he acts and then does exactly the same thing is what this is about. That my friend is hypocritical. merely pointing it out to you. I don't want him to continue doing it. he got them to do it, it's time to move on. That is all the OP is saying.

And then for you and the OP'er to whine about it like sissy little girls make you and the OP'er hypocritical school girls!

Also you are just focus on the OP and not the responses by the OP'er and refuse to accept the OP'er opened the Pandora box when he listed his complaints about what the left were doing!

The left is acting like you and how dare they!
wtf am I whining about? you lost me there frances. please, what is it I'm whining about.
Trump brought it onto himself because of what he did during the Primaries and he has made stupid comments since. Neither side should be doing it but they are, so if you are against the left while defending Trump stupidity during the primaries then I have to say you're a hypocrite!
in the primaries, he never mentioned clinton.

BTW, his tactic won him the nomination.

Are the two of you fucking stupid!?!

He went after Ted Cruz with vile attacks and now that it is no longer the primaries everyone should forgive and forget!?!

Bullshit and he did mention Clinton during the damn Primaries, so let just stop with the partisan lies!
well ted is no longer campaigning. So why would he be doing that? I'm lost at your point again. BTW, you misrepresented the OP in this thread.

You were caught in a few lies already!

1. the OP'er responded by complaining about how the left is treating Trump... You and the OP'er want me to forget what he wrote after his OP and just focus on the OP because then you can claim he was not crying like a sissy named Trump!

2. You claimed Trump never mentioned Clinton in the Primaries and you know damn well he did!

3. The OP'er is a coward and did not expect me to show his response to another poster and when I did he then claimed he was not complaing which was a fucking lie!

So as you and the OP'er pretend the left is the only mean side in all this and poor wittle Donny is mistreated the reality is the bitch deserves what he get and if you don't like it then maybe you should have told him to play nice in the Primaries!

Now do you want the evidence that Donald did attack Clinton during the Primaries or will you move the goal posts and claim it does not matter!?!
dude I apologized to you. Now you're going to act like a dick? No one has ever complained about the treatment to Trump, that's all made up shit. he doesn't care. he expects it if he dishes it out. He said so. wow, not sure where you're getting these talking points from. I want trump to win, I think some of what he did was necessary at one point, it is no longer needed. I give two shits what the clintons' advertise, I only want to make all aware they've become hypocrites, yet again.

Another lie by you!

1. I supported Clinton according to you!

2. Trump never commented about the bitch hound of Lucifer!

3. You are calling the left hypocrites for acting like you and yet you can not see what a hypocrite you are!

You don't care what the Clinton's advertise but yet care enough to let everyone know they are like your boy Trump!
Add me to ignore and see if I give a damn!

I pointed out you were complaining about how the left is treating Trump and you now want to call me a troll!

It is you that can not understand that Donald John Trump brought all this onto himself and you are pointing your finger at the left like the partisan whore that you are!

The reality is the left is just like Trump and Trump deserves all the shit that is given to him after the disgraceful way he acted against Ted Cruz and Heidi Cruz!

Now if you don't want me using your own words against you then admit that both sides are pathetic and if not then stay the partisan whore that you are and add me to ignore!

Also only a fucking coward write he or she will put someone on ignore and adults just do it!
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.

No I am not!

The Op'er just like you are both lying hypocrites!

You just stated in another response that Trump never mentioned Clinton during the Primaries and if I provide evidence he did you will then move the damn goal posts to something else.

The two of you have made it clear that the left is wrong for acting like Trump and you applaud Trump for acting like a piece of shit while I just look at the two of you ( the op'er ) and realize you're nothing but partisan hacks that will lie and deny!
dude, again, he can do whatever he wants. For the left to comment on how he acts and then does exactly the same thing is what this is about. That my friend is hypocritical. merely pointing it out to you. I don't want him to continue doing it. he got them to do it, it's time to move on. That is all the OP is saying.

And then for you and the OP'er to whine about it like sissy little girls make you and the OP'er hypocritical school girls!

Also you are just focus on the OP and not the responses by the OP'er and refuse to accept the OP'er opened the Pandora box when he listed his complaints about what the left were doing!

The left is acting like you and how dare they!
wtf am I whining about? you lost me there frances. please, what is it I'm whining about.

All now you are not whining about how I have pointed out your damn lies!

The Frances of this thread is the damn OP'er with his bullshit about ignoring someone, and I promise to remind him forever about that!

Also you crying about how the left is acting like Trump and calling the hypocrites while not seeing what a bunch of assholes you and Trump voters are!

If you can dish it out then take it like the men you are and if not then whine bitch whine because both sides are full of shit!

You wrote about how Trump acted in the Primaries does not matter anymore and yet it does and if you wanted the left to be nice to your boy then he should have thought about what he was saying and how he was acting!

If you believe Trump can remark on Bill Clinton sexual life then expect the left to hit him hard and yes it is fair in politics!

So in 2020 you better remember this because if not, well you will be the partisan whore that you are!
in the primaries, he never mentioned clinton.

BTW, his tactic won him the nomination.

Are the two of you fucking stupid!?!

He went after Ted Cruz with vile attacks and now that it is no longer the primaries everyone should forgive and forget!?!

Bullshit and he did mention Clinton during the damn Primaries, so let just stop with the partisan lies!
well ted is no longer campaigning. So why would he be doing that? I'm lost at your point again. BTW, you misrepresented the OP in this thread.

You were caught in a few lies already!

1. the OP'er responded by complaining about how the left is treating Trump... You and the OP'er want me to forget what he wrote after his OP and just focus on the OP because then you can claim he was not crying like a sissy named Trump!

2. You claimed Trump never mentioned Clinton in the Primaries and you know damn well he did!

3. The OP'er is a coward and did not expect me to show his response to another poster and when I did he then claimed he was not complaing which was a fucking lie!

So as you and the OP'er pretend the left is the only mean side in all this and poor wittle Donny is mistreated the reality is the bitch deserves what he get and if you don't like it then maybe you should have told him to play nice in the Primaries!

Now do you want the evidence that Donald did attack Clinton during the Primaries or will you move the goal posts and claim it does not matter!?!
dude I apologized to you. Now you're going to act like a dick? No one has ever complained about the treatment to Trump, that's all made up shit. he doesn't care. he expects it if he dishes it out. He said so. wow, not sure where you're getting these talking points from. I want trump to win, I think some of what he did was necessary at one point, it is no longer needed. I give two shits what the clintons' advertise, I only want to make all aware they've become hypocrites, yet again.

Another lie by you!

1. I supported Clinton according to you!

2. Trump never commented about the bitch hound of Lucifer!

3. You are calling the left hypocrites for acting like you and yet you can not see what a hypocrite you are!

You don't care what the Clinton's advertise but yet care enough to let everyone know they are like your boy Trump!
again, I apologized when I learned I was in error. and you just can't accept that. so now you're just acting like a left douche bag. fk you and the horse you ride. i give two shits about anything the left says. I merely point at the hypocrisy. I admitted I was ok being called a hypocrite, it's better than following a murderer. And? dude, you're a just a fk.
again, you're misrepresenting the OP.

No I am not!

The Op'er just like you are both lying hypocrites!

You just stated in another response that Trump never mentioned Clinton during the Primaries and if I provide evidence he did you will then move the damn goal posts to something else.

The two of you have made it clear that the left is wrong for acting like Trump and you applaud Trump for acting like a piece of shit while I just look at the two of you ( the op'er ) and realize you're nothing but partisan hacks that will lie and deny!
dude, again, he can do whatever he wants. For the left to comment on how he acts and then does exactly the same thing is what this is about. That my friend is hypocritical. merely pointing it out to you. I don't want him to continue doing it. he got them to do it, it's time to move on. That is all the OP is saying.

And then for you and the OP'er to whine about it like sissy little girls make you and the OP'er hypocritical school girls!

Also you are just focus on the OP and not the responses by the OP'er and refuse to accept the OP'er opened the Pandora box when he listed his complaints about what the left were doing!

The left is acting like you and how dare they!
wtf am I whining about? you lost me there frances. please, what is it I'm whining about.

All now you are not whining about how I have pointed out your damn lies!

The Frances of this thread is the damn OP'er with his bullshit about ignoring someone, and I promise to remind him forever about that!

Also you crying about how the left is acting like Trump and calling the hypocrites while not seeing what a bunch of assholes you and Trump voters are!

If you can dish it out then take it like the men you are and if not then whine bitch whine because both sides are full of shit!

You wrote about how Trump acted in the Primaries does not matter anymore and yet it does and if you wanted the left to be nice to your boy then he should have thought about what he was saying and how he was acting!

If you believe Trump can remark on Bill Clinton sexual life then expect the left to hit him hard and yes it is fair in politics!

So in 2020 you better remember this because if not, well you will be the partisan whore that you are!
dude, you'll never understand, you have your head up your canal so far you can't see. it's a pointless discussion with you. I apologized and i stand behind my apology. but s0n you're a fk and undeserving of anymore of my time. psst, what a tool fart you are.
If Trump wallows in the gutter with Hillary he loses. If he challenges her on substance he wins.
Very true and if he/they fail to see that, then he and his entire campaign are complete idiot's.
His Twitter war with Clinton over the beauty queen has got to be killing him and I bet his campaign are beside themselves with frustration. He's shooting himself in the foot.

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