I agree with Pelosi on potential Constitutional Crisis


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
We'll see how this plays out, but as of right now, with Deep State Sessions as AG and the failed Plotters still walking free, we may have a genuine Constitutional Crisis.

We have an FBI that has allowed itself to be turned into the Democrat Secret Police.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

We have the failed plotters continuing their slow motion coup d'etat.

I still have some small trust that the few good Americans in DC will police the wrongdoers and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that the penalty for treason is a firing squad.

We'll see. But Pelosi may be correct; if the traitors walk, we will have a Constitutional Crisis
Certainly Trump will receive the same treatment that Bill's wife received....

We'll see how this plays out, but as of right now, with Deep State Sessions as AG and the failed Plotters still walking free, we may have a genuine Constitutional Crisis.

We have an FBI that has allowed itself to be turned into the Democrat Secret Police.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

We have the failed plotters continuing their slow motion coup d'etat.

I still have some small trust that the few good Americans in DC will police the wrongdoers and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that the penalty for treason is a firing squad.

We'll see. But Pelosi may be correct; if the traitors walk, we will have a Constitutional Crisis

Just out of curiosity, where did you get that idea from?
Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

A better question is where would we be if the roles were reversed?

McCain goes out and finds some clown that has a hatred for Obama to create his opposition research. He wants the presidency so bad that he gets his FBI and others to present this opposition research as actual investigation material in order to get a surveillance warrant. Not only does he not tell the judge where this material came from and that McCain's people paid for it, but also hides the fact that the creator had a real hatred for Obama.

Obama ends up winning and has had this phony investigation going on against him and his administration for a year, and it finally comes out.

This is so corrupt it's almost unbelievable that it can happen in this country. And although these things really happened, the MSM will give it one-tenth of the coverage that they gave the Russia collusion story which was not real.
The Obama Gestapo used shoddy DNC opposition research obtained from a foreign spy to spy on the GOP candidate and his team
Pelosi Warns: If Trump Uses Memo To Justify Firing Rosenstein Or Mueller, Will Trigger "Constitutional Crisis"

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told CBS News on Friday that "if the president uses this fake, horrible release of distorted intelligence as an excuse to fire [acting attorney general Rod] Rosenstein or [special counsel Robert] Mueller, it could lead to a constitutional crisis."

"He has abdicated his responsibilities as commander in chief to protect the American people by protecting our intelligence sources and the rest," she said of Trump.

Pelosi also called House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes a "stooge for the president."

"He should not be the chairman of the committee," Pelosi said. Of the memo, she said: "It’s appalling. It’s a misrepresentation. It isn’t even the release of intelligence material. It’s a release of a distortion of it,” Pelosi said. “They’re not representing the facts to the American people, and yet the president has given it his imprimatur. This is unprecedented to the nth degree."
Remember, we are dealing with people that pointed to Trump's snarky comments as an admission of him colluding

We are dealing with people that have zero interest in honesty and truth and/or just are not very bright

Probable a good number of both
It is a damning memo to how this whole mess came about.

How a political party paid for false information to attack a political opponent and used it to OBTAIN A FISA warrant..............

Then the same informant went to the press and released CLASSIFIED INFORMATION........a VIOLATION OF LAW............subject to a 10 year prison sentence per count is tried and convicted............

Pardon me when I tell Pelosi to take a long walk off a short bridge here.
The left are trying to get Trump to fire Rosenstein.
That would give the left the advantage to try and impeach Trump.
Trump isn't falling into their attempts at a coup.
The left are trying to get Trump to fire Rosenstein.
That would give the left the advantage to try and impeach Trump.
Trump isn't falling into their attempts at a coup.

Unlike DumBama, Trump listens to his advisors. He may get carried away on Twitter, but that's the extent of it.

Remember when Trump came out after the election and told people DumBama tapped is towers, and the left called him crazy?
We'll see how this plays out, but as of right now, with Deep State Sessions as AG and the failed Plotters still walking free, we may have a genuine Constitutional Crisis.

We have an FBI that has allowed itself to be turned into the Democrat Secret Police.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

We have the failed plotters continuing their slow motion coup d'etat.

I still have some small trust that the few good Americans in DC will police the wrongdoers and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that the penalty for treason is a firing squad.

We'll see. But Pelosi may be correct; if the traitors walk, we will have a Constitutional Crisis

Just out of curiosity, where did you get that idea from?
What idea? That Democrats turned FBI into their Secret Police? It's called paying attention
We'll see how this plays out, but as of right now, with Deep State Sessions as AG and the failed Plotters still walking free, we may have a genuine Constitutional Crisis.

We have an FBI that has allowed itself to be turned into the Democrat Secret Police.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

We have the failed plotters continuing their slow motion coup d'etat.

I still have some small trust that the few good Americans in DC will police the wrongdoers and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that the penalty for treason is a firing squad.

We'll see. But Pelosi may be correct; if the traitors walk, we will have a Constitutional Crisis

Just out of curiosity, where did you get that idea from?
What idea? That Democrats turned FBI into their Secret Police? It's called paying attention

No. The text I highlighted is what I was referring to!
We'll see how this plays out, but as of right now, with Deep State Sessions as AG and the failed Plotters still walking free, we may have a genuine Constitutional Crisis.

We have an FBI that has allowed itself to be turned into the Democrat Secret Police.

Where would we be had Progressive Fascist Hillary had won?

We have the failed plotters continuing their slow motion coup d'etat.

I still have some small trust that the few good Americans in DC will police the wrongdoers and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that the penalty for treason is a firing squad.

We'll see. But Pelosi may be correct; if the traitors walk, we will have a Constitutional Crisis

Just out of curiosity, where did you get that idea from?
What idea? That Democrats turned FBI into their Secret Police? It's called paying attention

No. The text I highlighted is what I was referring to!
Oh, that was the JakeStarkey standard
The left are trying to get Trump to fire Rosenstein.
That would give the left the advantage to try and impeach Trump.
Trump isn't falling into their attempts at a coup.

When Rosenstein shows up for work on Monday, his office should be empty except for a desk, chair, and, a phone.
Is there a single Democrat in Congress who cares enough about their country and the rule of law to admit that this kind of corruption threatens the foundations of our form of government?
The Founding Fodder Gave Us Oats, Not Votes

This corruption is enabled by our form of government.

On the contrary,

It is due to human nature.

The Federalist No. 51. The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments. Independent Journal Wednesday, February 6, 1788 ... If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government ...

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