I ain't no Birther, but what's up with this?

Well, I just figured out I could not find it on the AP archive...because i was searching for it under the title the Sunday Standard News paper gave to it...Kenyan Born, Barak Obama....

But I just found THIS from SNOPES.COM

And once again, another flub up...

The Kenyan newspaper put that in...and if you read the link that jd gave on how there was obama LOVE in kenya bigtime... and it also makes sense why the article was scrubbed if it was scrubbed, because the article took the liberty to quote the AP as the source while they modified the article by putting in Kenyan born.... not too kosher or legal...

snopes.com: AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'

Well done care4all.
Well, I just figured out I could not find it on the AP archive...because i was searching for it under the title the Sunday Standard News paper gave to it...Kenyan Born, Barak Obama....

But I just found THIS from SNOPES.COM

And once again, another flub up...

The Kenyan newspaper put that in...and if you read the link that jd gave on how there was obama LOVE in kenya bigtime... and it also makes sense why the article was scrubbed if it was scrubbed, because the article took the liberty to quote the AP as the source while they modified the article by putting in Kenyan born.... not too kosher or legal...

snopes.com: AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'

Well done care4all.

Ditto that. However, the Birthers don't believe Snopes either because every lie that's gone viral about the Obamas can be found there. Just another evil liberal web page they say.
When Dan Rather used shit like this, he got fired even though the forged documents were true about Bush' service or lack thereof.

Now we can post whatever we want and it becomes right wing gospel.

Sad little people who don't like to lose fair and square.:lol:

Wrong. Dan Rather got canned for presenting forged papers -- period. There is no such fucking thing as a forged letter that is also "true." If it is "forged," then it is by definition "false."
When Dan Rather used shit like this, he got fired even though the forged documents were true about Bush' service or lack thereof.

Now we can post whatever we want and it becomes right wing gospel.

Sad little people who don't like to lose fair and square.:lol:

Wrong. Dan Rather got canned for presenting forged papers -- period. There is no such fucking thing as a forged letter that is also "true." If it is "forged," then it is by definition "false."

That actually highlights the whole liberal mindset. Yeah its true the papers were forged. But we "know" that Bush was a creepy little weasel so the papers were true even though they were a forgery.

Facts are secondary to these folks. Their worldview makes facts, not the other way around.
Know why people keep coming up with bullshit like this?

Simple actually.................

When printing first was made available, people took it on faith that the things they were reading were true, why else would someone go to the trouble to print it?

Then.........towards the mid 20th century, television news came out, and we believed that as well, because, again, why else would they go to all the trouble to send it out over the airwaves?

Along the 50's and 60's, (after some experimentation in the 30's and 40's), they figured out they could sell just about anything to the public if it was placed on the news and touted as "facts".

One reason that we believed Saddam had anything to do with 9/11.

Only thing that people keep forgetting though..........now, with the internet, it is reasonably easy to investigate things to see if they are factually true or not.

Looks like the AP story has gone down in flames.........finally, at least on this thread.
So when things are scanned, like oh I dunno maybe a certificate of birth, then it becomes believable?
Check your irony at the door.

No one has explained yet why the Obama Campaign/White House will not release any records. Not birth certificates, not medical records, not school records.

It is the one inconvenient truth circulating here.
So when things are scanned, like oh I dunno maybe a certificate of birth, then it becomes believable?
Check your irony at the door.

No one has explained yet why the Obama Campaign/White House will not release any records. Not birth certificates, not medical records, not school records.

It is the one inconvenient truth circulating here.

The only inconvenient truth here is your abject stupidity.

People have posted several things from several different places that all say the same thing.......Obama was born in Hawaii.

The only thing that I see with no verification? The AP story the birthers are using.
So when things are scanned, like oh I dunno maybe a certificate of birth, then it becomes believable?
Check your irony at the door.

No one has explained yet why the Obama Campaign/White House will not release any records. Not birth certificates, not medical records, not school records.

It is the one inconvenient truth circulating here.

The only inconvenient truth here is your abject stupidity.

People have posted several things from several different places that all say the same thing.......Obama was born in Hawaii.

The only thing that I see with no verification? The AP story the birthers are using.

You're the one who can't explain why Obama won't release the long form of his birth certificate or his school records. That is the only inconvenient truth I see here.
I've already discounted the news story. Who cares?
I thought you had been dismissed?

You ain't got the paygrade to dismiss me ground pounder................

How's things in REMF land?

You have dismissed yourself with your closed mind. And what the hell does the Navy know about anything except REMFs

Standard says that the Navy goes and softens up the ground with artillery. When that is accomplished, we send in the Marines to kill anything not dead yet.

Then the SeeBee's come in and build bases.

Then the Army comes in and takes over the rear guard.

Air Force? They're back in the States flying Predators.

What was your specialty again?
If you really Must know I was in Communications. From Cable to Satellite. With 4 years in COMSEC and the last 10 as Forward Combat Signal Area Support. Which deck did you keep painted?
If you really Must know I was in Communications. From Cable to Satellite. With 4 years in COMSEC and the last 10 as Forward Combat Signal Area Support. Which deck did you keep painted?

Like I said, you're a REMF.

I was in Beruit in '83 when the Marines got hit on a combat ship.

Participated in Desert Storm pts 1 and 2 on a carrier.

Spent time in Kosovo.

At least I didn't hide in the rear echelons.
If you really Must know I was in Communications. From Cable to Satellite. With 4 years in COMSEC and the last 10 as Forward Combat Signal Area Support. Which deck did you keep painted?

Like I said, you're a REMF.

I was in Beruit in '83 when the Marines got hit on a combat ship.

Participated in Desert Storm pts 1 and 2 on a carrier.

Spent time in Kosovo.

At least I didn't hide in the rear echelons.

Like I said, your inability to think and comprehend has dismissed you. It is not difficult to understand forward area support. Unless of course you were busy with a mop or paintbrush. Now go away I truly do hate arguing with veterans.
Really? Wanna explain to me about the heavy artillery fire we took in Beruit?

I was also a member of the PRP team while stationed in an FA-18 squadron (VFA-131), was a security force team member at the War College, as well as a few other special qualifications.

Nope........didn't sit behind a desk a lot of the time.
Know why people keep coming up with bullshit like this?

Simple actually.................

When printing first was made available, people took it on faith that the things they were reading were true, why else would someone go to the trouble to print it?

Then.........towards the mid 20th century, television news came out, and we believed that as well, because, again, why else would they go to all the trouble to send it out over the airwaves?

Along the 50's and 60's, (after some experimentation in the 30's and 40's), they figured out they could sell just about anything to the public if it was placed on the news and touted as "facts".

One reason that we believed Saddam had anything to do with 9/11.

Only thing that people keep forgetting though..........now, with the internet, it is reasonably easy to investigate things to see if they are factually true or not.

Looks like the AP story has gone down in flames.........finally, at least on this thread.

Why would you have believed that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11? I don't know anyone that believed that.
Really? Wanna explain to me about the heavy artillery fire we took in Beruit?

I was also a member of the PRP team while stationed in an FA-18 squadron (VFA-131), was a security force team member at the War College, as well as a few other special qualifications.

Nope........didn't sit behind a desk a lot of the time.

Don't understand what you are bragging about. The point here is not to defend your precious honor or to have you attempt to diminish mine. we did our time and performed our missions.

But you still cannot show me a Birth Certificate that has Obamas Name on it with the name of the hospital and the attending Physicians signature.

And that is all anyone has asked for. Pretty simple request I would think.

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