I ain't no Birther, but what's up with this?

You're an idiot the first water Ollie.

"Well, gee Ollie, I can't see any reason that you should continue being an idiot".
great response. Not.

Yes, what is so hard about making that document available? Unless, of course, it doesn't exist.
It's already been displayed online, on MSNBC, CNN and other stations.

The only ones that deny it are the morons like Orly Taitz (who incidentally is not from the USA), as well as the fact that she THINKS that to become a natural born citizen your parents have to have been born here as well.

Unfortunately, that ain't the case. Ever hear of "anchor babies"? Those are the kids born to illegals, but because the child was born here, they are native born Americans.

Nope.....it's all bullshit.

Besides..........why the fuck are supposedly patriotic Americans taking the word of a stupid Russian/Jewish chick?
btw Rabbi...

Are you saying President Obama is not the legitimate president and therefore wouldn't be eligible as a "natural born citizen' simply because his father was not an American citizen?
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No shit Sherlock. So why cannot Mr Obama show the one that looks just like it with his name on it. You know the one that shows the name of the hospital, the signature of attending physician, parents signature, and local registrars signature. That's all he need do and this controversy is over.

SO tell us why he cannot end this show.....
It's already been displayed online, on MSNBC, CNN and other stations.

The only ones that deny it are the morons like Orly Taitz (who incidentally is not from the USA), as well as the fact that she THINKS that to become a natural born citizen your parents have to have been born here as well.

Unfortunately, that ain't the case. Ever hear of "anchor babies"? Those are the kids born to illegals, but because the child was born here, they are native born Americans.

Nope.....it's all bullshit.

Besides..........why the fuck are supposedly patriotic Americans taking the word of a stupid Russian/Jewish chick?

Didn't they teach you anything in the Navy? No one has shown the Actual Birth Certificate with Attending Physicians signature, along with the local registrars signature, and the name of the Hospital. Simple solution is for him to have it shown. Why won't he do that?
It's already been displayed online, on MSNBC, CNN and other stations.

The only ones that deny it are the morons like Orly Taitz (who incidentally is not from the USA), as well as the fact that she THINKS that to become a natural born citizen your parents have to have been born here as well.

Unfortunately, that ain't the case. Ever hear of "anchor babies"? Those are the kids born to illegals, but because the child was born here, they are native born Americans.

Nope.....it's all bullshit.

Besides..........why the fuck are supposedly patriotic Americans taking the word of a stupid Russian/Jewish chick?

Didn't they teach you anything in the Navy? No one has shown the Actual Birth Certificate with Attending Physicians signature, along with the local registrars signature, and the name of the Hospital. Simple solution is for him to have it shown. Why won't he do that?

What? Yes, they did teach me stuff in the Navy. Mainly how to avoid being a tent dwelling knuckle dragging sloping foreheaded Neanderthal.

Takes more talent and smarts to survive on the water than it does on the land. While I do enjoy camping as a hobby, it leaves much to be desired as a lifestyle.

You DO realize that Hawaii is just one of the 50 STATES that we have, right? And, you also understand that each state has it's own way of doing things, right?

Just because Podunk Holler in the redneck country has different ways, don't mean that they are the only ones that can tell us how stuff is done.

Apparently, you didn't learn shit in the Army. Fuck dude...you wouldn't even make a good bullet sponge. What's your specialty? Supply?
Wow, are you dumb. Take a good look at the form Olly posted. It is from Hawaii. That is his point. If Obama was born there, then he has one that looks pretty much like it. So where is that form? Why aren't they releasing it? It would quell virtually all of the controversy.

And I'd like to see one that lists his father race as "Negro" which was the proper term in 1961, rather than the absurd "African" in the online farce passed off.
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It's already been displayed online, on MSNBC, CNN and other stations.

The only ones that deny it are the morons like Orly Taitz (who incidentally is not from the USA), as well as the fact that she THINKS that to become a natural born citizen your parents have to have been born here as well.

Unfortunately, that ain't the case. Ever hear of "anchor babies"? Those are the kids born to illegals, but because the child was born here, they are native born Americans.

Nope.....it's all bullshit.

Besides..........why the fuck are supposedly patriotic Americans taking the word of a stupid Russian/Jewish chick?

Didn't they teach you anything in the Navy? No one has shown the Actual Birth Certificate with Attending Physicians signature, along with the local registrars signature, and the name of the Hospital. Simple solution is for him to have it shown. Why won't he do that?

What? Yes, they did teach me stuff in the Navy. Mainly how to avoid being a tent dwelling knuckle dragging sloping foreheaded Neanderthal.

Takes more talent and smarts to survive on the water than it does on the land. While I do enjoy camping as a hobby, it leaves much to be desired as a lifestyle.

You DO realize that Hawaii is just one of the 50 STATES that we have, right? And, you also understand that each state has it's own way of doing things, right?

Just because Podunk Holler in the redneck country has different ways, don't mean that they are the only ones that can tell us how stuff is done.

Apparently, you didn't learn shit in the Army. Fuck dude...you wouldn't even make a good bullet sponge. What's your specialty? Supply?

You know I normally have a lot of respect for any veteran, and even more for retirees. But in your case you are just fucking stupid. In fact one of the dumbest squids i've ever heard of. You compare a Hawaiian Birth Certificate to redneck country? Who was the attending Physician asswipe? Which Hospital? Who was the local Registrar? All that Information is on a Hawaiian Birth certificate in 1961. It's not on what Obama has shown us.

Is that so hard to understand?
Didn't they teach you anything in the Navy? No one has shown the Actual Birth Certificate with Attending Physicians signature, along with the local registrars signature, and the name of the Hospital. Simple solution is for him to have it shown. Why won't he do that?

What? Yes, they did teach me stuff in the Navy. Mainly how to avoid being a tent dwelling knuckle dragging sloping foreheaded Neanderthal.

Takes more talent and smarts to survive on the water than it does on the land. While I do enjoy camping as a hobby, it leaves much to be desired as a lifestyle.

You DO realize that Hawaii is just one of the 50 STATES that we have, right? And, you also understand that each state has it's own way of doing things, right?

Just because Podunk Holler in the redneck country has different ways, don't mean that they are the only ones that can tell us how stuff is done.

Apparently, you didn't learn shit in the Army. Fuck dude...you wouldn't even make a good bullet sponge. What's your specialty? Supply?

You know I normally have a lot of respect for any veteran, and even more for retirees. But in your case you are just fucking stupid. In fact one of the dumbest squids i've ever heard of. You compare a Hawaiian Birth Certificate to redneck country? Who was the attending Physician asswipe? Which Hospital? Who was the local Registrar? All that Information is on a Hawaiian Birth certificate in 1961. It's not on what Obama has shown us.

Is that so hard to understand?

No...........I didn't compare Hawaii's birth certificate to redneck country, I compared YOUR UNDERSTANDING of birth certificates to redneck country.

Like I said......where'd ya work, Supply? I'm figuring a REMF quartermaster.......

And, the doctor has been interviewed, as well as many others. Not my fault the Army gave you a lobotomy.

Kudos to your plastic surgeon by the way, your hair pretty much covers the scar.
Ok, I can see that you have no respect nor will you ever present an intelligent argument. Enjoy life fool.
Ok, I can see that you have no respect nor will you ever present an intelligent argument. Enjoy life fool.

Actually, I DO enjoy life. Retired at 38, been to 26 different countries, 49 different states, have the ability to go where I want, as well as enough to eat, and a beer every now and again.

I also don't listen to FAUX Noise. Stress and lies will kill you quick, and you won't enjoy life.

Like I said.......why the fuck is a supposed patriot such as yourself, believing some Russian/Israeli chick, who IS NOT A CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTRY?

Why do you trust her over all the people interviewed? The only thing I can figure is that they removed 3/4ths of your brain.

It's been hashed out repeatedly. Not my fault that you can't think for yourself and have decided to follow conspiracy theories.
Ok, I can see that you have no respect nor will you ever present an intelligent argument. Enjoy life fool.

Actually, I DO enjoy life. Retired at 38, been to 26 different countries, 49 different states, have the ability to go where I want, as well as enough to eat, and a beer every now and again.

I also don't listen to FAUX Noise. Stress and lies will kill you quick, and you won't enjoy life.

Like I said.......why the fuck is a supposed patriot such as yourself, believing some Russian/Israeli chick, who IS NOT A CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTRY?

Why do you trust her over all the people interviewed? The only thing I can figure is that they removed 3/4ths of your brain.

It's been hashed out repeatedly. Not my fault that you can't think for yourself and have decided to follow conspiracy theories.

I believe what my eyes see not what some noise tells me. I tell you that Mr Obama is hiding something, You are too stupid to see that and insult me instead. You are dismissed.

No shit Sherlock. So why cannot Mr Obama show the one that looks just like it with his name on it. You know the one that shows the name of the hospital, the signature of attending physician, parents signature, and local registrars signature. That's all he need do and this controversy is over.

SO tell us why he cannot end this show.....

The only document the state of Hawaii releases upon request for a birth certificate is the COLB.
Wow, are you dumb. Take a good look at the form Olly posted. It is from Hawaii. That is his point. If Obama was born there, then he has one that looks pretty much like it.

The one posted was issued in '63.
BikerSailor responds to valid points by being insulting. He might as well write "you're right, I'm wrong. I have broccoli in my ears and listen to voices in my head."

I'd love to see a Hawaiin birth certificate where someone there was actually Black. I'd bet $50 it does not list the person's race as "African."

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