I ain't no Birther, but what's up with this?

There is no lie.
WIth Obama there is no evidence at all.
Are you unable to read?

There is a lie there and you know it.

I will repeat it. Try reading slower this time:


Now, I think McCain was eligible, never doubted it - but I not have a few comments on your links.

There is a lie - either on the Birth Certificate (doubt it) or with the reporter who was "show(n)" McCain's BC by the campaign.

--------------> Wanna see it?

Look, from the article you posted:
"As I reported earlier, the McCain campaign has declined to publicly release the senator's birth certificate. But a senior campaign official showed me a copy of his birth certificate issued by the "family hospital" in the Coco Solo submarine base. (McCain's grandfather commanded the Coco Solo Naval Air Station in 1936; his father was the executive officer of a submarine based in Coco Solo.)" John McCain's Birthplace - Fact Checker
Now look at his birth certificate (obtained by plaintiffs, with sworn affidavits) released in regard to the lawsuit (that McCain fought to have thrown out).

Here it is --------------------
... note the part where it says "Hospital:"


What does it say? That's right. Colon Hospital, not "Family Hospital," not CoCo Solo, as the article "verifying" to that reporter of McCain's birthplace.

For the record: Colon is the capital of Colon Province in the Republic of Panama. Never at any time has Colon been a part of the Panama Canal Zone, or any other entity, military or civilian, controlled by the U.S. Government. Colon has for the entirety of its 150 year history been wholly a part of the Republic of Panama.
Therefore Senator McCain was born in the Republic of Panama. Not on base.

Therefore Senator McCain may be as much a citizen of Panama as the United States.

It should be noted, the CoCo Solo Hospital was not built until 1941.
The order to build it was not given until December of 1941.
---> Franklin D. Roosevelt: Executive Order 8981 - NAVY HOSPITAL AREA, COCO SOLO, CANAL ZONE

Why would MCain and the reporter lie about the location of his birth?

I will reiterate: McCain was eligible to me, I do find this curious though.

With McCain the facts are known and established.
No, they are not.

No matter how you slice it - there is a lie there.
There is no lie. The existence and provenance of the hospital was verified.

The only lie is that Obama has a valid BC showing he was born in Hawaii.
There is no lie. The existence and provenance of the hospital was verified.

The only lie is that Obama has a valid BC showing he was born in Hawaii.
Willfully blind.

Like all conspiracy theorists.

That's why you folks are considered the fringe of the fringe of the fringe. A joke to most thinking human beings.
Here's over 1000 pages of medical records, jerk off:
John McCain releases 1,173 pages of medical records - Times Online


Yes, he did "release" them, sort of.
"The campaign will allow television reporters and three news services -- Bloomberg, Reuters and the Associated Press -- to review the records, in addition to the two newspapers. The reporters will have three hours to view about 400 pages and will not be allowed to photocopy them."

John McCain is releasing medical records, to a few - Los Angeles Times

"Only certain news networks and newspapers will be permitted to enter the room, and they will have only three hours to examine the papers. No cell phones or Internet access will be allowed in the room, located in a resort outside Phoenix, Arizona. Copying the records is also prohibited.
Anyone who leaves the room for any reason except the bathroom will not be allowed back."
McCain was not as forthcoming as you purport him to be. Obama did release a summary of his medical records.
Obama releases medical information: "excellent health." - Lynn Sweet

When you can produce similar documentation by Obama we can talk.
You can't produce them either. A few guys were able to see McCain's records for 3 hours, with strict guidelines.
Obama's summary by his doctor is producable.

You continue to fail, Rab. Regardless, medical records are not required to be released. It is up to the campaign if and how they release them.

There is no lie. The existence and provenance of the hospital was verified.

The only lie is that Obama has a valid BC showing he was born in Hawaii.
Willfully blind.

Like all conspiracy theorists.

That's why you folks are considered the fringe of the fringe of the fringe. A joke to most thinking human beings.

I think you're referring to yourself.
Compare the tremendous data available on McCain to that on Obama. The differences ought to be immediately apparant to anyone with two brain cells. What was Obama's GPA? How did he pay for his education? What classes did he take? No one knows.
McCain's birth is probably one of the best documented events on earth. Obama's is about like Jesus'. Next they'll be saying he was born in a manger.
There is no lie. The existence and provenance of the hospital was verified.

The only lie is that Obama has a valid BC showing he was born in Hawaii.
Willfully blind.

Like all conspiracy theorists.

That's why you folks are considered the fringe of the fringe of the fringe. A joke to most thinking human beings.

I think you're referring to yourself.
Compare the tremendous data available on McCain to that on Obama. The differences ought to be immediately apparant to anyone with two brain cells. What was Obama's GPA? How did he pay for his education? What classes did he take? No one knows.
McCain's birth is probably one of the best documented events on earth. Obama's is about like Jesus'. Next they'll be saying he was born in a manger.

:lol: What a riot.

Tell me Rab: What hospital was McCain born in?
John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, Panama, to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911–1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[2] At that time, the Panama Canal was under U.S. control.[3]
John McCain was born on August 29, 1936 at Coco Solo Naval Air Station in the Panama Canal Zone, Panama, to naval officer John S. McCain, Jr. (1911–1981) and Roberta (Wright) McCain (b. 1912).[2] At that time, the Panama Canal was under U.S. control.[3]
So why does his birth certificate (the one you linked to earlier) say Colon Hospital?

What hospital was he born in?
I guess you've answered your own question.

But no one has answered my question: Why is the Obama Administration spending time and money to block release of any records that pertain to his birth or schooling? It is undeniable they are. The question remains why?
I guess you've answered your own question.

But no one has answered my question: Why is the Obama Administration spending time and money to block release of any records that pertain to his birth or schooling? It is undeniable they are. The question remains why?

great point Rabbi.good job of taking him to school.:clap2:
Rab won't answer the question, and he knows why. He can't.

If he says it's the Coco Solo Family Hospital, as McCain and his campaign said, then why does his Birth certificate state Colon Hospital (Colon never being part of the PCZ).

If Rab says he was born at the Colon Hospital, as his BC states, then why does McCain say CoCo Solo?

And why wouldn't Mccain release his BC?

Questions. Questions.

Water under the bridge? Sure. But you're not going to get away with making statements about how honest and forthcoming McCain was in this regard, to cherry top it with this nonsense: " "McCain's birth is probably one of the best documented events on earth."

Laughable.If it's so documented, why can't he answer the question?
i guess you've answered your own question.

But no one has answered my question: Why is the obama administration spending time and money to block release of any records that pertain to his birth or schooling? It is undeniable they are. The question remains why?

any proof to back up what you say?


i guess you've answered your own question.

But no one has answered my question: Why is the obama administration spending time and money to block release of any records that pertain to his birth or schooling? It is undeniable they are. The question remains why?

any proof to back up what you say?



Proof of what? That they havent released any birth or educational records? If they have, please post the links!
No links?
It must be true.
Another Obamabot.
Rab won't answer the question, and he knows why. He can't.

If he says it's the Coco Solo Family Hospital, as McCain and his campaign said, then why does his Birth certificate state Colon Hospital (Colon never being part of the PCZ).

If Rab says he was born at the Colon Hospital, as his BC states, then why does McCain say CoCo Solo?

And why wouldn't Mccain release his BC?

Questions. Questions.

Water under the bridge? Sure. But you're not going to get away with making statements about how honest and forthcoming McCain was in this regard, to cherry top it with this nonsense: " "McCain's birth is probably one of the best documented events on earth."

Laughable.If it's so documented, why can't he answer the question?

The base is located in Colon. The building still there from the base are inside the city of Colon. Panama Guide - Reuters - John McCain Born in Racially Segregated Panama Canal Zone (Honkey Muth'a)
There is no contradiction here. There is no problem. And there is no conspiracy.
The only conspiracy is to prevent anyone from learning about barack Obama's past. The question is why? What are they hiding??
Rab won't answer the question, and he knows why. He can't.

If he says it's the Coco Solo Family Hospital, as McCain and his campaign said, then why does his Birth certificate state Colon Hospital (Colon never being part of the PCZ).

If Rab says he was born at the Colon Hospital, as his BC states, then why does McCain say CoCo Solo?

And why wouldn't Mccain release his BC?

Questions. Questions.

Water under the bridge? Sure. But you're not going to get away with making statements about how honest and forthcoming McCain was in this regard, to cherry top it with this nonsense: " "McCain's birth is probably one of the best documented events on earth."

Laughable.If it's so documented, why can't he answer the question?

The base is located in Colon. The building still there from the base are inside the city of Colon. Panama Guide - Reuters - John McCain Born in Racially Segregated Panama Canal Zone (Honkey Muth'a)
There is no contradiction here. There is no problem. And there is no conspiracy.
The only conspiracy is to prevent anyone from learning about barack Obama's past. The question is why? What are they hiding??
No, it is not. Not even your slurpy link says that.
(you might guide your eyes to the bottom of that page as well. ;)

Coco Solo is near Colon, not part of it.


Colon is the capital of Colon Province in the Republic of Panama. Never at any time has Colon been a part of the Panama Canal Zone, or any other entity, military or civilian, controlled by the U.S. Government. Colon has for the entirety of its 150 year history been wholly a part of the Republic of Panama.

Notice fellow readers, Rab can't say what hospital MCain was born in.

The question is settled for anyone with two functioning brain cells.

But mine remains: Why is Obama fighting release of any of his records? What is he hiding? What is it they don't want us to see??

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