I ain't no Birther, but what's up with this?

Wow, are you dumb. Take a good look at the form Olly posted. It is from Hawaii. That is his point. If Obama was born there, then he has one that looks pretty much like it.

The one posted was issued in '63.

And Obama was born in 1961. So it's pretty close.
FWIW, I was born in 1962 in NY and my birth certificate looks pretty much like the one posted here in this thread.
Because that isn't his?

No shit Sherlock. So why cannot Mr Obama show the one that looks just like it with his name on it. You know the one that shows the name of the hospital, the signature of attending physician, parents signature, and local registrars signature. That's all he need do and this controversy is over.

SO tell us why he cannot end this show.....

The only document the state of Hawaii releases upon request for a birth certificate is the COLB.

Obviously that's yet another lie from you since we've seen a Hawaiian birth certificate right here on this thread.
Wow, are you dumb. Take a good look at the form Olly posted. It is from Hawaii. That is his point. If Obama was born there, then he has one that looks pretty much like it.

The one posted was issued in '63.

And Obama was born in 1961. So it's pretty close.
FWIW, I was born in 1962 in NY and my birth certificate looks pretty much like the one posted here in this thread.
The ones issued at that time, yeah.

The only document the state of Hawaii issues upon request for a birth certificate is the COLB. And it's been that way since '01.
Ok, I can see that you have no respect nor will you ever present an intelligent argument. Enjoy life fool.

Actually, I DO enjoy life. Retired at 38, been to 26 different countries, 49 different states, have the ability to go where I want, as well as enough to eat, and a beer every now and again.

I also don't listen to FAUX Noise. Stress and lies will kill you quick, and you won't enjoy life.

Like I said.......why the fuck is a supposed patriot such as yourself, believing some Russian/Israeli chick, who IS NOT A CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTRY?

Why do you trust her over all the people interviewed? The only thing I can figure is that they removed 3/4ths of your brain.

It's been hashed out repeatedly. Not my fault that you can't think for yourself and have decided to follow conspiracy theories.

I believe what my eyes see not what some noise tells me. I tell you that Mr Obama is hiding something, You are too stupid to see that and insult me instead. You are dismissed.

Motherfucker, ain't no way in hell some Supply puke is gonna "dismiss" me.

Like I said, not my fault you choose ignorance and stupidity. The only reason that people brought this up in the first place is because people asked about McCain FIRST.

The GOP just figured that a conspiracy that sounded close to the one that McCain went against would work, as they had already weathered theirs, and thought that it would sink Obama.

What was your ASVAB score, 33?
BikerSailor gets more and more incoherent and beligerent. Life is tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid.
Actually the thread started with a news story that referred to Obama as Kenyan born. It isn't like newspapers never make mistakes on facts.
So I am back to "why will the Obama campaign not release his birth certificate, or any other records about him"?
I think BikerSailor is dismissed from this discussion for insubordination to the truth and countermanding a direct order of common sense.
god bless the birthers,

for they give us a never ending supply of nutball fruitcakery.


His dad was Kenyan.. The people of Kenya believe that the child is of the father, not the mother, regardless of where the child was born.

Also, because of their absolutely terrible government, they would love to have Obama lead them..

The absolute support that Kenyans offer Obama comes from the fact that his father was Kenyan, which, according to our tradition, makes him our own. In most of our tribal cultures, a child belongs to the father. This overshadows the fact that his mother was a white American. Likewise, the fact that Obama doesn't hold Kenyan citizenship, or speak any Kenyan language, is insignificant. Kenyans, especially those from his father's home province of Nyanza, love him so much that they have already renamed a primary school and a high school in his honor. In Kenyan bars, you can order "Obama beer," a brew that used to be named "Senator" long before he became one.

In addition to the pride that Obama has bestowed upon our country by having a successful political career in the most powerful nation in the world, many of us see a future President Obama as a godsend who would deliver our country from its miseries -- something our corrupt, tribalist leaders have failed to do.

Ordinary Kenyans are not the only ones who see Obama as a messiah. Kenyan politicians have been using his popularity as political capital. In 2006, opposition leader Raila Odinga tried to portray Obama's trip to Kenya as a personal endorsement. Odinga's supporters created T-shirts and posters with cleverly computer-altered images that showed Obama and Odinga standing side by side, arms around each other.

More recently, on January 8th, Odinga told the BBC that Obama is his maternal cousin. Those who understand Kenyan politics know that Odinga's claim is meant to rally Kenyans behind him as he tries to fight his way into the State House, Kenya's highest office, which he contends Kibaki robbed him of by rigging the December 27 elections.

FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches . Dispatches . Obama: The Kenya Connection | PBS

Shhhhhhh! You're providing crystal clear facts to brainwashed morons (on both sides) who refuse to see them. You're also pissing off the International Socialist Bankers who own The Madman Obama and The United States of America as well. ~BH

But WHAT, for the love of God, is so CHRYSTAL CLEAR? please tell us clearly how you are not the one that has been blinded by your brainwashing or are in moron status as you accuse others of being in??

WHAT is so crystal clear to you? An article from a kenyan newspaper, that has no Writer/Author/Journalist attributed to it? when ALL OTHER ARTICLES in this same archive do? Or because someone in kenya is calling him kenyan born, via this strange, unattributed article, that is FACT to you?

There is nothing that this ''find'' cleared up on the issue imo!


Shhhhhhh! You're providing crystal clear facts to brainwashed morons (on both sides) who refuse to see them. You're also pissing off the International Socialist Bankers who own The Madman Obama and The United States of America as well. ~BH

But WHAT, for the love of God, is so CHRYSTAL CLEAR? please tell us clearly how you are not the one that has been blinded by your brainwashing or are in moron status as you accuse others of being in??

WHAT is so crystal clear to you? An article from a kenyan newspaper, that has no Writer/Author/Journalist attributed to it? when ALL OTHER ARTICLES in this same archive do? Or because someone in kenya is calling him kenyan born, via this strange, unattributed article, that is FACT to you?

There is nothing that this ''find'' cleared up on the issue imo!

Care, it is not unusual for an AP article to not have the writers name attributed to it
just "AP"
I can't help myself, I just gotta do it..............and just how do you know that THEY spelled it wrong. Maybe the current spelling is the one that is wrong. lol Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Well, if that were the case, than it would prove the birthers wrong, because that's not how it's spelled on the 'Kenyan Birth Certificate' which was made before the place even existed.
Shhhhhhh! You're providing crystal clear facts to brainwashed morons (on both sides) who refuse to see them. You're also pissing off the International Socialist Bankers who own The Madman Obama and The United States of America as well. ~BH

But WHAT, for the love of God, is so CHRYSTAL CLEAR? please tell us clearly how you are not the one that has been blinded by your brainwashing or are in moron status as you accuse others of being in??

WHAT is so crystal clear to you? An article from a kenyan newspaper, that has no Writer/Author/Journalist attributed to it? when ALL OTHER ARTICLES in this same archive do? Or because someone in kenya is calling him kenyan born, via this strange, unattributed article, that is FACT to you?

There is nothing that this ''find'' cleared up on the issue imo!

Care, it is not unusual for an AP article to not have the writers name attributed to it
just "AP"

well, it did have AP after the article at the very bottom after blank space, is that common when you are attributing the article to the AP though?

and i understand that the kenyan newspapers could have been scrubbed but do you think the AP really could have been?

and ALL mirror sites to the AP... because i have searched their archives high and low, and there is no such article?

and all articles in the archive of this paper was attributed to a writer...ALL OF THEM....from all the different days i went in to their archive on, except this one article....it just stood out as not being consistent with this paper...

Last edited:
But WHAT, for the love of God, is so CHRYSTAL CLEAR? please tell us clearly how you are not the one that has been blinded by your brainwashing or are in moron status as you accuse others of being in??

WHAT is so crystal clear to you? An article from a kenyan newspaper, that has no Writer/Author/Journalist attributed to it? when ALL OTHER ARTICLES in this same archive do? Or because someone in kenya is calling him kenyan born, via this strange, unattributed article, that is FACT to you?

There is nothing that this ''find'' cleared up on the issue imo!

Care, it is not unusual for an AP article to not have the writers name attributed to it
just "AP"

well, it did have AP after the article at the very bottom after blank space, is that common when you are attributing the article to the AP though?

and i understand that the kenyan newspapers could have been scrubbed but do you think the AP really could have been?

and ALL mirror sites to the AP... because i have searched their archives high and low, and there is no such article?

and all articles in the archive of this paper was attributed to a writer...ALL OF THEM....from all the different days i went in to their archive on, except this one article....it just stood out as not being consistent with this paper...

maybe they only archive their own writers and not the AP stories
and, the site it was found on was an independent archive site
i have no doubt the Kenyan paper did print that story and then removed their mistake
its not like that doesnt happen here as well
Well, I just figured out I could not find it on the AP archive...because i was searching for it under the title the Sunday Standard News paper gave to it...Kenyan Born, Barak Obama....

But I just found THIS from SNOPES.COM

And once again, another flub up...

The Kenyan newspaper put that in...and if you read the link that jd gave on how there was obama LOVE in kenya bigtime... and it also makes sense why the article was scrubbed if it was scrubbed, because the article took the liberty to quote the AP as the source while they modified the article by putting in Kenyan born.... not too kosher or legal...

snopes.com: AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'
Claim: A June 2004 Associated Press article identified Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born."


Example: [Collected via e-mail, October 2009]

What most people know is that the Associated Press (AP) is one of the largest, internationally recognized, syndicated news services. What most people don't know that is in 2004, the AP was a "birther" news organization.

How so? Because in a syndicated report, published Sunday, June 27, 2004, by the Kenyan Standard Times, and which was, as of this report, available here.

The AP reporter stated the following:

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

Origins: A popular item of "birther" chatter in October 2009 concerned the discovery of an archived copy of a 27 June 2004 article from the web version of the Kenyan-based Sunday Standard newspaper. The article was a
reproduction of an Associated Press (AP) wire story which dealt with the withdrawal of Republican candidate Jack Ryan from the race for a seat representing Illinois in the U.S. Senate, paving the way for the Democratic contender, Barack Obama, to win the election. Why this article was of particular interest to birthers was its lead-in sentence, which referred to Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born." Surely, claimed birthers, such an august news agency as the Associated Press would not have identified Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born" if they did not have ample evidence to support its use of that term.

However, the Associated Press made no such reference; the identification of Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born" was added to the Sunday Standard's version of the AP story by someone else (who misspelled the politician's given name as "Barrack" in the process) and is apparently unique to that publication. The full text of the "Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid" article as originally issued by the Associated Press is retrievable from the LexisNexis archive of global news sources, and it contains no reference (in the lead-in or elsewhere) to Barack Obama's being "Kenyan-born":

Associated Press Online

June 25, 2004 Friday

Illinois' Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid

BYLINE: MAURA KELLY LANNAN; Associated Press Writer
LENGTH: 768 words

Illinois Senate candidate Jack Ryan dropped out of the race Friday amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days.

"It's clear to me that a vigorous debate on the issues most likely could not take place if I remain in the race," Ryan, 44, said in a statement. "What would take place, rather, is a brutal, scorched-earth campaign - the kind of campaign that has turned off so many voters, the kind of politics I refuse to play."

The campaign began to come apart Monday following the release of embarrassing records from Ryan's divorce. In those records, his ex-wife, "Boston Public" actress Jeri Ryan, said Ryan took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans and tried to get her to perform sex acts with him while others watched.

Ryan disputed the allegations, saying he and his wife went to one "avant-garde" club in Paris and left because they felt uncomfortable.

In quitting the race, Ryan lashed out at the media and said it was "truly outrageous" that the Chicago Tribune got a judge to unseal the records.

"The media has gotten out of control," he said.

Top Illinois Republicans immediately began the work of selecting a new candidate. Their choice will become an instant underdog against Democratic state Sen. Barack Obama in the campaign for the seat of retiring GOP Sen. Peter Fitzgerald. Obama held a wide lead even before the scandal broke.

"I feel for him actually," Obama said on WLS-AM. "What he's gone through over the last three days I think is something you wouldn't wish on anybody. Unfortunately, I think our politics has gotten so personalized and cutthroat that it's very difficult for people to want to get in the business."

Ryan had faced mounting pressure to quit from party leaders, who met several times in Washington this week to discuss whether the campaign could survive.

"He really was a dead man walking," Gary MacDougal, former Illinois Republican Party chairman.

Ryan conducted an overnight poll to gauge his support. After reviewing the results, Ryan's advisers told the candidate that the only way to survive would be wage an extremely negative and expensive response.

"Jack Ryan made the right decision. I know it must have been a difficult one," said House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois, who made his feelings known by canceling a fund-raising event scheduled for Thursday with Ryan.

Ryan was a political neophyte when he got into the race - a millionaire investment banker who had left business four years ago to teach at an all-boys parochial school in Chicago. He spent $3 million of his own fortune to win the primary.

With his good looks and Harvard background, Ryan was seen by many as the party's best hope for revitalizing the Illinois GOP. The party lost control of the governor's office and nearly every statewide office two years ago in the wake of a corruption scandal involving then-Gov. George Ryan, who has since been indicted. He is not related to Jack Ryan.

During the primary, Ryan waved off rumors of damaging sex allegations in his sealed divorce records, assuring state officials there was nothing in the file to worry about.

But the Tribune and Chicago TV station WLS sued for the records' release, and a California judge ordered them unsealed. The couple fought to keep the records sealed, saying the release could harm their 9-year-old son.

"The fact that the Chicago Tribune sues for access to sealed custody documents and then takes unto itself the right to publish details of a custody dispute - over the objections of two parents who agree that the re-airing of their arguments will hurt their ability to co-parent their child and hurt their child - is truly outrageous," he said.

Although most party leaders abandoned Ryan, Fitzgerald said Friday that he had encouraged him to stay in the race. "I think the public stoning of Jack Ryan is one of the most grotesque things I've seen in politics," the senator said.

He said the party's bigwigs pushed Ryan out: "It was like piranhas. They smelled blood in the water and they just devoured him."

Ryan won the GOP primary by more than 10 percentage points over his two closest rivals, dairy owner James Oberweis and state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger.

Both Oberweis and Rauschenberger said this week that they would step in as Ryan's replacement if party leaders asked. Other possible candidates mentioned include U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, former Gov. Jim Edgar and Sen. Fitzgerald, though all three have said they are not interested.

Likewise, archived versions of U.S. newspapers that published the same AP wire story (such as the San Diego Union-Tribune and the Seattle Times) do not include lead-ins identifying Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born."

Last updated: 19 October 2009

The URL for this page is snopes.com: AP Reports Obama as 'Kenyan-Born'

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Lannan, Maura Kelly. "Illinois' Jack Ryan Abandons Senate Bid."
Associated Press. 25 June 2004.

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