I ain't no Birther, but what's up with this?

Really? Wanna explain to me about the heavy artillery fire we took in Beruit?

I was also a member of the PRP team while stationed in an FA-18 squadron (VFA-131), was a security force team member at the War College, as well as a few other special qualifications.

Nope........didn't sit behind a desk a lot of the time.

Don't understand what you are bragging about. The point here is not to defend your precious honor or to have you attempt to diminish mine. we did our time and performed our missions.

But you still cannot show me a Birth Certificate that has Obamas Name on it with the name of the hospital and the attending Physicians signature.

And that is all anyone has asked for. Pretty simple request I would think.

WHY do you need the name of the doc and hospital? IS THAT what the constitution says? you can only be president if you give the world the name of your mother;s personal doctor?

YOU have no constitutional right or power to demand such private information....THIS IS WHY HAWAII changed their laws and regs to issuing ONLY the COLB= a precise certified duplicate of the original birth certificate, but WITHOUT that kind of personal, private, information.

you only have the right to see his Certificate of Live Birth, showing his place of birth as anywhere in the usa to qualify, OR a Certification of Citizenship IF born overseas but still a citizen at birth due to parents as the requirement of natural born citizenship.

What you all seem to ignore is that if obama were born in another country, and not in hawaii...he WOULD NOT have a birth certificate from hawaii as he does.... he would have a Certificate of Citizenship for the USA to go with a Kenyan Birth Certificate....and yes, that was the law back in 1961 as well.... the state of Hawaii did not issue birth certificates to those born overseas..... citizenship could be applied for by the parent but this was a long legal process that took months and also after specific legal requirements were met, including meeting federal citizenship requirements....

Obama's birth was registered with the Hawaiian Health Department Registrar of Vital Statistics just 3 days after he was born, along with all other children born in HONOLULU on that day..... there is no dancing around that FACT.

The Hawaii Health Dept of Vital Statistics Ran an ad every Sunday listing the children born in their state as notice in the local news papers....obama was listed along with all other children born the previous week IN HAWAII.... this was not personal birth announcements by a grandma or proud father....THIS WAS A STATE GVT NOTICE OF BIRTHS WITHIN THE STATE localities....there is no dancing around that FACT.

He could not have been born in kenya and have a birth certificate and announcement in the paper within a weeks time....it is impossible...anyone of sound mind would stop this ridiculous quest to continual bash our black president and require from him what you have Never required from your white presidents....simply because you don't like him.
You're tap dancing around the issue. As Americans we have the right to see whatever the hell we want from someone who wants to be president.
Why is the administration blocking release of this information??

And your race card has been declined.
Really? Wanna explain to me about the heavy artillery fire we took in Beruit?

I was also a member of the PRP team while stationed in an FA-18 squadron (VFA-131), was a security force team member at the War College, as well as a few other special qualifications.

Nope........didn't sit behind a desk a lot of the time.

Don't understand what you are bragging about. The point here is not to defend your precious honor or to have you attempt to diminish mine. we did our time and performed our missions.

But you still cannot show me a Birth Certificate that has Obamas Name on it with the name of the hospital and the attending Physicians signature.

And that is all anyone has asked for. Pretty simple request I would think.

WHY do you need the name of the doc and hospital? IS THAT what the constitution says? you can only be president if you give the world the name of your mother;s personal doctor?

YOU have no constitutional right or power to demand such private information....THIS IS WHY HAWAII changed their laws and regs to issuing ONLY the COLB= a precise certified duplicate of the original birth certificate, but WITHOUT that kind of personal, private, information.

you only have the right to see his Certificate of Live Birth, showing his place of birth as anywhere in the usa to qualify, OR a Certification of Citizenship IF born overseas but still a citizen at birth due to parents as the requirement of natural born citizenship.

What you all seem to ignore is that if obama were born in another country, and not in hawaii...he WOULD NOT have a birth certificate from hawaii as he does.... he would have a Certificate of Citizenship for the USA to go with a Kenyan Birth Certificate....and yes, that was the law back in 1961 as well.... the state of Hawaii did not issue birth certificates to those born overseas..... citizenship could be applied for by the parent but this was a long legal process that took months and also after specific legal requirements were met, including meeting federal citizenship requirements....

Obama's birth was registered with the Hawaiian Health Department Registrar of Vital Statistics just 3 days after he was born, along with all other children born in HONOLULU on that day..... there is no dancing around that FACT.

The Hawaii Health Dept of Vital Statistics Ran an ad every Sunday listing the children born in their state as notice in the local news papers....obama was listed along with all other children born the previous week IN HAWAII.... this was not personal birth announcements by a grandma or proud father....THIS WAS A STATE GVT NOTICE OF BIRTHS WITHIN THE STATE localities....there is no dancing around that FACT.

He could not have been born in kenya and have a birth certificate and announcement in the paper within a weeks time....it is impossible...anyone of sound mind would stop this ridiculous quest to continual bash our black president and require from him what you have Never required from your white presidents....simply because you don't like him.

Our president is BLACK ??
Really? Wanna explain to me about the heavy artillery fire we took in Beruit?

I was also a member of the PRP team while stationed in an FA-18 squadron (VFA-131), was a security force team member at the War College, as well as a few other special qualifications.

Nope........didn't sit behind a desk a lot of the time.

Don't understand what you are bragging about. The point here is not to defend your precious honor or to have you attempt to diminish mine. we did our time and performed our missions.

But you still cannot show me a Birth Certificate that has Obamas Name on it with the name of the hospital and the attending Physicians signature.

And that is all anyone has asked for. Pretty simple request I would think.

WHY do you need the name of the doc and hospital? IS THAT what the constitution says? you can only be president if you give the world the name of your mother;s personal doctor?

YOU have no constitutional right or power to demand such private information....THIS IS WHY HAWAII changed their laws and regs to issuing ONLY the COLB= a precise certified duplicate of the original birth certificate, but WITHOUT that kind of personal, private, information.

you only have the right to see his Certificate of Live Birth, showing his place of birth as anywhere in the usa to qualify, OR a Certification of Citizenship IF born overseas but still a citizen at birth due to parents as the requirement of natural born citizenship.

What you all seem to ignore is that if obama were born in another country, and not in hawaii...he WOULD NOT have a birth certificate from hawaii as he does.... he would have a Certificate of Citizenship for the USA to go with a Kenyan Birth Certificate....and yes, that was the law back in 1961 as well.... the state of Hawaii did not issue birth certificates to those born overseas..... citizenship could be applied for by the parent but this was a long legal process that took months and also after specific legal requirements were met, including meeting federal citizenship requirements....

Obama's birth was registered with the Hawaiian Health Department Registrar of Vital Statistics just 3 days after he was born, along with all other children born in HONOLULU on that day..... there is no dancing around that FACT.

The Hawaii Health Dept of Vital Statistics Ran an ad every Sunday listing the children born in their state as notice in the local news papers....obama was listed along with all other children born the previous week IN HAWAII.... this was not personal birth announcements by a grandma or proud father....THIS WAS A STATE GVT NOTICE OF BIRTHS WITHIN THE STATE localities....there is no dancing around that FACT.

He could not have been born in kenya and have a birth certificate and announcement in the paper within a weeks time....it is impossible...anyone of sound mind would stop this ridiculous quest to continual bash our black president and require from him what you have Never required from your white presidents....simply because you don't like him.

Why is it that the Obama Supporters and dare i say worshipers always want to bring up race?

It's quite simple there was one simple question brought up about the mans Birth records. Instead of producing what would have put the question to bed he covered that document up. And then he made sure that his college documents were covered. The man is either playing a stupid game or hiding something. We the people have a right to know what he is hiding.

Personally I think it is something stupid like maybe his parents weren't married. But I have the right to know what the President is hiding.
You're tap dancing around the issue. As Americans we have the right to see whatever the hell we want from someone who wants to be president.
Why is the administration blocking release of this information??

And your race card has been declined.

Obama is not blocking the release of this information....NO ONE has gone to him to ask for the release.

the State is and the hospital is blocking the requests for this information, because it is illegal for them to release it....

It's none of your business to see his mom's doc's name....and he should block it from you loony tunes.... it is NOT REQUIRED INFORMATION OF YOURS....got THAT YET?

he has shown LEGAL PROOF that he was born in hawaii....HIS COLB, hawaii certificate of live birth IS THE ONLY LEGAL DOCUMENT NEEDED to show proof of citizenship, for anyone needing proof. The State Dept vetting all candidates accepted this legal proof.

What part of that do you not understand? YOU guys are harassing him at this point imo...with no sound reason why... there's so many other things involved with our country and his political stances to differ with or argue over, but this? enough already!
Gee, you think Obama has never heard of this controversy? Think all anyone has to do is write a polite letter and he'll be glad to oblige?
What planet do you live on again?
The State Dept does not vet candidates. I don't know where you got that idea. You mentioned it before and I challenged you for proof. I do so again.

And, again, as Americans we can demand any damn thing we want from someone who presumes to lead us. Why won't he release the birth certificate? Why won't he release his school records?
Don't understand what you are bragging about. The point here is not to defend your precious honor or to have you attempt to diminish mine. we did our time and performed our missions.

But you still cannot show me a Birth Certificate that has Obamas Name on it with the name of the hospital and the attending Physicians signature.

And that is all anyone has asked for. Pretty simple request I would think.

WHY do you need the name of the doc and hospital? IS THAT what the constitution says? you can only be president if you give the world the name of your mother;s personal doctor?

YOU have no constitutional right or power to demand such private information....THIS IS WHY HAWAII changed their laws and regs to issuing ONLY the COLB= a precise certified duplicate of the original birth certificate, but WITHOUT that kind of personal, private, information.

you only have the right to see his Certificate of Live Birth, showing his place of birth as anywhere in the usa to qualify, OR a Certification of Citizenship IF born overseas but still a citizen at birth due to parents as the requirement of natural born citizenship.

What you all seem to ignore is that if obama were born in another country, and not in hawaii...he WOULD NOT have a birth certificate from hawaii as he does.... he would have a Certificate of Citizenship for the USA to go with a Kenyan Birth Certificate....and yes, that was the law back in 1961 as well.... the state of Hawaii did not issue birth certificates to those born overseas..... citizenship could be applied for by the parent but this was a long legal process that took months and also after specific legal requirements were met, including meeting federal citizenship requirements....

Obama's birth was registered with the Hawaiian Health Department Registrar of Vital Statistics just 3 days after he was born, along with all other children born in HONOLULU on that day..... there is no dancing around that FACT.

The Hawaii Health Dept of Vital Statistics Ran an ad every Sunday listing the children born in their state as notice in the local news papers....obama was listed along with all other children born the previous week IN HAWAII.... this was not personal birth announcements by a grandma or proud father....THIS WAS A STATE GVT NOTICE OF BIRTHS WITHIN THE STATE localities....there is no dancing around that FACT.

He could not have been born in kenya and have a birth certificate and announcement in the paper within a weeks time....it is impossible...anyone of sound mind would stop this ridiculous quest to continual bash our black president and require from him what you have Never required from your white presidents....simply because you don't like him.

Why is it that the Obama Supporters and dare i say worshipers always want to bring up race?

It's quite simple there was one simple question brought up about the mans Birth records. Instead of producing what would have put the question to bed he covered that document up. And then he made sure that his college documents were covered. The man is either playing a stupid game or hiding something. We the people have a right to know what he is hiding.

Personally I think it is something stupid like maybe his parents weren't married. But I have the right to know what the President is hiding.

tell me something....did you require this from president bush? did you harrass him as obama? did you insist that reagan's or ghw's legal birth certificate wasn't good enough? how about clinton's? ONLY OBAMA'S LEGAL COLB IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH....YOU TELL ME WHY...

you are full of crap on the nonsense you spilled on ''he covered it up....'''


WHY do you want more than that? what do you imagine as a scenario that you think demands more than this already shown LEGAL PROOF?


Have you actually thought this through or are you just following the heard?

please tell me...
Well, no actually he didn't "give" anything to anyone.
Some web site reproduced a document they allegedly got from his campaign. Has anyone actually seen the document in question? No. Did Obama himself actually give anything? Did he actually request anything from Hawaii? No, I dont think so.

There was never a question with any other president. That's why it has never been an issue.
Has anyone actually seen the document in question?
Did Obama himself actually give anything? Did he actually request anything from Hawaii?
Yes, as that is the only way it can be released.

There was never a question with any other president.
They were taken at their word that they were born within the US / US territories? Why not with this President?
Has anyone actually seen the document in question?
Did Obama himself actually give anything? Did he actually request anything from Hawaii?
Yes, as that is the only way it can be released.

There was never a question with any other president.
They were taken at their word that they were born within the US / US territories? Why not with this President?

Because significant doubt exists that that is the case. This doubt has been inflamed by the Obama campaign's refusal to be forthcoming and open in releasing information, including his college records. When information is absent, rumor takes it place. One would have to assume the rumors are generally worse than the truth. This usually leads people to reveal the truth. The only reason someone would not reveal the truth is the rumors are actually true, or better than the truth.
That is the problem.
it is a ridiculous demand....there is no doubt of him being born in honolulu, JUST AS HIS LEGAL certificate of live birth states.

there is nothing, nothing at all other than mere lies made up. one after another....one fake article after another, one fake kenyan birth certificate after another and YOU THINK that the big O owes you liars and forgers something?

it is a ridiculous demand....there is no doubt of him being born in honolulu, JUST AS HIS LEGAL certificate of live birth states.

there is nothing, nothing at all other than mere lies made up. one after another....one fake article after another, one fake kenyan birth certificate after another and YOU THINK that the big O owes you liars and forgers something?

havent had your morning coffee yet?
it is a ridiculous demand....there is no doubt of him being born in honolulu, JUST AS HIS LEGAL certificate of live birth states.

there is nothing, nothing at all other than mere lies made up. one after another....one fake article after another, one fake kenyan birth certificate after another and YOU THINK that the big O owes you liars and forgers something?

havent had your morning coffee yet?

hahahahahahaha! no, i haven't....i was hoping to fall back asleep....woke up because it was hot in the house...low and behold it is raining like cats and dogs, humid and in the 60's outside??? then my new stray cat wanted out, so i let her out, now i don't want to go to sleep till i can get her back in....

oh, and i opened the windows to cool the house down.... is it warm and humid there too?
it is a ridiculous demand....there is no doubt of him being born in honolulu, JUST AS HIS LEGAL certificate of live birth states.

there is nothing, nothing at all other than mere lies made up. one after another....one fake article after another, one fake kenyan birth certificate after another and YOU THINK that the big O owes you liars and forgers something?

havent had your morning coffee yet?

hahahahahahaha! no, i haven't....i was hoping to fall back asleep....woke up because it was hot in the house...low and behold it is raining like cats and dogs, humid and in the 60's outside??? then my new stray cat wanted out, so i let her out, now i don't want to go to sleep till i can get her back in....

oh, and i opened the windows to cool the house down.... is it warm and humid there too?
its only about 52° here right now
so enjoy the warmer temps while you can
Yes. Yes, as that is the only way it can be released.

They were taken at their word that they were born within the US / US territories? Why not with this President?

Because significant doubt exists that that is the case.


Informed response.

The doubt exists, fostered by the Obama campaign itself. They could easily have ended such speculation. The fact that they don't is undeniable and troubling. Especially from someone who pledged an open honest administration and has delivered anything but.
Because significant doubt exists that that is the case.


Informed response.

The doubt exists, fostered by the Obama campaign itself. They could easily have ended such speculation. The fact that they don't is undeniable and troubling. Especially from someone who pledged an open honest administration and has delivered anything but.

Let me spell it out for you, if you will.

Obama provided proof of his birth. The COLB is the only document the State of Hawaii will provide upon a request for a birth certificate. Further, the state's DOH director has twice confirmed that the records show he was born in Hawaii.

So as far as all the bullshit accusations and lawsuits go? The burden lies with the accusers, i.e. the birfer nutters, to prove otherwise. He doesn't have to do shit.

So have fun with that.
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Informed response.

The doubt exists, fostered by the Obama campaign itself. They could easily have ended such speculation. The fact that they don't is undeniable and troubling. Especially from someone who pledged an open honest administration and has delivered anything but.

Let me spell it out for you, if you will.

Obama provided proof of his birth. The COLB is the only document the State of Hawaii will provide upon a request for a birth certificate. Further, the state's DOH director has twice confirmed that the records show he was born in Hawaii.

So as far as all the bullshit accusations and lawsuits go? The burden lies with the accusers, i.e. the birfer nutters, to prove otherwise. He doesn't have to do shit.

So have fun with that.

Obama has provided nothing. His campaign allegedly gave a scan to a website. That itself ought to be cause for suspicion.
Obviously the state of Hawaii does provide other documentation, as we have seen images of it on this very thread. He is the fucking president of the united states and it is his birth certificate. Are you telling me the President of the United States cannot get a copy of his own birth certificate??:cuckoo:
No, he doesn't have to do shit. In fact, he hasn't done shit. That's why all the rumors have arisen.
So it again goes back to: if all these rumors are flying and he could quash it by producing the legal document then why doesn't he?

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