I Am A Bigot And A Terrorist

I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Thank you for your service, but so what? You can believe whatever you want to, just don't try to force other people to live by your personal belief system. It's not realistic nor feasible for some people. As I keep on saying time and time again, and I'm starting to feel like a broken record, there are more than 300 million people in this country and not nearly 300 million jobs. You should WANT to help your fellow Americans who are not as fortunate as you. It only makes our country a better place in which to live.

As I have asked before.

Did Jesus charge for the whole loaves and fishes thing?

Did Jesus charge when he "Made the lame to walk, the blind to see or the deaf to hear"?

His old lady was hooker. He knew her in biblical sense. She gave more wine and rubbed his feet. Did she charge Jesus for a blow job?

I don't know much about Jesus' personal or sex life. Lol. I understand the whole "teach a man to fish" thing, but the fact remains that there aren't enough jobs for everyone in this country, especially not good paying ones. In fact, there are actually some people who work but are still eligible to collect benefits because their employers don't pay them enough money to live. Everything is so expensive too. It's very difficult times, and I think a lot of old timers who already have their homes and are retired and stuff, don't really understand how much different things are today than when they worked. I've used the example of my grandfather before. He worked at a job in a factory full time which allowed him to provide for a family of 5 (himself, wife and 3 kids), owned his own quite nice modest home, owned his own car and a camper. That is all on his income alone at a factory. That is impossible nowadays.
Religionists want this country to be governed according Religious Law. Known in Muslim World as Sharia Law.

My post(s) stand and yours is yet another in long line of epic fails.
You mean the founders? The ones that built the nation on Christian values you lefties are so desperate to claim had no religion? Laws have to be based upon some kind of moral base. Law is morals. Without morals you don't have law.
False learn some fucking history.
The founding fathers were mostly Deists .
That about as far from what passes as Christianity today as Atheism.
And there's the desperation to cast the founders as not religious I was talking about. They were religious and it shows in no uncertain terms in the founding documents they wrote. No atheist could ever come up with something like that.
False . Most scientists are atheists.
That's bullshit and has nothing to do with the founders.
Religionists want this country to be governed according Religious Law. Known in Muslim World as Sharia Law.

My post(s) stand and yours is yet another in long line of epic fails.
You mean the founders? The ones that built the nation on Christian values you lefties are so desperate to claim had no religion? Laws have to be based upon some kind of moral base. Law is morals. Without morals you don't have law.
False learn some fucking history.
The founding fathers were mostly Deists .
That about as far from what passes as Christianity today as Atheism.
And there's the desperation to cast the founders as not religious I was talking about. They were religious and it shows in no uncertain terms in the founding documents they wrote. No atheist could ever come up with something like that.
False . Most scientists are atheists.
That's bullshit and has nothing to do with the founders.

Some of the founders certainly did not follow the beliefs that many Christians of today follow. The founders were aware of how government forced religions oppressed people. How on earth does it make sense to introduce religious beliefs into government?
Religionists want this country to be governed according Religious Law. Known in Muslim World as Sharia Law.

My post(s) stand and yours is yet another in long line of epic fails.
You mean the founders? The ones that built the nation on Christian values you lefties are so desperate to claim had no religion? Laws have to be based upon some kind of moral base. Law is morals. Without morals you don't have law.
False learn some fucking history.
The founding fathers were mostly Deists .
That about as far from what passes as Christianity today as Atheism.
And there's the desperation to cast the founders as not religious I was talking about. They were religious and it shows in no uncertain terms in the founding documents they wrote. No atheist could ever come up with something like that.
False . Most scientists are atheists.
That's bullshit and has nothing to do with the founders.

Middle eastern countries are the result of mixing religion and government.
Religionists want this country to be governed according Religious Law. Known in Muslim World as Sharia Law.

My post(s) stand and yours is yet another in long line of epic fails.
You mean the founders? The ones that built the nation on Christian values you lefties are so desperate to claim had no religion? Laws have to be based upon some kind of moral base. Law is morals. Without morals you don't have law.
False learn some fucking history.
The founding fathers were mostly Deists .
That about as far from what passes as Christianity today as Atheism.
And there's the desperation to cast the founders as not religious I was talking about. They were religious and it shows in no uncertain terms in the founding documents they wrote. No atheist could ever come up with something like that.
False . Most scientists are atheists.
That's bullshit and has nothing to do with the founders.
False be an adult and search it.
Or you could stay fucking ignorant , just more for me to laugh at.
It has everything to with the founding fathers Ben Franklin to name one.
Simply attempting to show this fool I am hardly a dumbass.


Aren't you about ready to go pull your shift as a Church's Fried Chicken fry cook?

I am a homemaker. I have been for 28 out of my 30 year marriage & we live quite comfortably on one income.

Good for you. I've been married to my wife for 51 years. You should expect my defense, though unwarranted. After all, I don't know you, have never met you, but you chose to come on here and attack me.

I'm attacking the words you chose to post due to your ideology. If you said them, own them & expect to be attacked for them.

Actually, I'm normal here. It's you Liberals Wingnuts who are the minority and the dregs of society.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Why does it matter to you who marries who? It's really none of your business what two gay people do. They are also taxpaying American citizens like yourself. Some of them are also veterans who fought for this country. Some still are active duty military men and women. Who are you, some stranger, to insert yourself into their lives and tell them who they can and cannot marry?

As usual, you wish to dictate to me what I should believe. What gives you the right to do that? I drive a Nissan Titan. I don't fault you if you drive a Ford 150.

Aren't you about ready to go pull your shift as a Church's Fried Chicken fry cook?

I am a homemaker. I have been for 28 out of my 30 year marriage & we live quite comfortably on one income.

Good for you. I've been married to my wife for 51 years. You should expect my defense, though unwarranted. After all, I don't know you, have never met you, but you chose to come on here and attack me.

I'm attacking the words you chose to post due to your ideology. If you said them, own them & expect to be attacked for them.

Actually, I'm normal here. It's you Liberals Wingnuts who are the minority and the dregs of society.

I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Thank you for your service, but so what? You can believe whatever you want to, just don't try to force other people to live by your personal belief system. It's not realistic nor feasible for some people. As I keep on saying time and time again, and I'm starting to feel like a broken record, there are more than 300 million people in this country and not nearly 300 million jobs. You should WANT to help your fellow Americans who are not as fortunate as you. It only makes our country a better place in which to live.

Please point out here where I have tried to impose my beliefs upon any of you professional victims.
Have you made any money or are you just another wage slave? I employ a few guys with masters degrees. I have a daughter who holds one. She will be playing a major part in running my corp along with my son and other daughter. At present, I am completing two jet engine test facilities (my design) for the Navy. Three are finished and operational.

If you are on the DHS watchlist, you would never be able to do business like that with the military.

Don't be too sure of that. I know for a fact that we bought a ship from the Russians and then turned around and bought two gas turbine engines from them to install in it. Our government does business everyday with folks you wouldn't think they ever would.
Ancient news.

But also quite true and to the point. I see you're back again hanging onto my every word as usual.
Just to piss you off and it's working.

Not in your wildest dreams. I consider you to be on the same level as a brute beast.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Thank you for your service, but so what? You can believe whatever you want to, just don't try to force other people to live by your personal belief system. It's not realistic nor feasible for some people. As I keep on saying time and time again, and I'm starting to feel like a broken record, there are more than 300 million people in this country and not nearly 300 million jobs. You should WANT to help your fellow Americans who are not as fortunate as you. It only makes our country a better place in which to live.

Please point out here where I have tried to impose my beliefs upon any of you professional victims.

What was the point of this thread? I mean, if you read it, it sounds as if you are the one who feels you are a victim of . . . something.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Why does it matter to you who marries who? It's really none of your business what two gay people do. They are also taxpaying American citizens like yourself. Some of them are also veterans who fought for this country. Some still are active duty military men and women. Who are you, some stranger, to insert yourself into their lives and tell them who they can and cannot marry?

As usual, you wish to dictate to me what I should believe. What gives you the right to do that? I drive a Nissan Titan. I don't fault you if you drive a Ford 150.

Really, self described 'bigot'? You have certain beliefs & those you vote for, who want to change this country into a oligarchical theocracy... makes it an extension of yourself... therefore dictating what others believe.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Thank you for your service, but so what? You can believe whatever you want to, just don't try to force other people to live by your personal belief system. It's not realistic nor feasible for some people. As I keep on saying time and time again, and I'm starting to feel like a broken record, there are more than 300 million people in this country and not nearly 300 million jobs. You should WANT to help your fellow Americans who are not as fortunate as you. It only makes our country a better place in which to live.

Please point out here where I have tried to impose my beliefs upon any of you professional victims.

Why are you anyone's "worse nightmare"? You certainly aren't anywhere NEAR sounding like my worst nightmare. Lol. :lol:

Aren't you about ready to go pull your shift as a Church's Fried Chicken fry cook?

I am a homemaker. I have been for 28 out of my 30 year marriage & we live quite comfortably on one income.
That's his best line .
He will make a derogatory statement about your sexuality anytime now.

No. That's the Liberals War On Women thing.

LOL. You mean like funding Viagra but not the pill? You mean trying to shut down the government (again) over Planned Parenthood, a leading medical facility that caters to mostly women?

No one is shutting the government down. Congress is charged with passing a budget, nothing requires them to appease the President. Were the President to veto a budget that Congress passed and a government shutdown resulted, then it would be the President's veto of that budget that resulted in the shutdown. Congress still would have done their jobs.

As far as Planned Parenthood, it has been reported that they do very little by way of womens health services. Many of theit facilities offer only abortion services. Use your Obamacare insurance and go to a reputable hospital or see a reputable doctor or other medical provider for your health care. I personally know a lot of women who have their own doctors and use the local hospitals.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Why does it matter to you who marries who? It's really none of your business what two gay people do. They are also taxpaying American citizens like yourself. Some of them are also veterans who fought for this country. Some still are active duty military men and women. Who are you, some stranger, to insert yourself into their lives and tell them who they can and cannot marry?

As usual, you wish to dictate to me what I should believe. What gives you the right to do that? I drive a Nissan Titan. I don't fault you if you drive a Ford 150.

Really, self described 'bigot'? You have certain beliefs & those you vote for, who want to change this country into a oligarchical theocracy... makes it an extension of yourself... therefore dictating what others believe.

And you of course don't have beliefs that cause you to vote for the changes in governmental policies that you seek? Hypocrite!!
Aren't you about ready to go pull your shift as a Church's Fried Chicken fry cook?

I am a homemaker. I have been for 28 out of my 30 year marriage & we live quite comfortably on one income.
That's his best line .
He will make a derogatory statement about your sexuality anytime now.

No. That's the Liberals War On Women thing.

LOL. You mean like funding Viagra but not the pill? You mean trying to shut down the government (again) over Planned Parenthood, a leading medical facility that caters to mostly women?

No one is shutting the government down. Congress is charged with passing a budget, nothing requires them to appease the President. Were the President to veto a budget that Congress passed and a government shutdown resulted, then it would be the President's veto of that budget that resulted in the shutdown. Congress still would have done their jobs.

As far as Planned Parenthood, it has been reported that they do very little by way of womens health services. Many of theit facilities offer only abortion services. Use your Obamacare insurance and go to a reputable hospital or see a reputable doctor or other medical provider for your health care. I personally know a lot of women who have their own doctors and use the local hospitals.

Do you have any links to these claims of yours? As far as I am aware, abortion is a very small percentage of what Planned Parenthood does. They provide birth control at a discount, they provide counseling, they do examinations at a discount, they give other medicines that women might need for many other feminine issues that they may have. Federal funds are not supposed to be used for abortions unless it is a case of rape, incest or risk to mother's health/life.
I am your worse nightmare. I am a true dyed-in-the wool American bigot and a terrorist. I am first of a descendent of native Americans. I am 2/3 Choctaw and 1/3 Seminole. I am not a "victim" of anything nor am I looking for any reason past, present, or future to claim any victim status. I am a United States Army Veteran of the Viet Nam conflict. I am a Christian. I am a Conservative. I hold the Constitution of the United States to be a most sacred document. I respect the flag of the United States of America. I believe strongly in personal responsibility for one's choices and in one's actions. No one owes anyone a living and should not expect anyone to shoulder his own burdens and responsibilities except himself or herself. I uphold the right to bear arms as guaranteed by the Constitution. I also believe anything not specifically reserved by the Constitution as being under the prevue of the federal government is reserved to be under states rights. I believe marriage was reserved back in Genesis as being the exclusive union between one man and one woman. I believe in the family as a sacred unit for the overall betterment of society. I believe in my country, my flag, my God, my family, and in myself. I am your worse nightmare.

Thank you for your service, but so what? You can believe whatever you want to, just don't try to force other people to live by your personal belief system. It's not realistic nor feasible for some people. As I keep on saying time and time again, and I'm starting to feel like a broken record, there are more than 300 million people in this country and not nearly 300 million jobs. You should WANT to help your fellow Americans who are not as fortunate as you. It only makes our country a better place in which to live.

Please point out here where I have tried to impose my beliefs upon any of you professional victims.

Why are you anyone's "worse nightmare"? You certainly aren't anywhere NEAR sounding like my worst nightmare. Lol. :lol:

Well, from the hate expressed he
Hardly a dumb ass?

How about a complete and total ass hat instead.

Were I to want a hat of any type, I could buy it without an EBT card.
More proof you're a dumb ass .
No one can buy clothes alcohol or tobacco products and about a thousand other things with an EBT card.
Handy tip: learn something about what you are trying to talk shit about , you'll look less a dumbass.

It's done everyday in convenience stores all over. It's simply charged off to something else which gives the store owner a lot more profit. Look around you. Get your head out of your computer or wherever you have it stuck and see the real world.
In reality no its not , those cards are tracked (one of the wonders of chip technology)
Any attempt to purchase non approved items is loged in a data base and the user and store owner are fined and do jail time .
How do I know this my wife works for DPSS.
The government agency that issue's those cards .
But you go a head and swallow that regressive propaganda.

I realize you are a genius but the reality is that they just recently closed down a couple of stores locally for doing just that. They scan a milk carton, a box of cereal, etc that equals more than the cost of a pack of cigarettes and hand the guy with the card a pack of cigarettes.

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