I am American, and I respect Christianity.

Besides which, the very concept of America is a Christian one.

A country with the freedom to worship in any way a person chooses is not a Christian ideal.

It was funny though.

But it is a Christian concept.

Christians believe that God created man with free will. People are free to choose what they will. God would prefer they would choose to worship Him, but He's not going to force them to -- because that which is freely given is infinitely more valuable than that which is coerced.

Some people can't understand that.

If Christian nations throughout history had taken the same stance, I'd give it to you.

It's not the case though.
It's the "however begrudgingly" bit that renders your entire statement horseshit.

You think so?

Ask the culture warrior Bill O'Reilly, he might disagree.

I think you're looking for a cheap out.
You'll have to remind me -- why should I care what O'Reilly says?

You don't have to care, just acknowledge that he represents those that begrudgingly accept the secularity of the nation.
And they use the behavior of Islamofascists to justify the erosion of liberty....they use it to justify eradication of freedom of religion, of freedom of speech...while at the same time they defend the terrorists.

It's schizo.
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

That's not an answer.
Yes, it is. It's just not the one you want.

The answer to a simple yes or no question isn't "Doesn't matter..."

And this part...

Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

...is more of the same strawman horseshit. Who's saying that?
How many people has Fred killed today?

He protests funerals.

We've been told that's just as bad as killing people.

Here is what Jesus looked like...:)

We were told and shown by Mathew Muhamamad is baby with a diaper and a fat boy :lmao:. Turns out he's a handsome guy :) :lol:
Why the hell are we talking about O'Reilly?

Oh yeah, more distraction...
That's not an answer.
Yes, it is. It's just not the one you want.

The answer to a simple yes or no question isn't "Doesn't matter..."

And this part...

Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"
...is more of the same strawman horseshit. Who's saying that?

Every apologist extremist in this thread.
It's the "however begrudgingly" bit that renders your entire statement horseshit.

You think so?

Ask the culture warrior Bill O'Reilly, he might disagree.

I think you're looking for a cheap out.

It ain't just O 'Reilly either. But hey, let's just take those 2 words out. What does the davester think then?
It's still horseshit.

Bob assumes that Christians are nostalgic about the Crusades, the Inquisition, and that we all want a Christian theocracy.

Of course, if all I read were leftist blogs and message boards, I'd probably believe the same thing.

However, reality simply doesn't support that assumption.
Still waiting for evidence that the pro-terrorists support Christianity in the same way they claim to support terrorists..I mean Islam.
Still waiting for you to rub 2 brain cells together and prove to me all Muslims are terrorists and all terrorists are Muslims...ya can't do it...
You think so?

Ask the culture warrior Bill O'Reilly, he might disagree.

I think you're looking for a cheap out.

It ain't just O 'Reilly either. But hey, let's just take those 2 words out. What does the davester think then?
It's still horseshit.

Bob assumes that Christians are nostalgic about the Crusades, the Inquisition, and that we all want a Christian theocracy.

Of course, if all I read were leftist blogs and message boards, I'd probably believe the same thing.

However, reality simply doesn't support that assumption.


You keep focusing on two words that have no real bearing on my overall point...which of course can't be rebutted, or it would've already happened.
They try to make the conversation about something unrelated, then when you don't want to do that, pretend you have lost a so-called *argument*.

It's just the same old same old, meant to distract from the fact that while they support the right of Islamists to commit acts of terror upon us, they want to punish Christians for the acts of terror that the Islamists commit.

I can't decide if they have a blind spot for Islamic terrorism, if they hate Christians more than they hate Muslims, if they're cowards for refusing to criticize Islamic terrorism, or if they support Islamic terrorism because they and the terrorists share common enemies -- the US and Israel.
They try to make the conversation about something unrelated, then when you don't want to do that, pretend you have lost a so-called *argument*.

It's just the same old same old, meant to distract from the fact that while they support the right of Islamists to commit acts of terror upon us, they want to punish Christians for the acts of terror that the Islamists commit.

I can't decide if they have a blind spot for Islamic terrorism, if they hate Christians more than they hate Muslims, if they're cowards for refusing to criticize Islamic terrorism, or if they support Islamic terrorism because they and the terrorists share common enemies -- the US and Israel.

If you could understand my post, you'd see that I don't support the Islamic nutjobs.

I do understand that it destroys KG's narrative, but those are the breaks I guess.
A country with the freedom to worship in any way a person chooses is not a Christian ideal.

It was funny though.

But it is a Christian concept.

Christians believe that God created man with free will. People are free to choose what they will. God would prefer they would choose to worship Him, but He's not going to force them to -- because that which is freely given is infinitely more valuable than that which is coerced.

Some people can't understand that.

If Christian nations throughout history had taken the same stance, I'd give it to you.

It's not the case though.
And you just can't accept that Christianity has matured the way Islam has not.

Even though the evidence proves it.

Why do you ignore the evidence?
You think so?

Ask the culture warrior Bill O'Reilly, he might disagree.

I think you're looking for a cheap out.
You'll have to remind me -- why should I care what O'Reilly says?

You don't have to care, just acknowledge that he represents those that begrudgingly accept the secularity of the nation.
Perhaps I missed the proof of this assertion.

Nevertheless, Bill doesn't speak for me. Bill doesn't speak for Christians.

But you keep insisting he does. Chicks dig that.
But it is a Christian concept.

Christians believe that God created man with free will. People are free to choose what they will. God would prefer they would choose to worship Him, but He's not going to force them to -- because that which is freely given is infinitely more valuable than that which is coerced.

Some people can't understand that.

If Christian nations throughout history had taken the same stance, I'd give it to you.

It's not the case though.
And you just can't accept that Christianity has matured the way Islam has not.

Even though the evidence proves it.

Why do you ignore the evidence?


Dave, that was my main point in the sentence you read, but those two words fucked with you too much to realize it.

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