I am American, and I respect Christianity.

I suppose we have the concept of "America" to thank for mellowing the Christians...

Can you imagine the Catholics and the Protestants of today behaving like the Sunnis and the Shiites :eek:

Besides which, the very concept of America is a Christian one.

A country with the freedom to worship in any way a person chooses is not a Christian ideal.

It was funny though.
Oh...so you support religious cults who stockpile illegal weapons for the "coming Armageddon",

No. I never supported the cold war nor the present "war on terror" scam. I guess you were referring to DC bureaucrats when you said "so you support religious cults who stockpile illegal weapons for the "coming Armageddon",

I mean , you could have NOT been referring to the Davidians who had a right to bear arms and a FUCKING BATF ISSUED LICENSE TO BUY AND SELL FIREARMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

their leaders who abuse and molest their member's children, have total control over their member's private lives...

Excuse me ding dong, but the McLennan County authorities had investigated and re-investigated the allegation and found that they were not substantiated. At any rate , child abuse is NO a federal concern. So stop bullshitting.


Tell me you really didn't expect honesty from Steelplate-in-the-head... :dunno:

The steelplate must be in his brain. He never came back with a response.

How many people has Fred killed today?

He protests funerals.

We've been told that's just as bad as killing people.

Not the point. Do Christians want to be painted with the same brush as Phelps, yes or no?
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Someone criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.
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He protests funerals.

We've been told that's just as bad as killing people.

Not the point. Do Christians want to be painted with the same brush as Phelps, yes or no?
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

That's not an answer.
How many people has Fred killed today?

He protests funerals.

We've been told that's just as bad as killing people.

Here is what Jesus looked like...:)
Handsome fellah, ain't He?
Not the point. Do Christians want to be painted with the same brush as Phelps, yes or no?
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

That's not an answer.

They've been lacking in that department for the duration of this thread.
KG, are you ever going to reply to my statement that doesn't fit your extremist narrative?

You mean this one, that none of the Cons in this thread seem to want to respond to...

I give credit to Christians for being able to, however begrudgingly, accept living in a society with secular laws. That's probably the biggest difference between most religions and Islam over the last 500 years, and it truly makes quite a difference in the civility of a nation or region, imo.

Unfortunately, old habits are hard to kick.

We're still going back and forth about who should have how much of Jerusalem/Israel, a place that without it's significance in Abrahamic religions is nothing more than a barren desert with a nice coastline. If those involved could get out of the illogical fog of religion, they'd see a more prudent solution would be to ditch the shithole and move onto greener pastures where Islamic fundamentalism isn't threatening them from a stones throw away...a distance that's currently highly feasible to a backwards monotheistic culture that lacks the modern technology and organization to launch an offensive without it being directly next to them.


That's the one.
It's the "however begrudgingly" bit that renders your entire statement horseshit.
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

That's not an answer.

They've been lacking in that department for the duration of this thread.

Of course.

I think a better question to ask the OP and those who support her in this thread and the other Christianity/Islam comparison thread she started is just where they want to take their arguments.
Still waiting for evidence that the pro-terrorists support Christianity in the same way they claim to support terrorists..I mean Islam.
Meanwhile, back in reality:


No deaths were caused by anyone offended by this image.


The death toll is still rising over images like this.

Tolerance. That's why Christians are cool, in the here and now at least... even of not so much in the past.
And you won't find anyone who denies that Christianity had a violent past.

But some people, in their mad rush to look all "tolerant" and "multi-cultural", project that same violent past on the present -- and excuse Islam's violent present.

This thread, and any other thread with criticism of Islam, is crawling with it -- as if radical Islamists wouldn't kill their non-Muslim defenders given the opportunity. "But...but I defended you on the internet! What are you doing with that kniGURGLE GURGLE"

I've never understood why people criticize Christianity for being fundamentalist, intolerant, homophobic, and misogynistic -- but give Islam a free pass for being all those things in far greater degree.

Anybody wanna take a shot at explaining that?
Look at the angry extremists get worked up...

because someone says they support Christianity...but they don't support terrorism as well.
I suppose we have the concept of "America" to thank for mellowing the Christians...

Can you imagine the Catholics and the Protestants of today behaving like the Sunnis and the Shiites :eek:

Besides which, the very concept of America is a Christian one.

A country with the freedom to worship in any way a person chooses is not a Christian ideal.

It was funny though.

But it is a Christian concept.

Christians believe that God created man with free will. People are free to choose what they will. God would prefer they would choose to worship Him, but He's not going to force them to -- because that which is freely given is infinitely more valuable than that which is coerced.

Some people can't understand that.
Not the point. Do Christians want to be painted with the same brush as Phelps, yes or no?
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

That's not an answer.
Yes, it is. It's just not the one you want.
Doesn't matter what we want. You'll do it anyway.

It's a tropism with some people. Some criticizes Muslim extremists, and some drooling idiot leftist HAS to say, "Yeah, that's kinda bad, I guess, although I can see why they'd do that -- but CHRISTIANS, now, they're REALLY bad!!"

You simply can't help it.

That's not an answer.

They've been lacking in that department for the duration of this thread.
If you want an echo chamber, then perhaps USMB is not the place for you.

I hate to break it to you, but you don't get to dictate others' behavior.
They try to make the conversation about something unrelated, then when you don't want to do that, pretend you have lost a so-called *argument*.

It's just the same old same old, meant to distract from the fact that while they support the right of Islamists to commit acts of terror upon us, they want to punish Christians for the acts of terror that the Islamists commit.

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