I am an ex convict and I have the right to vote. Is that a problem for you? If so why?

I think they should be able to earn the right back. After all, we do want them to become productive citizens again, and taking part in the election process is part of that. But don't just give it back to them.

Anyone convicted of a sex crime, no. Killed someone? No. Maybe some other exceptions too. Felony drug conviction? Let them earn the right back.
I think there should be a path to getting voting rights back, but it shouldn't be automatic upon release. Do we really need more people with a history of making bad decisions voting?
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.
It's easy to paint with a broad brush. It's not easy to practice what our society was founded on, freedom & forgiveness.

It is true that blacks over populate our prisons. It is not true that they're all thugs. It's also not true that redemption is a forgotten virtue. I knew many in my time that were incarcerated for far less than I.

Prison is a revolving door for most BUT for every 8 or 9 that can't find the exit 1 or 2 do. Those 1 or 2 deserve every opportunity to prove to society, themselves & their families that they have something to contribute to society.

I may be a middle aged prick now but when I was released i went to different schools telling my life story to other kids. Kids who might have listened.
I never pretend that I'm better than anyone else but I did my best to help others not make the same mistakes I did as a teen.

Does that not earn me some kind of latitude? And conversely how do you know that others haven't done the same?

If you take everything away from a man who is TRYING to right the ship what is he left to paddle with when the seas get rough...

In most parts of the world the system that deals with those who committed a crime called Department/Ministry etc of CORRECTIONS.

If a person has been corrected he/she should be given back hope and dignity and respect.

And voting rights.

It is foolish to assume that all formerly convicted voters would vote Democrat in one 90% + block.
That kind of blind stupidity is exclusive to just one group of people and we know who they are.
If a person who served his/her time has the obligation to pay taxes, he/she should have the right to vote.

Seems I heard some loose rumors about No taxation without representation.
You're a felon...you committed a felony. Fuck you with you're high and mighty attitude. Go ahead and vote. If I had it my way you wouldn't be able to. You are a felon...screw you!

You must be a church going, loving, forgiving and God fearing Christian.
At least you sound like one.
No, I was dealing. I was a scumbag thug. He tried to rip me off and in my infinite wisdom I thought putting him in my trunk and taking him out in a cornfield to break his legs was a good idea. We were both in our late teens and his dad got involved. He brought a gun instead of the cash. He was too scared to use it so I beat him down with a bumper jack from a car. They snitched on me of course so after I bailed out I went over to their house with molotov cocktails and fire bombed their house.
I got 5 to 15 years. Spent nearly one year in the hole because of my anger issues. Then found God, which I now believe is a hoax, then turned my life around.

ANYONE can change
To be honest I am sympathetic to your OP. You should have the right to vote once you served your time.

I disagree. Merely serving out your time is not enough. I feel there must be evidence of rehabilitation, and contrition, before those rights are restored.
I disagree with your disagreement. Once you have served your time you shouldnt be punished further. Not only is that unfair but who should sit in judgement regarding your level of rehab or contrition? Prisons dont rehab for starters.

I should have qualified my statement a little. Certain felonies I would agree with you. However, some crimes are serious enough that they preclude you from regaining your rights without serious, documentable effort. When you have demonstrated through your illegal behavior that you don't care about the rights of others, you clearly don't deserve yours.
How would you justify taking away a persons right to vote after they have served their time for said crime? You would have to make that part of their original sentence which had nada to do with their crime unless it was voter fraud. Dont get me wrong. I would rather shoot rapist, child molesters and murderers instead of housing them which would effectively keep them from voting ever again.

If you murder someone you have taken away ALL of their rights, forever. I really don't see how you can be punished too much. Do you?
To be honest I am sympathetic to your OP. You should have the right to vote once you served your time.

I disagree. Merely serving out your time is not enough. I feel there must be evidence of rehabilitation, and contrition, before those rights are restored.
I disagree with your disagreement. Once you have served your time you shouldnt be punished further. Not only is that unfair but who should sit in judgement regarding your level of rehab or contrition? Prisons dont rehab for starters.

I should have qualified my statement a little. Certain felonies I would agree with you. However, some crimes are serious enough that they preclude you from regaining your rights without serious, documentable effort. When you have demonstrated through your illegal behavior that you don't care about the rights of others, you clearly don't deserve yours.
How would you justify taking away a persons right to vote after they have served their time for said crime? You would have to make that part of their original sentence which had nada to do with their crime unless it was voter fraud. Dont get me wrong. I would rather shoot rapist, child molesters and murderers instead of housing them which would effectively keep them from voting ever again.

If you murder someone you have taken away ALL of their rights, forever. I really don't see how you can be punished too much. Do you?
Actually I do. If I blow away a child molestor or someone that raped my wife I should be able to vote after I do my time.
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.

You forgot to include the "Why" portion. Meaning why are you against him being able to vote ever again?
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.
Obviously you are misinformed. Voting is a right. Its mentioned in the constitution several times. Here is just one pertinent instance.

"The US Constitution stated in Amendment XV, which was ratified by the states in 1870: "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
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Damn! You are sounding more progressive all the time.

No one?

Why should I not be allowed to vote?

Well there you have it -- the entire board agrees you should be, as there's no one to take the contrary position.

It's a no-brainer. Why should you not be? :dunno:
I have no idea. I just thank God every day that I own my own business.

That little box most have to check, have you ever been convicted of a felony, is a job killing motherfucker.
It's a double edged sword. As a business owner I want to know if I'm hiring a thief or a rapist, as a COMPLETELY REFORMED ex con I can't imagine my future being tied to those 8 words.
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.

You forgot to include the "Why" portion. Meaning why are you against him being able to vote ever again?

No, I stated that quite clearly. If he committed a felony, it shows a tendency to make poor choices, or a lower intelligence, or if intelligent, a lack of morals. All reasons to not be allowed to vote for our leaders.
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.

You forgot to include the "Why" portion. Meaning why are you against him being able to vote ever again?

No, I stated that quite clearly. If he committed a felony, it shows a tendency to make poor choices, or a lower intelligence, or if intelligent, a lack of morals. All reasons to not be allowed to vote for our leaders.

Taxation without representation apply?
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.
Obviously you are misinformed. Voting is a right. Its mentioned in the constitution several times. Here is just one pertinent instance.

"The US Constitution stated in Amendment XV, which was ratified by the states in 1870: "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Dear nit wit, it says that you cannot be denied your voting privileges on the basis of race, sex, or condition of servitude. There's a difference, but since you have shown yourself to be an illiterate, I can't really expect you to know that.
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.
Obviously you are misinformed. Voting is a right. Its mentioned in the constitution several times. Here is just one pertinent instance.

"The US Constitution stated in Amendment XV, which was ratified by the states in 1870: "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Dear nit wit, it says that you cannot be denied your voting privileges on the basis of race, sex, or condition of servitude. There's a difference, but since you have shown yourself to be an illiterate, I can't really expect you to know that.
It doesnt say "privileges" you ding bat. It says "right". I know youre embarrassed but no need to compound your error by looking more stupid than you already do.
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.

You forgot to include the "Why" portion. Meaning why are you against him being able to vote ever again?

No, I stated that quite clearly. If he committed a felony, it shows a tendency to make poor choices, or a lower intelligence, or if intelligent, a lack of morals. All reasons to not be allowed to vote for our leaders.

Taxation without representation apply?

Since when does he not have representation? He does, he just forfeited his right to choose who represents him.
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.
Obviously you are misinformed. Voting is a right. Its mentioned in the constitution several times. Here is just one pertinent instance.

"The US Constitution stated in Amendment XV, which was ratified by the states in 1870: "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

Dear nit wit, it says that you cannot be denied your voting privileges on the basis of race, sex, or condition of servitude. There's a difference, but since you have shown yourself to be an illiterate, I can't really expect you to know that.
It doesnt say "privileges" you ding bat. It says "right". I know youre embarrassed but no need to compound your error by looking more stupid than you already do.

Still as stupid as ever. Good luck with that.

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