I am an ex convict and I have the right to vote. Is that a problem for you? If so why?

Actually there are more whites in prison than anyone else but way to keep advancing the GOP scare tactic. Maybe you being uneducated should keep you from having the right to vote?
You can just stfu. I've been there. I've lived it. Reality is reality.
As far as my education goes I have 2 trade school degrees, one in general construction & one in business management under my belt and 2 years of computer IT. Granted the computer courses were based on DOS but I have a firm feeling that you can go fuck yourself either way
Obviously you havent lived the reality. Are you really that stupid that you think I believe you went to every prison in the country?

Obviously in school you were not educated properly since you believe there are more Blacks in prison than white.

You are quite right about the number of blacks and whites incarcerated in prison. Understandably, there is the misconception that more blacks are in prison than whites due to the far higher RATE of incarceration for blacks than whites. Our population is made up of about 12% blacks while the makeup over 37% of our prison population.

Exercising the First Amendment right, Freedom of Speech.

Class dismissed asslips!
Why are you thanking him? He agreed with me dummy.
Actually there are more whites in prison than anyone else but way to keep advancing the GOP scare tactic. Maybe you being uneducated should keep you from having the right to vote?
You can just stfu. I've been there. I've lived it. Reality is reality.
As far as my education goes I have 2 trade school degrees, one in general construction & one in business management under my belt and 2 years of computer IT. Granted the computer courses were based on DOS but I have a firm feeling that you can go fuck yourself either way
Obviously you havent lived the reality. Are you really that stupid that you think I believe you went to every prison in the country?

Obviously in school you were not educated properly since you believe there are more Blacks in prison than white.

You are quite right about the number of blacks and whites incarcerated in prison. Understandably, there is the misconception that more blacks are in prison than whites due to the far higher RATE of incarceration for blacks than whites. Our population is made up of about 12% blacks while the makeup over 37% of our prison population.

Class dismissed asslips!
Why are you thanking him? He agreed with me dummy.
He made the point that you were too stupid to get clear. Not my fault your wearing color blinders. I assumed any intelligent person would get the gist of my argument. My bad...

You're so hung up on your color & ideology bullshit you never even noticed this thread is sympathetic to YOUR color & ideology.

Stupid fucking liberal
With a black or white outlook like yours you should probably put me on ignore. Least I burst every bubble & preconception you have of those you deem less worthy than you
If you're a felon and you paid your debt to society and your jurisdiction allows you to vote then vote. I feel that adds to the corruption of our electoral system. You don't because you're a scum sucking felon.
Duly noted. Thanks for your input...... now kindly fuck off please
You're a felon...you committed a felony. Fuck you with you're high and mighty attitude. Go ahead and vote. If I had it my way you wouldn't be able to. You are a felon...screw you!
You can just stfu. I've been there. I've lived it. Reality is reality.
As far as my education goes I have 2 trade school degrees, one in general construction & one in business management under my belt and 2 years of computer IT. Granted the computer courses were based on DOS but I have a firm feeling that you can go fuck yourself either way
Obviously you havent lived the reality. Are you really that stupid that you think I believe you went to every prison in the country?

Obviously in school you were not educated properly since you believe there are more Blacks in prison than white.

You are quite right about the number of blacks and whites incarcerated in prison. Understandably, there is the misconception that more blacks are in prison than whites due to the far higher RATE of incarceration for blacks than whites. Our population is made up of about 12% blacks while the makeup over 37% of our prison population.

Class dismissed asslips!
Why are you thanking him? He agreed with me dummy.
He made the point that you were too stupid to get clear. Not my fault your wearing color blinders. I assumed any intelligent person would get the gist of my argument. My bad...

You're so hung up on your color & ideology bullshit you never even noticed this thread is sympathetic to YOUR color & ideology.

Stupid fucking liberal
So you admit you didnt know what you were talking about and you never mentioned percentages? Why dont you just admit you were wrong? This thread isnt sympathetic to my color or ideology. There are more whites in prison than Blacks. I have never been to prison and I vote.
You're a felon...you committed a felony. Fuck you with you're high and mighty attitude. Go ahead and vote. If I had it my way you wouldn't be able to. You are a felon...screw you!
High and mighty? Lol

How low is your self esteem that my opinion can be considered high & mighty? I consider myself a fairly humble person too lol.

Maybe you're so unintelligent that you confuse conceit with asshollery?
With a black or white outlook like yours you should probably put me on ignore. Least I burst every bubble & preconception you have of those you deem less worthy than you
If you're a felon and you paid your debt to society and your jurisdiction allows you to vote then vote. I feel that adds to the corruption of our electoral system. You don't because you're a scum sucking felon.

You clearly have no fucking clue what corruption is then.
"I am an ex convict and I have the right to vote. Is that a problem for you?"

Of course not.

You paid your debt and have rejoined society, at liberty to participate as a citizen, including voting.

The problem is you’re a conservative who is wrong on the issues, like most others on the right.
Felons are assholes and deserve respect and forgiveness only as they individually earn it...not in a group. Got It?
With a black or white outlook like yours you should probably put me on ignore. Least I burst every bubble & preconception you have of those you deem less worthy than you
If you're a felon and you paid your debt to society and your jurisdiction allows you to vote then vote. I feel that adds to the corruption of our electoral system. You don't because you're a scum sucking felon.

Nice Avatar of a Standard missile just launched and in flight. In four seconds traveling 2000 MPH and still accelerating.

You clearly have no fucking clue what corruption is then.
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What did you do steal an old lady's purse? You pussy....
I tried to kill the moron that stole my drug money. Then I beat his dad half to death for interfering.
Did you steal the drug money from someone else?
No, I was dealing. I was a scumbag thug. He tried to rip me off and in my infinite wisdom I thought putting him in my trunk and taking him out in a cornfield to break his legs was a good idea. We were both in our late teens and his dad got involved. He brought a gun instead of the cash. He was too scared to use it so I beat him down with a bumper jack from a car. They snitched on me of course so after I bailed out I went over to their house with molotov cocktails and fire bombed their house.
I got 5 to 15 years. Spent nearly one year in the hole because of my anger issues. Then found God, which I now believe is a hoax, then turned my life around.

ANYONE can change
To be honest I am sympathetic to your OP. You should have the right to vote once you served your time.
What did you do steal an old lady's purse? You pussy....
I tried to kill the moron that stole my drug money. Then I beat his dad half to death for interfering.
Did you steal the drug money from someone else?
No, I was dealing. I was a scumbag thug. He tried to rip me off and in my infinite wisdom I thought putting him in my trunk and taking him out in a cornfield to break his legs was a good idea. We were both in our late teens and his dad got involved. He brought a gun instead of the cash. He was too scared to use it so I beat him down with a bumper jack from a car. They snitched on me of course so after I bailed out I went over to their house with molotov cocktails and fire bombed their house.
I got 5 to 15 years. Spent nearly one year in the hole because of my anger issues. Then found God, which I now believe is a hoax, then turned my life around.

ANYONE can change
To be honest I am sympathetic to your OP. You should have the right to vote once you served your time.

I disagree. Merely serving out your time is not enough. I feel there must be evidence of rehabilitation, and contrition, before those rights are restored.

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