I am an ex convict and I have the right to vote. Is that a problem for you? If so why?

I disagree. Merely serving out your time is not enough. I feel there must be evidence of rehabilitation, and contrition, before those rights are restored.
I disagree with your disagreement. Once you have served your time you shouldnt be punished further. Not only is that unfair but who should sit in judgement regarding your level of rehab or contrition? Prisons dont rehab for starters.

I should have qualified my statement a little. Certain felonies I would agree with you. However, some crimes are serious enough that they preclude you from regaining your rights without serious, documentable effort. When you have demonstrated through your illegal behavior that you don't care about the rights of others, you clearly don't deserve yours.
How would you justify taking away a persons right to vote after they have served their time for said crime? You would have to make that part of their original sentence which had nada to do with their crime unless it was voter fraud. Dont get me wrong. I would rather shoot rapist, child molesters and murderers instead of housing them which would effectively keep them from voting ever again.

If you murder someone you have taken away ALL of their rights, forever. I really don't see how you can be punished too much. Do you?
Actually I do. If I blow away a child molestor or someone that raped my wife I should be able to vote after I do my time.

How about the people who murdered the drug growers back east just a few days ago? I feel no sorrow for not allowing vermin such as that to ever vote again.

Assuming you've served you time and aren't on posting after a prison break, vote away. If you've paid your debt to society, you're good to go as far as I'm concerned.

I think the way we treat ex-cons is ridiculous. I'm seriously considering expanding production of some of my pieces. And I'm seriously considering hiring ex-cons to work for me. I figure that the same logic that Ray Charles used for why he liked to sleep with ugly women would apply: they're grateful and they try harder.
I disagree with your disagreement. Once you have served your time you shouldnt be punished further. Not only is that unfair but who should sit in judgement regarding your level of rehab or contrition? Prisons dont rehab for starters.

I should have qualified my statement a little. Certain felonies I would agree with you. However, some crimes are serious enough that they preclude you from regaining your rights without serious, documentable effort. When you have demonstrated through your illegal behavior that you don't care about the rights of others, you clearly don't deserve yours.
How would you justify taking away a persons right to vote after they have served their time for said crime? You would have to make that part of their original sentence which had nada to do with their crime unless it was voter fraud. Dont get me wrong. I would rather shoot rapist, child molesters and murderers instead of housing them which would effectively keep them from voting ever again.

If you murder someone you have taken away ALL of their rights, forever. I really don't see how you can be punished too much. Do you?
Actually I do. If I blow away a child molestor or someone that raped my wife I should be able to vote after I do my time.

How about the people who murdered the drug growers back east just a few days ago? I feel no sorrow for not allowing vermin such as that to ever vote again.
if I recall they were only growing weed. The killers should be shot removing the need to worry about them voting.
Nooo...shoe's on the other foot. Convince me felons SHOULD be allowed to vote. Excuse me, EX felons. I have managed in 60 years NOT to commit a felony, and that should mean something. Not feeling any sympathy for felons past tense. Get over it.
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Nooo...shoe's on the other foot. Convince me felons SHOULD be allowed to vote. Excuse me, EX felons. I have managed in 60 years NOT to commit a felony, and that should mean something. Not feeling any sympathy for felons past tense. Get over it.
It means you get to stay out of prison and you don't have to pay an attorney and court cost, fines, etc.....
If State Law prevents convicts from voting tell me why a governor should be able to restore their voting at the stroke of a pen? It should at least be a referendum on a state ballot but the current lame duck (democrat) governor of Va. decided to issue an executive order and bypass both state congress and the will of the people. Typical of democrats.
Personally, I'm content with the way things are right now... each State rules on this independently... it works just fine... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I don't see why commission of a crime is reason to strip a persons voting rights in the first place.
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.

You forgot to include the "Why" portion. Meaning why are you against him being able to vote ever again?

vote for our leaders.
Leaders? Sounds quite progressive.
I thought we voted for representatives.
You're a felon. You forfeited your right to vote. I would argue that it should be, if it stands, based on exactly what your crime was. for example, in the case of Eric Holder, caught red-handed perpetrating 3 Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress in an attempt to continue to cover up Fast and Furious, he should never be allowed to vote again. As it is, corrupt Barry protected him from prosecution, so he was never adequately held accountable for his crimes.

(Obama's handling of Holder is all you need to know to figure out what is going to happen to Hillary...who should never be allowed to vote again, aside from holding any type of govt position again. )
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.

You forgot to include the "Why" portion. Meaning why are you against him being able to vote ever again?

vote for our leaders.
Leaders? Sounds quite progressive.
I thought we voted for representatives.

Is the POTUS your representative? The Mayor? The Governor? The County Councilman?
Did you commit a felony?

If so then no, you forfeit your voting privileges.

I'm fine with it. Too many stupid people voting is causing the problems in this country. If you are stupid enough to commit a felony, you aren't smart enough to vote.

And don't give me this "I paid my dues" bull shit. If that mattered there would never be repeat offenders and it has nothing to do with punishment, it has to do with the ability to make good choices. Making a good choice is imperative in any election.

Voting isn't a right, it's a privilege, and owning a gun is a right. Yet, it's ok to lose a right if convicted? That makes no sense at all.

You forgot to include the "Why" portion. Meaning why are you against him being able to vote ever again?

vote for our leaders.
Leaders? Sounds quite progressive.
I thought we voted for representatives.

Is the POTUS your representative? The Mayor? The Governor? The County Councilman?
In name only; I never voted for a leader.
I don't see why commission of a crime is reason to strip a persons voting rights in the first place.
Eric Snowden: Despite believing he had justification to flee the country after taking extremely classified information and fleeing to Russia, the guy should never be allowed to vote again, if he ever returns to the US.

Eric Holder: Was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of Perjury in attempting to circumvent justice by perpetuating the cover-up of Fast and Furious, a disastrously failed gun-running operation in which the Obama administration handed over thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug cartels. The operation resulted in at least 500+ MURDERS with those guns by the Drug Cartels...and 2 Americans were murdered with them as well. Instead of adhering to his oath to uphold and enforce the Rule of Law he betrayed those 500+ victims and broke the law to politically protect the administration. Such heinous betrayal of one's job / oath / the law deserves such punishment as never having the right to vote again.

There are some crimes that deserve such punishment.

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