I am asking myself this same question

Play the long game, step one destroy Dem's, step two destroy lying GOP RINO's.
Pointless game.

How bout we directly hold our reps accountable by voting them out if they violate their promises.

How are you going to do that when they have rigged the elections?
I don't believe my elections in Missouri have been rigged.

Elections in many states are totally rigged. Unless you are a billionaire candidate its rigged to ensure a hand picked, bought and paid for Dem or Rep party candidate will win. Once a billionaire ran against the party and won. The party reacted by passing a law that said if that ever happens again, taxpayers will fund the difference between what the billionaire spends and what the party candidate raised so the billionaire cannot outspend them. :wtf:
Play the long game, step one destroy Dem's, step two destroy lying GOP RINO's.
Pointless game.

How bout we directly hold our reps accountable by voting them out if they violate their promises.

How are you going to do that when they have rigged the elections?
I don't believe my elections in Missouri have been rigged.

Elections in many states are totally rigged. Unless you are a billionaire candidate its rigged to ensure a hand picked, bought and paid for Dem or Rep party candidate will win. Once a billionaire ran against the party and won. The party reacted by passing a law that said if that ever happens again, taxpayers will fund the difference between what the billionaire spends and what the party candidate raised so the billionaire cannot outspend them. :wtf:

If this is the case, then there is no long game that you spoke of

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Once Again, I Ask: Why Vote Republican?

however I will hold my nose and not vote for any demrat for national office.

I cannot vote for a Democrat because at the national level their stance on issues are immoral and unconstitutional. That being said, it's hard to vote for a Republican also. Unfortunately the two party system gives no real choice but voting third party is a wasted vote. Such a conundrum.
Once Again, I Ask: Why Vote Republican?

however I will hold my nose and not vote for any demrat for national office.

I cannot vote for a Democrat because at the national level their stance on issues are immoral and unconstitutional. That being said, it's hard to vote for a Republican also. Unfortunately the two party system gives no real choice but voting third party is a wasted vote. Such a conundrum.

I think at this point it's time for us conservatives to leave the party and start our own. Yeah, I know it will give Democrats power for a long time, but maybe there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.

When Democrats lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.
When Republicans lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.

So we really have little to lose. I mean......if we are not going to get what we want no matter who we elect, then maybe it is time for a long shot.
We may never come back from that. Do remember they have further influence in everything, particularly the indoctrination within our educational system. Undoing that damage now, much less then is hard enough. Those kids have never known anything different. We do, and must bring them back to what a republic actually is, and it’s rewards.
Once Again, I Ask: Why Vote Republican?

however I will hold my nose and not vote for any demrat for national office.

I cannot vote for a Democrat because at the national level their stance on issues are immoral and unconstitutional. That being said, it's hard to vote for a Republican also. Unfortunately the two party system gives no real choice but voting third party is a wasted vote. Such a conundrum.

I think at this point it's time for us conservatives to leave the party and start our own. Yeah, I know it will give Democrats power for a long time, but maybe there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.

When Democrats lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.
When Republicans lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.

So we really have little to lose. I mean......if we are not going to get what we want no matter who we elect, then maybe it is time for a long shot.
Once Again, I Ask: Why Vote Republican?

however I will hold my nose and not vote for any demrat for national office.

I cannot vote for a Democrat because at the national level their stance on issues are immoral and unconstitutional. That being said, it's hard to vote for a Republican also. Unfortunately the two party system gives no real choice but voting third party is a wasted vote. Such a conundrum.

I think at this point it's time for us conservatives to leave the party and start our own. Yeah, I know it will give Democrats power for a long time, but maybe there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.

When Democrats lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.
When Republicans lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.

So we really have little to lose. I mean......if we are not going to get what we want no matter who we elect, then maybe it is time for a long shot.
.If the republicans don't figure out how to pin point the real culprits and problems in this nation, then yes it was a wasted vote. Trump tried to pump up the citizens to get the job done, but between the war the Demon-crats are waging heavily against him, and the manufactured or happenstance crisis's that keep rolling in right on time, this nation needs to support the conservative platform more than ever now.

I wonder though, is it the wealth that is standing in the way of conservatives stepping out of their comfort zones to do battle with the left on the issues ?? Wealth can actually hinder a person's mind to do what's right if that wealth is threatened in any way.
Play the long game, step one destroy Dem's, step two destroy lying GOP RINO's.
Pointless game.

How bout we directly hold our reps accountable by voting them out if they violate their promises.

How are you going to do that when they have rigged the elections?
I don't believe my elections in Missouri have been rigged.

Elections in many states are totally rigged. Unless you are a billionaire candidate its rigged to ensure a hand picked, bought and paid for Dem or Rep party candidate will win. Once a billionaire ran against the party and won. The party reacted by passing a law that said if that ever happens again, taxpayers will fund the difference between what the billionaire spends and what the party candidate raised so the billionaire cannot outspend them. :wtf:

If this is the case, then there is no long game that you spoke of

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Republicans are selling out for short term gains

At the expense of losing the Hispanic vote and the youth vote
The party of old, white, Christians cannot be sustained
Once Again, I Ask: Why Vote Republican?

however I will hold my nose and not vote for any demrat for national office.

I cannot vote for a Democrat because at the national level their stance on issues are immoral and unconstitutional. That being said, it's hard to vote for a Republican also. Unfortunately the two party system gives no real choice but voting third party is a wasted vote. Such a conundrum.

I think at this point it's time for us conservatives to leave the party and start our own. Yeah, I know it will give Democrats power for a long time, but maybe there is a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.

When Democrats lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.
When Republicans lead Congress, we do things the Democrat way.

So we really have little to lose. I mean......if we are not going to get what we want no matter who we elect, then maybe it is time for a long shot.
.If the republicans don't figure out how to pin point the real culprits and problems in this nation, then yes it was a wasted vote. Trump tried to pump up the citizens to get the job done, but between the war the Demon-crats are waging heavily against him, and the manufactured or happenstance crisis's that keep rolling in right on time, this nation needs to support the conservative platform more than ever now.

I wonder though, is it the wealth that is standing in the way of conservatives stepping out of their comfort zones to do battle with the left on the issues ?? Wealth can actually hinder a person's mind to do what's right if that wealth is threatened in any way.
Trump is creating his own crisis
Even when one didn’t previously exist
Play the long game, step one destroy Dem's, step two destroy lying GOP RINO's.

I like that idea. We should get legislation to be able to vote for who you think is the best candidate, and not party lines.

The rigging is systemic and they (the two parties) have been perfecting their election rigging for decades. Gerrymandering is a great example. Its used to guarantee either a Dem or Rep will be elected in a district by an overwhelming majority. The party then hand selects their candidate, and destroys anyone who dares oppose this candidate. That voters elect their representative is a joke.

You need a candidate who is rich enough to take on the party to have any chance of beating them at this game. And even when you win, they arrive in Washington and discover all the power has been concentrated into the hands of a few party leaders. Your outsider representative doesn't get to represent you. Some uppity tea party reps banded together and stirred up trouble for the GOP to a degree. The GOP leaders openly mocked and spewed hate at them.
Pointless game.

How bout we directly hold our reps accountable by voting them out if they violate their promises.

How are you going to do that when they have rigged the elections?
I don't believe my elections in Missouri have been rigged.

Elections in many states are totally rigged. Unless you are a billionaire candidate its rigged to ensure a hand picked, bought and paid for Dem or Rep party candidate will win. Once a billionaire ran against the party and won. The party reacted by passing a law that said if that ever happens again, taxpayers will fund the difference between what the billionaire spends and what the party candidate raised so the billionaire cannot outspend them. :wtf:

If this is the case, then there is no long game that you spoke of

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Republicans are selling out for short term gains

At the expense of losing the Hispanic vote and the youth vote
The party of old, white, Christians cannot be sustained

LOL breaking news this morning, Dem's 15 point lead in Oct has shrunk to only 5 points. I think we'll just continue doing what we have been doing okay.
The trouble with the 2 party system is that when it comes time to throw the bums out, as we do regularly every 8 years with the political party holding the White House, there is only the alternative bums to replace them with.
Once Again, I Ask: Why Vote Republican?

however I will hold my nose and not vote for any demrat for national office.

I cannot vote for a Democrat because at the national level their stance on issues are immoral and unconstitutional. That being said, it's hard to vote for a Republican also. Unfortunately the two party system gives no real choice but voting third party is a wasted vote. Such a conundrum.
Because of this kind of attitude is the bottom line reason they win over and over again...you won't vote them out, because you can't vote for a Dem or you can't vote third party crapola...

THEY KNOW THAT.....thus, they can continue to talk their talk, but do the opposite when in office.

Same with the Dems...they feel they could never ever support a Republican on the national level because they do not agree with anything they claim to support, and can't vote for an Independent because that is a wasted vote....blah blah blah....

These congress critters promoting hatred towards the "other side" has lead us, in to giving them, everything they want....their own reelection in a hand basket....no matter what they do, that was the opposite of what they promised us....

If you or I, really do not trust or like the candidate because they are all talk and no actions behind their talk....

We should NOT vote for them, and we should, even if an Independent, vote for them....

the "message" would be sent......!!!!!

Even if we ended up having a republican in the spot, or a Democrat in the spot, that we don't like, for a term.....

Otherwise, we are sending the very clear message....that THEY can do whatever they want....and still be reelected.

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