I am disgusted with our party. I pray to god we get fresh blood in 16

"Our Party". Just for the record, I've never voted and will never vote for a RePubliCon.

Not my party, never has been, never will be.

RePugs lie like a rug.

RePugs hate the Middle Class

RePugs Love War.

RePugs or Hypocrites.
"Our Party". Just for the record, I've never voted and will never vote for a RePubliCon.

Not my party, never has been, never will be.

RePugs lie like a rug.

RePugs hate the Middle Class

RePugs Love War.

RePugs or Hypocrites.

Could you be less relevant?
With the same authority when you "speak" for the masses, silly one. I do agree thst if nominate and run anyone but Mitt that Obama will win easily.

You speak only for the religious lunacy in your head.

I quote polls, man.

Polls say 22% won't vote for a Mormon.

Why do you think the Liberal MSM is so hot to get Romney, to the point where MSNBC is sending out Chris Matthews to apologize to the guy. (Nothing to apologize for, the report was accurate. He did recycle a Ku Klu Klan slogan.)

Becaue they know after he gets the nomination, all they have to do is run "Mormons sure are crazy" stories, and he's pretty much done.

you know, you RINO's are like special retards. It's like you didn't learn a fucking thing from 2008 and letting the left pick our candidates. The very fact that the left wing media is praising Romney should be a HUGE red flag this guy is toxic.

Oh. The Liberal MSM and Jakes' second choice. Jon Huntsman. Go figure.

Religious extremism and bigotry have been the downfall of many nations. Is it our turn?

JoeB suffers from the extremism of atheistic hatred for religion generally and Mormonism particularly. His hatred has curdled his brains.

Ask him what "Liberal MSM" wants Huntsman. Ask him to define what he means. Ask him if he has a clue. I suspect he will prove to all of us that he doesn't.
Grandpa, since there's really no one left on the planet with a military that could actually challenge us, ESPECIALLY here on our soil, what freedoms are you so worried about losing in terms of "defense"?

The threat isnt from a regular uniformed military but from terrorists.

This kind of shit is what scares the Beejeezus out of normal people when Paulites start talking all this conspiracy stuff. The 9-11 Truthers really like Paul for just that reason.

A Ron Paul presidency would be interesting...sort of like "Man of the Year" where Robin Williams became the President.
Paul is not an option Matthew. He is just as fucked up as our other candidates. He will retire soon after this election and drift into history with his eyebrows. Thank god.

We need new blood. Screw these old lifers.

Me personally, I like Rubio or Chris Christy, both of which would hand Obama his ass, but they chose not to run.

You like them now, those candidates who have not yet stepped into the HD limelight for all the world to sniff every orafice of their bodies.

But would you afterwards? I doubt it; you seem to think that there are perfect men somewhere who will actually run for President; an inherent flaw in and of itself.
With the same authority when you "speak" for the masses, silly one. I do agree thst if nominate and run anyone but Mitt that Obama will win easily.

You speak only for the religious lunacy in your head.

I quote polls, man.

Polls say 22% won't vote for a Mormon.

Why do you think the Liberal MSM is so hot to get Romney, to the point where MSNBC is sending out Chris Matthews to apologize to the guy. (Nothing to apologize for, the report was accurate. He did recycle a Ku Klu Klan slogan.)

Becaue they know after he gets the nomination, all they have to do is run "Mormons sure are crazy" stories, and he's pretty much done.

you know, you RINO's are like special retards. It's like you didn't learn a fucking thing from 2008 and letting the left pick our candidates. The very fact that the left wing media is praising Romney should be a HUGE red flag this guy is toxic.

Oh. The Liberal MSM and Jakes' second choice. Jon Huntsman. Go figure.

Religious extremism and bigotry have been the downfall of many nations. Is it our turn?

You know, I get bored with tihs.

There are only TWO intellectually honest positions you can take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God. Where do I sign up?

2) Joseph Smith was a fraud who was making up bullshit to get into the bloomers of teenage girls and the wives of his followers. Anyone who follows that is a dupe.

There really isn't a middle ground you can take on the issue, other than being a whipped dog of political correctness.
JoeB suffers from the extremism of atheistic hatred for religion generally and Mormonism particularly. His hatred has curdled his brains.

Ask him what "Liberal MSM" wants Huntsman. Ask him to define what he means. Ask him if he has a clue. I suspect he will prove to all of us that he doesn't.

How about the fact they keep inviting him to debates even though he's only polling at 2%.

Why aren't Johnson and Roemer getting the same level of attention?
JoeB suffers from the extremism of atheistic hatred for religion generally and Mormonism particularly. His hatred has curdled his brains.

Ask him what "Liberal MSM" wants Huntsman. Ask him to define what he means. Ask him if he has a clue. I suspect he will prove to all of us that he doesn't.

How about the fact they keep inviting him to debates even though he's only polling at 2%.

Why aren't Johnson and Roemer getting the same level of attention?

That's your evidence? Really? Really??

This is getting old. You have been fail from the go.
I quote polls, man.

Polls say 22% won't vote for a Mormon.

Why do you think the Liberal MSM is so hot to get Romney, to the point where MSNBC is sending out Chris Matthews to apologize to the guy. (Nothing to apologize for, the report was accurate. He did recycle a Ku Klu Klan slogan.)

Becaue they know after he gets the nomination, all they have to do is run "Mormons sure are crazy" stories, and he's pretty much done.

you know, you RINO's are like special retards. It's like you didn't learn a fucking thing from 2008 and letting the left pick our candidates. The very fact that the left wing media is praising Romney should be a HUGE red flag this guy is toxic.

Oh. The Liberal MSM and Jakes' second choice. Jon Huntsman. Go figure.

Religious extremism and bigotry have been the downfall of many nations. Is it our turn?

You know, I get bored with tihs.

There are only TWO intellectually honest positions you can take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God. Where do I sign up?

2) Joseph Smith was a fraud who was making up bullshit to get into the bloomers of teenage girls and the wives of his followers. Anyone who follows that is a dupe.

There really isn't a middle ground you can take on the issue, other than being a whipped dog of political correctness.

No, there is a third path.

The path of knowing ALL religions are full of shit and it really doesn't matter. I don't care about someone's religion. I don't force my nonbelief on them so as long as they don't force theirs on me who gives a fuck. He could believe jesus was a shemale for all I care. If they want to try to live by a set of moral values based on a religion I admire them no matter the religion.

Tolerance is a great thing that removes the burden of hate and bigotry.
JoeB suffers from the extremism of atheistic hatred for religion generally and Mormonism particularly. His hatred has curdled his brains.

Ask him what "Liberal MSM" wants Huntsman. Ask him to define what he means. Ask him if he has a clue. I suspect he will prove to all of us that he doesn't.

How about the fact they keep inviting him to debates even though he's only polling at 2%.

Why aren't Johnson and Roemer getting the same level of attention?

That's your evidence? Really? Really??

This is getting old. You have been fail from the go.

Got that right!
How about the fact they keep inviting him to debates even though he's only polling at 2%.

Why aren't Johnson and Roemer getting the same level of attention?

That's your evidence? Really? Really??

This is getting old. You have been fail from the go.

Got that right!

Duly noted that neither one of you could address my point.

Roemner, Johnson and Huntsman are all ex-governors they are all polling at about 1-2% in the polls. But the liberal media keeps talking about Huntsman like he's about to break out and get to the head of the pack and people are going to start looking at him seriously.

Oh. Except he keeps sitting at the back of the back.

Of course, the only difference between Huntsman and Romney is that Romney is willing to spend a shitload of the money he made screwing working folks out of jobs and Huntsman is only willing to spend other people's money, of which he's getting very little.
Religious extremism and bigotry have been the downfall of many nations. Is it our turn?

You know, I get bored with tihs.

There are only TWO intellectually honest positions you can take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God. Where do I sign up?

2) Joseph Smith was a fraud who was making up bullshit to get into the bloomers of teenage girls and the wives of his followers. Anyone who follows that is a dupe.

There really isn't a middle ground you can take on the issue, other than being a whipped dog of political correctness.

No, there is a third path.

The path of knowing ALL religions are full of shit and it really doesn't matter. I don't care about someone's religion. I don't force my nonbelief on them so as long as they don't force theirs on me who gives a fuck. He could believe jesus was a shemale for all I care. If they want to try to live by a set of moral values based on a religion I admire them no matter the religion.

Tolerance is a great thing that removes the burden of hate and bigotry.

I do believe all religions are full of shit.

But MOrmonism is one where we can document the shit being stuffed into the bag.

And I got a good taste of Mormon "morality" in 1983 when I served with some of them. Never met a bunch more inclined to stab you in the back in my life. Never.

So if it's a Romney vs. Obama fight, I will vote for the Democrat for the first time in my life. Not because I think Obama is great president, he's been an awful one. But he's a decent guy. Romney, on the other hand, is scum.
You know, I get bored with tihs.

There are only TWO intellectually honest positions you can take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God. Where do I sign up?

2) Joseph Smith was a fraud who was making up bullshit to get into the bloomers of teenage girls and the wives of his followers. Anyone who follows that is a dupe.

There really isn't a middle ground you can take on the issue, other than being a whipped dog of political correctness.

No, there is a third path.

The path of knowing ALL religions are full of shit and it really doesn't matter. I don't care about someone's religion. I don't force my nonbelief on them so as long as they don't force theirs on me who gives a fuck. He could believe jesus was a shemale for all I care. If they want to try to live by a set of moral values based on a religion I admire them no matter the religion.

Tolerance is a great thing that removes the burden of hate and bigotry.

I do believe all religions are full of shit.

But MOrmonism is one where we can document the shit being stuffed into the bag.

And I got a good taste of Mormon "morality" in 1983 when I served with some of them. Never met a bunch more inclined to stab you in the back in my life. Never.

So if it's a Romney vs. Obama fight, I will vote for the Democrat for the first time in my life. Not because I think Obama is great president, he's been an awful one. But he's a decent guy. Romney, on the other hand, is scum.

So because a Mormon (not Romney) did something you didn't like in your past your going to persecute Romney for it?

There are loons in every religion. Doesn't mean you discount everyone else.
So because a Mormon (not Romney) did something you didn't like in your past your going to persecute Romney for it?

There are loons in every religion. Doesn't mean you discount everyone else.

What I saw was that they were out for themselves and would screw over anyone else when they could. Not just one guy, but a bunch of them.

And frankly, what I've seen of Romney, he's about as oily and sleezy.

Come on, the guy changes his stance on issues depending who he is pandering to, (which again, really repulses me. I say what I think and I don't care who gets offended. But I'm not running for office, for Pete's Sake.) He made his fortune screwing over working Joes so he could buy another mansion. Just a slimy character all around.

Now, say what you want about Obama, but I think underneath, he's a good man. I think he's in waaaaay over his head, and he lacks the skills to make things happen when even his own party runs things, but he's a decent enough bloke.

Romney is the kind of guy if he shook your hand, you'd want to count your fingers afterwards.
That's your evidence? Really? Really?? This is getting old. You have been fail from the go.
Got that right!
Duly noted that neither one of you could address my point. Roemner, Johnson and Huntsman are all ex-governors they are all polling at about 1-2% in the polls. But the liberal media keeps talking about Huntsman like he's about to break out and get to the head of the pack and people are going to start looking at him seriously. Oh. Except he keeps sitting at the back of the back. Of course, the only difference between Huntsman and Romney is that Romney is willing to spend a shitload of the money he made screwing working folks out of jobs and Huntsman is only willing to spend other people's money, of which he's getting very little.

Your points have been competently addressed and dismissed, JoeBigot, and you continue fail. Any media that dismisses libertarianism is the evil MSM to you, and tuff luck to that, old son. Fail.

JoeBigot as unbiased critic of Mormonism? The laughter rings throughout the hall. :lol:
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Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.
The only true conservatives in the race are Bachmann and Santorum. Your only issues with them are you don't personally like Bachmann and you feel the voters won't go for Santorum.

I have the same issues. I want a conservative and those two are the only real conservatives in the field. Perry being a mostly conservative is the only other choice.

Perry can't sell himself. You are correct. I fear that if nominated Obama's personality will run all over him with the help of the press. Perry will be presented as a stupid, racist gun toting hick. I see him losing in a run off.

Bachmann, to me has trouble expressing her idea in a way that doesn't seem forced. I like what she says for the most part.

Santorum would be the best of the field but seems to have never gained any traction. And he almost is whiny in some of his debate responses. Which voters will hate.

So, yeah. I'm with you. I am supporting no one right now. I sort of leaned toward Cain until he said 999. I couldn't get behind that one.

By May, when IN primary comes around I will vote for the conservative if there is still one in the race.
Bill Bennett knows Newt personally and says he has problems. This gives me pause because I've considered Bennett a respectable man and usually trust his judgment.

I remember Newt as speaker and thought he did a good job. Problem is Bennett says he knows Newt personally and listed a few characteristics that bother me. I got a sense of some of them but just wrote it off as personality glitches when put on the spot. Bill however says they are part of Newts core. Ie self agrandizing and grandiose ideas beyond the ones we have heard about. He thinks as many here have said that if Newt wins the nomination the election will become about his past.

How did our party get relegated to such shitty choices? Obama should be so fucking easy to beat yet at every turn its all about the negativity of our party.

Perry can't debate to save his life. And yes I know were not electing a debater n chief but if he can't sell himself on the stage against Obama the public won't vote for him.

Pauls foreign policy is nuts.

Santorum is too extreme for this election cycle. The country doesn't want to go from far left to far right.

Newt can't outrun his past long enough to talk about current events.

Bachmann just turns me off personally.

Huntsman sounds centered but I honestly don't know anything about the man. And if I don't the public at large won't have a clue.

That leaves Romney, the KING FLIP FLOPPER.


I like Santorum and Bachmanns ideas but it won't fly in this election so WTF is a person to do? Sitting out or writing in a name is a sheer waste because it could lead to another Obama term. He has to go so I guess I just have to bite my tongue and vote for whoever gets the nomination. This is beginning to feel just like 08 and it straight pisses me off.

I know I'll probably get flamed for this post but I don't care. I don't have a job secure from this shitty economy and I desperately need change.
I wanted our governor Mitch Daniels to run in the worst way. Conservative. Hard line decision maker. Good debater. Great record as governor.

I wanted John Kyl to run. Hard line conservative with a great conservative record.

We are stuck with the second tier. I still vote the most conservative candidate.
Got that right!
Duly noted that neither one of you could address my point. Roemner, Johnson and Huntsman are all ex-governors they are all polling at about 1-2% in the polls. But the liberal media keeps talking about Huntsman like he's about to break out and get to the head of the pack and people are going to start looking at him seriously. Oh. Except he keeps sitting at the back of the back. Of course, the only difference between Huntsman and Romney is that Romney is willing to spend a shitload of the money he made screwing working folks out of jobs and Huntsman is only willing to spend other people's money, of which he's getting very little.

Your points have been competently addressed and dismissed, JoeBigot, and you continue fail. Any media that dismisses libertarianism is the evil MSM to you, and tuff luck to that, old son. Fail.

JoeBigot as unbiased critic of Mormonism? The laughter rings throughout the hall. :lol:

Didn't even talk about Mormonism here, guy. Just pointed out the obvious. Huntsman is a non-entity that the media keeps making into an entity because he's one of them.

He'll be gone by NH, and good riddance, but why was he allowed to take up everyone's time to start with?

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