"I Am Jazz": The Hard Left Media Relativism of Harm Done To Children's Bodies by Adult Influences

Do you approve of grooming or influencing or promoting children thinking they need sex change?

  • Yes, what a child believes is fact and we should all support them.

  • No, this is child abuse.

  • I believe in transgender surgery here for minors in Oregon, but not the genital mutilation in the ME

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...smash hit.. The "I am Jazz" show is ABOUT the child abuse... Worse still, it is ABOUT PROMOTING IT "as normal"!! :eek-52:
If it was "normal" that network wouldn't want the show, and it's nothing like child abuse, it's dealing with transgenderism, which is a real thing like it or not. The Duggars hide the child abuse, fitting the classic example of it's not the crime, and it was a crime, it's the cover-up...
If it was "normal" that network wouldn't want the show, and it's nothing like child abuse, it's dealing with transgenderism, which is a real thing like it or not. The Duggars hide the child abuse, fitting the classic example of it's not the crime, and it was a crime, it's the cover-up...

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "TRANSGENDERISM". It is a made-up PC word to describe mental delusionary thinking. It is the same as saying if a person feels like they are Jesus Christ, then they should have a Jesus Christ-change operation. It is the support of delusional thinking and it isn't actually a medical condition AT ALL. It is a mental illness.

So, promoting mental illness's "cure" as hacking off genitals and encouraging a child to think that way IS IN FACT CHILD ABUSE. So "I Am Jazz" is a show about "how cool it is to abuse children".
If it was "normal" that network wouldn't want the show, and it's nothing like child abuse, it's dealing with transgenderism, which is a real thing like it or not. The Duggars hide the child abuse, fitting the classic example of it's not the crime, and it was a crime, it's the cover-up...

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "TRANSGENDERISM". It is a made-up PC word to describe mental delusionary thinking.

Says you, citing yourself. Transgender folks say differently when referring to themselves.

Now who am I to believe? The transgender folks themselves on their own gender? Or you pretending to speak for them?
If it was "normal" that network wouldn't want the show, and it's nothing like child abuse, it's dealing with transgenderism, which is a real thing like it or not. The Duggars hide the child abuse, fitting the classic example of it's not the crime, and it was a crime, it's the cover-up...

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "TRANSGENDERISM". It is a made-up PC word to describe mental delusionary thinking. It is the same as saying if a person feels like they are Jesus Christ, then they should have a Jesus Christ-change operation. It is the support of delusional thinking and it isn't actually a medical condition AT ALL. It is a mental illness.

So, promoting mental illness's "cure" as hacking off genitals and encouraging a child to think that way IS IN FACT CHILD ABUSE. So "I Am Jazz" is a show about "how cool it is to abuse children".
Being unable to deal with reality is a mental illness, that you suffer from. The fact that you don't believe in something doesn't make it untrue. And you never could answer my question about what sex XY females and XX males are. Care to try again?
Being unable to deal with reality is a mental illness, that you suffer from. The fact that you don't believe in something doesn't make it untrue. And you never could answer my question about what sex XY females and XX males are. Care to try again?

Yes, I'll restate my answer I already said. That is that since the preponderance of genital/breast amputation surgery is performed on normal chromosomal males and females your point is a strawman.

Care to try again? It's a mental illness.
Being unable to deal with reality is a mental illness, that you suffer from. The fact that you don't believe in something doesn't make it untrue. And you never could answer my question about what sex XY females and XX males are. Care to try again?

Yes, I'll restate my answer I already said. That is that since the preponderance of genital/breast amputation surgery is performed on normal chromosomal males and females your point is a strawman.

Care to try again? It's a mental illness.
What is the sex of an XY female, male or female?
What is the sex of an XY female, male or female?
I don't know. Why don't you start a thread called "The Exceptions to the Rule in Transgender Surgery" and you can debate it there?

The name of the show should be changed from "I Am Jazz" to "I Am Child Abuse"...
What is the sex of an XY female, male or female?
I don't know. Why don't you start a thread called "The Exceptions to the Rule in Transgender Surgery" and you can debate it there?

The name of the show should be changed from "I Am Jazz" to "I Am Child Abuse"...
If you don't know then you haven't thought this through enough, and are too ignorant, to comment on the subject since you don't know what fucking gender is, let alone transgender.
What is the sex of an XY female, male or female?
I don't know. Why don't you start a thread called "The Exceptions to the Rule in Transgender Surgery" and you can debate it there?

The name of the show should be changed from "I Am Jazz" to "I Am Child Abuse"...

Jazz the boy...he could co-star with this kid: Boy Drugged By Lesbian Parents To Be A Girl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The family structure in "Jazz's" case is pretty obvious. The mother wanted a girl, had two older boys and her last pregnancy was a boy. Pretty simple to figure out..adult coercion. I was following this case a few years back when the boy was very young, around 4 or 5. The entire bedroom he was in was done up, high end in pinks with frilly dollies everywhere, pink curtains and the like. We debated about whether or not the mom bought all those furnishings or the kid..lol Then the picture they had on the internet the little boy had like a $100 makeup job done on his face, complete with lipliner and very subtle tones...a professional job for sure. And I'm sure he paid for that too and made the appointment.

The mother should go to jail. What the father is thinking is beyond me. He is either owned by his wife or some kind of pervert to do this to his son. And now they're pimping him out to TV land like their child abuse is a badge of honor. The extent to which this couple is using this kid for their own agendas is off the charts.
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Republicans always imaging the weirdest of the sick stuff. And it's so strange since they only care about the fetus.

They don't care if children get health care.

They don't care if children are educated.

They don't care about children being fed.

But they want children to work at being janitors and they care about sick sex delusions. Oh, and the fetus. They care about the fetus.
in reality a lot of transgender stuff is being done to kids.....top surgery to remove breast buds and the worst are the hormones to delay the onset of puberty ...the age at which this is being allowed is being lowered all the time.....i feel like these kids may simply be lab rats for endocrinologist...many of the things are reversible...once the hormone blockers are taken away ...the child does go into puberty.....it is when they began active hormone therapy that the things become permanent

i am old school.....its the job of the parents to guide a child...you dont freak out when the boy wants a doll or when the girl wants to be the hubby you just roll with it...having watched a couple of films on this...i am amazed at how the kids really get into this new identity or into being the other sex...threatening to commit suicide if they dont get their way etc...who tells these kids they can do this shit to begin with? how many of us knew anything about this at age 10?
in reality a lot of transgender stuff is being done to kids.....top surgery to remove breast buds and the worst are the hormones to delay the onset of puberty ...the age at which this is being allowed is being lowered all the time.....i feel like these kids may simply be lab rats for endocrinologist...many of the things are reversible...once the hormone blockers are taken away ...the child does go into puberty.....it is when they began active hormone therapy that the things become permanent

i am old school.....its the job of the parents to guide a child...you dont freak out when the boy wants a doll or when the girl wants to be the hubby you just roll with it...having watched a couple of films on this...i am amazed at how the kids really get into this new identity or into being the other sex...threatening to commit suicide if they dont get their way etc...who tells these kids they can do this shit to begin with? how many of us knew anything about this at age 10?

Yes, you can watch the kids taking cues from the adult influences in their world. Kids learn very early on how to "act out" in order to get attention they're craving. Whether it's good acting out or bad acting out or putting on a dress and claiming you're a girl if you find mommy (who has otherwise been neglecting you for attention) crying because "all I wanted was a daughter". All it takes is one time for a manipulating or clever child starved for attention (Jazz has two older brothers, then himself...all boys) to pick up on a cue like this and run with it. And WOW this Jazz boy hit paydirt on that one.

...now he's "Mommy's little girl"...and the apple of her eye...at a horrible horrible cost.
...now he's "Mommy's little girl"...and the apple of her eye...
He already was that, she just didn't know about it for a time. The brain is the biggest sex organ, and it's also what tells you what gender you are.

My brain told me I was a bird when I was 5. So am I a bird? How is not having feathers and wings different from not having the opposite gender's genitals? Genetics? Without referring to the rare examples of xy and xx anomolies, using the norm for MOST "gender dysphorias" which are normal xy & xx presentations, isn't the difference between a male and a female also genetic?

So who were people to tell me I wasn't a bird when my brain knew differently at age 5? The claim is made here that the boy "Jazz" knew he was a girl (not what he is genetically) at age 5. So in a sense, Jazz & I had something in common. The only difference is I wasn't indulged in that fantasy and grew out of it therefore. Jazz was. By adults. And seeing as how this is leading up to amputating his healthy body parts, this is child abuse.
My brain told me I was a bird when I was 5.
No, it didn't, it told you that you were a little girl, who wanted to fly like a bird for a time.

And if male and female genders are genetic, how do you explain XX males and XY females? Without seeing them naked you'd be unable to tell their gender and based upon looks I'm quite sure you wouldn't want an XY female in the boys locker room since she looks exactly like what what you'd call a little girl. That's because, ...................................................................wait for it, ...........................................................she is...
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My brain told me I was a bird when I was 5.
No, it didn't, it told you that you were a little girl, who wanted to fly like a bird for a time.

And if male and female genders are genetic, how do you explain XX males and XY females? Without seeing them naked you'd be unable to tell their gender and based upon looks I'm quite sure you wouldn't want an XY female in the boys locker room since she looks exactly like what what you'd call a little girl. That's because, ...................................................................wait for it, ...........................................................she is...

And I am equally as qualified as you, perhaps moreso since you are years younger than me in experience and wisdom (quite obviously), to say that "Jazz"'s brain was telling him he was a boy who wanted the attention of a little girl and wanted that attention perhaps as an addiction for a much longer time.

In my case, I didn't give a fig about whether or not anyone paid attention to me and my desires to fly. I just really liked flying in my dreams and was sure I was a bird "therefore". It was kick-ass and still is. Only the difference is that someone sat me down and explained to me that my DNA meant that humans can't fly. Just as someone needs to sit Jazz down and tell him that his DNA means that even if they amputate his penis and testicles at age 18 (after years of coercive/abusive influence and indulgence by his mentors), he will never ever ever be a female. He will simply be a mutilated freakshow with incontinence, sexual numbness and the same level of depression &/or confusion he had before, perhaps worse.

This show should ONLY be aired if the title is changed to "I Am Child Abuse". Bruce Jenner's show "as Caitlyn" should be called "I Am Narcissism Gone Wild". Then yeah, air both of them under those names and they'll be a service to mankind via example.
My brain told me I was a bird when I was 5.
No, it didn't, it told you that you were a little girl, who wanted to fly like a bird for a time.

And if male and female genders are genetic, how do you explain XX males and XY females? Without seeing them naked you'd be unable to tell their gender and based upon looks I'm quite sure you wouldn't want an XY female in the boys locker room since she looks exactly like what what you'd call a little girl. That's because, ...................................................................wait for it, ...........................................................she is...

And I am equally as qualified as you, perhaps moreso since you are years younger than me in experience and wisdom (quite obviously), to say that "Jazz"'s brain was telling him he was a boy who wanted the attention of a little girl and wanted that attention perhaps as an addiction for a much longer time.

In my case, I didn't give a fig about whether or not anyone paid attention to me and my desires to fly. I just really liked flying in my dreams and was sure I was a bird "therefore". It was kick-ass and still is. Only the difference is that someone sat me down and explained to me that my DNA meant that humans can't fly. Just as someone needs to sit Jazz down and tell him that his DNA means that even if they amputate his penis and testicles at age 18 (after years of coercive/abusive influence and indulgence by his mentors), he will never ever ever be a female. He will simply be a mutilated freakshow with incontinence, sexual numbness and the same level of depression &/or confusion he had before, perhaps worse.

This show should ONLY be aired if the title is changed to "I Am Child Abuse". Bruce Jenner's show "as Caitlyn" should be called "I Am Narcissism Gone Wild". Then yeah, air both of them under those names and they'll be a service to mankind via example.
Male and female, just two of the many genders, are not in your genetics or your genitals. Until you can deal with that, you are rejecting reality, as usual.

This is not a male, even though she is XY. She has always looked like a girl, and that is because she is a girl. Just as much as Jazz will be when they are done with him.

What you believe to be in the body, isn't. And BTW, I know you are younger than I am. Remember, because you are a goddamn fool, I know who you really are...
Hold on

I don't know where this crap comes from myself, but isn't non-emergency surgery such as castration and boob jobs best held off until the child in question is an adult?

I mean, a boys penis just doesn't grow back and even if the kid is transgendered, is it not best to let him think about it for a good long while?

Here is a 'riddle' to consider--let say we have a boy who claims to be a girl trapped in a boys body, that happens to develop a sexual interest in girls. What should the parents do?

I say nothing. That is just a messed up boy!! Or young male lesbian.
I think what this thread is more about is mentally grooming a child...

This thread is more about your ongoing campaign to attack any and all LGBT.

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