I am proud to be a liberal


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
Donā€™t fall for these dishonest attacks on the ā€˜metropolitan liberal eliteā€™ | Jonathan Freedland

After this year, especially, I think the word should be worn with pride. If liberal means wanting to help children fleeing a dictatorā€™s barrel-bombs, then call me a liberal. If liberal means believing that the peoples of a continent that for centuries was torn apart by war and bloodshed have found a new, peaceful mechanism for resolving their differences, and that Britain should play its part in that, then call me a liberal.

If liberal means holding true to the values of the Enlightenment, including a belief in facts and evidence and reason, then call me a liberal. And if liberal means cherishing the norms and institutions that protect and sustain democracy, from a free press to an independent judiciary, then call me a liberal. For those values are under assault just now, in a way few of us ever imagined.

So when it comes to ā€œliberalā€, we have nothing to apologise for. Sure, the remainersā€™ most public faces could fairly be described as both ā€œmetropolitanā€ and ā€œeliteā€ ā€“ columnists for London-based newspapers among them. But the same is self-evidently true of the other side, too. Michael Gove and Boris Johnson are not exactly members of the lumpen proletariat, are they? There is no definition of elite or metropolitan that does not include those two.

The article covers both Brexit and our own portion of the populace who voted Trump.

In less than an hour I am going to go spend the day with my "grand" offspring. Hope everybody gets off the net and has a good time with family and/or friends.

Travel safe.
What makes you liberal? Do you understand even the first thing about liberal political theory, in which case you should be proud, or do you simply say all the same things about all the same matters as those others who also call themselves liberal?

One of the very essential elements of liberal political theory involves protection from the tyranny of the majority. Taking away the ability of people to control their own destiny by investing power in a centralized bureaucracy of unelected individuals does not provide that, and considering this same bureaucracy is responsible for the mass invasion of Islamists with no use for enlightened values, I would say that somebody needs to go back to the drawing board here.
Donā€™t fall for these dishonest attacks on the ā€˜metropolitan liberal eliteā€™ | Jonathan Freedland

After this year, especially, I think the word should be worn with pride. If liberal means wanting to help children fleeing a dictatorā€™s barrel-bombs, then call me a liberal. If liberal means believing that the peoples of a continent that for centuries was torn apart by war and bloodshed have found a new, peaceful mechanism for resolving their differences, and that Britain should play its part in that, then call me a liberal.

If liberal means holding true to the values of the Enlightenment, including a belief in facts and evidence and reason, then call me a liberal. And if liberal means cherishing the norms and institutions that protect and sustain democracy, from a free press to an independent judiciary, then call me a liberal. For those values are under assault just now, in a way few of us ever imagined.

So when it comes to ā€œliberalā€, we have nothing to apologise for. Sure, the remainersā€™ most public faces could fairly be described as both ā€œmetropolitanā€ and ā€œeliteā€ ā€“ columnists for London-based newspapers among them. But the same is self-evidently true of the other side, too. Michael Gove and Boris Johnson are not exactly members of the lumpen proletariat, are they? There is no definition of elite or metropolitan that does not include those two.

The article covers both Brexit and our own portion of the populace who voted Trump.

In less than an hour I am going to go spend the day with my "grand" offspring. Hope everybody gets off the net and has a good time with family and/or friends.

Travel safe.
Destroying the liberals is the best Christmas present America could have ever received....pass on the good news of Trump!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!
My two cents. If your beliefs are strongly held, live them. Announcing you are proud of yourself because you hold them is, frankly, obnoxious. Your grand offspring may appreciate it if you leave your self righteousness outside the door this visit.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Donā€™t fall for these dishonest attacks on the ā€˜metropolitan liberal eliteā€™ | Jonathan Freedland

If liberal means wanting to help children fleeing a dictatorā€™s barrel-bombs, then call me a liberal.
No one wants children blown up, but until you can assure me that the "children" you choose to call refugees are not the barrel bombers the refugees are trying to escape, I favor keeping my family safe by whatever means at my disposal.
We just saw a "child" who came to Germany some years ago as a "refugee" steal a truck and mow down dozens of people on a side walk. How should Germany react to that? Should they double their effort to admit and feed ISIS? My country's first responsibility is to protect its citizens, not to give me a warn fuzzy feeling that I saved a child from the Middle East from a bomber. Until you can assure me with 100% certainty that the refugees you need to help to make yourself feel good won't harm my family and fellow citizens. shut the hell up about your nobility.
Liberal used to mean being fundamentally OPEN to other ideas. What the hell happened?

Multiculturalism. It killed actual liberalism quite some time ago.

If you think about it, multiculturalism is almost the antithesis of liberalism. Western Europe is already liberal, but multiculturalist dogmatism says "come here, bring your knuckle dragging, primitive ways with you, and we will adapt to you rather than expecting you to adopt our ways".

The whole notion of what is liberal and what is not has been turned on it's ear, as anybody concerned with the way these misogynists treat women are called "far right". Heck, the pontificating moron who wrote the article is part of the very politically correct establishment that allows British children to be raped by Muslims rather than run the risk of being called names by those just like him lest they point out the nature of why they are occurring.
Liberal used to mean being fundamentally OPEN to other ideas. What the hell happened?
If you were proud to be a liberal; you wouldn't need to preach that to anyone on an internet forum website.

With the way things went this election, I would be embarrassed to even voice my opinion as a liberal. Everything they have done these last 8 years have been repudiated! Because people were tired of it!
What makes you liberal? Do you understand even the first thing about liberal political theory, in which case you should be proud, or do you simply say all the same things about all the same matters as those others who also call themselves liberal?

One of the very essential elements of liberal political theory involves protection from the tyranny of the majority. Taking away the ability of people to control their own destiny by investing power in a centralized bureaucracy of unelected individuals does not provide that, and considering this same bureaucracy is responsible for the mass invasion of Islamists with no use for enlightened values, I would say that somebody needs to go back to the drawing board here.

"Tyranny of the majority" crapola yet again. :lol: Hack phrase of 2016.
Wear it out for one more weak.
What makes you liberal? Do you understand even the first thing about liberal political theory, in which case you should be proud, or do you simply say all the same things about all the same matters as those others who also call themselves liberal?

One of the very essential elements of liberal political theory involves protection from the tyranny of the majority. Taking away the ability of people to control their own destiny by investing power in a centralized bureaucracy of unelected individuals does not provide that, and considering this same bureaucracy is responsible for the mass invasion of Islamists with no use for enlightened values, I would say that somebody needs to go back to the drawing board here.

"Tyranny of the majority" crapola yet again. :lol: Hack phrase of 2016.
Wear it out for one more weak.
It is perfect ain't it?
Donā€™t fall for these dishonest attacks on the ā€˜metropolitan liberal eliteā€™ | Jonathan Freedland

If liberal means wanting to help children fleeing a dictatorā€™s barrel-bombs, then call me a liberal.
No one wants children blown up, but until you can assure me that the "children" you choose to call refugees are not the barrel bombers the refugees are trying to escape, I favor keeping my family safe by whatever means at my disposal.
We just saw a "child" who came to Germany some years ago as a "refugee" steal a truck and mow down dozens of people on a side walk. How should Germany react to that? Should they double their effort to admit and feed ISIS? My country's first responsibility is to protect its citizens, not to give me a warn fuzzy feeling that I saved a child from the Middle East from a bomber. Until you can assure me with 100% certainty that the refugees you need to help to make yourself feel good won't harm my family and fellow citizens. shut the hell up about your nobility.

He wasn't a refugee. He was a migrant.
What makes you liberal? Do you understand even the first thing about liberal political theory, in which case you should be proud, or do you simply say all the same things about all the same matters as those others who also call themselves liberal?

One of the very essential elements of liberal political theory involves protection from the tyranny of the majority. Taking away the ability of people to control their own destiny by investing power in a centralized bureaucracy of unelected individuals does not provide that, and considering this same bureaucracy is responsible for the mass invasion of Islamists with no use for enlightened values, I would say that somebody needs to go back to the drawing board here.

"Tyranny of the majority" crapola yet again. :lol: Hack phrase of 2016.
Wear it out for one more weak.

I think we have already established that you are an utter idiot who only knows what you are supposed to say but hasn't the first inkling clue as to why he is supposed to say it.

Read a little John Rawls or John Stuart Mill and get back to me, o.k., child?
Donā€™t fall for these dishonest attacks on the ā€˜metropolitan liberal eliteā€™ | Jonathan Freedland

If liberal means wanting to help children fleeing a dictatorā€™s barrel-bombs, then call me a liberal.
No one wants children blown up, but until you can assure me that the "children" you choose to call refugees are not the barrel bombers the refugees are trying to escape, I favor keeping my family safe by whatever means at my disposal.
We just saw a "child" who came to Germany some years ago as a "refugee" steal a truck and mow down dozens of people on a side walk. How should Germany react to that? Should they double their effort to admit and feed ISIS? My country's first responsibility is to protect its citizens, not to give me a warn fuzzy feeling that I saved a child from the Middle East from a bomber. Until you can assure me with 100% certainty that the refugees you need to help to make yourself feel good won't harm my family and fellow citizens. shut the hell up about your nobility.

He wasn't a refugee. He was a migrant.
He was a Islamic terrorist. Whether you call him a migrant or a refugee doesn't really matter, does it?
The article covers both Brexit and our own portion of the populace who voted Trump.

After this year, especially, I think the word should be worn with pride. If liberal means wanting to help children fleeing a dictatorā€™s barrel-bombs, then call me a liberal. If liberal means believing that the peoples of a continent that for centuries was torn apart by war and bloodshed have found a new, peaceful mechanism for resolving their differences, and that Britain should play its part in that, then call me a liberal.
That really does summarize liberalism. The appalling arrogance that the liberal knows better than all of the world. Who is this smug progressive to say what Britain should and should not do? That's for the people of England to decide and they have. They realize that the one government, progressive "New World Order" is a nightmare.

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