I am recalling my economic Theory


Feb 16, 2014
This is my theory.
Since the swiss are the world's most productive people, and they have the world's highest income, but are limited by being landlocked, and having a very small population, about 8 million.

My theory is, 60,000,000,000,000 (sixty trillion) (maximum) could be achieved for a GDP, if each worker was worth $100,000 a year with a population 600 million people, 3rd after China and India in terms of population.

First in the world for GDP
First in the world Bar none.

If they purchased the Queen Elizabeth Islands from Northern Canada and made a swiss-based country, and brought with them the high value of their workmanship and culture.
A country that powerful and grand could easily shut out the world and not a hear a thing, The USA doesn't stand a chance in hell

What do you think ?

Mixtures of Germanic and Latin has always produced a grand composite of the best.
The high dollar value of latin European workmanship, art and creativity, and consumerism, and the way their markets generally work and how they are set up.

Mixed with Germanic hard iron workmanship and high productivity.
That is basically what drives the Swiss to the top of the economic and human development game
My theory is to get that out of the micro of a small landlocked state, and put it on the MACRO, of an Island system bigger than Britain.

Yet There are loads of problems with my economic theory of developing a far superior macro economic society from a hyper Swiss population.

To achieve this, the Swiss would have to do the following.

1.The Swiss like any European from Europe has to shut the f*ck up and look in the mirror, when they decide to hate what they made (the USA), and embrace it.

This thereby means that they would be allies with the USA, far greater so, than any foreign country in existence as of today.

Because inorder to build something better, you have to like what you made before the new one.

2.Since the USA is the current reigning champion of the world if you want to think of that way, so the concept of how the USA's people think, is how they would have to think.

The leader is always the path to better, always has been.

3.To do better than everybody else, means giving up thinking you're better than everybody else, the greatest in anything, doesn't think they're better than everybody else, but are simply competitors.

And Europeans currently in Europe have a really bad mentality that they are some how or other greater than everybody else.

This would mean the end of comments from them that demean others, like no more comments like "stop trashing my country" whenever you are being compared to somebody else.


And the foreign country that comes the closest to that standard, isn't Swiss, but British, and still not exactly.

And I don't think that is possible for Europe.

They really are stuck up pieces of crap.
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I am recalling my economic Theory

Because it's defective?

Its defective because the quality of the European person who is from Europe, and lives in Europe, really sucks in general.

Not high enough quality to get over their jealousy, and realize the fact that somebody could possibly be any better.

That dooms anybody who competes in Anything, including for World economic and Military power.
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Europeans in Europe have an attitude, that a field general would say is an attitude that gets men killed
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I had to get drunk to see if this might end up making more sense. Now that I'm drunk, it still makes no sense.
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I had to get drunk to see if I could actually beat my wife up. Now that I'm drunk, I still got my ass whooped by my wife.

go get even more drunk so that you can die of poisoning

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I had to get drunk to see if this might end up making more sense. Now that I'm drunk, it still makes no sense.

Haven't tried it for 40yrs but seems to me I could see the underlying sense in everything while chasing Lucy in the Sky. Even it might not help with this OP.

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