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‘I am seeking justice’: Tulsa massacre survivor, 107, testifies to US Congress

For nearly a century she was denied a voice by a culture of silence. Finally, at the age of 107, Viola Fletcher got a national stage on Wednesday to bear witness to America’s deep history of racial violence.

Fletcher is the oldest living survivor of a massacre that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 31 May and 1 June 1921 when a white mob attacked the city’s “Black Wall Street”, killing an estimated 300 African Americans while robbing and burning more than 1,200 businesses, homes and churches
She was just seven years old at the time.

For decades the atrocity was actively covered up and wished away. But Fletcher and her 100-year-old brother are seeking reparations and, ahead of the massacre’s centenary, appeared before a House of Representatives judiciary subcommittee considering legal remedies.

....A third survivor, Lessie Evelyn Benningfield Randle, 106, also testified virtually. She said: “It means a lot to me to finally be able to look at you all in the eye and ask you to do the right thing. I have waited so long for justice.”

Just the fact that there are three survivors still living is mind blowing.
Too late for justice

Justice delayed and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't work every day to undo the damage and prevent the next massacre.

Go read the report. The Negroes started the fucking shooting.

The justice was the Whites giving the Negro bastards some payback.
1. No one knows who fired the first shot
2. WHOEVER fired first does not justify the slaughter of over 100 people and the destruction of an entire community.
3. President Biden was right. This was not a riot. That word diminishes the event. It was a purposeful slaughter. It was genocide.
4. You certainly are one stupid Tiny Minded ignoramus. It is no wonder you are a racist idiot. you were made for the club.

The Neggras showed up armed. They were asked by law enforcement to disarm and according to the report that referenced earlier one of the shitheads refused to do it and then shots were fired.

By the way, the Negro was not going to be charged with rape of the White girl. He grabbed her and he was only going to be charged with simple assault. The Neggras over reacted and that was the cause of the conflict. Just like they are doing nowadays. They were to blame. They killed Whites first. The Neggras that were shot in the first exchanged were most likely killed by cross fire from other Neggras. The Whites were not armed.

We may be weak minded in dealing with a Neggra attack nowadays but the Whites back then had the courage to stand up to the filth an took appropriate action.

Go back and look at the timeline I posted earlier. The Whites were very justified in what they did.
The NEXT DAY whites rented airplanes so they could drop firebombs on the Greenwood community.

Rationalizing mass murder isn't a good look.
Better pull down the hood.
From the link;
"You may have heard about Cannon Hinnant. He was a five-year-old white boy, shot to death at point blank range earlier this month while he rode his bicycle. Right in front of his two sisters. The killer was the next-door neighbor, a 25-year-old black man, Darius Sessoms. This was just a local story until there was social-media outrage, and Breitbart News published an article called #SayHisName Trends After Media Do Not Report on Alleged Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant.

Big media then stepped in gingerly, sometimes not even mentioning race. The New York Times ran a short AP article about “the North Carolina boy being remembered for his big smile” — but no photo of the boy who smiled, and certainly no photo of the killer. That was an interesting contrast to a Times article called “White Man Accused of Brandishing Gun at Black Teenagers in a McDonald’s is Arrested.” The Times assigned a reporter to that story and ran a mug-shot, and put race right in the headline. Just for getting into an argument and waving a gun.

Cannon Hinnant’s father says race had nothing to do with the killing — maybe he’s right — but the police are mum so far on motive. Again, it’s an interesting contrast with all the famous killings when race goes the other way. George Floyd, Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland — all victims of racism, right? In fact, there is no evidence of a racial motive in any of those cases, but the media tell us over and over that it was pure racism.

Let’s look at a few recent interracial crimes. At the beginning of April, the first of two black teenagers, Arthur Fisher and Akime Truesdale was arrested for killing a white teenager. They were all driving together in the white teenager’s car. They stopped, got out of the car, and Arthur Fisher shot Logan Stacks to death (pictured below), and the two blacks stole the car. That’s about all we know. Was race a motive? No one’s even asking.


Logan Stacks
You may recall that on May 15, this young black fellow Jaden Hayden used 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe as a punching bag. The attack went on for several minutes; you get the idea. Mr. Bledsoe had a broken jaw, broken ribs and later died from the beating. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

In May last year, in the Bronx, 23-year-old Temar Bishop beat a white woman bloody. Then he raped her, punched and kicked her some more, and left her unconscious, with a broken nose and broken teeth, vomiting blood. He brought over a friend to show her the wreckage, and explained: “She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.” There was clearly a racial motive — and that’s probably why you never heard about this. Temar Bishop may not know who George Washington was, but he’s had an earful about slavery. Why shouldn’t he take revenge?

Paul and Lidia Marino, in their 80s, visited the grave of their son in Delaware nearly every day. On May 8th this year, a black man, a stranger to them named Sheldon Francis, walked up to them right in the cemetery and shot them to death. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On June 13th this year, 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage shoved a 92-year-old white woman off her feet in New York City. She hit her head on a fire hydrant and went to the hospital. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

On July 6, 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker and her fiancé got into an argument with some blacks when she said “All lives matter.” The two sides separated, but as she walked away, one of the blacks shot and killed her. She left behind a three-year-old. No big deal. No arrests.

Victor King was a professional bridge player living in Hartford, Connecticut, who decided to take in a roommate to help with rent. On July 25, he got into an argument about the rent with his black roommate Jerry Thompson. The next day Thompson killed him with a samurai sword and carved off his head. A racial incident? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On July 30, black thief, 34-year-old Ezekiel Hopkins tried to steal a white couple’s car from their driveway in Windemere, Florida. When they came out to stop him, he beat John Savey to death with a baseball bat, chased the wife into the house and beat her unconscious. Then he beat to death John Savey’s 30-year-old son Jay. Here they are with a grandson. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

And, finally, just this month, Charles Morgan stopped off at a hotel in Florida. He phoned his wife to say he had made a new friend whom he met at the hotel. That night, his new friend, Alphonso Washington, killed him by stomping on his throat and stabbing him many times. Racial motive? No one’s asking.

Every one of these was an unprovoked, deliberate act of viciousness, whether it had a racial motive or not. The notorious killings of black people the whole country is worried about were different. There is no evidence that even one was unprovoked and deliberate.

Black deaths matter. White deaths don’t. And if you think that white people commit similarly vicious crimes against black people, then tell me about them. BLM makes a huge stink about ambiguous cases of white-on-black violence because they can’t find unprovoked, white-on-black viciousness.

Let’s look at the bigger picture for murder. Every year, the FBI publishes racial statistics on victims and perpetrators and puts them into this table. 2018 is the most recent year. It’s simple to calculate that the rate at which blacks committed murder was 7.5 times the white rate. And a black person was 15-1/2 times more likely to kill a white person than a white person was to kill a black person. There are data like this only for crimes with a single killer and a single victim. For mass killings, the black/white differences would probably be even greater.

The Department of Justice used to report on all interracial violent crimes in the country but stopped in 2014. Here are the most recent data: 2012 to 2013. Most violent crime is within the races, but if you do the calculations, you will find that blacks committed 560,600 violent crimes against whites and whites committed 99,400 against blacks. Because there are nearly five times as many whites as there are blacks, it means any given black person was *27 times* more likely to attack a white person than the other way around."

I know, I know.... you're going to say some nasty things about AmRen now, right?
Well go ahead....... it doesn't change the fact that everything in that article (RTWT) is true, and actually happened.
Unlike the "white supremacists" you all keep alluding to, these were real people, and there are actual bodies laying in the ground.
This is actual harm done, rather than the imaginary kind you always use to justify your anti-white racism.
Wonder how the Floyd family feels about imagining his death?

Funniest thing...You didn't quote anything where the White guy was killed BECAUSE he was White.
Typical racist thinking.


You failed miserably to speak to the topic.

Damn son. WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!
Oh, wait, never mind. Answered my own question.
The Floyd family are probably celebrating their windfall.
Best thing he most likely ever did was die and get them paid in the process.
From the mind of a racist.
Keep on little man.
In a few years the worm will turn.
Whatcha gonnna do when THEY take over?!?!?!
What makes you believe that is ever going to happen?
Seriously, tell me specifically what you see going on that makes you think the most dysfunctional segment (less than 15%) of the country is going to take over?

Are you high or something?
Genetics sonny.
Despite your racist view.
"THEY" are making more babies;
MORE mixed race babies
FEWER White babies
White people are older closer to death
"THEY" are younger

TICK TOCK my tiny brained fool, TICK TOCK.
Black people are certainly not making many babies. Most black babies are aborted. The black on black murder rate is the highest in the developed world. 50 years ago blacks were 15% of the population. They are now 12% and that's WITH immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. After civil war blacks were 20%. The African American descendant of slaves is going extinct. Not a matter of TICK TOCK. More like BANG BANG.

We really should put a breeding pair in a protected habitat like a zoo.

Thousands are murdered every year in these Democrat controlled big city shitholes. The biggest threat to a Black is another Black.
In a racially segregated country the same is true for
and Native Peoples

All you've done is "prove" what is already known.
When people kill people they most often kill someone they know.
As far as the biggest threat to Blacks?
The presence of White Racism.
The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation.
There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?
Do you know how to read? What does your response have to do with my post?
Obviously you fail to understand you own posts.
Not surprising.
Oh, then you should have no problem explaining it then.
Not my role to explain your posts to you.
The simple fact that you both need and request and explanation is more than enough evidence you fail to understand.
Your objection to my post is what you need to explain.
My objection is that your post didn't say what you thought it said.
Try reading and understanding.
Do what math? Who knows what the next 100 years has in store? One thing is for sure, if there is a population change, it wont be in any of our lifetimes, so its a moot point that you cant prove anyway.
It's going on IN your lifetime.
NLT 2050 the White population of the US will be a racial minority.

BUT, more importantly
You think what the GOP is doing today is OK because we won't be alive when "THEY" take over?

WTF is up with that?

We were idiots to allow the fucking Blacks and Browns to come into our country and we are paying the price. Our country is turning into a shithole. That is what happens when Whites become too chickenshit.
View attachment 504866

Now if you don't like it here why don't YOU go back where you came from?

My great grandmother was a Seminole Indian. That makes me one of the tribe.
Yeah, right, and I'm 2nd in line to the British Throne and heir to the Buffet estate.

For nearly a century she was denied a voice by a culture of silence. Finally, at the age of 107, Viola Fletcher got a national stage on Wednesday to bear witness to America’s deep history of racial violence.

Fletcher is the oldest living survivor of a massacre that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 31 May and 1 June 1921 when a white mob attacked the city’s “Black Wall Street”, killing an estimated 300 African Americans while robbing and burning more than 1,200 businesses, homes and churches
She was just seven years old at the time.

For decades the atrocity was actively covered up and wished away. But Fletcher and her 100-year-old brother are seeking reparations and, ahead of the massacre’s centenary, appeared before a House of Representatives judiciary subcommittee considering legal remedies.

....A third survivor, Lessie Evelyn Benningfield Randle, 106, also testified virtually. She said: “It means a lot to me to finally be able to look at you all in the eye and ask you to do the right thing. I have waited so long for justice.”

Just the fact that there are three survivors still living is mind blowing.
Too late for justice

Justice delayed and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't work every day to undo the damage and prevent the next massacre.

Go read the report. The Negroes started the fucking shooting.

The justice was the Whites giving the Negro bastards some payback.
1. No one knows who fired the first shot
2. WHOEVER fired first does not justify the slaughter of over 100 people and the destruction of an entire community.
3. President Biden was right. This was not a riot. That word diminishes the event. It was a purposeful slaughter. It was genocide.
4. You certainly are one stupid Tiny Minded ignoramus. It is no wonder you are a racist idiot. you were made for the club.

The Neggras showed up armed. They were asked by law enforcement to disarm and according to the report that referenced earlier one of the shitheads refused to do it and then shots were fired.

By the way, the Negro was not going to be charged with rape of the White girl. He grabbed her and he was only going to be charged with simple assault. The Neggras over reacted and that was the cause of the conflict. Just like they are doing nowadays. They were to blame. They killed Whites first. The Neggras that were shot in the first exchanged were most likely killed by cross fire from other Neggras. The Whites were not armed.

We may be weak minded in dealing with a Neggra attack nowadays but the Whites back then had the courage to stand up to the filth an took appropriate action.

Go back and look at the timeline I posted earlier. The Whites were very justified in what they did.
The NEXT DAY whites rented airplanes so they could drop firebombs on the Greenwood community.

Rationalizing mass murder isn't a good look.
Better pull down the hood.
From the link;
"You may have heard about Cannon Hinnant. He was a five-year-old white boy, shot to death at point blank range earlier this month while he rode his bicycle. Right in front of his two sisters. The killer was the next-door neighbor, a 25-year-old black man, Darius Sessoms. This was just a local story until there was social-media outrage, and Breitbart News published an article called #SayHisName Trends After Media Do Not Report on Alleged Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant.

Big media then stepped in gingerly, sometimes not even mentioning race. The New York Times ran a short AP article about “the North Carolina boy being remembered for his big smile” — but no photo of the boy who smiled, and certainly no photo of the killer. That was an interesting contrast to a Times article called “White Man Accused of Brandishing Gun at Black Teenagers in a McDonald’s is Arrested.” The Times assigned a reporter to that story and ran a mug-shot, and put race right in the headline. Just for getting into an argument and waving a gun.

Cannon Hinnant’s father says race had nothing to do with the killing — maybe he’s right — but the police are mum so far on motive. Again, it’s an interesting contrast with all the famous killings when race goes the other way. George Floyd, Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland — all victims of racism, right? In fact, there is no evidence of a racial motive in any of those cases, but the media tell us over and over that it was pure racism.

Let’s look at a few recent interracial crimes. At the beginning of April, the first of two black teenagers, Arthur Fisher and Akime Truesdale was arrested for killing a white teenager. They were all driving together in the white teenager’s car. They stopped, got out of the car, and Arthur Fisher shot Logan Stacks to death (pictured below), and the two blacks stole the car. That’s about all we know. Was race a motive? No one’s even asking.


Logan Stacks
You may recall that on May 15, this young black fellow Jaden Hayden used 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe as a punching bag. The attack went on for several minutes; you get the idea. Mr. Bledsoe had a broken jaw, broken ribs and later died from the beating. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

In May last year, in the Bronx, 23-year-old Temar Bishop beat a white woman bloody. Then he raped her, punched and kicked her some more, and left her unconscious, with a broken nose and broken teeth, vomiting blood. He brought over a friend to show her the wreckage, and explained: “She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.” There was clearly a racial motive — and that’s probably why you never heard about this. Temar Bishop may not know who George Washington was, but he’s had an earful about slavery. Why shouldn’t he take revenge?

Paul and Lidia Marino, in their 80s, visited the grave of their son in Delaware nearly every day. On May 8th this year, a black man, a stranger to them named Sheldon Francis, walked up to them right in the cemetery and shot them to death. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On June 13th this year, 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage shoved a 92-year-old white woman off her feet in New York City. She hit her head on a fire hydrant and went to the hospital. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

On July 6, 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker and her fiancé got into an argument with some blacks when she said “All lives matter.” The two sides separated, but as she walked away, one of the blacks shot and killed her. She left behind a three-year-old. No big deal. No arrests.

Victor King was a professional bridge player living in Hartford, Connecticut, who decided to take in a roommate to help with rent. On July 25, he got into an argument about the rent with his black roommate Jerry Thompson. The next day Thompson killed him with a samurai sword and carved off his head. A racial incident? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On July 30, black thief, 34-year-old Ezekiel Hopkins tried to steal a white couple’s car from their driveway in Windemere, Florida. When they came out to stop him, he beat John Savey to death with a baseball bat, chased the wife into the house and beat her unconscious. Then he beat to death John Savey’s 30-year-old son Jay. Here they are with a grandson. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

And, finally, just this month, Charles Morgan stopped off at a hotel in Florida. He phoned his wife to say he had made a new friend whom he met at the hotel. That night, his new friend, Alphonso Washington, killed him by stomping on his throat and stabbing him many times. Racial motive? No one’s asking.

Every one of these was an unprovoked, deliberate act of viciousness, whether it had a racial motive or not. The notorious killings of black people the whole country is worried about were different. There is no evidence that even one was unprovoked and deliberate.

Black deaths matter. White deaths don’t. And if you think that white people commit similarly vicious crimes against black people, then tell me about them. BLM makes a huge stink about ambiguous cases of white-on-black violence because they can’t find unprovoked, white-on-black viciousness.

Let’s look at the bigger picture for murder. Every year, the FBI publishes racial statistics on victims and perpetrators and puts them into this table. 2018 is the most recent year. It’s simple to calculate that the rate at which blacks committed murder was 7.5 times the white rate. And a black person was 15-1/2 times more likely to kill a white person than a white person was to kill a black person. There are data like this only for crimes with a single killer and a single victim. For mass killings, the black/white differences would probably be even greater.

The Department of Justice used to report on all interracial violent crimes in the country but stopped in 2014. Here are the most recent data: 2012 to 2013. Most violent crime is within the races, but if you do the calculations, you will find that blacks committed 560,600 violent crimes against whites and whites committed 99,400 against blacks. Because there are nearly five times as many whites as there are blacks, it means any given black person was *27 times* more likely to attack a white person than the other way around."

I know, I know.... you're going to say some nasty things about AmRen now, right?
Well go ahead....... it doesn't change the fact that everything in that article (RTWT) is true, and actually happened.
Unlike the "white supremacists" you all keep alluding to, these were real people, and there are actual bodies laying in the ground.
This is actual harm done, rather than the imaginary kind you always use to justify your anti-white racism.
Wonder how the Floyd family feels about imagining his death?

Funniest thing...You didn't quote anything where the White guy was killed BECAUSE he was White.
Typical racist thinking.


You failed miserably to speak to the topic.

Damn son. WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!
Oh, wait, never mind. Answered my own question.
The Floyd family are probably celebrating their windfall.
Best thing he most likely ever did was die and get them paid in the process.
From the mind of a racist.
Keep on little man.
In a few years the worm will turn.
Whatcha gonnna do when THEY take over?!?!?!
What makes you believe that is ever going to happen?
Seriously, tell me specifically what you see going on that makes you think the most dysfunctional segment (less than 15%) of the country is going to take over?

Are you high or something?
Genetics sonny.
Despite your racist view.
"THEY" are making more babies;
MORE mixed race babies
FEWER White babies
White people are older closer to death
"THEY" are younger

TICK TOCK my tiny brained fool, TICK TOCK.
Black people are certainly not making many babies. Most black babies are aborted. The black on black murder rate is the highest in the developed world. 50 years ago blacks were 15% of the population. They are now 12% and that's WITH immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. After civil war blacks were 20%. The African American descendant of slaves is going extinct. Not a matter of TICK TOCK. More like BANG BANG.

We really should put a breeding pair in a protected habitat like a zoo.

Thousands are murdered every year in these Democrat controlled big city shitholes. The biggest threat to a Black is another Black.
In a racially segregated country the same is true for
and Native Peoples

All you've done is "prove" what is already known.
When people kill people they most often kill someone they know.
As far as the biggest threat to Blacks?
The presence of White Racism.
The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation.
There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?
Do you know how to read? What does your response have to do with my post?
Obviously you fail to understand you own posts.
Not surprising.
Oh, then you should have no problem explaining it then.
Not my role to explain your posts to you.
The simple fact that you both need and request and explanation is more than enough evidence you fail to understand.
Your objection to my post is what you need to explain.
My objection is that your post didn't say what you thought it said.
Try reading and understanding.
This is what i said...

"The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation."

Then your retarded ass produced this brilliant gem as a response....

There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?

Do you not see the problem, retard? :laugh:
So is a safe area in a Black "community" called "The White Main Street"?
For nearly a century she was denied a voice by a culture of silence. Finally, at the age of 107, Viola Fletcher got a national stage on Wednesday to bear witness to America’s deep history of racial violence.

Fletcher is the oldest living survivor of a massacre that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 31 May and 1 June 1921 when a white mob attacked the city’s “Black Wall Street”, killing an estimated 300 African Americans while robbing and burning more than 1,200 businesses, homes and churches
She was just seven years old at the time.

For decades the atrocity was actively covered up and wished away. But Fletcher and her 100-year-old brother are seeking reparations and, ahead of the massacre’s centenary, appeared before a House of Representatives judiciary subcommittee considering legal remedies.

....A third survivor, Lessie Evelyn Benningfield Randle, 106, also testified virtually. She said: “It means a lot to me to finally be able to look at you all in the eye and ask you to do the right thing. I have waited so long for justice.”

Just the fact that there are three survivors still living is mind blowing.
Too late for justice

Justice delayed and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't work every day to undo the damage and prevent the next massacre.

Go read the report. The Negroes started the fucking shooting.

The justice was the Whites giving the Negro bastards some payback.
1. No one knows who fired the first shot
2. WHOEVER fired first does not justify the slaughter of over 100 people and the destruction of an entire community.
3. President Biden was right. This was not a riot. That word diminishes the event. It was a purposeful slaughter. It was genocide.
4. You certainly are one stupid Tiny Minded ignoramus. It is no wonder you are a racist idiot. you were made for the club.

The Neggras showed up armed. They were asked by law enforcement to disarm and according to the report that referenced earlier one of the shitheads refused to do it and then shots were fired.

By the way, the Negro was not going to be charged with rape of the White girl. He grabbed her and he was only going to be charged with simple assault. The Neggras over reacted and that was the cause of the conflict. Just like they are doing nowadays. They were to blame. They killed Whites first. The Neggras that were shot in the first exchanged were most likely killed by cross fire from other Neggras. The Whites were not armed.

We may be weak minded in dealing with a Neggra attack nowadays but the Whites back then had the courage to stand up to the filth an took appropriate action.

Go back and look at the timeline I posted earlier. The Whites were very justified in what they did.
The NEXT DAY whites rented airplanes so they could drop firebombs on the Greenwood community.

Rationalizing mass murder isn't a good look.
Better pull down the hood.
From the link;
"You may have heard about Cannon Hinnant. He was a five-year-old white boy, shot to death at point blank range earlier this month while he rode his bicycle. Right in front of his two sisters. The killer was the next-door neighbor, a 25-year-old black man, Darius Sessoms. This was just a local story until there was social-media outrage, and Breitbart News published an article called #SayHisName Trends After Media Do Not Report on Alleged Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant.

Big media then stepped in gingerly, sometimes not even mentioning race. The New York Times ran a short AP article about “the North Carolina boy being remembered for his big smile” — but no photo of the boy who smiled, and certainly no photo of the killer. That was an interesting contrast to a Times article called “White Man Accused of Brandishing Gun at Black Teenagers in a McDonald’s is Arrested.” The Times assigned a reporter to that story and ran a mug-shot, and put race right in the headline. Just for getting into an argument and waving a gun.

Cannon Hinnant’s father says race had nothing to do with the killing — maybe he’s right — but the police are mum so far on motive. Again, it’s an interesting contrast with all the famous killings when race goes the other way. George Floyd, Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland — all victims of racism, right? In fact, there is no evidence of a racial motive in any of those cases, but the media tell us over and over that it was pure racism.

Let’s look at a few recent interracial crimes. At the beginning of April, the first of two black teenagers, Arthur Fisher and Akime Truesdale was arrested for killing a white teenager. They were all driving together in the white teenager’s car. They stopped, got out of the car, and Arthur Fisher shot Logan Stacks to death (pictured below), and the two blacks stole the car. That’s about all we know. Was race a motive? No one’s even asking.


Logan Stacks
You may recall that on May 15, this young black fellow Jaden Hayden used 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe as a punching bag. The attack went on for several minutes; you get the idea. Mr. Bledsoe had a broken jaw, broken ribs and later died from the beating. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

In May last year, in the Bronx, 23-year-old Temar Bishop beat a white woman bloody. Then he raped her, punched and kicked her some more, and left her unconscious, with a broken nose and broken teeth, vomiting blood. He brought over a friend to show her the wreckage, and explained: “She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.” There was clearly a racial motive — and that’s probably why you never heard about this. Temar Bishop may not know who George Washington was, but he’s had an earful about slavery. Why shouldn’t he take revenge?

Paul and Lidia Marino, in their 80s, visited the grave of their son in Delaware nearly every day. On May 8th this year, a black man, a stranger to them named Sheldon Francis, walked up to them right in the cemetery and shot them to death. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On June 13th this year, 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage shoved a 92-year-old white woman off her feet in New York City. She hit her head on a fire hydrant and went to the hospital. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

On July 6, 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker and her fiancé got into an argument with some blacks when she said “All lives matter.” The two sides separated, but as she walked away, one of the blacks shot and killed her. She left behind a three-year-old. No big deal. No arrests.

Victor King was a professional bridge player living in Hartford, Connecticut, who decided to take in a roommate to help with rent. On July 25, he got into an argument about the rent with his black roommate Jerry Thompson. The next day Thompson killed him with a samurai sword and carved off his head. A racial incident? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On July 30, black thief, 34-year-old Ezekiel Hopkins tried to steal a white couple’s car from their driveway in Windemere, Florida. When they came out to stop him, he beat John Savey to death with a baseball bat, chased the wife into the house and beat her unconscious. Then he beat to death John Savey’s 30-year-old son Jay. Here they are with a grandson. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

And, finally, just this month, Charles Morgan stopped off at a hotel in Florida. He phoned his wife to say he had made a new friend whom he met at the hotel. That night, his new friend, Alphonso Washington, killed him by stomping on his throat and stabbing him many times. Racial motive? No one’s asking.

Every one of these was an unprovoked, deliberate act of viciousness, whether it had a racial motive or not. The notorious killings of black people the whole country is worried about were different. There is no evidence that even one was unprovoked and deliberate.

Black deaths matter. White deaths don’t. And if you think that white people commit similarly vicious crimes against black people, then tell me about them. BLM makes a huge stink about ambiguous cases of white-on-black violence because they can’t find unprovoked, white-on-black viciousness.

Let’s look at the bigger picture for murder. Every year, the FBI publishes racial statistics on victims and perpetrators and puts them into this table. 2018 is the most recent year. It’s simple to calculate that the rate at which blacks committed murder was 7.5 times the white rate. And a black person was 15-1/2 times more likely to kill a white person than a white person was to kill a black person. There are data like this only for crimes with a single killer and a single victim. For mass killings, the black/white differences would probably be even greater.

The Department of Justice used to report on all interracial violent crimes in the country but stopped in 2014. Here are the most recent data: 2012 to 2013. Most violent crime is within the races, but if you do the calculations, you will find that blacks committed 560,600 violent crimes against whites and whites committed 99,400 against blacks. Because there are nearly five times as many whites as there are blacks, it means any given black person was *27 times* more likely to attack a white person than the other way around."

I know, I know.... you're going to say some nasty things about AmRen now, right?
Well go ahead....... it doesn't change the fact that everything in that article (RTWT) is true, and actually happened.
Unlike the "white supremacists" you all keep alluding to, these were real people, and there are actual bodies laying in the ground.
This is actual harm done, rather than the imaginary kind you always use to justify your anti-white racism.
Wonder how the Floyd family feels about imagining his death?

Funniest thing...You didn't quote anything where the White guy was killed BECAUSE he was White.
Typical racist thinking.


You failed miserably to speak to the topic.

Damn son. WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!
Oh, wait, never mind. Answered my own question.
The Floyd family are probably celebrating their windfall.
Best thing he most likely ever did was die and get them paid in the process.
From the mind of a racist.
Keep on little man.
In a few years the worm will turn.
Whatcha gonnna do when THEY take over?!?!?!
What makes you believe that is ever going to happen?
Seriously, tell me specifically what you see going on that makes you think the most dysfunctional segment (less than 15%) of the country is going to take over?

Are you high or something?
Genetics sonny.
Despite your racist view.
"THEY" are making more babies;
MORE mixed race babies
FEWER White babies
White people are older closer to death
"THEY" are younger

TICK TOCK my tiny brained fool, TICK TOCK.
Black people are certainly not making many babies. Most black babies are aborted. The black on black murder rate is the highest in the developed world. 50 years ago blacks were 15% of the population. They are now 12% and that's WITH immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. After civil war blacks were 20%. The African American descendant of slaves is going extinct. Not a matter of TICK TOCK. More like BANG BANG.

We really should put a breeding pair in a protected habitat like a zoo.

Thousands are murdered every year in these Democrat controlled big city shitholes. The biggest threat to a Black is another Black.
In a racially segregated country the same is true for
and Native Peoples

All you've done is "prove" what is already known.
When people kill people they most often kill someone they know.
As far as the biggest threat to Blacks?
The presence of White Racism.
The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation.
There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?
Do you know how to read? What does your response have to do with my post?
Obviously you fail to understand you own posts.
Not surprising.
Oh, then you should have no problem explaining it then.
Not my role to explain your posts to you.
The simple fact that you both need and request and explanation is more than enough evidence you fail to understand.
Your objection to my post is what you need to explain.
My objection is that your post didn't say what you thought it said.
Try reading and understanding.
This is what i said...

"The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation."

Then your retarded ass produced this brilliant gem as a response....

There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?

Do you not see the problem, retard? :laugh:
Yeah. You don't understand your own posts.

Blacks kill more Whites than Whites do Blacks?
There are 4 times as many Whites.
Got Math?
For nearly a century she was denied a voice by a culture of silence. Finally, at the age of 107, Viola Fletcher got a national stage on Wednesday to bear witness to America’s deep history of racial violence.

Fletcher is the oldest living survivor of a massacre that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 31 May and 1 June 1921 when a white mob attacked the city’s “Black Wall Street”, killing an estimated 300 African Americans while robbing and burning more than 1,200 businesses, homes and churches
She was just seven years old at the time.

For decades the atrocity was actively covered up and wished away. But Fletcher and her 100-year-old brother are seeking reparations and, ahead of the massacre’s centenary, appeared before a House of Representatives judiciary subcommittee considering legal remedies.

....A third survivor, Lessie Evelyn Benningfield Randle, 106, also testified virtually. She said: “It means a lot to me to finally be able to look at you all in the eye and ask you to do the right thing. I have waited so long for justice.”

Just the fact that there are three survivors still living is mind blowing.
Too late for justice

Justice delayed and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't work every day to undo the damage and prevent the next massacre.

Go read the report. The Negroes started the fucking shooting.

The justice was the Whites giving the Negro bastards some payback.
1. No one knows who fired the first shot
2. WHOEVER fired first does not justify the slaughter of over 100 people and the destruction of an entire community.
3. President Biden was right. This was not a riot. That word diminishes the event. It was a purposeful slaughter. It was genocide.
4. You certainly are one stupid Tiny Minded ignoramus. It is no wonder you are a racist idiot. you were made for the club.

The Neggras showed up armed. They were asked by law enforcement to disarm and according to the report that referenced earlier one of the shitheads refused to do it and then shots were fired.

By the way, the Negro was not going to be charged with rape of the White girl. He grabbed her and he was only going to be charged with simple assault. The Neggras over reacted and that was the cause of the conflict. Just like they are doing nowadays. They were to blame. They killed Whites first. The Neggras that were shot in the first exchanged were most likely killed by cross fire from other Neggras. The Whites were not armed.

We may be weak minded in dealing with a Neggra attack nowadays but the Whites back then had the courage to stand up to the filth an took appropriate action.

Go back and look at the timeline I posted earlier. The Whites were very justified in what they did.
The NEXT DAY whites rented airplanes so they could drop firebombs on the Greenwood community.

Rationalizing mass murder isn't a good look.
Better pull down the hood.
From the link;
"You may have heard about Cannon Hinnant. He was a five-year-old white boy, shot to death at point blank range earlier this month while he rode his bicycle. Right in front of his two sisters. The killer was the next-door neighbor, a 25-year-old black man, Darius Sessoms. This was just a local story until there was social-media outrage, and Breitbart News published an article called #SayHisName Trends After Media Do Not Report on Alleged Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant.

Big media then stepped in gingerly, sometimes not even mentioning race. The New York Times ran a short AP article about “the North Carolina boy being remembered for his big smile” — but no photo of the boy who smiled, and certainly no photo of the killer. That was an interesting contrast to a Times article called “White Man Accused of Brandishing Gun at Black Teenagers in a McDonald’s is Arrested.” The Times assigned a reporter to that story and ran a mug-shot, and put race right in the headline. Just for getting into an argument and waving a gun.

Cannon Hinnant’s father says race had nothing to do with the killing — maybe he’s right — but the police are mum so far on motive. Again, it’s an interesting contrast with all the famous killings when race goes the other way. George Floyd, Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland — all victims of racism, right? In fact, there is no evidence of a racial motive in any of those cases, but the media tell us over and over that it was pure racism.

Let’s look at a few recent interracial crimes. At the beginning of April, the first of two black teenagers, Arthur Fisher and Akime Truesdale was arrested for killing a white teenager. They were all driving together in the white teenager’s car. They stopped, got out of the car, and Arthur Fisher shot Logan Stacks to death (pictured below), and the two blacks stole the car. That’s about all we know. Was race a motive? No one’s even asking.


Logan Stacks
You may recall that on May 15, this young black fellow Jaden Hayden used 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe as a punching bag. The attack went on for several minutes; you get the idea. Mr. Bledsoe had a broken jaw, broken ribs and later died from the beating. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

In May last year, in the Bronx, 23-year-old Temar Bishop beat a white woman bloody. Then he raped her, punched and kicked her some more, and left her unconscious, with a broken nose and broken teeth, vomiting blood. He brought over a friend to show her the wreckage, and explained: “She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.” There was clearly a racial motive — and that’s probably why you never heard about this. Temar Bishop may not know who George Washington was, but he’s had an earful about slavery. Why shouldn’t he take revenge?

Paul and Lidia Marino, in their 80s, visited the grave of their son in Delaware nearly every day. On May 8th this year, a black man, a stranger to them named Sheldon Francis, walked up to them right in the cemetery and shot them to death. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On June 13th this year, 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage shoved a 92-year-old white woman off her feet in New York City. She hit her head on a fire hydrant and went to the hospital. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

On July 6, 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker and her fiancé got into an argument with some blacks when she said “All lives matter.” The two sides separated, but as she walked away, one of the blacks shot and killed her. She left behind a three-year-old. No big deal. No arrests.

Victor King was a professional bridge player living in Hartford, Connecticut, who decided to take in a roommate to help with rent. On July 25, he got into an argument about the rent with his black roommate Jerry Thompson. The next day Thompson killed him with a samurai sword and carved off his head. A racial incident? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On July 30, black thief, 34-year-old Ezekiel Hopkins tried to steal a white couple’s car from their driveway in Windemere, Florida. When they came out to stop him, he beat John Savey to death with a baseball bat, chased the wife into the house and beat her unconscious. Then he beat to death John Savey’s 30-year-old son Jay. Here they are with a grandson. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

And, finally, just this month, Charles Morgan stopped off at a hotel in Florida. He phoned his wife to say he had made a new friend whom he met at the hotel. That night, his new friend, Alphonso Washington, killed him by stomping on his throat and stabbing him many times. Racial motive? No one’s asking.

Every one of these was an unprovoked, deliberate act of viciousness, whether it had a racial motive or not. The notorious killings of black people the whole country is worried about were different. There is no evidence that even one was unprovoked and deliberate.

Black deaths matter. White deaths don’t. And if you think that white people commit similarly vicious crimes against black people, then tell me about them. BLM makes a huge stink about ambiguous cases of white-on-black violence because they can’t find unprovoked, white-on-black viciousness.

Let’s look at the bigger picture for murder. Every year, the FBI publishes racial statistics on victims and perpetrators and puts them into this table. 2018 is the most recent year. It’s simple to calculate that the rate at which blacks committed murder was 7.5 times the white rate. And a black person was 15-1/2 times more likely to kill a white person than a white person was to kill a black person. There are data like this only for crimes with a single killer and a single victim. For mass killings, the black/white differences would probably be even greater.

The Department of Justice used to report on all interracial violent crimes in the country but stopped in 2014. Here are the most recent data: 2012 to 2013. Most violent crime is within the races, but if you do the calculations, you will find that blacks committed 560,600 violent crimes against whites and whites committed 99,400 against blacks. Because there are nearly five times as many whites as there are blacks, it means any given black person was *27 times* more likely to attack a white person than the other way around."

I know, I know.... you're going to say some nasty things about AmRen now, right?
Well go ahead....... it doesn't change the fact that everything in that article (RTWT) is true, and actually happened.
Unlike the "white supremacists" you all keep alluding to, these were real people, and there are actual bodies laying in the ground.
This is actual harm done, rather than the imaginary kind you always use to justify your anti-white racism.
Wonder how the Floyd family feels about imagining his death?

Funniest thing...You didn't quote anything where the White guy was killed BECAUSE he was White.
Typical racist thinking.


You failed miserably to speak to the topic.

Damn son. WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!
Oh, wait, never mind. Answered my own question.
The Floyd family are probably celebrating their windfall.
Best thing he most likely ever did was die and get them paid in the process.
From the mind of a racist.
Keep on little man.
In a few years the worm will turn.
Whatcha gonnna do when THEY take over?!?!?!
What makes you believe that is ever going to happen?
Seriously, tell me specifically what you see going on that makes you think the most dysfunctional segment (less than 15%) of the country is going to take over?

Are you high or something?
Genetics sonny.
Despite your racist view.
"THEY" are making more babies;
MORE mixed race babies
FEWER White babies
White people are older closer to death
"THEY" are younger

TICK TOCK my tiny brained fool, TICK TOCK.
Black people are certainly not making many babies. Most black babies are aborted. The black on black murder rate is the highest in the developed world. 50 years ago blacks were 15% of the population. They are now 12% and that's WITH immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. After civil war blacks were 20%. The African American descendant of slaves is going extinct. Not a matter of TICK TOCK. More like BANG BANG.

We really should put a breeding pair in a protected habitat like a zoo.

Thousands are murdered every year in these Democrat controlled big city shitholes. The biggest threat to a Black is another Black.
In a racially segregated country the same is true for
and Native Peoples

All you've done is "prove" what is already known.
When people kill people they most often kill someone they know.
As far as the biggest threat to Blacks?
The presence of White Racism.
The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation.
There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?
Do you know how to read? What does your response have to do with my post?
Obviously you fail to understand you own posts.
Not surprising.
Oh, then you should have no problem explaining it then.
Not my role to explain your posts to you.
The simple fact that you both need and request and explanation is more than enough evidence you fail to understand.
Your objection to my post is what you need to explain.
My objection is that your post didn't say what you thought it said.
Try reading and understanding.
This is what i said...

"The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation."

Then your retarded ass produced this brilliant gem as a response....

There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?

Do you not see the problem, retard? :laugh:
Yeah. You don't understand your own posts.

Blacks kill more Whites than Whites do Blacks?
There are 4 times as many Whites.
Got Math?
So because there are more whites, more whites should be murdered by a small percentage of the population? Why arent more blacks killed by whites, since there are 4 times as many whites around to kill black people?
For nearly a century she was denied a voice by a culture of silence. Finally, at the age of 107, Viola Fletcher got a national stage on Wednesday to bear witness to America’s deep history of racial violence.

Fletcher is the oldest living survivor of a massacre that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 31 May and 1 June 1921 when a white mob attacked the city’s “Black Wall Street”, killing an estimated 300 African Americans while robbing and burning more than 1,200 businesses, homes and churches
She was just seven years old at the time.

For decades the atrocity was actively covered up and wished away. But Fletcher and her 100-year-old brother are seeking reparations and, ahead of the massacre’s centenary, appeared before a House of Representatives judiciary subcommittee considering legal remedies.

....A third survivor, Lessie Evelyn Benningfield Randle, 106, also testified virtually. She said: “It means a lot to me to finally be able to look at you all in the eye and ask you to do the right thing. I have waited so long for justice.”

Just the fact that there are three survivors still living is mind blowing.
Too late for justice

Justice delayed and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't work every day to undo the damage and prevent the next massacre.

Go read the report. The Negroes started the fucking shooting.

The justice was the Whites giving the Negro bastards some payback.
1. No one knows who fired the first shot
2. WHOEVER fired first does not justify the slaughter of over 100 people and the destruction of an entire community.
3. President Biden was right. This was not a riot. That word diminishes the event. It was a purposeful slaughter. It was genocide.
4. You certainly are one stupid Tiny Minded ignoramus. It is no wonder you are a racist idiot. you were made for the club.

The Neggras showed up armed. They were asked by law enforcement to disarm and according to the report that referenced earlier one of the shitheads refused to do it and then shots were fired.

By the way, the Negro was not going to be charged with rape of the White girl. He grabbed her and he was only going to be charged with simple assault. The Neggras over reacted and that was the cause of the conflict. Just like they are doing nowadays. They were to blame. They killed Whites first. The Neggras that were shot in the first exchanged were most likely killed by cross fire from other Neggras. The Whites were not armed.

We may be weak minded in dealing with a Neggra attack nowadays but the Whites back then had the courage to stand up to the filth an took appropriate action.

Go back and look at the timeline I posted earlier. The Whites were very justified in what they did.
The NEXT DAY whites rented airplanes so they could drop firebombs on the Greenwood community.

Rationalizing mass murder isn't a good look.
Better pull down the hood.
From the link;
"You may have heard about Cannon Hinnant. He was a five-year-old white boy, shot to death at point blank range earlier this month while he rode his bicycle. Right in front of his two sisters. The killer was the next-door neighbor, a 25-year-old black man, Darius Sessoms. This was just a local story until there was social-media outrage, and Breitbart News published an article called #SayHisName Trends After Media Do Not Report on Alleged Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant.

Big media then stepped in gingerly, sometimes not even mentioning race. The New York Times ran a short AP article about “the North Carolina boy being remembered for his big smile” — but no photo of the boy who smiled, and certainly no photo of the killer. That was an interesting contrast to a Times article called “White Man Accused of Brandishing Gun at Black Teenagers in a McDonald’s is Arrested.” The Times assigned a reporter to that story and ran a mug-shot, and put race right in the headline. Just for getting into an argument and waving a gun.

Cannon Hinnant’s father says race had nothing to do with the killing — maybe he’s right — but the police are mum so far on motive. Again, it’s an interesting contrast with all the famous killings when race goes the other way. George Floyd, Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland — all victims of racism, right? In fact, there is no evidence of a racial motive in any of those cases, but the media tell us over and over that it was pure racism.

Let’s look at a few recent interracial crimes. At the beginning of April, the first of two black teenagers, Arthur Fisher and Akime Truesdale was arrested for killing a white teenager. They were all driving together in the white teenager’s car. They stopped, got out of the car, and Arthur Fisher shot Logan Stacks to death (pictured below), and the two blacks stole the car. That’s about all we know. Was race a motive? No one’s even asking.


Logan Stacks
You may recall that on May 15, this young black fellow Jaden Hayden used 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe as a punching bag. The attack went on for several minutes; you get the idea. Mr. Bledsoe had a broken jaw, broken ribs and later died from the beating. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

In May last year, in the Bronx, 23-year-old Temar Bishop beat a white woman bloody. Then he raped her, punched and kicked her some more, and left her unconscious, with a broken nose and broken teeth, vomiting blood. He brought over a friend to show her the wreckage, and explained: “She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.” There was clearly a racial motive — and that’s probably why you never heard about this. Temar Bishop may not know who George Washington was, but he’s had an earful about slavery. Why shouldn’t he take revenge?

Paul and Lidia Marino, in their 80s, visited the grave of their son in Delaware nearly every day. On May 8th this year, a black man, a stranger to them named Sheldon Francis, walked up to them right in the cemetery and shot them to death. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On June 13th this year, 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage shoved a 92-year-old white woman off her feet in New York City. She hit her head on a fire hydrant and went to the hospital. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

On July 6, 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker and her fiancé got into an argument with some blacks when she said “All lives matter.” The two sides separated, but as she walked away, one of the blacks shot and killed her. She left behind a three-year-old. No big deal. No arrests.

Victor King was a professional bridge player living in Hartford, Connecticut, who decided to take in a roommate to help with rent. On July 25, he got into an argument about the rent with his black roommate Jerry Thompson. The next day Thompson killed him with a samurai sword and carved off his head. A racial incident? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On July 30, black thief, 34-year-old Ezekiel Hopkins tried to steal a white couple’s car from their driveway in Windemere, Florida. When they came out to stop him, he beat John Savey to death with a baseball bat, chased the wife into the house and beat her unconscious. Then he beat to death John Savey’s 30-year-old son Jay. Here they are with a grandson. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

And, finally, just this month, Charles Morgan stopped off at a hotel in Florida. He phoned his wife to say he had made a new friend whom he met at the hotel. That night, his new friend, Alphonso Washington, killed him by stomping on his throat and stabbing him many times. Racial motive? No one’s asking.

Every one of these was an unprovoked, deliberate act of viciousness, whether it had a racial motive or not. The notorious killings of black people the whole country is worried about were different. There is no evidence that even one was unprovoked and deliberate.

Black deaths matter. White deaths don’t. And if you think that white people commit similarly vicious crimes against black people, then tell me about them. BLM makes a huge stink about ambiguous cases of white-on-black violence because they can’t find unprovoked, white-on-black viciousness.

Let’s look at the bigger picture for murder. Every year, the FBI publishes racial statistics on victims and perpetrators and puts them into this table. 2018 is the most recent year. It’s simple to calculate that the rate at which blacks committed murder was 7.5 times the white rate. And a black person was 15-1/2 times more likely to kill a white person than a white person was to kill a black person. There are data like this only for crimes with a single killer and a single victim. For mass killings, the black/white differences would probably be even greater.

The Department of Justice used to report on all interracial violent crimes in the country but stopped in 2014. Here are the most recent data: 2012 to 2013. Most violent crime is within the races, but if you do the calculations, you will find that blacks committed 560,600 violent crimes against whites and whites committed 99,400 against blacks. Because there are nearly five times as many whites as there are blacks, it means any given black person was *27 times* more likely to attack a white person than the other way around."

I know, I know.... you're going to say some nasty things about AmRen now, right?
Well go ahead....... it doesn't change the fact that everything in that article (RTWT) is true, and actually happened.
Unlike the "white supremacists" you all keep alluding to, these were real people, and there are actual bodies laying in the ground.
This is actual harm done, rather than the imaginary kind you always use to justify your anti-white racism.
Wonder how the Floyd family feels about imagining his death?

Funniest thing...You didn't quote anything where the White guy was killed BECAUSE he was White.
Typical racist thinking.


You failed miserably to speak to the topic.

Damn son. WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!
Oh, wait, never mind. Answered my own question.
The Floyd family are probably celebrating their windfall.
Best thing he most likely ever did was die and get them paid in the process.
From the mind of a racist.
Keep on little man.
In a few years the worm will turn.
Whatcha gonnna do when THEY take over?!?!?!
What makes you believe that is ever going to happen?
Seriously, tell me specifically what you see going on that makes you think the most dysfunctional segment (less than 15%) of the country is going to take over?

Are you high or something?
Genetics sonny.
Despite your racist view.
"THEY" are making more babies;
MORE mixed race babies
FEWER White babies
White people are older closer to death
"THEY" are younger

TICK TOCK my tiny brained fool, TICK TOCK.
Black people are certainly not making many babies. Most black babies are aborted. The black on black murder rate is the highest in the developed world. 50 years ago blacks were 15% of the population. They are now 12% and that's WITH immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. After civil war blacks were 20%. The African American descendant of slaves is going extinct. Not a matter of TICK TOCK. More like BANG BANG.

We really should put a breeding pair in a protected habitat like a zoo.

Thousands are murdered every year in these Democrat controlled big city shitholes. The biggest threat to a Black is another Black.
In a racially segregated country the same is true for
and Native Peoples

All you've done is "prove" what is already known.
When people kill people they most often kill someone they know.
As far as the biggest threat to Blacks?
The presence of White Racism.
The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation.
There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?
Do you know how to read? What does your response have to do with my post?
Obviously you fail to understand you own posts.
Not surprising.
Oh, then you should have no problem explaining it then.
Not my role to explain your posts to you.
The simple fact that you both need and request and explanation is more than enough evidence you fail to understand.
Your objection to my post is what you need to explain.
My objection is that your post didn't say what you thought it said.
Try reading and understanding.
This is what i said...

"The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation."

Then your retarded ass produced this brilliant gem as a response....

There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?

Do you not see the problem, retard? :laugh:
Yeah. You don't understand your own posts.

Blacks kill more Whites than Whites do Blacks?
There are 4 times as many Whites.
Got Math?
So because there are more whites, more whites should be murdered by a small percentage of the population? Why arent more blacks killed by whites, since there are 4 times as many whites around to kill black people?
Black people interact with White people in White communities far more than White People in Black communities.
I would suggest a few classes in math and statistics.

Room with 10 people.
5 White, 1.5 Black, 1.5 Hispanic, 1 Native, and 1 Other.
Guy, any race, walks in fires one shot. Whites are likely to be hit 50% of the time

Since, when we kill someone, we are most likely to kill ourselves, a family member, neighbor, friend, and other known persons far more often than we kill strangers it is plausible that Black people kill Black people and White people kill White people and Native people kill Native people more often than any other categories.

One more time-
For nearly a century she was denied a voice by a culture of silence. Finally, at the age of 107, Viola Fletcher got a national stage on Wednesday to bear witness to America’s deep history of racial violence.

Fletcher is the oldest living survivor of a massacre that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 31 May and 1 June 1921 when a white mob attacked the city’s “Black Wall Street”, killing an estimated 300 African Americans while robbing and burning more than 1,200 businesses, homes and churches
She was just seven years old at the time.

For decades the atrocity was actively covered up and wished away. But Fletcher and her 100-year-old brother are seeking reparations and, ahead of the massacre’s centenary, appeared before a House of Representatives judiciary subcommittee considering legal remedies.

....A third survivor, Lessie Evelyn Benningfield Randle, 106, also testified virtually. She said: “It means a lot to me to finally be able to look at you all in the eye and ask you to do the right thing. I have waited so long for justice.”

Just the fact that there are three survivors still living is mind blowing.
Too late for justice

Justice delayed and so forth.

That doesn't mean we can't work every day to undo the damage and prevent the next massacre.

Go read the report. The Negroes started the fucking shooting.

The justice was the Whites giving the Negro bastards some payback.
1. No one knows who fired the first shot
2. WHOEVER fired first does not justify the slaughter of over 100 people and the destruction of an entire community.
3. President Biden was right. This was not a riot. That word diminishes the event. It was a purposeful slaughter. It was genocide.
4. You certainly are one stupid Tiny Minded ignoramus. It is no wonder you are a racist idiot. you were made for the club.

The Neggras showed up armed. They were asked by law enforcement to disarm and according to the report that referenced earlier one of the shitheads refused to do it and then shots were fired.

By the way, the Negro was not going to be charged with rape of the White girl. He grabbed her and he was only going to be charged with simple assault. The Neggras over reacted and that was the cause of the conflict. Just like they are doing nowadays. They were to blame. They killed Whites first. The Neggras that were shot in the first exchanged were most likely killed by cross fire from other Neggras. The Whites were not armed.

We may be weak minded in dealing with a Neggra attack nowadays but the Whites back then had the courage to stand up to the filth an took appropriate action.

Go back and look at the timeline I posted earlier. The Whites were very justified in what they did.
The NEXT DAY whites rented airplanes so they could drop firebombs on the Greenwood community.

Rationalizing mass murder isn't a good look.
Better pull down the hood.
From the link;
"You may have heard about Cannon Hinnant. He was a five-year-old white boy, shot to death at point blank range earlier this month while he rode his bicycle. Right in front of his two sisters. The killer was the next-door neighbor, a 25-year-old black man, Darius Sessoms. This was just a local story until there was social-media outrage, and Breitbart News published an article called #SayHisName Trends After Media Do Not Report on Alleged Murder of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant.

Big media then stepped in gingerly, sometimes not even mentioning race. The New York Times ran a short AP article about “the North Carolina boy being remembered for his big smile” — but no photo of the boy who smiled, and certainly no photo of the killer. That was an interesting contrast to a Times article called “White Man Accused of Brandishing Gun at Black Teenagers in a McDonald’s is Arrested.” The Times assigned a reporter to that story and ran a mug-shot, and put race right in the headline. Just for getting into an argument and waving a gun.

Cannon Hinnant’s father says race had nothing to do with the killing — maybe he’s right — but the police are mum so far on motive. Again, it’s an interesting contrast with all the famous killings when race goes the other way. George Floyd, Michal Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Ahmaud Arbery, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland — all victims of racism, right? In fact, there is no evidence of a racial motive in any of those cases, but the media tell us over and over that it was pure racism.

Let’s look at a few recent interracial crimes. At the beginning of April, the first of two black teenagers, Arthur Fisher and Akime Truesdale was arrested for killing a white teenager. They were all driving together in the white teenager’s car. They stopped, got out of the car, and Arthur Fisher shot Logan Stacks to death (pictured below), and the two blacks stole the car. That’s about all we know. Was race a motive? No one’s even asking.


Logan Stacks
You may recall that on May 15, this young black fellow Jaden Hayden used 75-year-old Norman Bledsoe as a punching bag. The attack went on for several minutes; you get the idea. Mr. Bledsoe had a broken jaw, broken ribs and later died from the beating. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

In May last year, in the Bronx, 23-year-old Temar Bishop beat a white woman bloody. Then he raped her, punched and kicked her some more, and left her unconscious, with a broken nose and broken teeth, vomiting blood. He brought over a friend to show her the wreckage, and explained: “She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.” There was clearly a racial motive — and that’s probably why you never heard about this. Temar Bishop may not know who George Washington was, but he’s had an earful about slavery. Why shouldn’t he take revenge?

Paul and Lidia Marino, in their 80s, visited the grave of their son in Delaware nearly every day. On May 8th this year, a black man, a stranger to them named Sheldon Francis, walked up to them right in the cemetery and shot them to death. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On June 13th this year, 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage shoved a 92-year-old white woman off her feet in New York City. She hit her head on a fire hydrant and went to the hospital. Did race have anything to do with it? Don’t ask, don’t tell.

On July 6, 24-year-old Jessica Doty Whitaker and her fiancé got into an argument with some blacks when she said “All lives matter.” The two sides separated, but as she walked away, one of the blacks shot and killed her. She left behind a three-year-old. No big deal. No arrests.

Victor King was a professional bridge player living in Hartford, Connecticut, who decided to take in a roommate to help with rent. On July 25, he got into an argument about the rent with his black roommate Jerry Thompson. The next day Thompson killed him with a samurai sword and carved off his head. A racial incident? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

On July 30, black thief, 34-year-old Ezekiel Hopkins tried to steal a white couple’s car from their driveway in Windemere, Florida. When they came out to stop him, he beat John Savey to death with a baseball bat, chased the wife into the house and beat her unconscious. Then he beat to death John Savey’s 30-year-old son Jay. Here they are with a grandson. Racial motive? Don’t ask; don’t tell.

And, finally, just this month, Charles Morgan stopped off at a hotel in Florida. He phoned his wife to say he had made a new friend whom he met at the hotel. That night, his new friend, Alphonso Washington, killed him by stomping on his throat and stabbing him many times. Racial motive? No one’s asking.

Every one of these was an unprovoked, deliberate act of viciousness, whether it had a racial motive or not. The notorious killings of black people the whole country is worried about were different. There is no evidence that even one was unprovoked and deliberate.

Black deaths matter. White deaths don’t. And if you think that white people commit similarly vicious crimes against black people, then tell me about them. BLM makes a huge stink about ambiguous cases of white-on-black violence because they can’t find unprovoked, white-on-black viciousness.

Let’s look at the bigger picture for murder. Every year, the FBI publishes racial statistics on victims and perpetrators and puts them into this table. 2018 is the most recent year. It’s simple to calculate that the rate at which blacks committed murder was 7.5 times the white rate. And a black person was 15-1/2 times more likely to kill a white person than a white person was to kill a black person. There are data like this only for crimes with a single killer and a single victim. For mass killings, the black/white differences would probably be even greater.

The Department of Justice used to report on all interracial violent crimes in the country but stopped in 2014. Here are the most recent data: 2012 to 2013. Most violent crime is within the races, but if you do the calculations, you will find that blacks committed 560,600 violent crimes against whites and whites committed 99,400 against blacks. Because there are nearly five times as many whites as there are blacks, it means any given black person was *27 times* more likely to attack a white person than the other way around."

I know, I know.... you're going to say some nasty things about AmRen now, right?
Well go ahead....... it doesn't change the fact that everything in that article (RTWT) is true, and actually happened.
Unlike the "white supremacists" you all keep alluding to, these were real people, and there are actual bodies laying in the ground.
This is actual harm done, rather than the imaginary kind you always use to justify your anti-white racism.
Wonder how the Floyd family feels about imagining his death?

Funniest thing...You didn't quote anything where the White guy was killed BECAUSE he was White.
Typical racist thinking.


You failed miserably to speak to the topic.

Damn son. WTF is wrong with you?!?!?!
Oh, wait, never mind. Answered my own question.
The Floyd family are probably celebrating their windfall.
Best thing he most likely ever did was die and get them paid in the process.
From the mind of a racist.
Keep on little man.
In a few years the worm will turn.
Whatcha gonnna do when THEY take over?!?!?!
What makes you believe that is ever going to happen?
Seriously, tell me specifically what you see going on that makes you think the most dysfunctional segment (less than 15%) of the country is going to take over?

Are you high or something?
Genetics sonny.
Despite your racist view.
"THEY" are making more babies;
MORE mixed race babies
FEWER White babies
White people are older closer to death
"THEY" are younger

TICK TOCK my tiny brained fool, TICK TOCK.
Black people are certainly not making many babies. Most black babies are aborted. The black on black murder rate is the highest in the developed world. 50 years ago blacks were 15% of the population. They are now 12% and that's WITH immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. After civil war blacks were 20%. The African American descendant of slaves is going extinct. Not a matter of TICK TOCK. More like BANG BANG.

We really should put a breeding pair in a protected habitat like a zoo.

Thousands are murdered every year in these Democrat controlled big city shitholes. The biggest threat to a Black is another Black.
In a racially segregated country the same is true for
and Native Peoples

All you've done is "prove" what is already known.
When people kill people they most often kill someone they know.
As far as the biggest threat to Blacks?
The presence of White Racism.
The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation.
There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?
Do you know how to read? What does your response have to do with my post?
Obviously you fail to understand you own posts.
Not surprising.
Oh, then you should have no problem explaining it then.
Not my role to explain your posts to you.
The simple fact that you both need and request and explanation is more than enough evidence you fail to understand.
Your objection to my post is what you need to explain.
My objection is that your post didn't say what you thought it said.
Try reading and understanding.
This is what i said...

"The numbers disagree with you. Blacks kill more blacks than white kill whites, and blacks kill more whites than whites kill black. No matter which way you look at it, blacks always murder WAY more than the rest of the nation."

Then your retarded ass produced this brilliant gem as a response....

There are 4 times as many Whites as Blacks.

Got math?

Do you not see the problem, retard? :laugh:
Yeah. You don't understand your own posts.

Blacks kill more Whites than Whites do Blacks?
There are 4 times as many Whites.
Got Math?
So because there are more whites, more whites should be murdered by a small percentage of the population? Why arent more blacks killed by whites, since there are 4 times as many whites around to kill black people?
Black people interact with White people in White communities far more than White People in Black communities.
I would suggest a few classes in math and statistics.

Room with 10 people.
5 White, 1.5 Black, 1.5 Hispanic, 1 Native, and 1 Other.
Guy, any race, walks in fires one shot. Whites are likely to be hit 50% of the time

Since, when we kill someone, we are most likely to kill ourselves, a family member, neighbor, friend, and other known persons far more often than we kill strangers it is plausible that Black people kill Black people and White people kill White people and Native people kill Native people more often than any other categories.

One more time-
Those are some serious gymnastics there. Your theory is retarded and i can easily demonstrate why. If your theory was true, we would see the same thing with asians, hispanics, jews, etc., but we dont. We see nothing remotely close to it. Only one group murders at incredibly high rates and that is black people. Your denial of that is insulting and clearly racist. You need to acknowledge the racial violence that the black community unleashes on everyone around them. Its an unfair burden on the rest of the nation.
For nearly a century she was denied a voice by a culture of silence. Finally, at the age of 107, Viola Fletcher got a national stage on Wednesday to bear witness to America’s deep history of racial violence.

Fletcher is the oldest living survivor of a massacre that took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on 31 May and 1 June 1921 when a white mob attacked the city’s “Black Wall Street”, killing an estimated 300 African Americans while robbing and burning more than 1,200 businesses, homes and churches
She was just seven years old at the time.
Very sad that such atrocities happened. I wish the best to African-Americans.

Most White Nationalists at that times viewed African Americans as inferior and they viewed Jews as Messiah-killers.

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