I am Sick to Death of the Elites Dishing Crap to People of Faith

What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

It seems you have forgotten the Crusades and Inquisitions
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.
Which is funny because I am so sick of Republicans pretending to be people of faith. No one of faith would cut children’s Healthcare or school lunches or daycare.
Only monsters would do such a thing.
No person of faith would have kids they couldn't afford to take care of
But these "persons of faith" want the rest of us to do it. These "persons of faith" need to learn to mind their own business and stop trying to micromanage other people's lives.

That goes for everyone not just people of faith.

Seems to me no one wants to mind their own fucking business anymore
It seems you have forgotten the Crusades and Inquisitions
No, I did not forget them. Maybe you should reread my post.

I said hyper-secularists have slaughtered people MORE than any religion ever has as they have no moral framework to inhibit them.

The Crusade killed tens of thousands, while Communism alone has killed hundreds of millions.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

It seems you have forgotten the Crusades and Inquisitions
Abortion buries them in body count.
It seems you have forgotten the Crusades and Inquisitions
No, I did not forget them. Maybe you should reread my post.

I said hyper-secularists have slaughtered people MORE than any religion ever has as they have no moral framework to inhibit them.

The Crusade killed tens of thousands, while Communism alone has killed hundreds of millions.

Nothing in the post you wrote to which I responded mentioned either the Crusades or the Inquisitions.
Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?

Some do, but most Christians in America do not. We oppose the use of these programs to indoctrinate our children with leftist filth and amorality.

As do authoritarians. Please define "leftist filth" and explain what you mean by "amorality".
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

It seems you have forgotten the Crusades and Inquisitions
Abortion buries them in body count.
Not bringing a zygote/fetus to term is not killing, though.
Jim, you do not seem at all a person of faith, clearly; if only your actions mirrored your talk. Practice what you preach..
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

It seems you have forgotten the Crusades and Inquisitions
Abortion buries them in body count.
Not bringing a zygote/fetus to term is not killing, though.

What kind of fetus are we talking about? Could it be a...human fetus?
Which is funny because I am so sick of Republicans pretending to be people of faith. No one of faith would cut children’s Healthcare or school lunches or daycare.
Only monsters would do such a thing.
No, Nimrod, only monsters would kill 20 million babies.

Texas has the highest maternity mortality rate of all the developed countries, and those are the people who voted for their politicians.
Is there a point in there somewhere? :lol:
Perhaps if religious zealots didn't try to tell others what to do

Wrong. It's the anti-religious forcing people to bake cakes they don't want to etc.

Perhaps if religious zealots weren't science deniers

Wrong. Many if not most of the worlds top scientists were and are Christians
Albert Einstein was no atheist; 27 letters up for auction show ‘he believed in God’
It's a big, fat myth that all scientists are religion-hating atheists

Perhaps if religious zealots stopped trying to turn the US into a theocracy.

Wrong. That would be you and your Antifa, BLM and triggered friends...worshiping George Soros and the Globalists agenda

It's not people of faith the so-called elites have a problem with. It's your trying to screw up our government and your expectation that you implement your beliefs into law

Wrong. Guess what? It's because of the very beliefs you disdain that you are here, enjoying freedom, and typing this Horseshit.
And any intelligent being can see clearly that as the Christian set of values is diminished, and your sides "liberal" lack of morality spreads, that's what's really screwing things up......but nice try at deflection and denial.
Stop Playing the Blame Game

Just saying

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This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Your title is in error.
The left only attack the Jewish and Christian faiths. All others are supported and coddled.
Because we worship the one true God.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

Christians have killed millions of people, as have other religions.
BTW: study the conditions under the last French king that preceded the "reign of terror," as well as the conditions that preceded the Communist take-over of Russia. You might also want to study the reign of terror that was instigated by Christian officials, both Catholic and Protestant, during the witch trials (extreme torture and burning) in medieval Europe, and then there was massacre of the Cathars, the persecution of European Jews, etc. There's a lot of "fun" stuff in the history of Europe, not to mention the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts and the hanging of three Quakers in Boston for the crime of being Christian.

I remember seeing a black-and-white photo from the 1930's of the body of a black man who had been lynched hanging from a tree with a crowd of white people standing cheerfully below him. I wonder how many people in that crowd considered themselves to be Christians, possibly the grandparents or great-grandparents of people alive today.
Which is funny because I am so sick of Republicans pretending to be people of faith. No one of faith would cut children’s Healthcare or school lunches or daycare.
Only monsters would do such a thing.
No, Nimrod, only monsters would kill 20 million babies.

Why if your number is true, and contraception would prevent many of them, do Religious People reject age appropriate education and free contraceptives to all women of child bearing age?
Nice try, but when they're teaching sex education to grade schoolers you don't really have much of an argument there, do you?
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

Christians have killed millions of people, as have other religions.
BTW: study the conditions under the last French king that preceded the "reign of terror," as well as the conditions that preceded the Communist take-over of Russia. You might also want to study the reign of terror that was instigated by Christian officials, both Catholic and Protestant, during the witch trials (extreme torture and burning) in medieval Europe, and then there was massacre of the Cathars, the persecution of European Jews, etc. There's a lot of "fun" stuff in the history of Europe, not to mention the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts and the hanging of three Quakers in Boston for the crime of being Christian.

I remember seeing a black-and-white photo from the 1930's of the body of a black man who had been lynched hanging from a tree with a crowd of white people standing cheerfully below him. I wonder how many people in that crowd considered themselves to be Christians, possibly the grandparents or great-grandparents of people alive today.

Still not even hundreds of thousands let alone the hundreds of millions you commies have under your belts.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Your title is in error.
The left only attack the Jewish and Christian faiths. All others are supported and coddled.
Because we worship the one true God.

No one is attacking the Jewish and Christian faiths; only those who are members of the asshole contingent of these faiths who pervert the meaning of these faiths for their own purposes. The same goes for members of the Islamic and Hindu faiths and others. Each faith has an asshole contingent.
What's funny is it's religious people that attack and want to take away the rights from anyone that isn't religious or choose a different path. The goddamn church for thousands of years were the goddamn elites throughout most of the world be it in the muslim world with islam or the pope in europe.

Only a truly free society doesn't allow religion to kill all that choose to disagree with it with the goddamn sword. Of course you don't know history jim as you have a first grade education so I wouldn't expect you to understand my point.

roflmao, and yet it is you atheistic secularists that have compiled the biggest body count since the beginning of time.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot the list goes on into the hundreds of millions of innocent people.

Study the French Revolution sometime, butboy, and focus on the 'Reign of Terror'.

That is the only way you secular shit4brains have of getting people to play within your rules as you have abandoned using religion to help you.

So when you dirt bags run things it is never "Do this or go to hell' it is 'Do this or lose your house, your freedom or your life." instead.

Christians have killed millions of people, as have other religions.
BTW: study the conditions under the last French king that preceded the "reign of terror," as well as the conditions that preceded the Communist take-over of Russia. You might also want to study the reign of terror that was instigated by Christian officials, both Catholic and Protestant, during the witch trials (extreme torture and burning) in medieval Europe, and then there was massacre of the Cathars, the persecution of European Jews, etc. There's a lot of "fun" stuff in the history of Europe, not to mention the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts and the hanging of three Quakers in Boston for the crime of being Christian.

I remember seeing a black-and-white photo from the 1930's of the body of a black man who had been lynched hanging from a tree with a crowd of white people standing cheerfully below him. I wonder how many people in that crowd considered themselves to be Christians, possibly the grandparents or great-grandparents of people alive today.
The Spanish Inquisition killed between 3,000-5,000 people. The witch trials, maybe a few dozen.

Can't touch atheist baby killing for even one month worldwide.
This is an old barb of mine, especially when these arrogant elites are completely ignorant about the things they think that they know about.

Your title is in error.
The left only attack the Jewish and Christian faiths. All others are supported and coddled.
Because we worship the one true God.

No one is attacking the Jewish and Christian faiths; only those who are members of the asshole contingent of these faiths who pervert the meaning of these faiths for their own purposes. The same goes for members of the Islamic and Hindu faiths and others. Each faith has an asshole contingent.

Going for the USMB biggest lie award of 2017 I see.

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