I Awoke Today to a Republican Controlled Nation...Happy Day

The people have had enough of liberals, their policies, their PC bullshit and their agenda. Obama said his policies and legacy were on the ballot with Hillary, well the people told them where to shove it.
And here's proof they haven't learned a damn thing from this rejection election. The smears are only gonna intensify.

She has a point but she damages it beyond redemption by dropping gender and race baits.

I don't know what points she had, I didn't see any, but when she throws around terms like "white supremacist" she illustrates they are not going to change their tactics. It's still gonna be politics of personal destruction, with nothing to offer themselves except bigger and more intrusive government.

They can't wake up from it. That one trick pony is their whole life. They will go down and down. In the end we will be laughing at them.

That's exactly right. They've been trained to use that approach and everything else is foreign to them.
The Americans the mainstream media does not see are those Americans putting on the hard hat when they exit the truck. Or those Americans that coached a game after church yesterday. Those Americans that wear a badge and protect our families and communities. Last, but most important, those Americans that have worn the uniform in combat and watched the life of their best freind disappear before their eyes.
The people have had enough of liberals, their policies, their PC bullshit and their agenda. Obama said his policies and legacy were on the ballot with Hillary, well the people told them where to shove it.
And here's proof they haven't learned a damn thing from this rejection election. The smears are only gonna intensify.

Thanks for posting this excellent speech that shows corrupt Donald lied completely to the American people about lobbyists.

The excellent speech full of smears, slander, and out and out lies. I'm glad you haven't learned either, it means you'll lose big in the next election too.
The more I look at this, the more amazed I am.

The Democratic party - at least its more honest elements - have to deal with the fact that its loudest voices are, in many ways, responsible for what has happened.

Honest Democrats need to consider the strong possibility that hardcore left wingers just aren't very likeable people. And yeah, that clearly matters, more than I thought.

They are horrible people. Really nasty :(

only lately
It's been 8 years since I could wake with pride in my nation.

Remember that Republicans have not performed when they've been in control since the Reagan years.
They performed very well during Reagan years.

Not all Republicans have participated in the decades long spending spree but I can't think of a single Democrat who didn't.

Most elected Republicans are in the pockets of the corporations. That's just how it is. And on many of these votes, they simply identify the number needed for the BS, and certain Republicans then just hold back so they have something to campaign on later.
It's been 8 years since I could wake with pride in my nation.

Remember that Republicans have not performed when they've been in control since the Reagan years.
They performed very well during Reagan years.

Not all Republicans have participated in the decades long spending spree but I can't think of a single Democrat who didn't.

Most elected Republicans are in the pockets of the corporations. That's just how it is. And on many of these votes, they simply identify the number needed for the BS, and certain Republicans then just hold back so they have something to campaign on later.
Most politicians are in some corporation's pocket.
The more I look at this, the more amazed I am.

The Democratic party - at least its more honest elements - have to deal with the fact that its loudest voices are, in many ways, responsible for what has happened.

Honest Democrats need to consider the strong possibility that hardcore left wingers just aren't very likeable people. And yeah, that clearly matters, more than I thought.


Exactly right. I remember when you could have an honest respectful debate about abortion, gay marriage, immigration etc.
Now unless you are in favor of all of those, you're compared to Hitler.
The more I look at this, the more amazed I am.

The Democratic party - at least its more honest elements - have to deal with the fact that its loudest voices are, in many ways, responsible for what has happened.

Honest Democrats need to consider the strong possibility that hardcore left wingers just aren't very likeable people. And yeah, that clearly matters, more than I thought.


Exactly right. I remember when you could have an honest respectful debate about abortion, gay marriage, immigration etc.
Now unless you are in favor of all of those, you're compared to Hitler.
They realized they could both avoid honest conversation AND gain political advantage with the same tactic.

Pretty smart, and it's worked fabulously well for them. Looks like that may be changing, though.
Remember that Republicans have not performed when they've been in control since the Reagan years.
They performed very well during Reagan years.

Not all Republicans have participated in the decades long spending spree but I can't think of a single Democrat who didn't.

Most elected Republicans are in the pockets of the corporations. That's just how it is. And on many of these votes, they simply identify the number needed for the BS, and certain Republicans then just hold back so they have something to campaign on later.
Most politicians are in some corporation's pocket.

Exactly. So, don't expect much in the way of change.
They performed very well during Reagan years.

Not all Republicans have participated in the decades long spending spree but I can't think of a single Democrat who didn't.

Most elected Republicans are in the pockets of the corporations. That's just how it is. And on many of these votes, they simply identify the number needed for the BS, and certain Republicans then just hold back so they have something to campaign on later.
Most politicians are in some corporation's pocket.

Exactly. So, don't expect much in the way of change.
I don't.
You need to sleep a little longer until Jan, 20 2017 before you "wake up to a republican controlled Nation". Meanwhile the vindictive small minded president together with the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media can create a lot of mischief so be aware of it.
I don't know what points she had, I didn't see any, but when she throws around terms like "white supremacist" she illustrates they are not going to change their tactics. It's still gonna be politics of personal destruction, with nothing to offer themselves except bigger and more intrusive government.

How sad is it that the Democrats are 100% responsible for the formation of the KKK, but called us racists, and white supremists. They are horribly arrogant superiorists that are programmed to believe what they believe simply because they are compeletly incapable of individual thinking.
Gubernatorial and legislative party control of state government - Ballotpedia
What a great day. Conservatives are in power and liberals are relegated to that whining mosquito like minority where they belong. Times they are a changing.
Republicans are working hard to make Lady Liberty great again. Democrats get in the way with calls for "recounts...Russia spied...Trump is racist..." It's like their that annoying little brother when you are trying to get something done.

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