I call out any conservative on the board who thinks he can't be proven a statist

I'm the Emperor of the Western Hemisphere.

I am the state.
Let's go.

Geeeze, Harry Dresden told me this was the men's room and I believed him, sorry.
I only met a few pure statist on line and they were tough as hell to outdebate never met one here though
Let's go.

I will accept. I am a Calvin Coolidge conservative not a Ronald Reagan Conservative. I believe in government. I just don't believe transfer payments should be a government function.

A road for example benefits a trillionaire just as much as a broke homeless man and everyone in between. Public education, social security, Medicare and things like that benefit certain citizens inequitably. Those are unjustified expenditures. A police force is even questionable as a valid government function. The rich benefit more from a police force than the poor.

Am I a conservative? Am I a statist?

Let's go.

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