I called Diane Feinstein's office and told them she is an anti-Catholic bigot and a babykiller

'Paul Ryan's most shameless lie ever'

In addition, Ryan flamboyantly advocated a sweeping budget plan that would have eliminated coverage expansions for the poor, layered on hundreds of billions of dollars in additional cuts in programs benefiting the poor, and in general produced "the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern U.S. history and likely increase poverty and inequality more than any other budget in recent times (and possibly in the nation's history)."

And now Ryan is claiming Obama's policies increased inequality! There seems to be literally no limit at all to his shamelessness.


That from the National Catholic Reporter
The National Catholic Reporter is a Marxist newspaper.
Catholic bishops criticize Ryan budget cuts to food stamps
The Catholic bishops are the reason the Catholic Church is in the mess it is in right now. They don't know the difference between a Christian's duty of charity, and government welfare programs that sap the moral strength of our people.
When Democrats argue that the American people support abortion, they really don't want to put that to the test, because Roe v. Wade took abortion away from elected state legislatures and put it in the hands of unelected Supreme Court justices. If liberals are so confident that Americans want abortion, why did they do that?

You claim to be a lawyer? You should know it's the supreme court's job to evaluate our laws. Nobody took anything away from anybody. It's how our government works dummy.
Roe v. Wade was based on a "right to privacy" which was a legal fiction, invented by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. It is not based on the text or original intent of the United States Constitution. Read the Constitution in vain, there is no such thing as the "right to privacy."

And all those judges on the Supreme Court fell for something like that when you, a person who claims to be a lawyer that nobody will hire, has a better insight into the constitution. No wonder you are so bitter. You should be on the Supreme Court instead of scratching your unemployed ass.
Since you feel so strongly about abortion, challenge the court's decision. Take it up with them or don't you have standing ? :biggrin:
When Democrats argue that the American people support abortion, they really don't want to put that to the test, because Roe v. Wade took abortion away from elected state legislatures and put it in the hands of unelected Supreme Court justices. If liberals are so confident that Americans want abortion, why did they do that?

You claim to be a lawyer? You should know it's the supreme court's job to evaluate our laws. Nobody took anything away from anybody. It's how our government works dummy.
Roe v. Wade was based on a "right to privacy" which was a legal fiction, invented by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. It is not based on the text or original intent of the United States Constitution. Read the Constitution in vain, there is no such thing as the "right to privacy."

And all those judges on the Supreme Court fell for something like that when you, a person who claims to be a lawyer that nobody will hire, has a better insight into the constitution. No wonder you are so bitter. You should be on the Supreme Court instead of scratching your unemployed ass.
abortion is legalized murder. Why do you find it acceptable?
When Democrats argue that the American people support abortion, they really don't want to put that to the test, because Roe v. Wade took abortion away from elected state legislatures and put it in the hands of unelected Supreme Court justices. If liberals are so confident that Americans want abortion, why did they do that?

You claim to be a lawyer? You should know it's the supreme court's job to evaluate our laws. Nobody took anything away from anybody. It's how our government works dummy.
Roe v. Wade was based on a "right to privacy" which was a legal fiction, invented by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. It is not based on the text or original intent of the United States Constitution. Read the Constitution in vain, there is no such thing as the "right to privacy."

And all those judges on the Supreme Court fell for something like that when you, a person who claims to be a lawyer that nobody will hire, has a better insight into the constitution. No wonder you are so bitter. You should be on the Supreme Court instead of scratching your unemployed ass.
abortion is legalized murder. Why do you find it acceptable?

Your definition is wrong.
It felt good to get it all off my chest.

One day, perhaps 100 years from now, all the babykillers' statues will be torn down in the way Confederate statues are being torn down now.

The Supreme Court building will be dismantled because of the shame of being the institution that killed so many millions of babies.

Planned Parenthood will be remembered with the likes of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party as one of the greatest murderer of humans of all time.
Sure you did

By the way.....Diane Feinstein is one of the greatest Senators of her generation
You have GOT to be kidding us !!!!

This IS a joke, right?

I mean --- nobody could be THAT deluded, could they?

Oh? You?

She is one of our most accomplished Senators

She does what the people of California elected her to do
It felt good to get it all off my chest.

One day, perhaps 100 years from now, all the babykillers' statues will be torn down in the way Confederate statues are being torn down now.

The Supreme Court building will be dismantled because of the shame of being the institution that killed so many millions of babies.

Planned Parenthood will be remembered with the likes of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party as one of the greatest murderer of humans of all time.
Congrats, glad you feel better.
You forgot to mention how many adopted babies you have.
You're a member of the "zip up, see you later?"
Or is it long ago you had sex?
I called Diane Feinstein's office and told them she is an anti-Catholic bigot and a babykiller
Any other lies you care to offload tonight?
Oh, I'm sorry.

Did I say anything that was not true?
Yes. Starting with "I called Diane Feinstein's office."
What part of what I said do you deny, pray tell?
It's garbage unless you are an abortion nut.
PP saved my wife's endometriosis life
You do know there will be more abortions if PP didn't exist?
Coat hangar sales will increase though
It felt good to get it all off my chest.

One day, perhaps 100 years from now, all the babykillers' statues will be torn down in the way Confederate statues are being torn down now.

The Supreme Court building will be dismantled because of the shame of being the institution that killed so many millions of babies.

Planned Parenthood will be remembered with the likes of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party as one of the greatest murderer of humans of all time.

When Democrats argue that the American people support abortion, they really don't want to put that to the test, because Roe v. Wade took abortion away from elected state legislatures and put it in the hands of unelected Supreme Court justices. If liberals are so confident that Americans want abortion, why did they do that?

You claim to be a lawyer? You should know it's the supreme court's job to evaluate our laws. Nobody took anything away from anybody. It's how our government works dummy.
Roe v. Wade was based on a "right to privacy" which was a legal fiction, invented by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. It is not based on the text or original intent of the United States Constitution. Read the Constitution in vain, there is no such thing as the "right to privacy."

And all those judges on the Supreme Court fell for something like that when you, a person who claims to be a lawyer that nobody will hire, has a better insight into the constitution. No wonder you are so bitter. You should be on the Supreme Court instead of scratching your unemployed ass.
abortion is legalized murder. Why do you find it acceptable?

Your definition is wrong.
Yes...the left is very good at redefining the obvious, to fit their nefarious goals. Amazingly they dupe lots of dumb people.

Don't be a dupe.
'Paul Ryan's most shameless lie ever'

In addition, Ryan flamboyantly advocated a sweeping budget plan that would have eliminated coverage expansions for the poor, layered on hundreds of billions of dollars in additional cuts in programs benefiting the poor, and in general produced "the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern U.S. history and likely increase poverty and inequality more than any other budget in recent times (and possibly in the nation's history)."

And now Ryan is claiming Obama's policies increased inequality! There seems to be literally no limit at all to his shamelessness.


That from the National Catholic Reporter
The National Catholic Reporter is a Marxist newspaper.
Catholic bishops criticize Ryan budget cuts to food stamps
The Catholic bishops are the reason the Catholic Church is in the mess it is in right now. They don't know the difference between a Christian's duty of charity, and government welfare programs that sap the moral strength of our people.
Too busy hiding all the pedophiles within the priesthood.
It felt good to get it all off my chest.

One day, perhaps 100 years from now, all the babykillers' statues will be torn down in the way Confederate statues are being torn down now.

The Supreme Court building will be dismantled because of the shame of being the institution that killed so many millions of babies.

Planned Parenthood will be remembered with the likes of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party as one of the greatest murderer of humans of all time.
Sure you did

By the way.....Diane Feinstein is one of the greatest Senators of her generation
You have GOT to be kidding us !!!!

This IS a joke, right?

I mean --- nobody could be THAT deluded, could they?

Oh? You?

She is one of our most accomplished Senators

She does what the people of California elected her to do
The people of California are too stupid to even know what a Senator does.
It felt good to get it all off my chest.

One day, perhaps 100 years from now, all the babykillers' statues will be torn down in the way Confederate statues are being torn down now.

The Supreme Court building will be dismantled because of the shame of being the institution that killed so many millions of babies.

Planned Parenthood will be remembered with the likes of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party as one of the greatest murderer of humans of all time.
Congrats, glad you feel better.
You forgot to mention how many adopted babies you have.
You're a member of the "zip up, see you later?"
Or is it long ago you had sex?

Could explain all the baby mamas with five kids and all different sperm donors
When Democrats argue that the American people support abortion, they really don't want to put that to the test, because Roe v. Wade took abortion away from elected state legislatures and put it in the hands of unelected Supreme Court justices. If liberals are so confident that Americans want abortion, why did they do that?

You claim to be a lawyer? You should know it's the supreme court's job to evaluate our laws. Nobody took anything away from anybody. It's how our government works dummy.
Roe v. Wade was based on a "right to privacy" which was a legal fiction, invented by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. It is not based on the text or original intent of the United States Constitution. Read the Constitution in vain, there is no such thing as the "right to privacy."

It doesn't matter what you think, you're not a justice of the Supreme Court--and the court decided "privacy" is a right of the individual in the monumental case of Griswold v Connecticut.--even though the word "privacy" is not written in the Constitution.
Griswold v. Connecticut - Wikipedia

Rick Santorum is still arguing against Griswold V Connecticut--actually stating that states have the right to ban birth control contraceptives. Meaning that your next door neighbor via a ballot will decide for you if you use them or not---:badgrin:


Roe v Wade has been challenged in district courts all across this country.

Mike Pense as governor of Indiana signed a state abortion law, that was immediately overturned by a Federal District court. Any Governor who is signing off on these abortion bills, is putting the taxpayers of his/her state at great risk of class action law suits--that they would most certainly lose in court.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
Federal Judge Blocks Indiana Abortion Law

In fact, a Federal District Court judge in Texas, appointed by George Bush 1 was interviewed and he stated he is tired of seeing all these state abortion bills on his desk that he is continually having to overrule. Asked why he thought he got so many, he stated it's because most Republican state legislators are men and really have no business interferring into Women's issues.

And if that didn't say anything to you this should.


Woman's march Washington D.C.--the day after Trump was inugurated. This was going on in every state across this country & they were in the millions. For more pictures go to this link.
Woman's march pictures

Women are sick & tired of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party who continually insult their intellience and integrity.

In fact it's the reason Mitt Romney lost in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Last edited:
I called Diane Feinstein's office and told them she is an anti-Catholic bigot and a babykiller

Did they laugh in your face - or wait until you hung up?
When Democrats argue that the American people support abortion, they really don't want to put that to the test, because Roe v. Wade took abortion away from elected state legislatures and put it in the hands of unelected Supreme Court justices. If liberals are so confident that Americans want abortion, why did they do that?

You claim to be a lawyer? You should know it's the supreme court's job to evaluate our laws. Nobody took anything away from anybody. It's how our government works dummy.
Roe v. Wade was based on a "right to privacy" which was a legal fiction, invented by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut. It is not based on the text or original intent of the United States Constitution. Read the Constitution in vain, there is no such thing as the "right to privacy."

And all those judges on the Supreme Court fell for something like that when you, a person who claims to be a lawyer that nobody will hire, has a better insight into the constitution. No wonder you are so bitter. You should be on the Supreme Court instead of scratching your unemployed ass.
abortion is legalized murder. Why do you find it acceptable?

Can you guarantee protection of all these children you want born to parents who don't want them? I don't remember a damn thing from before I was born, but I bet abused children remember a lot.
Mother investigated for 'abuse' after death of 3-year-boy in Elk Grove
It felt good to get it all off my chest.

One day, perhaps 100 years from now, all the babykillers' statues will be torn down in the way Confederate statues are being torn down now.

The Supreme Court building will be dismantled because of the shame of being the institution that killed so many millions of babies.

Planned Parenthood will be remembered with the likes of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party as one of the greatest murderer of humans of all time.

Did they reply "Well DUH!"???? :dunno:

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