I cannot stand idly by any longer

Add to that the fact that the ONLY votes found to fail the Benford Test were Joe Biden's write-ins
Oh really? ... how many degrees of freedoms did you include in your chi squared distribution? ... just the ones that provide the Benford test results you wanted ... ha ha ha ha ... I'd love to see how you were able to start with the test results you wanted, and then work backwards creating the raw data? ...

HERE, argue with THIS GUY. He spends 45 minutes explaining it all. Write him and tell him how his methodology was biased and flawed.

I'm just a poor little deplorable country hayseed Trump Chump wiff no edumakation from my one room wood skoolhouse.

I got as far as 9 minutes in ... I suspected as much, the guy assumed Democrats and Republicans used mail-in voting in equal proportions ... thus we're expecting a 50/50 split and testing that ... a chi squared distribution of one degree of freedom ... without considering that Atlanta precincts are dominated by Democrats ...

Do you honestly think Democrats and Republicans are evenly distributed over the State of Georgia? ... I know the guy is saying what you want to hear, but that doesn't make it true ... just blindly repeating this nonsense should have been covered in your hillbilly edumakation ...

I understand ... every election worker, every post office worker, the entire health care industry via their media puppets, all college professors ... and now every single person with admin access to State computers ... that's definitely NASA grade conspiracy ...

Just recount the ballots ... easy peasy ...
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Have you taken any action yet? My guess is no. I think you're still standing idly by. Of course, you COULD be sitting idly by.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
I don't do twitter or any other social media …. beyond tic tok that my kid sends me. But I don't see reports of NYC awash in street violence last night, and my kid in Philly just said there were some suvs with Trump bumper stickers driving around but nothing too scary when she walked her dog …. although it was probably good the football game wasn't there
Just recount the ballots ... easy peasy ...

Agreed. Let's just recount all the ballots in all states after doing an audit to confirm no software bias flipping votes or counting ballots wrong and with everything supervised and checked on the up and up so that no state or precinct has more votes than registered legal voters!

That way, no one can contest the results and everyone can move on confident in our system.
Just recount the ballots ... easy peasy ...

Agreed. Let's just recount all the ballots in all states after doing an audit to confirm no software bias flipping votes or counting ballots wrong and with everything supervised and checked on the up and up so that no state or precinct has more votes than registered legal voters!

That way, no one can contest the results and everyone can move on confident in our system.

And this is the proper way to use the Benford test ... quick little data sampling and UH OH ... something looks fishy ... we can either refine our chi squared distribution OR just recount ... 1st order approximations are fine as long as we remember they're 1st order approximations ...

I believe all these States have "candidate requested" recount laws ... Jill Stein got a recount done in Wisconsin in 2016 (although failed in PA and MI) ... if The Donald isn't asking, who are we to argue ...
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

There is no possibility of that. Unless what my eyes tell me are untruths.

Have you tried to seek out info from both sides?

See post #387
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I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

There is no possibility of that. Unless what my eyes tell me are untruths.
I don't care for Twitter. It's one-sided. You will see what those you follow choose to show you.

What DON'T they show you?

Twitter is one-sided. No argument.

But in favor of my worldviews? Never. You need not look any further than what they did to the New York Post.

These videos aren't 20-second clips, they are at least 60-90 seconds long, in an attempt to catch the whole incident take place.
Do they show you the other incidents?

Do you even know which incidents you are referring to when you ask me that question, Coyote? In this demand for context, are you desiring context or are you attempting to run from the truth?
DESIRING CONTEXT. what are you afraid of? that your truth might not be?
Not at all, Coyote. But I can easily see that you're projecting. Ask that question of yourself before asking me.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

i oppose trump for who he is, what he is, who he represents, and what he has done to our nation.

i will not stand idly by while trump and right wingers spit on the constitution and destroy our nation.

i will work against him and you

i will speak against him and you

i will vote against him and you

if you think that makes me your enemy then you can go fuk a flag
I oppose people who compile lists of people they don't agree with to destroy their families lives.

It will work against you. Example. You destroy my life with lies. I give you a Thanksgiving family dinner you would never forget.

I will work against you. If you think that makes me your enemy, buy a tombstone.

Could all you wannabe badasses stop watching bad movies and calm the fuck down?
Sorry. With such an abysmal likability score. You are of the lowest castes possible here. ....

What the hell are you talking about?
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Your paranoia is duly noted.
I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.
Just a thought here TK...is it possible you are being manipulated by the folks you follow in Twitter? I read several articles on this...no real violence some minor clashes, fault on both sides but overall the DC police were stellar.

There is no possibility of that. Unless what my eyes tell me are untruths.
I don't care for Twitter. It's one-sided. You will see what those you follow choose to show you.

What DON'T they show you?

Twitter is one-sided. No argument.

But in favor of my worldviews? Never. You need not look any further than what they did to the New York Post.

These videos aren't 20-second clips, they are at least 60-90 seconds long, in an attempt to catch the whole incident take place.
Do they show you the other incidents?

Do you even know which incidents you are referring to when you ask me that question, Coyote? In this demand for context, are you desiring context or are you attempting to run from the truth?
DESIRING CONTEXT. what are you afraid of? that your truth might not be?
Not at all, Coyote. But I can easily see that you're projecting. Ask that question of yourself before asking me.

I think your comment on "projecting" is a cop out TK.

I read the news. Twitter can be very one sided as you know. What I read, including what police and reporters have said is that during the day it was mostly peaceful, and when night fell, some violence erupted that involved skirmishes by BOTH sides.

Videos posted on social media showed fistfights, projectiles and clubs as Trump supporters clashed with those demanding they take their MAGA hats and banners and leave.
A least one person was stabbed and police made at least 20 arrests as the tensions extended to Sunday morning, according to US media.
A variety of charges, including assault and weapons possession, were filed against those detained, officials said.

From another article: After violence at DC 'MAGA March,' experts say divisions run deeper than Trump

Media reports indicated demonstrators on both sides were responsible for provoking and instigating confrontations at times. D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham told The Washington Post some attendees from the right and the left came to the event “intent on clashing.”
“We were doing the best we could to keep them separated,” Newsham said.
One week earlier, thousands of Biden supporters flooded the same D.C. streets to celebrate news of his projected victory. While some Trump voters also gathered to dispute the announcement, there were no reports of violence or unrest.
Experts on activism and political violence say the two events are difficult to compare. Saturday’s rally was grounded in the president’s dubious allegation that democracy had been undermined, which created a tense and potentially explosive atmosphere.
“The rally in Washington was predicated on the idea that the election was stolen, something that the vast majority of rally-goers seemed ready to believe... In contrast, after the election was called last Saturday, the rallies seemed to be purely celebratory,” said Kurt Braddock, a faculty fellow at American University’s Polarization and Extremism Research Innovation Lab.

Meanwhile, contrary to your OP, Biden condemned all acts of violence in that rally.

I'd like to ask you - what has President Trump said? Has he denounced the violence from his side or "all" sides, has he attempted to calm the situation or has he been inflaming his supporters?

Apply the same standard to Trump.
Media reports indicated demonstrators on both sides were responsible for provoking and instigating confrontations at times. D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham told The Washington Post some attendees from the right and the left came to the event “intent on clashing.”

Right then, so show me the videos of the Trump supporters instigating any of these fistfights. Did the article you quoted post any of them? Or is WaPo simply going by word of mouth?

Next, show me where they attacked women, children and elderly on their way out of the demonstration area. At least the Proud Boys, as detestable as they are, had the decency not to attack women, children, or the elderly. Moreover, show me where anyone from the right engaged in the despicable behavior I described earlier.

Lastly, tell me why I should take WaPo seriously when it consistently shills for the left. When it relies on anonymous sources to trash the President and gaslights constantly about democracy "dying in darkness."

No, Coyote. I am not copping out of anything. You are moving the goalposts and refusing to acknowledge the violence committed by people espousing your ideals and worldviews.
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I'd like to ask you - what has President Trump said? Has he denounced the violence from his side or "all" sides, has he attempted to calm the situation or has he been inflaming his supporters?

Apply the same standard to Trump.

He has said nothing to inflame the supporters, nor has he said anything instructing them to do something else. As you can very well see, he is litigating this travesty of an election.

"Apply the same standard to Trump"

All while you are not applying those standards to Biden. Biden was completely quiet the entire time this went on. Do not lecture me Coyote, about 'standards.' I reject such hypocrisy.
Meanwhile, contrary to your OP, Biden condemned all acts of violence in that rally.

Funny, I follow the Twitter feeds of WaPo, NYT, Reuters, and AP. None of them reported on him condemning the violence. I did not leave Twitter for a number of hours. If Biden had condemned the violence, those outlets would have been the first to report it.

Would you risk lying to me Coyote? Or do you have his tweets from this past Saturday evening during the march?
One week earlier, thousands of Biden supporters flooded the same D.C. streets to celebrate news of his projected victory. While some Trump voters also gathered to dispute the announcement, there were no reports of violence or unrest.

This statement undermines your premise. The Trump supporters did not come to engage in violence, thus there was none. They came to protest, peacefully. Which is their right under the First Amendment. It also undercuts your claim that Trump supporters came to the Million MAGA march to start violence and provoke street brawls.

Your argument is invalid.
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I was glued to Twitter last night. Why? Not because of some cat videos or hilarious fails, no, but because of all the violence I saw in DC last night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and the elderly being attacked by Joe Biden's supporters. All innocent people who came to protest a seemingly stolen election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, Muriel Bowser let our nation's capital become a hellhole.

So I came to one conclusion:

Trump should not cede this country over to people who stand by and allow this kind of violence to continue against innocent people with different viewpoints. If that sentiment scares you, sorry. This may amount to calling for a coup, but I know of no other peaceful way to solve America's issues (if you have any peaceful ways to bridge our seemingly hopeless divide, I'm all ears). The time for being nice and diplomatic has passed. If people like me, who believe what we believe, are going to be engaged in this kind of violent manner, then we should respond in kind. Words have failed. Actions have consequences. These are the sort of things that drive good men to do bad things.

I was an extremist ten years ago. A hard right-wing extremist. I strove to get away from the vile hatred that extremism brought, I wanted to be tolerant and understanding, yes, I have tried my damndest to remain neutral and dispassionate wherever possible. But I cannot stand idly by any longer. I cannot watch as people who hold one particular point of view are attacked and mercilessly destroyed for doing exactly that. No matter how vehemently I try to stand back and turn the other cheek, the words "fight back" and "resist" come to the surface. Those acts of violence posted on Twitter I mentioned earlier? They make my blood boil.

I don't want to be your enemy. But if you insist on treating me as one, I will be the worst enemy you can possibly imagine. I come from an era where respect is earned, not given. Don't mistake my reticence for weakness. It is for your protection. I don't care about your feelings or emotions, I have enough trouble dealing with mine. I am not incapable of exercising empathy, but I am also capable of being colder than the vacuum of space. Do not try me. Do not give me an excuse to be.

I am happy to be your friend. But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my empathy for you will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of those things, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. Don't give me another reason to justify that sentiment.

My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Biden as our president, not because I think he stole the election, but because he will allow the same behavior we saw last night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he eschews empty calls for "unity" and "healing." His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be hollow and empty.

I am not fooled. I will defy this trend. I will stand up for what I believe in.

Your paranoia is duly noted.

Your indifference is duly noted.

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