I can't breathe


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Abortion is the #1 killer of blacks. So where are the riots, where are the protests?

Proving once again that the Left only cares about power, and not people.

“Since 1973, abortion on demand in black America has taken more lives than homicides, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and HIV/Aides combined and become the number one cause of death in the black community,” Rev. Walter Hoye, president and founder of the Issues4life Foundation in Berkeley, California, said.

Hoye added that while black Americans make up 14 percent of the American population, 30 percent of all abortions are performed on black women. He noted that the abortion industry has been more efficient in killing black Americans than the Ku Klux Klan ever was.

According to Culbreath, 79 percent of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are “intentionally placed” within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.

“Kermit Gosnell is a racist of the worst kind,” Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, said, “because he preyed on women and young girls of his own race.”

According to Gardner, Gosnell “perpetuated the epidemic of black-on-black crime.”

So where was the NAACP when Kermit Gosnell was caught giving subpar care to minority women but good care to white women? Where was black lives matter? In fact, where was the press?

Don't kid yourselves, the DNC cares nothing about black people, just political power and the billion dollar abortion industry funding them.
Something profoundly stupid as usual.
Cops didn't kill trayvon martin you lying pos, the guy he was robbing and assaulting did. Glad he's dead liar.

The world is certainly a better place with Trayvon converted to fertilizer. The little bastard achieved his highest potential with the help of a hispanic.

Something profoundly stupid as usual.
Cops didn't kill trayvon martin you lying pos, the guy he was robbing and assaulting did. Glad he's dead liar.

The world is certainly a better place with Trayvon converted to fertilizer. The little bastard achieved his highest potential with the help of a hispanic.

...and then call yourself a pro-life advocate.

We have to swat the irony away like mosquitoes!
If abortion wasn't the only outrage the Right Wing got all righteous about...

Righteousness has nothing to do with your response to Votto 's OP... If it did you would have been out marching in the streets to save the lives of 53 million babies from 1973 through 2011...

Abortion was legalized nationwide by the Supreme Court in the 1973 decision, Roe v. Wade. Since then there have been approximately 53 million abortions performed in the United States (not including years since 2011).
Abortion Facts – Abortion Facts - Why Pro-Life?
...and then call yourself a pro-life advocate.

We have to swat the irony away like mosquitoes!

I've never called myself a "pro-life advocate" you blithering idiot. If fact I regularly advocate bed wetting pieces of shit like you abort any genetic garbage you spawn. I even encourage extreme late term retroactive abortions up until how ever old you are.

Fucking imbecile.

Furthermore, Trayvon was a piece of shit, not just some black kid minding his own business. He got what he deserved.


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